Chris Evans is unsure about Tom Brady

Chris Evans is unsure if he can keep being with Tom Brady if Brady is actually a Trump Supporter

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Does Brady even know who this fag is?

That's why DC is better.

fuck Trump, fuck Israel and fuck MIGA mongs

Chris Evans is a homosexual?

>captain america hates america

Trump has his allegiances with Israel. Evans is right by calling out the jewish puppet

Chris and Tom were dating???

I'm sure Brady is all broken up about this.

Who even supports Trump anymore? It's all about Yang now. Trump revealed his power level too fast, too soon. Now he's a slave to his boisterous and controversial personality. He can't get anything done because of it. He's literally our Obama. Obama was supposed to give us free healthcare and instead forced us to buy insurance. That's what Trump is doing to every decent conservative policy. Take an idea that his base wants, and fuck it up through media circuses until it comes out the other side as something we don't want.

>literally everywhere else
>Why does Trump hate Israel?
>come to crazy clown town
>bUt WhY DoEs tRum0 KnOw A jeW

You don't find it hilarious at all that in your desperation to spite /pol/ you've embraced /pol/ tier anti-semitism?
I do.

No, he hates ZOG unlike donald "I love israel" trump and his israel loving supporters.

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That wasn't obvious? Dude is more closeted than Aaron Rodgers.

>/pol/tard had to eat humble pie hard when Trump backed his jewish overlords
>n-no you

>Having this much of a black and white mentality
People against zog have always recognized king Jew for what he is. Being anti-trump doesnt mean being pro tranny or w/e you brainlet flyover.

You don't find it hilarious at all that in your desperation to spite libtards you've embraced libtard tier pro-semitism?
I do.

This. Lmao we turned these faggots into straight up anti-semites

I dont think Captain America would like Trump, just by the principal that our nations leader should be a respectable man and not someone who went on the Howard Stern show to talk about fucking whores.

My favorite part of the last 3 years has been the part when our president has abused their predictable tantrums to get all those who oppose him to do exactly what he wants

Israel is hated by libtards though for being too right wing.
Maybe you should start taking some hormones to fit in with your liberal brothers

Why do you type like a colossal faggot?

Looks like not anymore

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Would you rather live in Israel or Palenstine?

Aaron Rodgers is a homosexual?

>Yfw liberals are more redpilled on THE JQ than ZOGcuck trumptards
Lmao jews really always win no matter what.

>on Yea Forums
user, I don't know how to break this to you


Are you claiming that only liberals don't hate hate Jews? That's pretty silly considering you just finished complaining that Trump doesn't hate Jews.

You're a real barrel of laughs user!.

False equivalence pro zoggie

Trump has never hidden his support for Jews user. Only liberals ever thought that Trump was literally Hitler.

Oh no I know trump and his fag supporters are cucked by Israel. It's hilarious as fuck.

Based /pol/ chads playing 64D chess wth Yea Forums bugmen

Do you really think you're fooling anyone user?

Alot of conservatives honestly thought trump was going to drain the swamp, including Zionist AIPAC bullshit. I was there on /pol/. I remember.

Fooling anyone about what?

Who's Tom Brady, though? Is it an American thing?

The quarterback for some faggy new England football team

The entire developed world is cucked by Israel, user, What did you think ZOG meant?

thought tom brady was tom hardy first

real friends dont let something like politics separate them. evans confirmed fairweather.

That you're not just another butthurt shitlib.

Nah trump embraces zog in a way no other president has. Even Obama tried to resist a little bit.

i would have bailed on brady when i found out he kisses his kids on the lips

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probably the funniest thing to come from the election

Yeah I don't talk to black and white brainlets

agreed creepy af, even if it's not sexual

Based Chris

This, I'm so glad trump showed us the light and has gotten us to embrace based israel my fellow Israel supporting brothers!

>i might have to cut ties with this guy that is head and shoulders more impressive than I am and undoubtedbly doesnt give a shit about my opinion
very brave of you chris

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some heroes wear capes

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Hey does anyone have an updated version of this

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>things flyover hillbillies say
that lack of sea air has made you stupid

>neo/pol/ shocked and appalled at /pol/'s muh joos routine
Kek. Lurk moar or just stay off /pol/ it's been a shithole for years anyways

Remember when your ancestors would cry for the mods when people posted about how evil the jews were?
What were they called again? "stormfags"? And now you embrace them which is great for us

the bible says those that bless israel will be blessed and those who curse it will be cursed

How new are you?

You wish, you're outnumbered on the coasts, too. Even your little pets are turning against you

I love when liberals expose how stupid they are

>I love tom Brady because hes a big tough white guy who wins alot!"
>wait why does tom Brady support are president and go golfing/to dinner with him all the time?"
>why would someone considered the greatest qb ever be friends with an evil sexist racist I cant stop tweeting about
>insert npc face

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good goy

Why are liberals so intolerant?

I hate when tourists post their shit 'memes' on Yea Forums

>Nah trump embraces zog in a way no other president has.
yeah never mind all the zog wars right?
Saying things is REALLY what embracing zog is all about!

You reap what you sow faggot.

>Still mad that (((Bernie))) didn't win
>Still protests Israel on behalf of the Palestinians
>Still protests against "Nazis" because of the Holocaustâ„¢ and those poor Jews
>Still hates Jews but "not in a Nazi way"

Look, reality isn't for you. You simply don't know how to handle it. Instead, dilate and pretend to be a woman. You're parents are immensely proud of you. Ask them.

new enough to know you're a FAG

>"You voted for the person I didn't vote for. So now i must hate you"

Yeah and Tom Brady is the asshole in this

>when you have to defend Tom Brady on a tibetan sewing machine forum

Stupid fucking identity politics pushing assholes just made me defend the biggest piece of shit in NFL history

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What year, user?

chris evans is a hyper partisan faggot that should kill himself for being so predictable

Nah liberals think thats fine. AS LONG AS HE DIDN'T FOR LITERAL HITLER!!

>all these shills trying to puah the trump = jew angle
Literally discord tranny shills nobody listen to these butthurt losers sorry but it wasnt and never will be her turn

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Who is shocked?
I'm just laughing at you fags romping around like puppies after breaking a taboo you've been resisting for years.

How many Maga folks would befriend a liberal? What do you think?

Based user pointing out the absolute hypocrisy of the leftist shill machine

because he isn't a jewish puppet?
fucking hell LMAO at this retard mental gymnastics


>makes less money than his wife
>makes out with his children
>plays for one of the most hated franchises in american sports
>known cheat

very impressive

>you fags
Who exactly, user? Tell me all about your tribalist fantasies.

Who gives a shit? Chris Evans is a shit-tier actor that only got famous because fatass comic book loving niggers and normies paid Marvel a ton of money for him to "act" like he's Captain America. I hope he dies in a fucking plane crash.

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A lot more than liberals would try to befriend a maga man, the maga man is less likely to attack a liberal unprovoked at any rate


ROFL as if. Prove it.

Woah, it's almost like criticizing Israel and wishing genocide upon the jews are two different things

No ones falling for your tricks shill you will lose again come 2020 and it will be glorious

Six (6)

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none that i know. I dont even care about politics and didnt vote. And i cant even say I dont care around my friends and family without them trying to FORCE me to see how trump ia going to kill everyone. Yet funny enough the right people i meet drop the subject and change it when i mention i dont care about politics. One actively recruits/yells at me and the other calmly changes the subject.

>I hope he dies in a fucking plane crash.
Hopefully caused by the US-hating Mudslimes he loves so much.

Literally all Western politicians are Jewish puppets user.
THAT is the actual problem.
Not "muh DRUMPF" because your Trump derangement syndrome caused you to FINALLY notice Jewish power.

Doesn't answer the question who "you" is.

One of my closest friends is an unironic social Democrat and sees nothing wrong with that. Adults don't let politics come between them if they actually care, that's what you retarded teenagers don't understand. Before this age where it was considered normal to travel across the country to extend your childhood another 4+ years, people had to confront with the fact that their neighbors have different opinions and we all got the fuck over ourselves.


>Hopefully caused by the US-hating Mudslimes he loves so much.
Are you talking about Trump or Evans, I honestly can't tell.
>brazillion dollar arms deals

>when you takeaway the ones they won through cheating he only has 2

Outside of New England. Nobody recognizes the other rings.

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If they're all the same why all the talk of Trump being different?

Prove me wrong.

>Trump has his allegiances with Israel
So has literally every other american president since world war 2.

Well, those days are over. Unfortunately. I now have to tip toe around my fucking sister and mother in law because they're literal children that can't accept the fact that someone out there doesn't think the way they do.

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>thinking the trump opposition is any different
you're a shitty shill

Nor should it, do you know where we are? You're the retard jumping in bed with a group on an anonymous knitting forum

>You don't really hate israel you just hate daddy trump!
The mind of a ZOGcuck everyone

because the people that talk about Trump being different weren't talking about the Jewish question user.

It's not complicated.

Is trump not a neocon Jew?

What does "drain the swamp" have to do with international Jewry user?

>Nor should it, do you know where we are?
A place that isn't divided into two groups

>user disagrees with you
>"hur dur YOU PEOPLE yadyada"
Always the same shit with you deranged Gen Z tribalists.

Nah trump isn't a puppet he's a willing ally. Don't pretend otherwise.

He's one of the most accomplished handeggs players of all time on the most accomplished teams of all time, and is still winning as of the latest season at age 41. He's also been a personal friend of Trump for almost two decades. In recent years, him and his team have become the poster child "white privilege" for some dumb reason and there's always a big shitstorm when they win again.

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It stops hurting after you drop all your previous beliefs because you realized the people who share them are unhinged monsters

What else was Drain the Swamp supposed to mean if not ridding the US of globalist influence?

Then wtf were they talking about?

Why are you confusing Israel with zog?

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>International Jewry
Let's not pretend that Jewish influence isn't concentrated in the USA more than anywhere else

>they are literal monsters

Sounds like you can't accept the fact that someone out there doesn't think the way you do.

Whatever you say user.

Do you trannys really think this tactic works?

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Uh because of AIPAC?

Do you genuinely believe that all the Americans that voted for Trump are anti-semitic Nazis?

We propaganda now.

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>nooo Trump never said and did the things that are on record

Who exactly are you trying to fool? At this point it's not exactly a secret that Trump supports Israel.

Most people are unhinged monsters. For example, I was laying on the couch and I settled on was the scene where Rorschach beat the fuck out of the nigger in prison and then threw hot oil on his face. I immediately wished that the world would collapse so I can do this to antifa and the SJW fucking far left. I am an unhinged monster.

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Do you disagree that he is the most pro israel president in history? Who has him beat?

Jewish population is concentrated here but Jewish influence is homogeneous in power throughout the West.

Yes you are, seek help please

This, we forever stand with israel!
Of course not they love israel!

So you're saying that if we got rid of AIPAC, Jews would no longer have influence over our lives?

This discussion was about /pol/'s view of Trump, not that of all Trump voters.

I'll get help. When the world collapses and I can murder some of you fucking leftist pussies.

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That time when Captain America discovered it was Nixon all along, Austin!

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so then when did you mean before then?


Nah Jewish Power is concentrated on the us because we're the richest most powerful country so we make the best puppet/shield. They have the fingers in a bit of everything but why would they spend as much energy on nothing countries like Greece or w/e

How old are you?

I think you're not even a Nazi, so none of what you say matters

Nah they're quite shifty, but it would be a good start. It's very egregious how well funded of a lobby they are particularly for how small of a country they are.

/pol/ didn't vote for Trump to fuck over Jews. they voted for Trump to fuck over Mexicans. Did you seriously think that no one on /pol/ ever noticed that there are Jews in Trump's family until after he was elected?

Before when? Oh when I was asking what trump supporters meant when they said drain the swamp? Well I'm saying that because im legitimately confused. They clearly didn't mean malicious/self serving corporate or foreign influences.

>most dominant athlete of all time
Agreed, fairly impressive

Ah so I assume you extend the same attitude to trump considering how pro israel he is?

>still pushing the cheater meme
And they're only the most hated franchise because they're the best

Yes, that's what I think. For example:

Pol are mostly underage brainlets I honestly don't think they made the connection. They thought trump was gonna do it all.

Again you're focusing on Israel, when Israel is not the issue, Jews are the issue. Jews didn't need Israel to earn their Polish summer camp vacation during the 40s, why would Israel be the key issue now?

>Hey does anyone have an updated version of this
has the 6th ring even surfaced yet? havent seen what t looks like yet

Yes rabbi, I'm sure who you jews actually support with your funding and votes doesn't tell us all exactly what's up.

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Seething faggot. Get ready for Seven (7).

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