

Over here...

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Watch it, Sil. I seen it first

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jannie prick had the balls to tell me to post in /ck/, you believe that shit?

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I thought I told you to back the fuck off of meme posts!

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I did....then I put it in drive.

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I did.
Then I changed my ip.

whats the problem? its just a little bit of memes...

FUCKING (_______)!

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Nitrates? Ovah heeere

See, what'd I tell ya? Better hold on to your kyber crystals when negotiating with these dessert people.

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Watto's junk shop? Over there.

Chrissy! Somethings not right. I fell like were being watched! What da fuck was that!?!

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Vito was a come from behind kind of guy.

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You know, Quasimodo predicted this thread

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Great game or greatest game?

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Guys... not the face?

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Watch it, big puss!

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is that VTMB? the place you fight the sabbat?

I fed them bullshit, nothing. I would do nothing tony, nothing that would put you in harm's way. I'm telling you, this information shit is an effective technique, it's a freakin' ace!

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Ovah Heeeeeere!

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Yeah the snuff house

this same cocksucka janitor tells me not to post this image

can you believe the balls this guy has, and on top of it all he does it for free too

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That jacket is superfly

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that's the wojak i saved off rocco dimeo

cocksucker had the toughest reputation on Yea Forums but he never came back after i got through with 'em

what the FUCK AJ?

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>grey goose 325
how can anyone be stupid enough to pay that

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>6 dead
>only two actually deserved it

God damn this show

I think the only one you could make the argument for would be Ralphie. Everyone else had it coming.

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Are you telling me you wouldn't?

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I wasn't talking about that.
I meant deserve as in, of the 6 dead only two were such assholes that their death was actually good news for a casual brainlet viewer like myself.
Those two are Richie and Ralph.

Was it kino?

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These other guys are asleep..............

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>you see a mirage, you don’t hear it
Accurate to the show

How much do you weigh?


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>6 million? are you outta your fucking mind christopher? you believe that hebrew shit, I outta shove you in a oven

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ought to = oughta

Jesus christ. Mista, you okay in dare?

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