Holy shit this looks like absolute garbage
>inb4 have sex
>inb4 have
>inb4 don't have sex
>inb4 incel
"Unicorn Store" directed by Brie Larson
Other urls found in this thread:
engage in coitus
Is brie cute or nah ? I can't decide
Femcel: The Movie
Have sex
Don't have sex
Used to be, hit the wall hard.
Of course it's garbage. A woman that tried being a singer
Tried being an actress'
Tried to lecture white men
>Failed and the entire world including minorities hate her
Now she's trying to be a director? What the fuck do you think is gonna happen?
What the fuck was that? Samuel L Jackson still taking every check that comes his way
Captain marvel may have pissed off some virgins but it didn't fail
Enjoy my post you pisshawk
It's a MARVEL movie of course it didn't fail, but Brie as an actress is a failure.
Damn son you really hate her
To restate this comment. I'm saying she has no acting ability, she has no range, no emotion.
Financially she's better off than 99.9% of this entire site.
Look at those soulless eyes.
Is her character suppose to be a female incel??
Do girl incels like unicorns the same way guy incels like superhero movies?
Best Picture Winner not "costumes"
I remember the scene where she was taking pictures in Kong Skull Island, she had the fakest smile.
I want to work in construction with her
i've had sex and i still can't believe this woman is 29 years old!
>Ultimate Clown Bukkake
Perform intercourse.
That woman seems so sad, deep inside. Like a little girl that never had childhood not any struggle, except daddy issues.
That plot about a girl who wants an unicorn is basically her life. A little girl that never had any dream, so she tries to create some.
I think Brie Larson is a sad woman.
Have feed, Chuckcel.
She used to be happy once.
I think what made her bitter was a combination of her father leaving her home when she was 10, and her singing career failing, which is probably what she actually wanted to do, and not acting.
Why didn't anybody save her, lads?
You're probably right, yeah.
I'm not trying to judgemental tho. That was just some personal thought.
*to be
She comes off as a sociopath, that's why she doesn't show any emotion. I don't understand how is she getting roles. I mean I understand how Jennifer lawrence and Scarjo got there. But Brie Larson is a fucking mystery.
>i've had sex
If you want to go by critical success instead of commercial, she has an Academy Award for Room. What criteria are we judging success by?
She's in Hollywood now, she's a cumdumpster for the jews. (which probably added to her hatred of men)
She's far gone.
have sex
Holy shit, a fragile white male insulted her and BASED NETFLIX dabbed on him
She has worked with BODEN and FLECK, put some respect on her name
It really triggers me how unrealistic those paint marks are, there's no way you'd get paint on you like that from regular painting.
This movie premiered in 2017
stop being so fucking mad you incels
engage copulation
>"A-user, please...!"
Despite those numbers being obviously faked they still are not anything special. What matters in movie world is not the grand total sum that is made it is the margins. So if we are to believe completely the numbers they are giving us Captain Marvel had a production budget of 152 million and lets say around 98 million marketing budget for a nice round 250 million. Well, its basically made 4 times its money back. Which isn't that great honestly when you think about it for a 250 million dollar investment that certainly took the time span of several years. Most investors look for a minimum of 5 times return on their money no matter what kind of investing it is. But film lately has been going through a period where the movies are costing more and more and more and yes the spectacle has become something so much greater. But the people working on the films (not including the actors- their costs are a huge part of the problem) the people who work on the films make less and less.
Look at Jordan Peele's 'Us'. Its well on its way to making a very healthy return. Budget, was probably around 30 million including marketing. Its already made 120 million. So there is 4x return right there and I'm sure it will be still profitable for the next couple weeks.
>premiered in 2017
How shit is it that had to be hidden for 2 years and thrown on Netflix? Goddamn.
Looks like The Room but not funny, not for me
>sO mUcH diVeRsiTy
>I'll direct a movie starring myself
Jesus Christ, this just screams trying to hold on to what's left her youth as she approaches 30. She needs to realize she looks way too old to play the cute, naive young adult. It just comes off as some aging woman going "look at me I'm still young right!" which shouldn't be happening until she's like 40 or 50
She isn't
In a John Travolta sort of way . . . . . .
she looks like that bitch from the morgue with fart face. i don't have the photograph saved so i cannot post it but you know to whom i am referring.
>"Directed by"
Oh my fucking God HAHAHAHAHA
hot af in scott pilgrim and gross in everything else and now hitting the wall at 9,001 miles per hour
just don't watch it lol
Fuck no I'm not watching it, I'll still have this thread open and laugh at her fat fucking face though BITCH
No one's falling for your bait, Brie.
I bet you unironically think this looks good
Man, I really dislike seeing Samuel Jackson in albums
Jesus christ, that premise and that trailer is the most fucking shit thing I've ever seen spewed out of Netflix. What's so special about it? Nothing about it seems remotely interesting int the slightest and made me internally throw up. I can't stand it.
I really like that she has a black boyfriend and Indian best friend, lots of stuff you can explore there
The fact that its Brie Larson means nothing. Women are not visual. Women can't direct.
dude seems to pick roles that allow him the goofiest possible outfits these days
so this is what it must feel to be a women
searching for dilemmas and problems in your life altho you dont have any
so you come up with identity crisis and shit.
the older I get the more i tend to hate women like her.
"hihi im a princess and my life is hard"
>Women can't direct
Have you considered forming a beneficial and meaningfully interactive relationship with the opposite sex to wash away all that toxicity circling inside your veins?
Can someone give me a picture of her and her black boyfriend at the time?
>shows the whole film in 2minute trailer
She literally looks like John Leguizamo in the OP. She’s gross.
>Women can't direct.
>American Psycho
Is her character on the spectrum in this movie?
Vast majority of time this is true, but Leave No Trace was absolute kino.
I'd say she's moderately acute, yes.
Not sure what it is about her exactly. I feel like she can be way more attractive/cute/whatever if she wants to, but purposefully doesn't wanna portray herself in such a light.
Can't say it's any different for most of the current Hollywood actresses though. Just look at Scarlett Johansson, she's practically a man at this pont.
>Tried being an actress'
Wins an Academy Award, stars in a movie that is going to gross over a billion.
Hold up is she the female Jonah?
Jackson's seventy, and he's made bank. Dude doesn't give a fuck any more as long as he gets to have fun.
>Loots of good actress refusaed the role
>She'll be trapped in capeshit the next 10-12 years
Other than small roles or villains no good actor will be in capeshit for Disney
To me it seems more like she's socially inept in some situations, but I wouldn't go as far as to say she's socio or is trying to be that way.
Some user posted this the other day and I think she sounds pretty normal here, certainly more so than a lot of other drones in the industry. Granted, this was 2013 so a lot could have changed since then.
user, actors first and foremost act to make money. They gotta eat. Anyone who tells you they only do it for the art is either lying or has already made bank.
She's already got an oscar under her belt, now it's time to rake it in. She's gonna make more money than most actors will ever see in t heir lives.
>An oscar
Wow, the campaigning her producers did was really something special, congrats to them. What does that have to do with her acting ability?
Go home user.
Go suck the shit out of her asshole some more, user. user, she will never love you, user.
>What does that have to do with her acting ability?
Her acting ability in Room was more advanced than what most actors in the MCU could pull off desu.
why's she so cute bros? :3
>black character introduced
>within 7 seconds in the trailer him and the white woman are holding hands
For fucks sake can someone take a tally of this on netflix already
unless she looks like THIS, she can fuck off
woah that's a nipple
Telling incels to have sex is like telling cripples to stand up and walk. They're involuntarily celibate because they are handicapped in the looks department. Attacking an incel is literally a hate crime against the disabled.
>looks department
Don't fall for that meme. Look at people like RSD Tyler and other PUA gurus. Looks aren't everything.
Girls taking pictures is my fetish
This movie has been out for over a year. It turned up on Netflix recently and now buttmad pol plebs are shitting up tv with treads of it.
>I want to work in construction with her
Doing construction with women is underrated.
Yeah but they don't look like this guy. No one who looks like an Oblivion guard is getting laid no matter how nice their personality is.
Incel’s primary problem is they refuse to date within their league. They could easily bang some fat chick but they want Emma Stone.
LMFAO is that thanos cum on her face??? end game leaked??? ahhaahha lmoooo get btfo cucks
Brie is definitely cute enough to love.
There's a nuclear option you're forgetting: Hookers.
I've still seen uglier people than pic related, but what I was trying to get at is that most people look just okay, and just okay is fine if you can back it up with other shit.
Obviously, the hunchback of Notre Dame isn't getting laid anytime soon unless he's filthy rich, but even that's a method one could employ if he's so desperate to lay with a woman.
>implying you wouldn't
Exactly. It's a heartless incel-style joke directed back at incels. A taste of their own medicine. That's why it's funny.
Based Edgar. I love this guy.
>incels snap because women are cruel to them
>women decide to be even more cruel to incels
Let me know how that works out for you.
Old Hag™
Edgar directed her in Scott Pilgrim lol.
Women arent cruel to incels. Other men are cruel to incels.
There are no women on Yea Forums, in any case and women in general are far too empathetic to be cruel to the disabled.
why the fuck would anyone choose to bang a fat chick? that's like eating a turd and saying "hey, at least I ate something hahah, EAT THAT YOU INVOLUNTARILY STARVING CHILDREN IN AFRICA"
I'd take her over Emma Stone.
>t. has never met a woman
>has never met a woman
Because that's your level. You must understand your level. It's either that or stay lonely forever.
Have anal sex
>I'd choose her over Emma Stone
I feel sorry for your dick.
Stopped scanning right there
that's no valid argument. You wouldn't eat shit even if you were starving. You must be either female or completely retarded to suggest someone enjoy jizzing his genetic code into the human equivalent of a bag full of diarrhea
This trailer, I believe, finally cemented the fact that I am a grouchy old man at 33. Thing is while I was watching it the same phrase kept screaming in my head over and over again: "GROW THE FUCK UP". That's all I was hearing. Every single moment of this trailer infuriated me to no end because it's not even a coming-to-age story. It's about a woman nearing her thirties that still has not grown the fuck up and refuses to understand that not everyone is lucky enough to make a career out of a hobby and instead of finding something of worth job wise she is going to "fight the system!" to bring hope and love and all this other tripe bullshit only adult-children want to see.
I've only seen boys and men making fun of the handicapped or mentally challenged, for example. You never see women doing that.
Women are literally by nature much more empathetic than men.
When it comes to lonely virgins they do empathize as long as you're innocent. When they discover that you're a violent, racist and sexist lonely virgin then they can no longer understand or share your feelings.
Me too desu, but Emma is overrated in general I think.
>Back in the 90's where no one cared if you were black, white, man, or woman: they judged things on how good it was
I missed those times. Take me back user. Take me back.
>You wouldn't eat shit even if you were starving.
Shit isnt food.
Fat women are still women with vaginas that are capable of loving and caring and cooking and sucking.
Why Western women always rebel in the same way by sleeping with niggers?
Yeah and it's the only time she was tolerable to watch
Yes, she has a pretty face here. I know.
Even the early to mid 00's. Remember when Michael Clarke Duncan was cast as Kingpin? No one really gave a shit, granted the movie was whack, but his performance wasn't poorly received.
You can't get away with that shit anymore.
Pretty soon love interests are gonna disappear from movies entirely as to not offend anyone's personal sexuality, or lack thereof.
you're fucking retarded. there is no point procreating with shit genes, especially if you already have shit genes to begin with. it's disgusting on a genetic primordial level. the logical result of that would be an absolute abomination of a child who would become even more of a degenerate outcast.
that's complete horse shit, women will only pretend to empathize when it benefits them socially. stop living in fantasy land
also, tits or gtfo
Back then they were casting for the character and honestly skin color didn't matter. I'd even argue that MCD's Kingpin was more true to the comics than Netflix's as MCD was intimidating as fuck in that role and not some toddler trapped in a grown man's body. Now they cast just for the "diversity" quota and it pisses me the fuck off.
As far as the love interest goes that isn't going away any time soon. Just look at the god damn Pokemon movie coming out: Replace the white main character from the game, make him black, and toss in "sassy" white girl to act as the "will they, won't they" angle. It's horseshit.
I knew a guy who was fat af. Not necessarily disgusting or bad looking, just fat af. He told me a hooker rejected him because of that once, so there's that.
This. I want her in that outfit domiating the fuck out of me. Anything else is a no.
>there is no point procreating with shit genes
You're only saying their genes are shit because of their weight. Not even considering that they may have redeeming qualities unrelated to weight that they can pass on to offspring.
And there is a point in procreating. Your genes either die with you or they live on. If you keep targeting partners you can never mate with then your line will end with you and you will have failed in life and be eliminated.
On the other hand, you could have a child with a less physically desirable woman that goes on to contribute greatly to humanity.
No it isnt horseshit, its absolutely 100% true.
Well you can control fat. So if that's the only problem then lose the weight and try again.
>your line will end with you and you will have failed in life and be eliminated.
Says who. What do I care. I'll be dead and not give a damn
>t. female psychotherapy student
fuck off
Why do women press their tits together in pics like these? Not complaining, but I just feel like I'd be self-conscious if I actually had a pair myself.
>What do I care. I'll be dead and not give a damn
Well you're an evolutionary dead end then. Because believe it or not most people are biologically driven to care. If you dont then you have no reason for even being here.
Nature definitely wouldn't want you here if instead of finding and mating with lonely women you went off and killed other people. Then you're just doubly pointless.
They're just embracing and smiling. It's not a conscious or sexual thing.
You're delusional. Women can be far more cruel than any man ever could be.
I want to take a shower with Brie
Just a shower user?
That's only the perspective of an incel whose world view is warped considerably and inherently sexist.
Yes, women CAN BE cruel, but they usually aren't. When comparing the levels of empathy in women vs men there is no contest - women are biologically more empathetic.
Well...huh...no, not only a shower. I admit it.
how dare you patriarchal incels think that she's flirting with you. She's just doing that to look cute for her friends and she doesn't want your leering male gaze.
Whatever you say my guy.
Mmmm yes, the deny, the contempt makes it even more exciting
me on the bottom
But...I'm already there
enjoy your capeshit
>I remember the scene where she was taking pictures in Kong Skull Island, she had the fakest smile.
She’s ugly, and not in a s y way. In OP she looks 40.
Brie failed, not the MCU. She’s one of the most hated characters.
That all she does? Just stare?
Stay mad incels.
please spare me with your pseudo-scientific esoteric pseudo-Darwinism, you're just making yourself look stupid
pretty hot there desu
Why the fuck would you think fucking a hooker would make an incel hate women less?
Do you think pussy is fucking magic or something?
I liked her in this shot. It's the slight eye shadow I think.
>Do you think pussy is fucking magic or something?
It can be, occasionally.
I'm not saying an incel would stop hating women if he paid for a hooker, what I'm saying is that if someone's desperate to get laid, there are options out there.
>what I'm saying is that if someone's desperate to get laid,
it's not about putting your peepee in a vagina. It's about feeling loved and appreciated by another person
She's slightly below average. If I was desperate and 40 years old, I'd probably fuck her. Come to think of the toe fungus, I probably wouldn't. Maybe if I was 60 and couldn't get any other pussy.
What is this voice splicing at 1:44?