Are you hyped for KotM?

>Godzilla:King of the Monsters is coming on May 31st.
>You can discuss other Kaiju related films too.

>Long Live The King

>Intimidation TV Spot:

>Beautiful TV Spot:

Sounds like Toho's gonna let Legendary use Godzilla after 2020 if KotM and GvsK do well. They're also interested in more spin-offs.
Link: twitter.com/OMEGAGORMARU/status/1109940293414150145

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Other urls found in this thread:


>That poster
Oh no, it's developing the kino

Thoughts on Godzilla Heritage fan film?

I kinda hope they at least tease Gigan in the next one. That little piece of art wasn't enough.

How would a Yea Forums Godzilla film be like? How would you guys do it?

How is it that there is no 4K version of the first film?

This year

Thanks, I just saw the date (may 14) on amazon

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Is Shin Godzilla kino? Worth watching?


is the movie gonna look anything like the poster or is it just dramatization


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It's pretty interesting. I think I enjoyed it more for the government parts than Shin itself.

That poster.

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Damn this is some of the best art i have seen for any blockbuster

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Yeah I loved it. I preferred it with subs but the dub isn't horrible.

Yes but retards will tell you otherwise.

Is this a real poster or just fanart? KINO either way.

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Just saw it last week, i was blown away by how good it was and is definitely one of the best Godzilla movie's ever made

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No it's trash but weaboos will say it's great.

>weaboos will say it's great.
I never understood what you anti shin fags mean by this? Why is it weaboo? Is it because it's Japanese? All Godzilla is technically Japanese like what the fuck are you talking about

It's because it's made by a "anime director" and they think it's like evangelion because that's the only other Annos work these retards know of.


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Only if you liked Eva

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What does it say?

Anyone else love anime zilla design?

No clue

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Does Yea Forums have Godzilla merch/toys? Show 'em.

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>two works by the same director have the same directing style
shocking, next you will tell me that 2001 is similar to The Shining

>tfw you will never be a kid again and get Trendmasters Godzilla toys on Christmas

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No everyone is a weeb, user.


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not even weebs know who Anno is

>Look look they both have flying machines shooting at big monster, tanks looking to the left and a semi close up of a railroad sign. What a shit weaboo movie
Okay so it's autism

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Yes. The atomic breath sequence is the most kino moment in any Godzilla film.

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I always wanted a Godzilla toy but i was too poor for good things

That's some normalfag ass weebs you know user. Anno is among the few names every normalfag who watches any may knows of together with Miyazaki,,Toriyama and cia.

*casual ass

You can have it now. If you are a working adult like all of us.

>If you are a working adult
>like all of us

It will not be the same because i wanted to play with it. Now just would be accumulating dust in my house. Some opportunities never come back : (


You could still play with it or...have children to play with

Just get a girl prego and get yourself a son then you can play with Godzilla toys. You can thank me later

Wanna start to watch Godzilla for the first time. What should I watch and what should I ignore? Is there an order or canon or are they reboots/standalones?

There are three main timelines/eras. The Showa series starts from the original from 1954 and ends at Terror of Mechagodzilla, 1974. They are all canon to each other, though a few movies are not in chronological order. Basically watch them all in order with the mentality that Destroy All Monsters is the last in the timeline despite Terror being made last.

The Heisei series starts from the original, then Return of Godzilla (1984), and the rest of the movies through the 90's ending with Vs Destroyah. All are directly canon and in chronological order.

The Millennium movies don't have an order aside the two Mechagodzilla movies.

I'd recommend the whole series if you have the time, era to era, but to start you off, good starters would be the original, Return of Godzilla, or GMK, one good starters for each era. GMK has a good mystical quality and good monster action. Return is a bigger budget Cold War-fueled semi-remake of the original. And of course the original is the classic, but darkest in tone. I prefer Godzilla to be darker myself, but for lighter-hearted stuff I'd also recommend Godzilla vs Mothra, the one from 1964, or the original Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla.

New Gamera film when? We got a trailer in 2015.

You should start with the original one if possible, it even got a criterion remaster recently, i'll just link what i said in the other thread The american godzilla (2014) is good too but you should watch it last in my opinion.

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Mecha Godzilla and Mecha Gidorah should both be wildcards, more on the malicious side than anything else

Mecha Mothra and Jet Jaguar are obviously on the heroic side of the spectrum.

That other mecha just looks like fodder.

I want to be hype but Godzilla 2014 and Skull Island were so bad.

Bullshit,they were great.

They really werent

Even for the genre the writing and acting in Vs King Ghidorah is terribad. There also a lot of visible wires.

Why? Kong was fun,2014 was good.

Both focus an absurd amount of time on flat boring ass human characters while giving minimal monster action. 2014 is barely a Godzilla movie.

>Minimal monster action
Maybe Godzilla 2014 but Kong had plenty of monster scenes.

>2014 was good
Not him. But the only good in 2014 is the technical stuff. The director has an eye for spectacle. He demonstrated his talent first in Monsters and later in Rogue One. Unfortunately, he has also demonstrated that he isn't an actor's director and this weakness hurts 2014 the most. It doesn't help that 2014 is poorly written and actively works against its amazing cast. Removing Cranston from the movie early highlights those flaws in the worst ways possible. Note how Rogue One was met with the same criticisms and the last half of the movie is the stuff everyone loves the most. Rumor is that Disney replaced him and reshot half the movie.

>2014 is barely a Godzilla movie
This. You could write Godzilla out of the movie effortlessly.

Tho I do agree I'm still hyped cause King Ghidorah is that nigga

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Because it’s primarily aimed at the Japanese people and their politics. weebs pretend to care about that and act like the movie was incredibly intelligent and Scorsese tier.

I just ordered the blu-ray on amazon, hope it's good. From what I've heard it sounds like the perfect Godzilla movie. Listened to the soundtrack and Persecution of the Masses and Who Will Know sound like the former is from the humans' perspective and the latter from Godzilla's

>perfect Godzilla
>90% is boardroom meetings
>movie doesn’t know if it wants to be serious or a comedy
>worst Godzilla iteration
You got memed, friend

Ignore them. I have yet to see one make an intelligent argument. They simply did not like the movie and its positive reception makes them bitter. It's a perfectly valid take on Godzilla.

>Because it’s primarily aimed at the Japanese people and their politics
You mean like every other godzilla film except the american ones?
>weebs pretend to care about that
>implying you need to care about the topic of a movie to understand and/or enjoy it
>the movie was incredibly intelligent
It was a nice criticism of the stance taken by the japanese goverment during fukushima and the anchor presence of the united states in japan, nothing more nothing less.
>scorcese tier
How new to cinema do you have to be to think scorcese is anything close to high tier?

Probably the most overrated one, but it's easily one of the best. But it's not THAT good

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IMO it's just ok. At first I hated it and this is coming from a life long Godzilla fan. But it's grown on me

Got this one and a lot of other vinyl figures
Recently got Destoroyah, Burning G

I've also pre-ordered the vinyls for KOTM and ordered MOGUERA and SpaceG

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Top 5 KaijuKino?

5: Gamera: Legion
4: Pacific Rim
3: GMK
2: Rodan
1: Godzilla vs Biolante

I didn't put the original Kong or Godzilla because those are the obvious choices.

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i've never watched the original kong, is there a 4k remaster? or at least a 1080p one?