There's not much i hate more in a movie than when Europeans or whoever are among themselves in a scene and speak...

There's not much i hate more in a movie than when Europeans or whoever are among themselves in a scene and speak English with their country's accent.

Why do American filmmakers do this? To shelter Americans from having to read subtitles for a minute?

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Maybe they actually have an accent like that.

Maybe i wasn't clear enough, i hate it when people talk english to each other instead of their respective languages even though there's no one around who doesn't speak it, too

That’s usually because the actors themselves don’t speak the language and aren’t actually whatever ethnic group they’re portraying. You might not even notice if you don’t speak the language but you will notice for instance if you watch a Japanese show and they have an “American” character that speak English and it sounds completely ridiculous. To the Japanese audience who doesn’t understand English they wouldn’t even know it sounded nothing like a native speaker because they couldn’t understand it

What bugs me is when you have a non-US character (say a British character played by a British actor) who speaks using retarded US colloquialisms.

More people speak English than you know. I've known Germans and Swedes use American colloquialism. Please fuck off now.

I don't think I've ever seen this before. Any example clips on youtube? It sounds amusing.

So Italian cops inside an Italian police station speak English to each other?

Also, English is a very simple language to learn, but it's still very hard to master. And in most of those cases in movies "foreigners" speak way more sophisticated English than you'd ever encounter them speaking in reality.
at :30

>Why do American filmmakers do this?
Because their audience is Americans.

What a whore.

i can't watch this shit for more than 3 seconds wtf animefags

my little brother is one of you, i don't get this shit, how the fuck can anyone like this. i loved pokemon when i was a child and i've been watching the pokemon series when i was like 9, but wtf man

whats wrong?

Some people actually do this, though. Some people only speak their language at home, even around peers of similar background. I have known a ton of Mexicans down here in Texas.

what the fuck is even your point? People sound inauthentic when they speak a foreign language?
Is that it? That's why you're making a whole thread? Do you have anything else beyond that?

I'm German and i know some Turks who do this, too. They're speaking a literal mix of Turkish with German words when they're with their own, some of them sometimes. I was more talking about foreigners in their respective homelands tho. People who never migrated.
I can't even really tell, it just disgusts me. Literally can't watch it. I mean have fun with it, but i seriously can't understand it.

Normally they play some kind of villain, almost exclusively if it's an upper-class type accent, stemming entirely from the revolutionary war.
Interesting Jews never play this role despite committing at least three false flags on Americans in the last 30 years ago and having embroiled Americans in nothing but wars, on the behalf of Jews, for the last what? Century? Two?

It's even worse when two characters first speak to each other in their language, say Russian then suddenly starts speaking English with a Russian accent. Breaks immersion immediately.
>I'm German and i know some Turks
>They're speaking a literal mix of Turkish with German words
Of course they do. And they usually bastardize the language to a point where a lot of youths are can't speak properly on their own language.

because you can't grow up in certain areas without knowing any. it's impossible. and it's also just normal, they're like everyone else.
>speak properly on their own language
i was working in a center for youths in a "high crime/migration area" for a while, there were turkish migrant kids who couldn't really speak any language at all. they spoke bad german with a strong turkish accent and bad turkish with a strong german accent. funny and sad at the same time

>they're like everyone else
This is why your country is fucked, Hans.

most of them are, that's just a fact. i grew up among immigrants and that's my experience. it was a more german area tho, so that might have been crucial. the ghetto i've been working in was different, those turks were clearly more turkish than german.

>most of them are, that's just a fact
On the surface, yes. When it comes to morals and values they are entirely different.

Ironically, that's only the case on the surface. You obviously didn't grow up among immigrants.

Of course I didn't. But when I became an adult, moved to a bigger city, started university and went to class with two turks I realized.

well that's only two. i know a lot of really religious ones ofc, and in that "ghetto" i met a lot of really other strange ones. but growing up among immigrants taught me that most of them are really just like you and me. they might not eat pork and some of them go to mosque every friday, but most are literally just like you and me. at all, they are more conservative in some points, than your average white guy.
this is a stupid argument tho, believe what you want, i won't judge you. it's just my personal experience.