Movies for this feel?

Movies for this feel?

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why are her fingernails painted different colors?

would've stole a slice desu the pizza is still good it's on paper

she's wacky like that

If this was in New York then the cardboard box tastes better than the pizza.


that mascot is offensive

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Bacteria travels up from the ground, that pizza is fucked. Completely covered in dirt, shit, and piss particles by that point

>Bacteria travels up from the ground
Bacteria fly thourgh the air you fucking brainlet


what are the toppings on that 'za

cast him

Kek, I just now notticed big nig is playing the shitty remaster of SH3. Poor guy.

>shit and piss
where do you live that the train/subways have pee and poop on the floor?

autism knows no race color or creed

anybody saved the drawing of pizza girl and the goth guy with a bitch ass crow

Are millennials really that narcissist? Instead of telling her about the pizza they take pictures for their shitty Instagram likes.


i'd still eat it.

She overheard Karen from finance talking about pegging her husband so she decided to spice up her life a little also

>Bacteria travels up from the ground

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Me too, but what would you do with the pizza?

Pizza time.

People walk into public restrooms which are covered in shit and piss particles(everytime a toilet is flushed that bacteria flies out 20 feet) then they walk into the train.

the monitor isnt even facing him, how can he see shit?

>waking up sleeping strangers on the train
thats how you get stabbed or peppersprayed, user

5 second rule still applies


leaves and twigs it looks like


>Using public transport ever
lmao @ poorfags

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r u s t i c

Attached: Gordon-Ramsay.jpg (615x923, 74K)

NYC subways are disgusting.


this is what Heatherfags look like

how about just coughing / sneezing / pretending you're on the phone really loud in her direction, you don't need to touch her

>driving in Boston or NYC

Have fun with that.

i'd take it home and throw it in the oven for at least another 10 min. i like my pizza crispy, it looks raw in that pic.

insanely based

>Living in Boston or NYC
Have fun with that

PT is fine depending on the situation.
I have a car but I only used it to get to work when I wasn't working in the center of the city.
Now it's just too much of a pain to deal with the traffic and my work only has 4 bosses for everyone including the Director so I'd have to pay out the ass for parking.

I instead take the train.
Lets me relax and drink a coffee at my own pace.

>that pic
pic related, perfect summary

Attached: pity women.jpg (596x544, 126K)

>sit next to her
>sneeze and cough repeatedly into her face until she wakes up
Is this what it's like to not be a millenial

why SH3? there are better games to play on public transport.

Is there a generator in the bag behind the Xbox? Because it needs mains voltage along with the monitor right?

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I guess the 5 second rule could apply here even if it did touch the actual ground without that paper filter thing. the bottom of the pizza should be pretty dry

5 second rule only applies to some things. you drop something like a glazed donut on the ground it's over.



>someone has stealthily stolen a piece of the pizza already

As expected of americans!



My brother dropped his subway on the ground once and still ate it, the animal.

What makes you so sure that it was an American tourist in London who stole the pizza? Seems like a big leap

New York city home of the piss and shit

Pizza hasn't touched the floor; touching that grease paper.
It's all goo

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Are there any movies that take place entirely on subways?

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not only has she fallen asleep and let her pizza almost touch the filthy floor (saved only by a thin sheet of paper), but you're proposing to cough and sneeze on it to add-in salt to injury? that's low, man

get off Yea Forums paulie

>Lets me relax and drink a coffee at my own pace.
Sounds pretty gay

Based Nigger

me on the left

Some trains have outlets you can use

op's pic isn't from america
>add-in salt to injury
made me chuckle

subway is the name of a fast food restaurant franchise

get your brother to post here, he sounds like a good dude

I'm right though you dumb fuck

a chuck falls in love with a sneed

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me on the right

Lol I will you dumb hick.

>bacteria are ants

I would so follow her out of the station to her home and you know

Oh, that's weird.

at least that 'za has a proper thin crust

Attached: thincrust.jpg (842x424, 52K)

stop manspreading

this nigga carries 2 duffle bags and a backpack everywhere he goes

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You are trying to make some point here but they basically are tiny insects

people sneeze and cough on me all the time in public transportation....

an epsiode of Seinfeld

Same, I really love scaring the shit out of people, is there a monkey nature reason for it?


you call that a 'za? now THIS is a 'za

Attached: chi za.png (500x333, 272K)

thank you

I would if it wasn't for my huge cane

cast her

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Imagine the smell.

someone post that webm of the russian dude who drops a bottle at an atm and it sprays all over him

Attached: 1520198671190.webm (352x640, 2.89M)

that may be, but civilized people cover their mouths

assless wonder

Watch it, shoelaces are disgusting.

Ahh yes, the handiwork of The Architect

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why won't you do it?

How does she have a negative ass?

What American cities are safe to use public transport in?
I would like to travel there some day but would prefer not to be raped and killed by niggers.

I don't have it

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I could go for a pizza

dare I say he is living the dream?

get it then?

public transport is a calculated risk in every american city of note.