Boy... you're gonna carry that weight

Boy... you're gonna carry that weight...

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Other urls found in this thread:

We will watch the mama ocra for you Richard "beebo " Russell AKA skyking.

+++ RIP +++

this guy didn't achieve anything by obliterating a plane, and left behind his wife and children. the weird following he has is stupid

Wow you seem really smart and cool.

His wife was a cunt that caused him to fuck up move away from what he wanted and helped him shit up his life, leaving the kid with a single mother is the only wrong thing he did

I think about this guy every single fuckin time I go to work.

He's like a figure of high literature. Like a philosophical argument. He'll never know his international impact, and that hurts me deeply.

It's sad.

Sky King is blessing us with dubs

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someone give me a quick summary of this please

Guy killed himself with a stolen plane and Yea Forumseddit latched onto it with anime memes and “manly tears”

Events women will never understand.

really is a sad story, guy just wanted to fly a plane before he died

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Guy who hated his life and job snapped one day and stole a commercial jet. He flew it around with no training other than video games, doing crazy shit like barrel rolls. He was in contact with air traffic control the whole time, in the midst of realizing there was no going back. He eventually decided the run the gas out and slam it into an island, killing himself.

I wonder what it felt like, in that sunset, to pull back on that stick among the clouds, watching the horizon line slip by as the plane came over. Seeing the water rushing towards him, doubtful of whether or not he was going to make it. He only made that roll by a few degrees, it must have been the most exhilarating moment of his whole life, that altitude would've felt like kissing the water. It must have felt like destiny, the plane practically skimming the water, surrounded by the hills of the nearby islands, slingshotting back out for that right bank he made afterwards on all the speed he built up coming down. He clearly didn't expect to live "I was kinda hoping that'd be it, you know?" It must have felt like a rebirth, total willingness to die, complete commitment to cause, not expecting to avoid the water, and then, incomprehensible exhilaration. Then, only a few minutes later, he crashes into an empty island. Going out on the high note of his existence. In the moment of the image that is used as his symbol, he is pulling back hard through a bank after that roll, I'm certain he has the biggest smile on his face, and that he felt totally free. Nobody can copycat what he did, because he did it on total faith, with no expectation of outcome. Rich was just a man trying to live, others would just be men trying to be Rich.

He didn't crash. He was shot down.

>i got a lot of people that care about me
>its gonna disappoint them that i did this

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He didn’t go up there to die. He went up there to live.

To be fair his wife was more than likely cheating on him and thr baby probably wasnt his.

Reminder that he is probably in hell now

non-white poster

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He was a selfish asshole. Fuck him.
It wasn't a jet.

>I think about this guy every single fuckin time I go to work
What do you do, user?
He gets mentioned at my work all the time. He's revered. We work with aircraft kek
Nice dubs


well put

He got to live the dream if only for half an hour. I bet he could tell that mixed baby wasn't his.

A man heard a baby ocra was in trouble so he stole a plane to save it but he ran out of fuel and crashed.

What's really wild is he never actually flew a plane before, he just did a bunch of those really realistic flight simulation programs and learned how to do it in his spare time

White Man of the Century

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>psssh, nothin’ personnel loser

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oh i see, that justifies everything!
instead of doing something better just crash a plane lmao
you guys are delusional

Cast it.

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>h-he destroyed c-company propertyy!!
Eat shit bootlicker, only a drone like you would feel threatened by a human acting like a human

Owen Benjamin as Skyking

Government shill go away

Life is too sweet. Bitch wife is no reason to kill yourself.

The barefoot bandit was a badass.


Kind of exposes that life really is just a fucking rng. The only reason he was doing what he did instead of being a pilot is because the ratio of bag handlers to pilots has to be maintained

Is that what happens when NPCs become self aware?


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A man doing a sucessful barrel roll on a stolen plane on his first try while being chased by jets over the sunset, almost touching the water.
This is quite literally the climax of an action movie. Can't believe it actually happened.

No better way to announce you're a brown third worlder

But he died. To Live? Tell the bitch wife to fart in my mouth while shooting up with crystal meth---I'd be livelier than a mosh pit at a death metal lollapalooza.

>"i should just take care of the baby that isnt mine from my wife who cheated on me"

Onions boys are just as bad as single moms which ironically is usually where they come from.

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Everybody dies. Are you a woman?

Pure kino

Have sex incel

I'm not a defeatist. I'm a live(er), and you appear to be a die(er).

probably a roastie, son.

Reminder that "suicide=mega-evil UltraInstinct sin that sends you to Hell" isn't anywhere in the Bible.

Guy certainly had talent. But starting an airplane is a lot less complicated than you'd think and these simulators really get as close as it gets to the real thing. Hell, you could prolly learn it by watching youtube.

t. In flight school

The plane itself is especially kino, pure geometry.


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The absolute mad lad

the biggest guy

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The cinematography and color choice for his incline out of the roll is too perfect. Hats off to the camera-man

fucking kek

>Man, the sights went by so fast. I was thinking, like, I'm going to have this moment of serenity, take in all the sights. There's a lot of pretty stuff, but they're prettier in a different context.

a work of art

While this was going on I was following it on Yea Forums while at Meow Wolf in Sante Fe. It was a random stop on my pre-midlife crisis cross country trip and at that point the furthest I ever had been from home. I was connecting with the Sky King and he was in my thoughts for the next week while I continued my journey.

It's too good, it makes me tear up out of sheer astonishment

Bob Hoover would have been proud.

Fucking beautiful.

the basedest thing ever made


why dont you kill yourself then, doomer

the thing im wondering is would you guys still idolize this nobody if he ended up killing several innocent people when he crashed the plane?

>implying it's hard to fly a plane

did his wife really cheat on him?

He kind of proves that you don't need extensive higher education or a hold an officer's commission to be a pilot, just passion.
Unfortunately though the top brass in the good ol' boys club would never admit to it.

It was at least nice to see him prove them wrong.

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Wait does this mean the 9/11 pilots could have actually just been insane suicidal arabs. I always thought the fact whoever was driving the planes were able to do complicated things were a massive official story plothole.

>watching this while listening to Aphex Twin Rhubarb


Flying isn’t nearly as hard as you seem to think it is

The sophisticated parts about flying planes comes down to navigation, dealing with emergencies, and landing when you’re just starting out. Even your average sneedposter would be able to fly into the World Trade Center with no experience in a cockpit.

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Top 10 kino moments in all honesty

Yeah but it was more the fact that he had to corkscrew down with enough distance to still hit the towers. It took aviation knowledge that a random fucker from the middle east would never have, but at the same time, it would also take crazy knowledge to do a complete barrel roll and miss the water by what looks like less than 100 feet and he was just crazy suicidal.

His flying is too good, he was probably MKUltra'd

>Wh*te incel crashes an expensive aircraft and dies

>His flying is too good
He crashed his plane...

with no survivors

Seething pajeet mad that even in suicide white men are the most kino race

So at the end, why did he do that?

>Stole a plane
>Caused thousands of dollars worth of damage
>Could have killed hundreds
>Left behind a child and a loving wife
>Was extremely selfish
No wonder you incels worship him. You are all just as pathetic.

Maybe he just wanted to fly one time

it was probably insured

the german autist who crashed a plane full of people into the french alps was a selfish asshole, this guy on the other hand hurt no one

yeah kino way to die right?
sad you're gonna pay taxes for that

He also grounded dozens of planes and caused all of his coworker’s to have a shittier job

>but why?

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wtf he prob couldve landed safely in the ocean lol

wtf this dude had to be an alien or time traveler or some shit. no one just dies that happily lol

Great taste man.

>that first thought right after you lose your virginity

haha you nerds wouldnt know about that tho right?

Someone had to listen to him committing suicide. Does anyone ever think about that person?

>the Hindenburg explodes
>my god
>that poor announcer

>listening to Aphex Twin Rhubarb
>not A Stone in Focus
still pretty kino

There's a difference between watching a tragedy from a distance and failing in trying to talk a suicidal man out of committing the act

He seemed so relaxed about it it's honestly kind of uplifting in a way. Makes you feel like death isn't something you need to be scared of.

If talking to someone that is about to kill themselves is the most traumatic thing that this person has to figure out how to deal with then life's been pretty good. This is the type of thing that should break anybody.

this isn't* the type
nice job fucking up my whole point

Isn pay taxes if more people lived and died kino

Because choosing when you die is the greatest work of art anyone could create

>Destroying millions of dollars in private property in order to commit suicide is justifiable.
>Leaving behind a wife and kid.
>Not reprehensible
How about somebody burns down your house while they're inside as a method of suicide. Would that be "bad ass" or "epic"? I mean, it wouldn't be hurting anyone else, would it? You do have insurance, don't you?

Fuck off.

They're both selfish, you prick. Suicide is an inherently selfish act.

How dare he act according to his own will for once in his one life instead of remaining enslaved by others who give no shit about him?

true Beebo Kino

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Suicide done right can be an artistic triumph

>Suicide is an inherently selfish act.
So what's giving birth? I'm asking sincerely. Nobody chose to become alive.

Sometimes kino reflects life, and sometimes life reflects kino.

what tv show or movie is this again?

Who the fuck started this meme that he left a child?
Him and his wife were childless, and she pressured him to move away from his hometown and family to get closer to HER family.
That's literally all we know from his personal life, everything else is lies or speculation.

Oh no some brainless wagecucks got some extra paperwork because a guy decided to live for a single moment :((( what a monster :((((((

"""Unironically""" fuck this society. Can't collapse soon enough.

You'd have a point if he didn't have a child


Yeah guess it's another soiboy cuck raised by a single mother for this world. However big of a tragedy that is in the sea of zoomers already living under divorced parents, parents that should have divorced, and completely absent dads, it isn't as big as the inspiration that skyking's moment of free will spread across the world. It's unfair that his child will presumably suffer from his absence, but life isn't fair and full of suffering either way, especially in this day and age.

>life is following the rules perfectly at all times no matter what

Imagine that for a second, a world of robots going about doing the "right" thing at all times, nothing out of the ordinary ever happens, sounds fucking awful to me.

Glad we welcome NPCs here now.
Answer this if it doesn't require too much processing power :)

>implying he couldn't go to flight school and become a pilot
>implying he couldn't go skydiving or ride a rollercoaster if he wanted a thrill
Plenty of people "live life", and the funniest part is that they're all NPC normies. Only losers like this faggot don't live their lives, and hold themselves back to the point that they snap and do dumb shit like this. The other planes he grounded were full of people traveling, either for business, family or fun (i.e. - living their lives).

To become a comercial pilot in a plane like that takes at least a decade he did the right thing and chose when he wanted to die and how on his own terms mother more free than that

What does any of that have to do with stealing an aircraft and intentionally destroying it to commit suicide? Are you trying to say that because people have agency, I should celebrate when they do objectionable things? What a stupid line of reasoning. Would you thank me for punching your face?

I don’t mind if people steal aircraft or government vehicles as long as the don’t harm anyone I don’t even mind if the rob banks

>You don't just 'go' to flight school specially if you are working full time on a minimum wage.
Also there's no such thing as vertical promotion from baggage handler to pilot.
Plus, every single hiring policy at Alaska Airlines favoured minorities first and foremost.
Just google 'Alaska Airlines Minority'.

So fucking naive. If people really could follow their desires that freely we wouldn't be anywhere near the despair and frustration we currently experience. Keep living in your own bubble world where there are no inner circles, no nepotism, no "affirmative action", no rat race, anyone can do whatever they please right?

Guess he just wanted a thrill. Us men, huh? Real thrillseekers. Sometimes we want meaning so much it drives us retarded, so unlike those enlightened and rational types, living life by the rules, going on vacations with their family twice a year, maybe take a sick day every once in a while even though you're not really sick, maybe even say the n-word to your wife during bedtime to keep things exciting, nah just kidding that's illegal, us men just like to keep things spicy you know? Sometimes we go a bit too far though. Why did he have to hijack a plane? He could have just done a base jump or something. What a dumbass.

Based that poster sounds like a naive baby boomer


Have sex.

>I don't care if people steal and destroy property... as long as it's not mine.
You're a mental midget.

As long as it’s government property or harming government officials I don’t care if it’s the average joes I do

He realised how fucked the average person is, how absurd reality is, and he went out in spectacular fashion without harming anybody.

I hadn't thought about him in about a month but I was very affected when it happened. He made me feel like I wasn't alone, and that many "normal" happy people feel exactly like I do.


Really not getting the point man.

Don't mind if I do!

I accept your surrender.

He didn't have to become a commercial pilot. He could've done anything. There are brown people that come from literal shitholes that eek their way to become doctors in the US. He had all of the opportunity to do whatever he wanted.
What he really wanted was to commit an exciting crime, go out in a blaze of glory, and create headlines. He got exactly what he wanted, but what he wanted wasn't to "live life", it was a narcissistic display of rebellion for an hour of euphoria and adrenaline. If people want to live their lives, and achieve worthwhile goals and dreams, I don't suggest looking to this guy for motivation.

Oh, boo hoo, Alaska lost their shitty Canadian plane that's insured at twice its value. No one was hurt in the process. What ever will they do now?
Besides, there's a big difference between breaking into a house and stealing compared to this situation.

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you don't need the pilot's license for when things are working as intended, it's when shit hits the fan you need the training. commercial airline planes can fly on their own nowadays, people just feel safer with a human pilot playing angry frogs on their phones for 3 hours, occasionally looking up.

Sometimes you just gotta go out on your own terms and that is real freedom

That OBJECT he destroyed gave meaning to his life, something many people who spend their entire lives hounding property never achieve. It has fulfilled its purpose.

Oh what, it delayed some normies flights? Gave a bit of a headache to the higher ups? Made the quarterly revenue a fraction of a fraction smaller? Boo fucking hoo. None of those things matter at all. None of them even come close to meaning. Actions have consequences, what a shocker in this clown world we're living in, right? But the action that man took held more meaning than whatever automaton distractions you label as bad its consequences were.

there is no innocence; only degrees of guilt.

The aircraft wasn't government property, you idiot. He also put a lot of people's lives at risk with his stupid shit.
>But nobody got hurt
A lot of people don't get hurt when somebody gets all boozed up, but manages to drive home. It doesn't mean it's okay or "harmless."

>As long as it belongs to somebody else, it's okay.
That's your entire argument.

Or massive corporations property I have no problem never said it was harmless it was artistic and sublime

>BRO! It was, like, art, man!
How about somebody smashes a tanker truck into your house as a method of suicide. That explosion would be really pretty, huh?

Imagine creating affirmative action, literally requiring buisnesses having hiring quotas for blacks, lowering test standards for their entry into colleges, spending double what white schools get per student on black schools, even going out of your way to produce media for them in order to give them role models and they STILL not only resent you but ruin your neighborhoods and murder each other at rates comparable to african war zones

What else are we to do

the plane was insured who cares. we got kino out of it

>the malfunctioning NPC going ballistic that property was destroyed

>That's your entire argument.
No, no it's not. Theft is wrong.
But the law should take into account the mentally ill; killing yourself certain means he's mentally ill.
I'm saying that all things considered everything ended okay. Alaska won't take a big hit, nobody died (outside Beebo), etc.

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Bluepilled faggot. Keep glazing over crisis with reductions like "narcissistic display" to conveniently deny that maybe there's a deeper issue at play.

If somebody committed self-immolation within your house, would you be okay "because it's insured. Who cares?"

It would be more beautiful than a 1000 sunsets after midnight the tanker ripping across middle class consumerism into the heart of the suburbs, shaking it putting the immency of death and existence

But you're glorifying his selfish act. People here are saying that what he did was honorable, justified, and something to aspire towards.

It's none of those. It was selfish, albeit amusing.


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Retard. I was way less well off than this guy. I studied hard and am relatively successful. Guess what? Even though I live the right way I also seek thrills. Go hunting, vacationing, find a profession you can enjoy. Maybe a base jump doesn't do it for you, then fly a plane. There are plenty of ways to go about this. I'm a non affirmative action minority with a good career that allows me to travel the country on company money, I worked hard and planned ahead. He was too stupid and lazy to do it the right way and acted stupid and lazy to the very end. Typical of Millenials his (and my) age seeking instant gratification without putting in the work.

There's always a way user.

What's stopping you from finding your own paintbrush and leaving a lasting scar across a community?
You're too big of a pussy to kill yourself, but love to romanticize others doing it. You're a worm.

Yes if a tanker truck smashed into my house blowing it up, it would be artistic and I would love it

The call of the void is unique to people of higher intellect;
You clearly don’t know what you’re missing out on.

Skyking answered the call.

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>went out in a literal blaze of glory

>But you're glorifying his selfish act. People here are saying that what he did was honorable, justified, and something to aspire towards.
Not glorifying. We're saying we get it. We know why you'd want to.
Nevertheless, take a look around. The average person here isn't the poster child for having a sound mind.

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>How about somebody smashes a tanker truck into your house as a method of suicide. That explosion would be really pretty, huh?

God I wish that were me

Please redpill me on what this "deeper issue" is. I'm dying to hear it.

as long as nothing i cared about personally was inside when it happens

His way was a spectacular death that he choose, it was like a greek tradegy. It showed the pitiful existence of humans it was the most human thing I have seen

I fucking wish

You don't seem to understand the concept of a beautiful death, must be a woman

But, but like, my ad hominems and convenient anecdotes and obsessive attachment to material reality...

Why even bother talking to these NPCs man. They don't read a single word you write, they're not even capable of the language.

we all have a few screws loose, RIP in peace sky king

I love life but I know my Time is limited if I am to go out I only wish it could 1/10 spectacular as he did. I do paint but death is the ultimate insurance of an artist

>Asians low suicide count
good troll image

Yeah I bet your child would appreciate the concept of a beautiful death while spending his whole childhood without a father like that selfish prick.

If that is what you wanna do, I literally can't stop you or anyone like that. I wouldn't call it living life though, which was what the original post I responded to said.

That's for America. And, yes, in America they have very low suicide rates.
Keep in mind that it includes all asians.

He didn’t have a child and if my father chose to go out in a way that paralleled the beauty of a rising sun, or the sound of spring snow I could only be immensely proud that he found such beauty in darkness

so, daddy issues I take it?

>t spic
t. self hating spic

What you call life came from the post ww2 materialism and middle class your life is fishing and BASE jumping with beer runs and football with the boys

Young men's loss of meaning.

>Yea Forums - television & film
based Ku$hner moderation


That doesn't go against my point. It's what he wanted. I just don't think it's a meaningful thing to want, and it also happens to be a selfish act that endangers others who don't want to die.

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The plane man was a selfish coward. The real hero all of you know you should be looking up to is Brenton. Now there's a man that did incredibly selfless things and gave up the rest of his life to try and give people a little bit of hope.

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Classic fucking boomer with his hard work fallacy. That shit has no relation whatsoever to modern reality. Keep denying it. It's a natural relation to the futility of existence in the 2010s.

He didn’t want it he desired it. Your view of what is selfish is in a vacuum of a soccer moms opinion. His actions were like a bourgerau painting, a piece by listz,


That doesn't matter you literal brainless shitlords. He could have had a child, just like he could have easily crashed into innocent people's homes. Are hypotheticals too much for you to comprehend? So much for the higher intellect it takes to appreciate this narcissistic thrillseeking idiot.

WHat if he did? It would be tragic that he could bring so much death into it but it shows the impermanence of reality, the shade of self


What would you call life? What you described isn't perfect but to me it's better than an admittedly exciting, yet fiery death.
That's been an issue since the beginning of time. Every young man is restless, especially in the clean world we've created. He could've channeled that energy into something positive, but he chose self-destruction. It's not surprising that this happens, but it was still a selfish act that endangered others.

It doesn’t matter what would happen he showed us that pettiness of life. Like the taliban the are some of the finest artitsts that have existed

Nobody understand skyking because what he did was a genuine act of human emotion unmasked, something desk sitters will never understand

Life is a beer and a sports team with cheerleaders and a picket fence while you play golf with your bosses son

He could have also crashed and killed a hidden terrorist base
Oh look I sound like an unhinged retard too

i remember when i knew everything too

You just don't get it. In your fair world the energy a man puts in is equal to what he gets in return. In your world suicide rates aren't going up in an exponential rate. That's not the world we live in.

I know nothing

To be fair you need to be white to understand his struggle, shitskins are usually leeches of society a society that leeches from men like bebo

I guess by acknowledging that you really do know everything, so much so you get to disregard anything and anyone. Face it, most young men are fucked. They are fucked and no amount of hard work is gonna be hard enough to push against the gigantic tides working against them.


>That doesn't matter
yes it does, you lied, obviously you thought it mattered when you were saying it

tell me about this nine elevener
what did he do? i don't watch the news

>You're a worm.

tap z or r twice

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Of course you could argue that. It wasn't "logical". But he was afforded such a glorious demise by the hard work of the logical men who built the society that took care of him and invented and manufactured the plane that he used for his selfish act. I think what he did was selfish because he endangered others. You say that's soccer mom, I think it's what a moral man with a need to protect would feel.

I've lived it. Hard work (((with planning))) does still beget success. The system isn't perfect, but we need young men to work to fix it, not blow themselves up. Sounds like you just failed at life, or never even tried.

Was he a big guy?

>he left behind a kid!
He didn't have one
>but he could've!

>he could've hurt someone!
But he didn't
>but he could've!

>hurting somebody would be worse
>leaving behind a child would be worse
Holy shit, your brain is backwards. You seem to have a fetish for being useless and wasting space. You should just kill yourself and get it over with.

When he took the plane you were not looking a a young man, a worker , a husband, or son you were looking at yourself humans need to be Endangered to survive and thrive we have become flabby and miserable. A direct by product of success is apathy and apathy leads to death and the doom of man

>I have to ruin other people days/lives so i can have a bit of fun before i kill myself :((((((

He didn’t ruin anyone’s life

Point is your faggy hatred of him is based entirely on things that didn't happen because hypotheticals are the only way you can justify being such a woman.

off topic garbage bump

He ruined plenty of lives.

Reread his post user.

He revealed the shadow that lives with us

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You are genuinely incapable of imagining a life with an element of unfairness to it, even though the world is growing more unfair by the day. You keep touting morals and selfishness, but every action anyone takes is inherently selfish. Who are you to put your morals over another man? Who are you to deprive a man's choice of meaning in favor of your own preconceptions? It's all vanity, but you refuse to realize your own immature and contradictory philosophy. You will continue to deny me no doubt, to protect your own ego that you've already labeled as wise. You will never imagine that man who flew an airplane in the evening sky as content, king of the world, because you are incapable of understanding someone like that. Now ironic is that, that you should call him selfish?

That's the problem you stupid shit. He had a chance to bring that thing down on a mosque but pussed out. Fuck him and fuck these crybabies that wanna play at suicide talk but not actually kill themself.


You should write for anime, you have the makings of a poorly written philosophical villain that plays chess with himself.

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Why a mosque? Why not the nsa or a police station something more vile and evil

bless you for saying that

Human history is built on human sacrifice. Actions have consequences, that does not make the actors evil, just assertive, acting according to their own will.







Damn guess I've been blown the frick out. Better slather myself in irony to protect my shortcomings instead of try and have an honest conversation in order to grow as a human being.

So many moralfag posts

More like baby boomer pull up your boot straps and don’t break the law posts. Some moralfag posts see this as the last breath of freedom

Significantly less stressful than their day to day job. One extended casual chat with an actually happy man.

>Crash a plane
The fire rises incel

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Why am I gay for having a conscience?

>he can't turn the anime off
Tell me your thoughts on Brenton.

Moralizing a mans last moments of freedom are not having a conscience

Dude, you better stop calling me an anime or I'm gonna go full cringe on your ass.

guys what if
what if
hey guys
guys what if
a girl had the balls to do this
would we like her or call her a toasty roastie?

A woman wouldn't since they just want attention when making suicide attempts.

Fine we can talk just tell me your thoughts on Brenton compared to this faggot.

Based for ridding the world of muslims.


ahh I love this track. Good taste user

>memeing a tumblr post popularized through a Yea Forums greentext

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Grow a pair of dicks, incel.


>listening to Aphex Twin Rhubarb
>listening to A Stone in Focus
>not Lichen
It's the most fitting out of all of the above

he was a big guy...for all of us

I was always partial to

This man knows EXACTLY what is up.

because its the only choice he had, he chose to die free.

>not dayvan cowboy

You're looking at apathy and the death and doom of man when you watch the skyking webms and you applaud it. Ironically, you are the apathetic one, while the rest of us are trying to make it work.
It's not unfairness that's the problem, it's the unnecessary danger. Life is unfair, society is imperfect. His unhappiness and lack of fulfillment at things that I may like is not unwarranted, but the way he went about it was selfish to the highest degree. Someone outworking and outstudying someone else to get to the top could be seen as selfish, but it's not in the same realm as what this guy did. What he did was spit in the face of human life.
He's basically a drunk driver who got himself and no one else killed, but because he went against society's DUI rules that he didn't agree with, you're calling him a hero.

>no bebop songs in this thread

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>(((private property)))
corporations dont deserve rights.

Can't believe no one has posted this yet.

The FBI negroes that shitpost on this website are getting tiresome. Skyking was a legend. He was the complete opposite of a terrorist. He just wanted to spread his wings and die his own way.

You seriously compare skyking to a drunk driver? You seriously continue to reduce him to elementary morals? As I said, you're incapable of understanding. There is no argument with you.

>Life is too sweet.
oh you sweet summer faggot.

>all this roast beef ITT

Imagine thinking some corporation is "hurt" because they lost a single airplane without passengers

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>It wasn't a jet.
That just makes his barrel roll even more impressive.


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>they're all NPC normies
which is why they're not alive.

Imagine tearing up over a someone who won the genetic lottery by being born a white man who then goes and throws all that privileged away. I can't think of anything more reddit than that.

tearing up what

This is the most reddit post I've ever seen

Just jump into the water dude roflmao


Guarantee that Chad has done a 360 on her at least twice.

...close my eyes....

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Why not? What other yardstick is there to measure a man but by their morals? To me, it sounds like your argument is that he made the most selfish decision, so he is someone to look up to. The rest of us pick and choose our selfish decisions to work within the group. I think the latter is the more noble way of life.

I can understand that the man must have felt bliss in his final moments, having broken his chains, but I don't understand why anyone other than him (such as yourself) admires it. If you want what he wants, then go kill yourself. Or am I still not understanding?

For you.

>he ended up killing several innocent people when he crashed the plane?
You what? He was alone on board.

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>losing an expensive commodity
>doesn't hurt the business at all
Yeah and I bet free healthcare and education would've solved his problems and prevented his suicide.

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how are there two mouse coursers

Excellent idea my dude, gonna pair this up with some Aphex Twin or Boards of Canada or something like that when I get home

Drop in the bucket for a commercial aircraft company

>what is insurance

Attached: 1511105188697.png (629x504, 36K)

>doesn't understand how insurance works

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>caring about corporate and government costs

Fuck their products and fuck the people that work for them

Literally why does anyone post any other tribute video but this one

yeah fuck everything am i right we want chaos not order

>is a socialist, in this glorious era of Trump

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Yeah I wonder why

It's not as good as
Brenton did it better though. Don't be so selfish, there are a lot of niggers that deserve to die don't just selfishly throw your life away.

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He didn't have a child you retard

Yeah he was a fucking loser that left nobody. Not having kids isn't a good boy point for this guy.

That ones too long imo but to eachs own I guess

unrelated but I love Trump. It's made my family holidays so much easier. I just have to say his fucking name and then they bicker with each other for hours. I hope he gets re-elected. Everybody is so god damn sure that he's ruining the country with no specific examples that it drives them crazy, they quit asking if I have a girlfriend and shit.

>man kills himself
>meh his tribute is longer than 2min not my thing but to each his own
Most zoomer post I've ever seen.

>eek thier way to become doctors
I want you to look up medical school applicants by race and the requirements for race.
You can become a doctor with like a free ride so long as you have a 2.5 GPA, but only if your melanin is in full production.

>cognitive projection

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>Wow, can you imagine this absolute enemy of capitalism who caused the flight insurance for billion dollar corporations to go up by 0.02% of their annual gross revenue, so that their owners were able to extract 0.005% LESS profit from the bottom line?

There is being in favor of capitalism over other economic systems, and then there is swallowing the balls of your corporate masters. You belong to the latter.

Huh. I guess melanin really does give them super powers.

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>romanticizing suicidal hijackers

grow up

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Sauce on this info? I can believe this for blacks and hispanics, but what about Indians and Asians?

So instead of seeking help for his depression he decides to steal a plane and have a cringey conversation with someone trying to help him and then he an heros. Wow my dudes he was so based and not reddit at all!

>when young white americans become the 9/11ers of the future
Yikes, but also poetic.


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I agree, should have smashed into a mosque.

There's a difference between suicidal and homicidal, user. Skyking was not the latter.

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What happened to the Indians in 2004?

>validating mentally ill faggots this hard
Bet you hate trans people too.

Based Rubberbandman

>uses "mentally ill faggots" unironically
>looks down his nose at transphobia

This is some next-level shitposting.

>bet you hate trans people
Not involved but doesn't everybody?

>h-he was selfish!!111!1

Threads like these really show how many fucking normalfag shits browse imageboards nowadays.

>the thing is would you guys still react the same way if something completely different happened


>it's bad that he left behind a (nonexistent) child
>it's bad that he didn't have a child to begin with
make up your god damned mind already you fucking retard

>can't greentext properly

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>nonwhites in the thread fail to understand true greatness

>Idolising a memelord manlet

>4channel is one person
Are you ok?

>muh jewish folklore
Kill yourself gullible faggot

He didn't fly so good

There's nothing great about being depressed. I bet that faggot would have been at home on /r9k/ posting >tfw faggotry. No wonder that faggot killed himself. What a faggot.

>you will never barrel roll with the sunlight and then skiing the water as you pull up magnificently and call it a day by plunging yourself into land
but why?

No, I can't find my perfume. Can you help?

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For you.

There is nothing great about being depressed, but there is something admirable about going out on your own terms. Most people are simply too weak to do it and live on as a shallow husk of theirselves.

Dood steals plane in major metro area, he says some funny shit, then “crashes” into a small island aka the fighter jets that were scrambled shot him down

is this the CHAD way of committing suicide?

No they didn't.