Ezra Miller Reportedly Done With The Flash, WB Will Recast The Role


>Recently, development on Warner Bros.’ The Flash movie took an unexpected turn. Star Ezra Miller disagreed with the lighter tone directors Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley want and so decided to provide his own script for the Scarlet Speedster’s solo movie with comic book scribe Grant Morrison. It was reported that if the studio didn’t want to go with his screenplay, though, Miller would be out as Barry Allen.

>Well, according to a source close to We Got This Covered, this has come to pass and Miller may now be done as the Flash. It should be said that our source notes they’ve heard some conflicting information on the topic, but we’re told that the general consensus amongst those close to the project is that the Justice League star won’t be playing the lead in The Flash, after all, and Warner Bros. will now recast the role.

>Star Ezra Miller disagreed with the lighter tone
>disagreed with the lighter tone

What a retard. Why would any sane person want an edgy grimdark Flash movie?!! Good riddance.

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flash is named after flashing dick in public

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>Star Ezra Miller disagreed with the lighter tone
This officially makes Ezra /ourhomo/.

>a source close
>our source
Notice how they never say what their source is, confirmed bullshit

>will smith
>leto (recently a body double was used on birds of pray set and not him
>J.k. Simmons
>joe manganiello

The JUST league curse stricks again bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahaha

The Flash shouldn’t be edgy or grimdark, user.

Yes yes and affleck i-s still playing an older batman!

Fucking KEK

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>we got this fiction

> It was reported that if the studio didn’t want to go with his screenplay, though, Miller would be out as Barry Allen.

What kind of little shit does this?
What kind of a faggot dares to do this kind of shit?

you don't have to be edgy and grimdark to not make stupid fucking marvel quips every 30 seconds
fuck marvel and fuck joss whedon

But the other script was neither edgy nor grimdark, it was just more interesting

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Thank god. This dude is such a faggot

We cant let our boy flash be a bitch

It very edgy and grimdark.
It was the Reverse Flash being a serial killer and killing off alternate universe Flash’s for shockvalue and sucking their powers and destroying history.

What is this site's track record, anyone know?

I really want them to bring in Grant Gustin. He's pretty good as the flash, and it would be nice to see him playing the character with a bigger budget and better effects.

based fagman

this, agreed, fuck this marlel shit,

It could work as it kills off the cw flash show which should have died at the end of season three.

wb pls pick me, i really want to be an actor,

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>season three
I think you mean season 2, unless you're changing 3's ending to kill Iris.

i don't understand how they even make this character interesting
all he does is move fast

good, he was always too good for capeshit

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Yeah the season three ending was a copout and was shit.

He can also shoot lighting, time travel, vibrate molecules, and other stuff.

Yeah alright, 3 would have been fine if Iris died.

Just recast everybody already

Why is DC so unorganized?

She's being handled much better now, but goddamn I'm not sure if the first 4 seasons were worth it.

t. never read flashpoint

Fine by me. Fuck Ezra. He's another shitty Jew with no talent whatsoever. A complete hack. Let him go jump on a dildo, ass-first, and smoke it.

How are they going to find another young male homosexual Caucasian actor? In Hollywood, no less?!

I mean, maybe they could find one or two of them on Broadway, I suppose...

Good. I never watched JL but that webm of that faggot '''''''''''running'''''''''' was enough for me to hate him.
Now just cast a blonde chad with slim/mascular body.

well that was...fast

It's fine. According to DCfags, they never wanted ANY of those actors anyway. They'll say the same when Galdot and Mamosa quit.

>believing a random larping anons "script leak"

Youre a fucking retard

Well there's tons of darker stuff you could do with Flash, but since the DCU went full Marvel formula it wouldn't make sense anymore.

But Flash is a quipster in the comics

good, fuck that faggot

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>DCU took the Marvel formula
>MCU took the Marvel COMICS sjw formula


kek DC is such a dumpster fire. they might as well just not recast and shoot the entire movie filming Flash from the neck down (dcucks are okay with this since it saves the film studio money)

>can’t have any more serious toned comic book movies
>not even slightly
>everything has to be ‘marvelized’ to be successful
fuck this gay earth

it really just goes to show how committed everyone was to snyder's vision
you simply get crucified for trying to raise comic book shit above the mockery it inherently is

>somebody was paid for this

He's incredibly talented actually, probably one of the best actors in his age range
Leave it to DC to not know how to utilize him


Doesn't matter we DChads never wanted any of these actors or a sequel or a universe extended or movies you know we don't even want to live and I'm killing myself right now

Snyder senpai is here!

Proves what I've said all along, DC is the Muppet Babies of capeshit.

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Based /fa/ chad

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Ive been saying I don't want Gadot and I think we're stuck with her. I liked WW as a movie just fine, but Gadot's lack of charm and ability to really speak english pulls away from it. I think Patty Jenkins will do fine with WW84, but still, yea...Gadot.... fucking a.

heres more

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I liked BvS but afleck, leto and wonder woman wer terrible, terrible choices. I wish they had a better aquaman but at least the actor is likeable on his role.

Fuck Gal Godot, she absolutely cannot act for shit and the fact that people pretend she can is retarded.
>Hire an Israeli who can't even pull off a Greek accent to play a Greek character
What the fuck hollywood.

about 80% correct most of the time

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>>Star Ezra Miller disagreed with the lighter tone

He didn't want Iris to be a redhead ?

That running form was specifically chosen for Justice League Flash and created by using a trampoline/treadmill hybrid for all running scenes.
It looked horrible because someone decided it should look like that.

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One less open faggot in capeshit. I am pleased.

The trajectory of this production is unironically a clusterfuck.

>Phil Lord & Chris Miller’s draft is an action/comedy Flash VS. Rogues story with Channing Tatum envisioned as Cold. They leave to direct SOLO.

>Seth Grahame-Smith’s draft is a revised, more serious version of the Lord/Miller draft. Rogues are turned into ex-military rather than criminals. Smith is fired for being too unexperienced.

>Rick Famuyiwa’s draft an action/thriller with Flash and Cyborg fighting Captain Cold and Golden Glider. There’s a subplot about Barry Allen investigating the unlawful shooting of a black kid. Famuyiwa quits when Warner changes gears after BvS underperforms and wants a lighter movie.

>At some point it becomes a murder mystery with Doctor Light as the main villain, Captain Cold and Heatwave as secondaries and Killer Frost involved somehow.

>Joby Harold’s draft is a straightforward adaptation of “Flashpoint” with skinny Superman, Batdad, Aquaman VS. Wonder Woman, etc. Goes through multiple rewrites following JL flopping and Ben Affleck deciding to quit being Batman.

>At some point becomes a story where Thawne takes over the world by preventing the Justice League from coming together and Barry must assemble their alt-versions to fix the timeline. At another point it becomes a Flashpoint-themed Flash/Batman team-up to send off Affleck and explore their mentor-mentee relationship. In some moment it was a Flash/Wonder Woman adventure since Gadot was the one proven popular DC superhero.

>Turned out by numerous directors like Ben Affleck, Robert Zemeckis, Sam Raimi, Marc Webb, Jordan Peele and Matthew Vaughn.

>Daley & Goldstein are brought in originally to do Flashpoint but as a fun 80's throwback before Warner changes gears again and decides go smaller with the story.

>Daley & Goldstein turn in their light adventure script, get the directing gig, but begin clashing with Ezra because he wants a dark Flashpoint adaptation even if he has to write it himself.

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>edgy grimdark
Why is this the only other option for you outside of MCU quipfests? You don't know what Morrison's script was actually like.

Both plots sound like they have their merits but dropping multiverse with flashes every where in every shape and size in a first solo movie has a huge potential for disaster if it's not pulled off perfectly.

>>Daley & Goldstein are brought in originally to do Flashpoint but as a fun 80's throwback before Warner changes gears again and decides go smaller with the story.

With this and WW84 They're trying really hard to find something that sticks. Man WB needs to be restructured from the top-down. So many shit people. But Pokemon will save them and we'll get one or two good pokemon movies until the writing/directing team moves on and WB ruins that too.

And this timeline starts in 2014 when the guy was actually cast.
Five fucking years and they can't get a solo film off the ground.
I feel bad for Ezra, what a waste of five years of a career when you could have been making actual kino.

See Worth noting that while WB wants a lighter movie, the main problem they have with the Miller/Morrison pitch is how high-concept and expensive it is.

Wow Moncler's really running out of ideas

Its WBs MO at this point, anytime the company puts out a successful movie it's more often than not a fluke.

Without WBs full retard meddling and constant changing we could have had a half decent Green Lantern or Jonah Hex movie but they never learned their lessons from those mistakes and decided to just double down on em when they decided to make a DC movie universe to rival the MCCU.

>captain cold
>golden glider
>doctor light

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Who cares? He's gay. Gay people should be denied everything every chance we get.

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Yes, the Flash is a very cheesy superhero. Another reason why grimdarking him up is the wrong move.

I mean, Golden Glider is literally an evil ice skater armed with razor-sharp skates.

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>I really want them to bring in Grant Gustin.
If you want CW tier actors then I want Tom Welling back as Superman and Michael Rosenbaum continuing as Lex Luthor.

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Pretty much everyone agrees Grant Gustin and Melissa Benoist are the two CW leads that could pull off a leap into the big screen and carry proper movies.

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It's hideous but he pulls it off, like he does most stuff

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No he doesnt you worthless retard. Thats the point

Wasn’t his movie supposed to ‘reset’ the DCEU?
How are they going to do that now with him gone?

>Pretty much everyone agrees
I don't. I've seen some of their episodes. They can stay on TV permanently thanks. Smallville cast deserve the cinematic treatment more than the new CW shows.

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Did you watch Justice League? Light funny Flash is the worst superhero i've ever seen. I'd take a dark serious one over quippy Flash anyday.


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Oh he's just a handsome Jewish boy where do you get off persecuting him for trying to make it in the industry

he could wear a paper bag and probably make it look good

Thank God. He fucking sucked

>everyone agrees
Lol no retard. Melissa is pure trash. She cant act for shit. Her being pretty is literally the only reason ppl like her

Yes he does

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what the fuck is that. the fashion industry is completely batshit

The absolute STATE of the DCEU

>Gadot's lack of charm
lol are you blind and deaf?? she might not be an A+ actor but she is nothing but charm and charisma

Good he was a terrible Flash. Glad I dont have to look at his beady eyed rat face anymore

t. gadot's husband

Flashpoint wasn't even a good comic

Good thing he'll be in many more other movies for years to come

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Really can't blame Ben for jumping ship

Tell me more about your delusions faggot. It wont change the fact

Jesse Eisenberg and Joe Manganielo left DCEU?

>Miller may
You were all played by a rumor. This is not confirmed.

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i fucking wish

Who cares? He'll be stuck with indie trash and bit parts for the rest of his life. His one chance to be some leading action star is thankfull belly up. We dont have to watch this faggot waddle around on a green screen desperately trying to look tough or competent.

>Jesse Eisenberg
such a beyond fucking AWFUL choice to play lex luther. what were they thinking

You see them anywhere brainlet?


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Change what fact? That he's constantly approached by designers to work with them and model their clothing?
I'm sorry about whatever hang-ups you have but Ezra is a fashion icon and will continue to be for the foreseeable future

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>Light tone instantly means it will be a quip fest
Raimi's Spider-Man had a lighter tone than any MCU movie

>A-affleck isnt confirmed
>C-cavil will come back
>Fisher i-isnt gone
>S-smith isnt done

It never ends with you morons. Fucking kek


>Raimi's Spider-Man had a lighter tone than any MCU movie
You really think they have the ability to be that subtle? Look at Justice League, they're trying to rip off the Marvel formula hard.

Some of the best baddies in comics. (Besides Spider-Man and Batman)


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it's funny how hard DC (Warner Bros) is trying to be like Marvel that they'll end up going full Batman and Robin in the end

JL was the only marvel formula DCEU and if flopped. Aquaman was the opposite of marvel and made a billion

High fashion as fuck

Fuck this AIDS looking faggot and that faggot who shills him here every day.

Tom, please. You're embarrassing yourself.

Based that he's out? Lmao are you retarded?

>Aquaman was the opposite of marvel

Stop lying DC fag

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Aquaman did it pretty well and Shazam did it excellently.

you know it is, bro

Do you have problems with reading comprehension?

>A-affleck isnt confirmed
He is confirmed to have left. You're just exaggerating now.
>it's funny how hard DC (Warner Bros) is trying to be like Marvel that they'll end up going full Batman and Robin in the end
This is based. This are exactly my sentiments on the state of WB's treatment of DC movies. We're back to neon children's camp which started in Suicide Squad.

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>Miller may now be done as the Flash
>may as in "not confirmed"
>which is what was referencing
>therefore I reply "based"

I'll wait for my apology now that I've spelled it out for you

>. Why would any sane person want an edgy grimdark

>This officially makes Ezra /ourhomo/.

Double faggot

>It was the Reverse Flash being a serial killer
He was a fucking serial killer.

Rick Famuyiwa got it right the first time. Bring him back.

I agree, he may be a faggot, but has artistic integrity, i don't need to like him as a person, but he isn't bitching about money, he is fighting against quipshit.

good, now we can have wally west as the flash

good, look at those stupid dick sucking lips who would want to see those for a 2 hour movie

dc should do a doom patrol movie

People didn't like Snyder's take enough. Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and it looks like Shazam will be hits. Miller really thought WB was going to correct course again on his say-so? OK.

Are you the same faggots that say that Batman doesn`t kill?
Go buy Marvel, they are full SJW now.

Me, frankly - and plenty of other people

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this, ezra a qt

Pick him wb!!

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What a fucking disaster this has turned out to be. It's too bad the good films are weighed down by this shared universe shit.


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it's sad when the only stars you have left are a jewish failed model and a meme from GOT


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shared universe woulda been fine, but DC just doesn't know how to execute it - they're truly incompetent

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If he's truly out I hope he learns his lesson and never touches capeshit again

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When the fuck is he going to get naked and show his fat cock?



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DC was never meant to be a shared universe. besides team up books (like JL) each character basically existed on their own.
Should just have never bothered with the entire cinematic universe seeing how 90% of MCU is forgettable.

>Ezra Miller wanted a grimdark Flash movie

i think it is a good way out of DC capeshit for some of these actors to say you disagree with making childrens movies for children

where's her ass?

This, SPBP
He didn't want to be part of another Marvel quipfest, tried to fix it to the best of his ability, but DC is too retarded so he doesn't want to be a part of it

Why not just put jokes into the Morrison script???

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I agree, they should make a Flash movie where the Flash raped everyone. Then everyone will know how serious the character is.

Meanwhile, at DC

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Yeah, because MOS and BvS were so beloved.

Hiring Grant Morrison was the literal smartest studio decision they could have gone with. I doubt Morrison would have made a "too dark" version of the script, since he loves light hearted silver age nonsense.

Morrison doesn’t want jokes. He wants everything to be serious and convoluted.


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All Star Superman had jokes. Grant either does Silver Age craziness or edgy grimdark.
I doubt he'd go super edgy with king of the Silver Age Barry Allen

You mean the same Morrison that had Batman’s Son, Robin, murdered in an edgy manner? The same Morrison that had Batman shoot a gun at Darkseid? The same Morrison that had New 52 Superman terrorize and torture criminals? The same Morrison that had Amazons kill and mindrape people? The same Morrison that had the Joker cut his tongue like a snake and act edgy?


I gagged a bit with the second pic.
This is gross. I wanna puke

Morrison doesn't believe dark is bad. He isn't a manchild like johns that use gore and pretends it's all hopeful.

/fa/ approved.

nice B8

If only, holy fuck casting Cavill as Superman hamstrung the DCEU before it even got started. The guy is a charisma vacuum.

There's no bait there

"shared universe" doesn't mean shit, even in the MCU. The vaguely speak about another character from another movie and it's really just cross promotion and holds no value towards the plot/character/stories

most of the time the shit is tacked on in an uncomfortable way or just thrown in at the end but MCUcks lap that shit up and expect any and every other capeshit movie to to the same, they truly are drones

>bad stuff happened in a comic book
thats literally every comic. You took everything out of context to pretend Grant is an edgelord writer. Its B8 because you want (you)s .

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I've told you ezrafag. that "writing credit" deal is just one step away from him being replaced. ezrafag on suicide watch now that he got no flash and his retconned Dumbledore flick is being indefinitely postponed.

Name one actor that has the chad charisma that superman needs and who is white.

The fact that we may not get to see more of this body in a Flash suit is criminal in of itself

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So they ripped off Flashpoint and Zoom's motivations from the tv show at the same time?

It wasnt me, i'm a guy that knows that Morrison wrote Gothic. I know he did fucking Arkham, Kill your boyfriend, fucking the filth. Morrison is a fun of the CREATIVITY of the silver age, he isn't a nostalgic faggot that thinks comics should be only about hope and comfyness. If morrison believes the story should be dark it will be dark regardless of what the public wants, the characters are there to tell stories, nothing more, the idea he is some jolly retard is just false. Yea Forums manchildren like you need to shut up and stick to your edgy yer infantile Johns garbage.

White chad actors have been pushed out of the spotlight for not being problematic by (((Hollywood))), they should have cast an unknown

That quippy jokey jew faggot was the worst part of the film. Please don't cast one of "those people"

read more Morrison. You're embarrassing yourself bro, he doesn't do the same thing in every comic he writes.

The worst part of Justice League was Joss Whedon

Who called Grant Edgy you absolute moron?

they can do it since kids have seen the stupid spidervers movie.
Normies and retards are prepared to get their screen flooded by multiverse versions of their characters.
Miller though was a fucking terrible choice to play the character, he is even worse than the whole The Flash TV series cast.

>Why would any sane person want a grimdark Flash movie?
Flashpoint Paradox called, it said you're a faggot and you don't know what you're talking about.

>Flashpoint Paradox called
It was shit.

It would have just been Into the Spider-Verse without the black people.

I'm only in if there's a dr light rape scene

Who is the girl beside him? Looks like a cutie

the Flash and also a Dalek, fucking genius

No such thing as rape with Miller as he is always asking for it

what the fuck i did saw his nalgas, what a puto

>pleb story
>he also calls it by the animated title

Flashpoint is extremely popular in Yea Forums, that's how you know is casual garbage

That's Nagini the snake played by Claudia Kim

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>"DC fans never wanted a shared universe. Marvel can't even do it right."

OH MY GOD!!! Hahahahaa!!! Just when I think DCucks cannot cope any harder, they do something like this and... well, let's just say they're continuously moving the goalposts (on Cope Field, in Cope City - Population: cope).

I'll never understand how DC fans can wire their brains like this. It is truly the power of incel. "Women don't like me so that means I don't like women and never wanted to have sex anyway.". This is literally the mentality of DCels.

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DC fanboys eternally btfo

Marvel is supreme.

The only good speedster in film was Quicksilver from Xmen First Class.

I want to fuck Ezra Miller’s boipussy

NEver seen his interviews I see

5/10 too much effort, but memorable

8.5/10 right to the point and still hurtful

>Average BTFO rating of Marvel fans to DC fans ITT = 54 to 2

Fisher, and Mangiello are out too? Fuckin a lmao