Literally the most boring "horror" movie I've seen. By the time all the pieces fall into place you're too bored to care "oh a cult? okay (zzzzz)" Even its plot holes are boring lmao
Literally the most boring "horror" movie I've seen...
Boring is a pleb codeword for "didn't get it"
>dude you just don't get it xD
kys there's nothing to get, it makes perfect sense
yea it was really just boring crap, i spent the whole two hours waiting for the spooky nun to pop up but it didn't, 1/10 from me, pure soiboi bullshit
Thank you /pol/ save me for watching this one, I'd hope you were there advising to not wasting time watching Dune ;_:
I've never even seen it. Nice projection though pleb
Boring is not a valid argument, it only says what your mood was while watching.
What you find boring others can find riveting and vice versa.
Some people are immensely bored by Marvel flicks, some of them think they are just pure fun. Also there's something happening from the first frame right up until the last one.
Get better arguments
>white people get killed
>mulatto is the new god
Gas Hollywood kikes now.
wahhh wahhhhh I like to bash movies because it mean im smart wahhhhh
Can somebody please delete Yea Forums
Theres literally nothing to get
Not boring, but poorly paced with some retarded scenes and terrible ending
What's your favorite horror movie of the 21st century, user?
Im not sure it should even qualify as horror. I think everybdoy who liked this movie was more affected by the family drama than the 'scary' parts
Kind of like the Witch, which I actually liked unlike Hereditary, but it wasnt scary either, it was more a period piece about a world where puritan Christianity is true
Let the Right One In
Completely ruined by the ending.
Soi horror garbage
Whats a good horror movie?
And while you're at it, add that question to that cringe list of thing you expect people to ask so you dont have to adress it
Should have known not to watch Dune retard
Its already there in the format of 'why don't you recommend movies'
>muh taste
>Boring is a pleb codeword for "didn't get it"
I just started shitposting about pic related right after it happened and then "watched" the rest of the movie on one quarter of muh computer screen. Remember there's a person on fire at one point. Some bullshit in the Attic.
Atleast post the complete version.
now this is more like it
You are missing the point of the chart, shitty edit
based, anyone that likes flicks like annabelle should be shot
so onions boylents just get all the popular movies over the last couple years?
What am I asposed to watch?
Have sex
>"boring" isn't valid criticism
>slow and uneventful automatically means kino
>you must like jumpscares and explosions lmao
>if you don't like slow you must be an adhd zoomer
>dude i fucking hate capeshit!!!!
>"boring" isn't valid criticism
Yes, factually.
>everything that isn't a slasher or has 80s nostalgia isn't a real horror movie
Everything is spoon fed to you.
>"Those aren't even horror"
That's true, though, so whoever made this edition missed the point. They also removed the best "basedgument" about mental illness actually being deep.
You can find something boring while understanding it completely
My girl wouldn't even let me finger her while we were watching this trash. If you're interested in a real horror movie, check out The Nun. We had actual fun watching that.
>no Friday the 13th Part 6
Haha fuckers.
how isn't it? If something is poorly paced and doesn't adhere to a story structure that keeps the audience's attention, that's absolutely a valid thing to criticize.
Me and friends were laughing at the end of this, it's just so slow and unbearable, but despite the long padding time theres still stuff I liked about this movie. I kinda wanna get into editing so I can make a cut of this movie that's 30 minutes shorter so you can actually enjoy the premonition scenes without all the slow middle and end.
>how isn't it?
Whatever you find boring there are people out there that find it extremely engaging. Some people are beyond entertained by Marvel flicks, some of them are beyond bored by them.
>If something is poorly paced and doesn't adhere to a story structure that keeps the audience's attention, that's absolutely a valid thing to criticize.
Yes, absolutely. But you being bored because of that is not an argument alone, "it's boring" is as much of an argument as some other person saying "it's fun" and for him to expect it to be an argument of it being good, or in other words not an argument at all.
Here's the best version. Seriously, stop adding movies that don't fit the description at all. How the fuck is Annabelle mocking tropes?
>can't ask what a good scary movie is
sorry wrong pic
I had a bit of an eye opening experience showing The Shining to my gf's little brother.
He has barely flinched at anything I've shown him but the entire build up to the bathroom scene and the actual scene itself terrified him in a way I didn't think the movie could do.
Makes me think there's something to the way it's shot and the score just blends so perfectly.
Again, "Please give me a proper horror movie" isn't a proper argument because reasons...
You can ask what you want but you are not entitled to an answer
Dumb fuck, the guy who posts the 'complete version' is a retarded troll who added wans movies for no reason
lmao how much of a pathetic tranny pink hair sjw twitter keyboard warrior are you
>makes gigantic shitpost
>can't name 1 (one) decent scary movie
k bud
there is literally a single hereditary thread either saying the movie sucked or was the best going at all times
>for no reason
Yea Forums is the dumbest board on 4channel
This movie made me hate rural white America even more than I already did.