How do we save white women?

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can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved

They're beyond saving. take the Armenian pill, brother
>In biology, culling is the process of segregating organisms from a group according to desired or undesired characteristics. In animal breeding, it is the process of removing or segregating animals from a breeding stock based on specific trait. This is done to exaggerate desirable characteristics, or to remove undesirable characteristics by altering the genetic diversity of the population.

See the problem with being racist is believing that everyone that looks similarly is the same person, which is not the case at all. 99.99% of all white women thinks behavior like this is as disgusting as you do, just that they know that not all white women act like that.

Another propaganda shilling thread. Working overtime today, aren't you?

Holy shit lmaoooo, white females really be out here doing this shit

Stop lying breh. I’ve BLACKED 5 girls using tinder when I was visiting Montana.

I wish I was in that car with her encouraging her to suck that bbc

funny part is nobody cares if a white guy colonizes a black chick


>How do we save white women?
It would appear STD medication. Or did you mean in a philosophical sense?

bro black girls are for black men, white girls are for everyone

A vast majority of white women aren't using tinder. It's just your tiny tiny media bubble where you think that all white women who exist are white women who are on tinder aged 18-24. These people are a vocal minority of white women. Statistically speaking. Nothing else.

God, I wish I was a white woman

You don't.

I bet she has like 10 or so "male friends" that are hanging on her every whim trying to impress her so one day they can touch her boob


Something you want to tell us about, user?

why would we even want 50 year old patricia? we all want that 18-24 pussy

You know what’s the sad part? Some white guy is going to marry her one day.

There is a more important problem. How do we rid the planet of incels?

How can you do that when you're a white incel?

Or she becomes an alcoholic with 3 cats

Would love to be that guy


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It’s hilarious that nobody wants to be the black guy getting his dick sucked. These guys would rather suck a dick than be a nigger.

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This. Or my personal favorite

>"user why cant i find a good man who will treat me right!"
>find out shed get blackout drunk at random parties and guys would take turns banging her while she was shitfaced
>she was okay with this

That was a co worker of mine. But yeah nothing shocks me anymore in terms of how degenerate nu women are. Im more amazed when i meet a girl with some intelligence and ISNT a turbo slut (very very very rare) but they do exist

>i fucked sluts on tinder
Wow and I got a book from Amazon

>he wants to have his dick sucked instead of sucking dick
What are you, gay?

I kneel in awe of the superior bbc
wh*toids, like myself, need to learn our place

Nah she'll end up pregnant from a nigger and be the single and angry mother of a creatura.

Dumb and Dumberer already did the “chicks are for fags” gag, user.

mutts are gross

brothas be out there getting some and this nigga ordering books LMAO


Kind of hot honestly, absolute cum dump slut, don't care about all the racial autism ITT.

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It's their fault for being a bunch of thirst brainlets who want to invest effort in a slut with no brains.

all this white boy cope sorry betas just stick to chinks

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LMAO! What a bitch ass nigga!

>Something you want to tell us about, user?
You havent observed this kinda situation happening?

>tfw blacks can walk up to a random girl and pull out their cock and completely get away with it
meanwhile a white guy would be serving 5 years in prison. there's your black privilege.

I am afraid you did not understand the post, reddit spacing.

bruh niggas out here getting one day delivery on blowjobs, quit your amazon shit

>meanwhile a white guy would be serving 5 years in prison
lots of black dick to suck there. win win

>one day they'll look up at me & cry "How do we save white women?"
>and I'll look down and whisper "No"

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I'm genuinely curious, are all women really whores without exception?

bases rorschachposter

>Paying for a book
>Hooking up with some fine females for free

This is too hard for Yea Forums to comprehend

Well one time I found out the ugly fat asian girl from my college class got invited out to a frat party and hooked up with 3 guys, so yeah just about.

Yeah, look down to the floor of your cum stained basement while you fap to hentai


holy BASED

based missing the point intentionally poster

The thing is, you cannot tell who is and who isn't a slut just by looking at them.
I know some super feminist alternative girls that you would assume are the biggest sluts and they aren't.
And I know some super respectable girls from good families that pretend to be well behaved but are actually huge sluts.
It's tricky business.

Not all women are whores, but those who are only lacking opportunity.

Have you been outside?

>be a seasonal temp at a warehouse
>everyone works just fine except for the one ghetto black guy
>stands next to the production belt and just plays on his phone and ignores anyone who asks for help
>our girl boss comes by and sees what hes doing
>she confronts him angrily
>not even 5 minutes later shes giggling and hes touching her arm
>they walk back to her office
>an hour later i head to the office to change out the battery on my scanner
>hes got his arm around the girl boss and she has her arm on his leg
>go back to my co workers
>redneck married girl co worker in her 20s asks where Dontelle is
>i tell her what i saw
>"wow hes going to fuck her too!! See thats why my boyfriend said I can't be around Dontelle. Id do the same"

And take a guess who go the full time position in that department while everyone else who actually worked and showed up on time go let go? Society is beyond fucked.

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I don’t get it. I’m not white

wrong. the probability of a 16 year old girl having used tinder to have casual sex at least once by the time she's 27 is 93%
data source was 3 of the studies from this page:
t. actuary

>fine females

they're literally brainwashed

>TFW some new research studies in Twitter the other day and got picked up by media outlets about how record numbers of young men are reporting not having sex.
>Some outlets are talking about it as a big shift in culture and potentially dangerous
>Cue TheMarySue calling it a "hillarious article" and throngs of women on social media saying "Wow, boo hoo. Why should I care about these losers?"

Women are literally incapable of human empathy. They cannot possibly comprehend anything that does not directly include or focus on themselves.

This. Or she'll get murdered when he flys into rage because she caught him cheating. It never ends well for the white chick.

thats what you get for working with braindead retards lol

based and redpilled

lmao he can't even imagine getting some pussy without paying for it

>you cannot tell who is and who isn't a slut just by looking at them
Maybe you can’t, but I can.

>99.99% of all white women thinks behavior like this is as disgusting as you do,

Literally zero women would look at another woman blowing someone in public and see it as disgusting. They might SAY they think that, but they don't actually think that.

>not getting out of your car and getting in line

What’s the point of being productive member of society when you have to deal with shit like this?

shouldn't have joined forces with the jews if you wanted to survive. hitlere knew this.

you can, but they might not like it

>buying books
>on amazon

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A similar situation in the middle east with wealthy men hoarding all of the women gave rise to islamic extremism so...

Next 40 years finna be lit

Dicking a white girl is the best feeling ever. Something about having sex with a race other than your own feels very primal. I wouldn't marry one even for a green card, though.
t. BR exchange student

And you know this from your vast experience of speaking with women, i take it?

>fags not getting this joke

Black guy gloating about white genocide:

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good luck with your ethnostate when half the midwest is getting creamed by black men

Women only care about sex when they're ovulating but when they are they'll fuck anything.

Incels dont deserve empathy. They're the loser stock

The only girls who are possible and capable of not being whores are at least 7/10 and choose not to be sluts.
Girls under 7/10 will jump on Chad's cock the moment they get the chance, but 7/10+ girls know they have the admiration of all guys, so they don't need to be whores to feel validated. Obviously, there are plenty of 7/10+ girls who are whores, but that's cause most women are whores.

Are you a nignog, though?

Yes, believe it or not I've met women before. Every single thing they pretend to be looking for in life, every principal they claim to stand on, anything they claim defines them, is all a facade that they will drop the second someone is aggressive or forceful with them.

This is literally a universal defining trait of women.

or she'll end up being sold as mystery meat

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White women kiss the boots of black israelites:

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>feels very primal
Everything feels primal when you’re primitive.

this honestly makes me sick

why is a rich young white blonde girl doing this

fuuuck i'm frustrated

I don't even live in Burgerland, sweetie. They can all die for all I care lmao

>TFW being a white guy with a big dick, it's easy to get the treatment from brown chicks.

Traveling for business is amazing.

Literally what every men believes before he finds out he is being cucked.
99% of the stories you read about infidelity, the man has zero clue. It's naive to think that you can just mindread girls and figure out immediately if they are sluts.

judging from her car, she's definitely in a relationship already, no way she bought that on her own.

You aren't supposed to marry a member of the slave race. They are our pleasure puppets.

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Nice divide and conquer, Herschel.

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this is why women don't like you because you post things like this and it shows irl

For the love of god why do niggers get sex so easily?

Brown. I don't think I qualify as black since I'm from Latin America.

When did you guys realize there's nothing worth saving anymore?

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That's not mystery meat that's gyros, pork meat. It's basically the best muslimrepellant we have in Sweden since 90% of the people making it are with foreign heritage. Tasty as fuck as well what the fuck is wrong with you?

let human garbage reap the rewards of it's actions

Pretty much every woman would find it disgusting.
It really shows that you don't know anything about women.

Honestly there will be a reactionary whiplash to it all. If white men discover islam it's over

Open your eyes white knight

Not all girls are slut, but they all have the potential to be one

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I have never in my life met a woman who is making payments on her own car, ever.

We don't?
They are the most race loyal demographic.

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women's suffrage was a mistake

>you post actual reality
>they know you know
I can see how that'd be... problematic.

Do white women like Latino men?

>95 posts
>43 posters
lel. also OP is a literal porn star btw

The idea that you think Sweden has any form of "muslim repellent" is fucking hilarious.

There's no one who hates women more than other women.
When another one is a slut they all bicker behind her back about how much of a slut she is.

Great annecdote. It really proves all women are whores

Firstly, the modern American man has been continually feminized and emasculated to a point never before seen. You have capitalism to thank for this. Companies have marketed products like game systems and sex toys, that primarily white men use. Next, they have pushed an image of black men in the media as these hyper-masculine males, and that it's cool to talk in broken English and rap. The shilling of hip-hop and rap hasn't helped either, and in this country, the zenith of cool is talking like an ape and dropping out of high-school. This is Capitalism's fault for preying on faults in society. At some point, can you blame women? They're whores, I know, but women are hardwired to want MEN, not manchildren who can't seem to grow up and get their priorities in check. It doesn't help that the US has a history of slavery, and the media/politicians hold blacks up like some angels who we wronged like the white devils we are. Therefore, certain whites think it's their job to apologize for slavery by giving "reparations" to blacks.

It doesn't help that at while one end of the spectrum blacks are paraded as royalty, while at the other they are looked down upon as animals. This brings up the taboo idea. Because blacks are seen as animals, bestiality has always been a taboo area, but people still like the thrill of it. That's what happens when porn becomes so widespread that eventually you become desensitized to it and you have to go further and further down the hole to get a tickle in your cock. This is once again Capitalism's fault.

Honestly, I don't see an easy solution to this problem. The entire system is fucked, and built up to accept and crave degeneracy. I'll be sitting back waiting for the inevitable collapse and when the country breaks into a giant racewar. Maybe then someone strong can lead whites back to where they should be. Or maybe not.

You ever seen the show blackish? Watch that if you wanna see what a giant bunch of hypocritical ignorant crybabies blacks are. Its a tv show about a black dude who comes from a bad environment, busts his ass, gets an education and becomes a very wealthy ad executive. And lives in a wealthy neighborhood in a wealthy house with his family. And yet cannot stop talking about how blacks have it so hard, and nobody respects him because hes black, and everyone is out to get him because hes black, and if he wasnt black life would be so much better .Completely ignoring hes a millionaire married to the half black head surgeon of a hospital who also cant stop talking about how hard she has it and how hard her life is being black and wealthy. It's a very funny show when it points out how ridiculous and hypocritical blacks can be. But most of the time it tries to make you feel bad for the wealthy black well to do family because the white neighbors next door invited them to their pool party the day of said party instead of weeks prior.

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according to /pol/ you eventually get to hang them from really long ropes.

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typical camaro driver

At least you have some white % in you.

It's a self correcting problem. All the reasonable, peaceful, coherent peoples of the Middle East (aka the white people equivelents) were destroyed centuries ago by Jewish tricks. Only those who are immune to Jewish trickery (Islam in general) remain.

It is fated that the Jews will destroy the West, Islam will destroy the Jews, and China will inherit the Earth.

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>Pretty much every woman would find it disgusting.
Except the woman doing it, the women in the car with her, the women sharing it on social media, the women wishing someone would do that to them...

Nah son. Any women who pretends she's disgusted by seeing another woman be used or degraded is lying.

This is why I only date Asian girls.

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>Yea Forums - Television & Film

you wanna know how I know this story isn't true?

t. unironic incel

these white females aren't out there trying to fuck rock guys anymore, they want brothers like jay-z, drake, kanye.

>There's no one who hates women more than other women.
This is true.

>When another one is a slut they all bicker behind her back about how much of a slut she is.
Also true. It doesn't stop them from immediately turning around and doing the exact same slut things though.

No, you see, for millennial scum anecdotical evidence and a handful of twitter screencaps > truth.

Millennials are a failed generation of humanoids who are incapable of performing even the simplest tasks our ancestors did like it was nothing.
Having a job?
Having a relationship?
Working hard?
Building a family?
All impossible to achieve dreams for these low IQ creatures who think watching superhero movies will save the world.

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Could be daddy's money
I love seeing rich girls ruining their lives.
Good for us peasants.

Shut the fuck up, leaf!

White women are a majority demographic. Therefore, it isn't racism. You like your medicine? Soon the world will share in sentiment, and your men will have long abandoned you by then.