Shauna is so damn sexy

Shauna is so damn sexy.

Attached: the.simpsons.s30e16.1080p.web.x264-tbs.mkv_snapshot_15.23_[2019.03.30_06.54.35].png (1920x1080, 1.02M)

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Sneed is so sneed sneedy.

Mmmm I wanna suck these toes

i agree

Attached: XY_Shauna.png (553x1280, 481K)


Attached: moe.jpg (262x234, 14K)

Attached: 42ynn.jpg (1680x3044, 597K)

Alright, I'll bite. Is Kearney a tranny now?

sneed's feed and seed

Nope, the writers decided they needed a recurring teenage girl character.

Attached: the.simpsons.s30e16.1080p.web.x264-tbs.mkv_snapshot_01.05_[2019.03.30_12.28.33].png (1920x1080, 1.04M)

Looks like a Marie Kanker ripoff.

Oh. Well unless they're trying to do what they were parodying with Poochy, this is fine except the part where she looks completely off model and is the only simpsons character I think of all time who has a head wider that their body. Looks odd.

They should also get a couple of recurring rural characters.

how did they get away with this?

Attached: Since+were+on+the+subject+of+bladerunner+_00223c5d10e6ee9a0b312b1d3e86e403.jpg (1361x768, 143K)


>check simpsons wiki to see who this bitch is
>in the trivia section it says she's "likely a paedophile"

>simpsons wiki

Attached: laugh.gif (365x274, 3.8M)




Jimbo having regular sex with Shauna and Kearney being a father is some creepy pedo shit if you think about it,
2 sexually mature teens going to elementary school with all those little kids just so they can bully them adding an obvious cuck domination angle to an already fucked up situation.

Truly we live in a society.

haha really fucked up when you think about it i mean think about it