''We need an actor to pottage the leader of the unsullied, a fierce,heavily muscled guy...

''We need an actor to pottage the leader of the unsullied, a fierce,heavily muscled guy. Either that or someone skinny but if so they have to be an amazing actor.''

>say no more SENPAI. I know a guy who can do both
Would you like him to do a funny accent too?

Attached: Jacob-Anderson-as-Grey-Worm-839627.jpg (590x788, 55K)

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were they supposed to be heavily muscled? they are castrated y'know

>tfw hate Daenerys but like Grey Worm and Missandei

Attached: 1543706707446.jpg (640x481, 38K)


incoming cringe


Attached: Tyrion,_Missandei,_and_Grey_Worm_Season_6.jpg (945x609, 142K)


Attached: greywiggle.jpg (932x856, 135K)

Were greyworm and the unsullied sociopaths?

greyworm a shit hope euron kills him

They are heavily conditioned to be soldiers from childhood, they're definitely fucked up in a lot of ways

>dude you have to have huge muscles to be a great fighter or leader!!!

get off this board /fit/fags

imagine being grey worm and having no cock, so you have to eat out missandei's hairy stinky pussy

>he is a skinny faggot who gets btfo several times
>shown to be a poor military commando
>can't even defeat the peasant uprising in that city they are in
>is stupid

I still remember seeing this live and being in shock. I dropped the series for a year after this episode. What is wrong with D&D? This is a low-tier comedy routine. Joe Rogan's stand up is better Jesus Christ. What the FUCK?

He’s just missing his balls so I think he hits her with gummy worm

This is what hurts me the most about the series. D&D have somehow made everyone incompetent. It's ridiculous. Everybody in Westeros as of Season 6 is low-IQ or legit retarded.

at least the series will end, and the shit posting is gonna be glorious


That's normal male physiology for someone who doesn't sit on his ass all day and uses his upper-body.

yet he isnt even that muscly as normal person you say

I fast forwarded all throughout his bits.
Literally completely superfluous to the story.
In the books it was kind of interesting learning his story, but in the tv series it's just pointless crap.

"Mesanday...me want to tell you sumfink.
Me think..me wait..here com Trion.
He tell me joke.
a nigg with no balls talk to lady
lady show her breats."

end scene

Like pottery