The most important kino of our generation
/Unplanned General/
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This movie should be illegal. There's a reason multiple channels banned commercials for it, this makes people uncomfortable. Janny, help here
Based and redpilled
Cringe and bluepilled
>this makes people uncomfortable
Oh noes
Should have titled it “God’s Not Dead But Your Baby Is.”
>one speck of cell on Mars is considered life
>fetus inside a womb is not considered a life
Alien life would be a game-changing scientific discovery. A first or second-term fetus is something that we see on Earth again and again, and at that stage of development, it's just an unthinking clump of cells, so it's not especially worth saving.
>There's a reason multiple channels banned commercials for it
is that true ? Woo Hoo corporate censorship.
Not an argument
Not an argument
Cringe and yikespilled
>if you get pregnant and you want to abort you must kill yourself
Imagine being against abortion
Imagine being for abortion
I can’t belive a girl with pink hair made decisions she regrets
Imagine thinking first and second trimester fetuses are the same as post-birth people
The movie is about a director of Planned Parenthood who got completely mind-fucked after actually seeing a real abortion performed live.
But anyway, should I see it? It’s not in very many kinoplexes in NY.
Can someone make a WHIRRRRR edit with a doctor and a fetus
God I love abortion
Fuck it why not. It will be all conservatives in the theater so it will be the best theater experience of your life
Yeah but she had had an abortion herself in the past and seeing it made her realize what an awful choice her right to choose was
G-goyim stop! We need the child sacrifices to sate moloch!
Happy Hanukkah
Imagine using a strawman in response to a phoneposter.
For what reason other than could you possibly be against abortion?
It's not true, but conservatives are insisting it is since it falls into their bullshit persecution narrative. It's the same people that insist Twitter is banning and censoring conservatives.
In reality, it's just a Christian indie movie with no marketing budget.
Libbys, what defines a human life?
Had pretty good crowds for Dragged Across Concrete and Apollo 11 recently.
I didn’t know that part.
I thought Jack admitted to the censorship
Babies are obviously human, but the larger point is that they're not 'people' in the metaphysical sense. Until about the beginning of the third trimester, their brains aren't developed and aren't really doing anything other than a few autonomic processes like pumping their hearts. They don't think. They don't have the cognitive machinery to feel pain or fear. Without our minds (and what 'we' really are is our minds), we're just empty husks, and that's what early fetuses are.
I'm against the pervasive notion among lawmakers that the end of the first trimester is the cut-off point where abortions are not permissible anymore unless there are other medical reasons for it. A month in, the central nervous system has already made significant strides in development. I don't know where personhood begins, but the current cut-off is way too late.
Morning-after pills are not murder, neither is cumming in a sock or having your period, this much I'm certain of. I think this is a topic that warrants more careful discussion.
Imagine thinking it's okay to kill a living thing because it can't speak English yet
Different posted but personally I’m much more worried about the mental damage to the adults involved than the fetuses being killed. I’d grudgingly accept the idea of someone having the choice, but the act needs to be much more discouraged in our society. There’s groups out there (such as Planned Parenthood branches) trying to push the idea that it’s some “normal” procedure, and it is blatantly not.
Based eugenicist
He did, several times under various guises
>they're not people because my definition doesn't include them so you have no right to say it's fucked up to murder children
One of the scary things about abortions is that alot of people survive them. In the process, you fuck a perfectly healthy person up for life because you're a selfish cunt
The fact that Planned Parenthood was mandating that they increase their abortion quotas (in particularly their late-term ones because you can charge the client more for those), when she thought she was working there to reduce the number of abortions, was another key factor in her leaving.
>but the larger point is that they're not 'people' in the metaphysical sense
Metaphysics isn't really concerned with personhood, but kudos for learning a big word.
>blaring fatass: "yur always gonna be a BABY KILLER!"
>smarmy dipshit: "these are little babies!"
>A month in, the central nervous system has already made significant strides in development
By sheer necessity, the early brain has to be able to drive the heart at a very early stage, but there's no higher brain activity until about the 20 week mark. This is really tangential, though, because the important thing is that you and I are on the same page about the stage of the nervous system being an important decider in where the cutoff point should be. I hope you'd agree that you and I shouldn't be the ones deciding that cutoff and that we should leave it up to scientists.
Strawman. My opinion on the subject is based on the result of research into embryonic development. Until near the end of the second trimester, fetuses don't have higher brain activity.
The 'mental damage' adults incur as a result of abortion is largely a result of right wingers preaching telling them that they're murderers. If we calmly accepted that abortion isn't murder and that fetuses aren't people, it wouldn't be quite so traumatic. It's still oftentimes a physically traumatic procedure, but that's about it.
Strawman. Not a eugenicist.
Not really an argument. If you take issue with my definition, explain why.
>I am Carrie Fisher I am an abortion survivor
Imagine unironically thinking that if you just don't tell a woman that violently going against her biological imperative isn't "murder" she'll just be cool with it long term. Imagine thinking a mentally healthy adult could have a fetus either surgically removed or dissolved internally and bled out over the course of a day, and be unaffected psychologically.
From my point of view, I unironically think abortion isn't wrong and neither is any other form of human on human killing. It's not wrong to kill in order to get the edge over your competition. Killing a human is wrong if and only if you are doing it out of momentary rage and you're killing someone you actually wouldn't want to kill in your right mind. Basically, caveman-tier killing is wrong. Premeditated murder is fine.
so it's like the Red Pill movie? Someone gets a dose of reality kind of thing?
Many, many women *are* cool with it long term. We can argue all day about how powerful maternal instincts are, but the end-all point is that statistically, the overwhelming majority of women don't regret getting abortions, even though it can be and is a traumatic thing to go through. You can look this up.
That's insane and I hope you're locked up.
>I hope you'd agree that you and I shouldn't be the ones deciding that cutoff and that we should leave it up to scientists.
Absolutely. It seems most people prefer to use emotional arguments on this topic, "stay out of my body" or "it's a sin", when the question is very simple, is it murder or not. There are of course, other considerations to be made, like and whether changing the law will make rusty coat-hanger med school dropouts crawl out of the woodwork and do their thing.
Abortions are a very simple question with a myriad of tiny things to consider attached to it. One thing I'm sure about is I would never want a woman I care about have to go through with it. There are few things dirtier than bringing about suffering for your own sexual pleasure.
>It's not wrong to kill in order to get the edge over your competition.
Your bloodline is going to run out soon with that kind of thinking.
>abortion survivor
why wouldn't you just try again? not like you're 'aborting' while they're viable... right?
Most of them who get one on their teens or early twenties do regret it later. Especially when they go to have kids and have problems either conceiving or with birth defects or autism, warranted or not they blame themselves for their abortion
Oh, you got the edge alright.
Low-IQ sociopath right here. You think people think killing is wrong because muh feels, that that's how evolution works itself out?
Yep, most people aren't even approaching the argument from the right angle. "Is it murder" is the central question, and there are a lot of little caveats beyond that to consider.
'Viable' is a tricky thing. 20 week old fetuses have been known to be 'viable'... but only by placing them in artificial wombs until they can actually be exposed to the outside world.
That's statistically untrue.
She became too strong to kill.
Under the law personhood is granted once you're out of the mother's womb and still alive. If the child is killed outside of the mother's womb it's infanticide.
Legally, yeah, but I think that's kind of a questionable law.
How do you define "higher brain activity"?
Viability is another one of the caveats I was talking about. It's like those thought experiments with the trains. The one false(ish) equivalence that really fucks me up is this:
>your mom falls ill, before you know it she's comatose
>euthanasia is legal and the doctor offers it as an option
>"Oh my God, is it really that bad? She's never waking up?"
>"Nah, she'll probably be fine in 7 months or so if we don't euthanize her. Do you want us to put her out of her misery?"
Inaction is all that is necessary for that person to stay alive.
Tough thing to define that I'd rather leave up to neuroscientists, but I'd broadly call it "ability to subjectively experience sensation". Things like "thoughts" and "consciousness" are harder to quantify and probably come later.
You seem to think life is important. Who gives a shit
Statistics from planned parenthood or some white genocide university? I work in the public school system and know plenty of white trash familes, abortion leads to many mental health issues I have seen first hand. Nothing you can say will change what I have seen.
This study:
>Nothing you can say will change what I have seen.
Wow, that's very open-minded.
Why would you expect women to give a shit about something that isn't themselves? Of course most don't regret it, just like they don't regret sucking Jamals dick while you are at work earning more money for her to spend. All of womens problems come back to weak men who let them take the reigns of society and now we are all paying the price.
I’m not open minded to shit articles when I have real life experience to go by. I’ll chsnge my mind when I encounter it in person.
You are spending too much time on the Internet or with garbage people
There's a question about the sample size of that study.
The whole point is that women want to be promiscuous and don't want to deal with the obvious consequence of taking loads in their pussy - pregnancy. The "lump of cells" is in fact not part of your body and you need to take responsibility for your actions.
The whole issue is a childish temper tantrum. Stop getting cum in your pussy if you're not ready to be a mother.
Oh the movie from the christian retards.
>Thinks fetuses are parasites, deems them worthy to kill
>Is against killing illegal immigrants who are parasites
How does it feel to be this hypocritical, user?
Imagine wanting more blacks lmao
Black on black crime and abortion are the only two forms of black population control we have and I'll be damned if we lose the one that doesnt involve stray bullets
>Implying anyone cares about black children
Come on user; abortion clinics never show/talk about getting blacks into abortion clinics as they advertise to white women more than black women. No "pro-lifer" ever talks about stopping the black abortion rate either.
This is a simple fight to either kill all white babies, or save them. Both pro-life and pro-choice couldn't give two shits what happens to nigglets.
>it was like it was fighting for its life
this doesnt happen
Dont care what people advertise/are conscious of. The reality of the situation is that abortion is literally keeping the black population from growing and thats enough for me to support it
You perform abortions?
Oh the post from the jewish mongoloid
>My opinion on the subject is based on the result of research into embryonic development.
Oh you mean the subject of embryology where they still teach that the human embryo goes through the multiple stages of evolution during the first few months of gestation that was proven false in the late 1800s?
Do you know about the (recent) case in Argentina where doctors became pro-life after perfoming an abortion and seeing how the spawn was refusing to die for hours?
Far superior abortion kino coming through
Despite starring in Stargate,
Mili only has 30 IMDB credits,
I wonder Why.
That's just a normal abortion in Romania
>Christian propaganda
Thats a yikes from me dawg
Do you think they sometimes sneak movies past the PP lobby?
>one speck of cell on Mars is considered life
A cell on Mars wouldn't be considered human life either you dumb idiot Republishit
>Dude I saw one (1) late-term abortion and it made me change my mind after doing more than 20 thousand of them lmao
>Dude God WANTED you to be raped! There's no such thing as "unplanned' lmao
Leave it to Christians to be unbiased and nuanced
The pig you ate for breakfast is a thousand times more intelligent than a fetus
Why do you retards pretend to care about this shit?
It gets a lot of (you)s
A fetus would eventually turn into into a person, a lot smarter than the pig.
I agree with the first part user but there are liberals and niggers in this thread and we both know pigs are more valuable in this case.
they get brain damage and become trump voters
>a lot smarter than the pig
Do you realize that it could also turn into a feminist?
There's lots of ways to get (You)s besides pretending to be a seething tranny or illiterate redneck. Most of them are more fun too.
Four months three weeks and two days best abortion movie
it's a laugh riot
and btw: the movie is BAAAADDDD.
Shiity Acting, retarded voice-overs overstupid staring and of course the women who sold an abortion pill counts the money like a greedy jew
What, did you watch it?
>and of course the women who sold an abortion pill counts the money like a greedy jew
it's online
>I don't even know what I'm talking about but I'm blindly trusting the system that has shown time and again it cares more about profit than what's right
user, do you realize what you're doing to yourself?
Oh my god. I just watched the trailer and I want to throw up. Fucking disgusting.
almost surprised the fetus ultrasound that's shown during the first abortion doesn't look directly into the camera and sheds a last tear
It's really shit
How does it fells to know that we're already living in the "Brave New World"?
and every comment on imdb gives it 10/10, that's normal
Have sex
and no budget for good actors
I tried to find proof of the last bit but it's in the theme song of the movie.
You can hear bits and pieces of it in the trailer but the full theme is worse
It's kino
I just started using this board. Are all of the people on this board republican neckbeards? worse than reddit.
t. tumblr
Go back to your echochamber if you're scared of different opinions
only nu-Yea Forums. Once upon a time this board was about movies, now it's about stupid basement dwellers and there problems with women and/or black people
Time to cease using this board.
thank you. you're like the only sane person in this thread. hope you xenophobic fucks choke on your redpills. i hope a woman never touches you
>Dude pass on rapists genes and promote future criminality by allowing a violent mating tactic to succeed
Interesting, user. You fail to mention the actual point brought up by the other poster, but still manage to immaculately depict your insecurity at your own masculinity and infantile anger towards women
The only review that matters:
and instead of telling the story like a real film they do a stupid voice-over during a scene where a nurse is cleaning blood off the floor.
You could have done it not shit, but there wasn't enough blood to reming everyone that abortions are super, super bad and we make a cleaning scene with a voice-over from someone not even on screen
even aside from the propaganda
>from the writers of God's Not Dead
I already hate this movie.
But how can it be worse than Gods Not Dead 2, the movie with THE SINGLE MOST IMPLAUSIBLE PLOT CATALYST IN THE HISTORY OF CINEMA?
What if instead of killing babies they try to solve the problems that are "creating" the rapists?
I didn't even see that movie. All I can say for sure is that the first one was like an adaptation of the US Marine vs. Liberal College Professor copypasta.
Because diversity is good and we need muslims and mexicans in our country.
I'm against abortion, but I'm not religious and God's Not Dead was the most cancerous movie I've ever seen. I hate that abortion is painted by the media as a religious issue.
Oh? Then here’s the plot catalyst for GND 2:
A student gets triggered because his teacher mentioned Jesus.
you seem...... triggered
>somebody is mocking me
>better imply that they're angry/mad/butthurt/triggered/upset/etc. to discredit them
Why do you retards still do this? It's blatantly obvious and really embarrassing.
>I hate that abortion is painted by the media as a religious issue.
It is a religious issue. Christcucks are the only people in the *world* who are butthurt about abortion.
the boss of the clinics probably will suggest to catch pregnant ladies on the street to abort every baby. Maybe she strangles a kitty while aborting a cute baby
It's really that bad
Do you unironically believe that?
It's barely a film, Triumph of The Will is more of a film than God's Not Dead.
I'm guessing from the poster that the triggering goes all the way to the US Senate?
There's no use arguing with children
There's this religion called Islam that shares most of the same values as Christianity when it comes to abortion. Not even pro-life but your argument is wrong.
I hope this post is sarcastic
i'm making fun of your vitriolic rhetoric that attempts to undermine free speech and progressive values. i'm not a retard, you're just prejudiced and have probably never felt the caress of an attractive woman due to your ugly personality. go back to your hole
This movie sounds gory as shit lmao
The abortion debate is so dumb and it's both parties fault. The GOP is anti-contraceptive and anti-sexual education which have been proven time and time again to reduce unwanted pregnancy rates. The Dems focus too heavily on abortion, even celebrating it and go full 1984 by using twisted logic to make it look like they're not really killing babies.
Yes, abortion is killing babies and yes, it is going to fire up the religious voting base like nothing else. It shouldn't be celebrated and should be reserved only for extreme cases but at the same time you can't be full right-wing nutjob and ban contraceptives and sexual education.
Basically what I'm saying is that Americans are fucking retarded and our entire country should be cleansed in nuclear hellfire.
>unironically being a moralfag on Yea Forums(nel)
what happened?
Why do some women do it so late? Like halfway through their pregnancy
Well someone is doing the raping in Britain and it's not brits, lad
Because they're terrible people
Don't worry when Islam takes over it will be one of the first things banned. Also LGBT everything will be banned. Thot patrols... wait why do we hate muslims again? Oh ya I guess cause we can't eat bacon anymore.
There's a reason PP doesn't show ultrasounds to its clients – let alone the public.
It's not only there, Racism and hate in Europa is growing thanks to the rapists.
There was a genocide recently cause because of some guy tired of muslims raping white girls and a lot more cases will happen if this doesn't get fixed.
Obviously they only blamed conservatives and one doctor actually posted in his twitter than all white girls should be raped.
>undermine free speech
>Colleges literally abuse and censor people from the right, to the point where Trump had to do something to ""save free-speech""
no, it's because it may have physical health effects on them such as endangering their life. or they simply don't want to have a child. it's not ever up to men. it is always the woman's decision. when men can get pregnant, they will also be able to make that own decision. think of it this way: if you are carrying a disabled child and you can only afford the bare minimum, would you rather the disabled child struggle due to your financial limitations or kill that shit and not deal with it at all? i would kill that shit. i don't have the resources for a child. and i'm saying this as someone with a mildly 'edgy' or callous sense of humor. some people prefer to be more modest about it. it is ALWAYS the person carrying the baby's choice.
The fact that the opportunity to do something as amazing as creating life is wasted on such a vile cunt like you who views children as a punishment is proof that evil exists
This also brings up another issue: anti-abortion lobbyists don't do shit for the children after they're born
Why abort it so late? And is it really that hard to take a pill or use a condom?
the people who made that movie should have been aborted
oh my fucking god. you absolute miserable trumptard. trump hasn't done anything but generate more debt and alienate other world leaders. america is the laughing stock of the national stage right now, all for the sake of some internet retards' 'muh free speech to harass women and POC and muslims and say the n word' so they can fucking post a frog on the internet. grow up. have some empathy
You idiots keep imagining this world where unwanted children keep getting created but then kvetch when someone says "maybe we should start a snips for SNAP program so poor people can't outbreed their position in life"
>have some empathy
Like you showed him, huh? Nah, I'll go exactly as low as you do, so tell me how you feel about murdering children one more time
Some complications aren't apparent until it's later in the pregnancy
Also late term abortions are a small small percentage percentage of all abortions performed
i feel fucking good about prioritizing my own wellbeing over bringing a child into this polluted world struggling with xenophobic fucks like you and dealing with imminent threat of fascism and nuclear war. so i hope that you hear me when i say that your opinion has NO EFFECT on whether or not a woman will abort her child.
Every one of us here are the product of rape from one point or another in our family tree.
someone on reddit or youtube says he lived near that clinic and surprisinly the protestors weren't all nice and prayed peacefully as in the movie but were a bunch of crazy people who stalked the people who went to the clinic
I have no sympathy for someone like that, you deserve to break your back working and raise a child if you weren't able to use some dollars to buy a fucking condom.
School shootings are also a small minority of times that guns are used
>i feel good about murdering children to make my personal life feel better
Your terms of engagement have been issued, read, and accepted.
>america is the laughing stock of the national stage right now
Non-american here, The people that make fun of trump here have no idea of who he really is, what he thinks or did.
They just go "lol wall" and follow the meme.
So rape just doesn't exist to you?
I like how you decided to avoid the second question.
good thing you will clearly never get a chance to make that decision then, because a woman will never touch you. fucking disgusting.
Using the apex fallacy to justify the wanton murder of innocent children. How do you sleep at night?
I do think that rape victims should get abortions.
if it's a confirmed rape and not just allegations without proof, obviously.
Le ebin social shame meme on a website frequented by child molesters and literal murderers. Please
What a fucking loser
You don't know if your child is going to have a life threatening disability when it's still just a zygote
Pretty well considering I don't have a child
>Disabled people should be killed
What's life like as a complete sociopath, in writing a book and I want notes
This is something modern society simply doesnt want you to know.
The truth is that we all got fed the idea that "abortion" is a fairy tale removal of a couple cells the size of a cherry.
The truth is that a human being the size of a melon gets literally ripped to shreds piece by piece.
>waiting for a women to touch you
Ever heard of rape, mate? Jesus you're such a prude
i am american unfortunately, i don't sit around parroting 'lol wall' like the ineffective jill stein voters or hillary clinton apologists. in a time where people like trump are cavalier with security clearances - there is NO reason kushner or ivanka should have access to air force 1, the white house, or have a security clearance - people like AOC and Sanders championing the working class and marginalized are the only chance america has to redeem itself. but i'm sure you'd rather sit here and jack yourself off with your inane comments. here's a nice list of what your great leader has done:
- Overlooking Khashoggi's murder
- Climate Change Denial
- Verbal Attacks on the Media and Free Press
- 'Fake News'
- Not Visiting Troops, Despite Being a 'Pro-Military President'
- 'Witch Hunt'
- Helsinki Meeting w/ Putin (1 on 1 alone, save a translator)
- Called underdeveloped countries 'shitholes'
- Was a complete dickhead to john mccain
- Absolutely disgusting immigration policy resulting in injury and over two deaths of immigrant children
what good has he done? oh, also he started the first federal news station in fox news. go fuck yourself you uneducated r/The_Donald parroting shitstain. if only your mother was lucky enough to abort you so you wouldn't sit here embarrassing yourself on a fucking TELEVISION board
Well then why risk getting pregnant if you cant afford to raise a child? We as a society are supposed to look the other way (and pay for it), because you lets Chad jizz inside of you?
yeah buddy i'm gonna go get pregnant now and abort triplets just to spite you. like that's why women have abortions. fuck off
Quality of life is a thing
>every abortion is a late term abortion
>hey working class
>you want it to be twice as hard to find a job, right?
Tell me how they're fighting for the workers again because all I see is bread and circus
>- Called underdeveloped countries 'shitholes'
They're shitholes, are you really gonna deny that?
I'm from a third world country, trust me.
>i'm gonna go get pregnant now and abort triplets just to spite you. like that's why women have abortions
Hey, you said it not me you irrational bitch
you're literally misquoting me, but sure -- i would 'murder' -- the correct term is 'terminate pregnancy' -- a child if i became pregnant because i don't want a child. i don't need any bigger reason than that. no woman does. we do not owe you anything.
- Called underdeveloped countries 'shitholes'
So? Seriously.
>every abortion is a late term abortion
I used to think like you, until I did some research.
>the first federal news station
>while CNNs head anchor literally works for the CIA
i believe that Yea Forums can be better.
>I don't need a reason to kill somebody
Remember saying that line when somebody fucking kills you. He won't owe you anything either
>I would murder a child because I do not want a child
That makes you a bad person, sorry. You never see action movies where the hero tells the sobbing kid to get fucked because there's only so much room on the boat
Well Im from one of the nicest/richest countries on earth and the USA is a shithole.
And you set about accomplishing this by ruining It? The day user gives a shit about being called a weeb, this place is dead
>abortions x1000
That looks trustworthy
>Poor illegal inmigrants that cause most of the rapes in the country and are the biggest sellers of drugs according to official data
>Killing babies is great, think about the raped girls!! (Most of them by inmigrants)
You mean research that agrees with what I'm saying?
Stop being a dumbass who gets swayed by a movie (which was released to make money, I might add)
yeah actually you will pay for it because that's the way this country is going. we won't have a second term with our psuedo-fascist president. all of the baby boomers are going to die off and since the alt-right are such socially awkward shut-in fucks you won't have the balls to spit your hateful vindictive rhetoric anywhere but the echo chambers of the internet. you and the government have no right in my sex life and have no right deciding whether or not i should raise a child i don't want. the same goes for all women.
You can start being better by not supporting child murder.
you're misquoting me and refuse to hear my reasoning. i feel sorry for you.
Because you're letting muslims and mexicans go there and do nothing about their crimes.
Advice from an latino, don't let them enter illegally.
>you and the government have no right in my sex life
Nobody gives a fuck about your sex life. We just want to put murderers in prison. Murderers such as yourself.
it's not murder. you can literally look it up. abortion isn't murder.
You were saying. Glad I baited you into attacking the source and not addressing the data. You look like fools.
alright let's wind down: abortion isn't murder, and will never be considered murder in a country like the united states. at least federally. you'll never have the opportunity to force your ignorant and hateful rhetoric on any woman through the government.
this proves you've never gone to college lmao wikipedia is not a trustworthy source. try planned parenthood a place that actually specializes in womens health
Where on that chart does it say most abortions are late term, like you suggested?
Oh I'm sorry. Let me quote you properly
>i would 'murder' a child because i don't want a child
There, all fixed. A serial killer would also murder you because he doesn't want you to be alive. His reasoning is also legitimate you see. I feel sorry for you if you think murderers shouldn't be allowed to kill people
Sure, Abortion is not a murder according to feminists that killing babies gives them power and teen girls that don't want take responsabilitty for deciding to take a load in the pussy and not buy a condom.
>I do think that rape victims should get abortions.
Why should a child be murdered for the sins of its father?
>you and the government have no right in my sex life
Agreed, but it cuts both ways, I dont want your sex life to be shoved into my face and my children's faces in fucking EDUCATION. And Im not even a fucking conservative. Im a liberal, but Im sick and tired of identity politics getting thrown and children as young as 7 years.
>and have no right deciding whether or not i should raise a child i don't want.
Fair enough, but then dont expect the government or child support, because that ACTIVELY affects ALL MEN.
i̭̯͈̘̜̘͙̫̬͙͔̻̱̥͌͊ͮͦ̾̕͟͠n̙̥͖͚̠̣̻͍͕ͯ͐̑̌̒ͫ͢͟͠ͅc̗͓̞̥̬͎̠̟̹͍͖̪̬̻̿ͬ̈ͫ̾͂͗͆̀ͪͫ͢͡͞ͅé̸̥̦̳̤̺͈̖̬̦̻̿ͫ̍̋̍̕l̴̜̳̻͚̥͈̝̝̘͕̜̣̳̤̰̗͛̒̒̏͘͘ ̧̡̟͇̣̳̥̩̘ͣ̆̾̀ͦ͊ͬͨͬ̓̈͛́͗̌́̚̕ͅͅi͉̪̩̞̦̪̗̩̝̻̒͑̎ͦ̊̓͢͢n̸̹̳̪̱ͭ͌̔̐́̀͛͜͝c̸̨̧͎̮̬̻͙͍̈́̈̾͌̓ͮ̉̃͛̈́̚ḛ̛͇̱̜̯̤̙͙͈ͬ͑̏ͯ̀ͨ̒̓̓̕̕͡ḷ̷͚̺̰̙͇̦̫̫͖͍̫͎̘͍̥ͫ̽̓̋ͪ́͜ ̶͓͎̬͍̹͓̙͖̣̯̠͎̯͆̆ͮ̍̑̎̊̉͊̽̈͊̕ͅi̵̱̦͕͔̳͈̘̰ͯͦͬ͊ͬ̌͡n̶̛̻̻̩̹͌̐̔ͪ͋͠c̸̱͈͉̖̮̝̖̮̬͇͚̠̰͓͍ͫ͛ͩͮ̑̆̑ͫ̽ͩ̈́͑͗̌ͬ͘ͅẹ̶̴̠̯̣̪̜̻͎̩̜͍̳̳̦͙̔͆̄ͮl̸̶̦̘͓̹̬̯̓̋̑ͣͩ̿̓̿͊͊ͮ̂́ͬ̚̚̚͘͜ͅ ̨̨̤̻̬͈̬̰̞͕̟̮͎̃̉ͤ̈͆̔̂ͦ͛͗ͬi̵͖̟̘̭͇̪͎̫̝̔̂ͤ̓ͦͮ͆̑̿̀̓́̚̚͝n̜̰̘̻̩̍̏ͧ̈̑͋ͨ͐̏̎̑͜͡ç̷̵͚͈͕̤̼͎̥̎́͌ͩͫͣ̉͗̐̿̂͛̈́͠ȩ̷̛͉̹̯̜͕̜̙̣͎͉̓͒̍͂ͣ͑̿̆͑̀ḷ̵̸̢̛̯̱͈̩̮͂̄̇̾ͭ̀̉̒͋̓ͫ ͖̬͎͎̝͙͎̠͐ͣͬ̃̏͑̋̋̾̀̑̈̉ͯ̀͠i̧̡̛͚͖͇͖͙̙̹͓̟͖̻̬̜̮͚̟̖̥̾ͫ͆͂̋ͩ̑̈̾ͧ̒̌̀ͬ́̚͠n̸͕̗̠͔͕̱̞̫̱̙̝͙̙̼̰̖̿̒̃͋͆̉͑̾̓̋͌͆̊̽̽ͩ̒ç̠͎̱͓̤̗̯̹͉̯̩̭̝̺͉̬̠ͤͬ̓̎̔ͬ̐̔̄̀ͣͧ̊̓ͭ͢͜e̸̡͇̙̟̳͉͔͌ͧ͗͂̑ͫ̑l̵̴͎̪͇͍͙̣̭͉͍̥̺̩̈̇̇̓̍ͦͦ̂̆̈̇̔̾͂̚̚͡ͅ
Yes it is and once people realize Ginsburg has been dead for over a month now the next supreme court justice will put a boot up your ass so quick you'll never want to fuck again
I have a B.Sc. from a top 10 university, thanks for the sad ad hominem. Keep deflecting and not addressing hard facts.
This is the actual source, but again, pretend you didnt see actual data, instead just keep deflecting and throwing ad hominems.
Youre fools.
Because you would be punishing the mother that has to raise the child while the "dad" is rotting in prsion.
Thots that kill babies because they were too lazy to buy a condom are the ones that should go to prison.
>It's not murder because this book said so
But it's ending a human life which is murder
>defending child murder
hypocritical piece of shit
>tell them explicitly you just Trumped the shit out of them
>they double down because Wikipedia hosted THE NATIONALV GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED KINGDOM'S data
M8 you can't convince them, they're unironically just cartoonishly evil
The truth is that if you get an abortion as a woman, you should also get your tubes tied at the same time. Youre clearly not capable of being a responsible person, nor a mother.
>abortion isn't murder
Wait a second, let's get this straight. Are you killing a living being when you're performing an abortion? I think the answer is "yes. Do you agree? Please answer to that question.
Question 2: is the living being you're killing your child? I would say that is an undeniable fact, otherwise why is it inside you. Do you agree? Please answer that question as well.
Now explain to me, how is somebody who's literally killing their child not a child murderer?
thanks for identifying what you want. you don't want women to have sex. why? are you butthurt about something?
His girlfriend is hot, but
>I totally want those men deciding what I can do with my body
She's evil.
>Because you would be punishing the mother that has to raise the child while the "dad" is rotting in prsion.
Put them in adoption.
The chart says the majority of abortions are done in the first trimester
How does that prove your claim?
i hAvE a BsC fRoM a ToP 10 uNiVeRsItY post your transcript incel.
Im not going to explain to you how to read a chart.
planned parenthood exists for a reason retard
Because you think that consequences don't exist, so you'll have your fucking toys taken from you like the petulant child you are. Having kids is one of the only genuinely good things this planet has to offer and you fucking waste it because, what, life imitating men but poorly is so much more fulfilling?
There will always be abortion and people who fight for the right to abortion regardless of its legality. I don't see it being federally outlawed anytime soon. Have fun daydreaming
>literally triggered into sperging out into another blabbering ad hominem
Thanks, because i would like to learn from someone that knows how to read one.
a fetus is not a living child. it has the capacity to become a child.
Abortion should absolutely be legal. However women should not be sold lies about "size of a pea and doesnt feel anything" and instead get shown hard facts.
This is the consequence of your actions.
Yes, it's made to kill off blacks. True story, look into it
>ad hominem
This isn't a debate class and you don't even know what that term means.
what are women inherently inferior? clear to see what rhetoric you're slinging
You can have sex, if you don't buy a pill or condom is your fault and not of what is soon gonna be a living being. Every action has a reaction.
Seriosuly, Is not that hard to buy one.
You really are a woman arent you? That passive aggressive semi-defeated attitude screams French roast.
Dont take it personal sweet-cheeks. Some of us are just as liberal as the next person, which is why we believe in making better choices. Abort all you want, but dont pretend youre not extinguishing life in the most macabre and cruel way imaginable. They used to call it "infanticide".
PP is based af
i don't have much else to say to you, hope you enjoy your internet superiority.
>a child is not a person yet but it has the capacity to become one
So what kept you back?
they didn't show that in the movie.
But i don't know if the audience of this movie would think that genocide on blacks is bad
I took 8 years of Latin in a private school. I both literally and figuratively know what it means.
>a fetus is not a living child
Hold on now, which part of "living child" are you disputing? Is the fetus alive? It is isn't it. Is the fetus your child? Bear in mind that you are pregnant with it. If you're pregnant with something that isn't your child, you need some explaining to do.
thanks for admitting this was never about the "babies"
someone else in this thread was talking about rape. women who are raped shouldn't be forced to have a living reminder of their trauma. i am all for birth control, but that's not the discussion we're having right now.
Probably a strong father figure.
You didn't answer my question, why the fuck are you so bound and determined to lead the same life as a man but worse? Fuck your "rhetoric" rhetoric and answer the goddamn question because i know for a goddamn fact you believe women have it harder in the work place
>in the most macabre and cruel way imaginable
>fetus is non-sentient and thus cannot feel anything
are all "pro-life" people this fucking retarded, or just the ones that post on this site?
you sound schizo. take your meds
>shouldn't be forced to have a living reminder of their trauma
Yes that's why you should kill the woman after raping her. That's the argument you're making right
>the consequence being living fucking children
>BuT yOU DoNt cAre aBouT tHe BaBBies
Neck yourself, whore
>you don't want women to have sex. why?
>Says that they can but that they should take responsabilitty of their lziness to go buy a fucking condom or a pill
Now youre just be silly. Im obviously describing the ACT as "macabre and cruel". Are you implying that taking apart a fetus limb by limb isnt macabre? Are you implying that a fetus feeling protected in the womb getting shredded by his mother's will isnt cruel?
Im a stoic man and Im not "against" abortion, but holy hell you need to internalize some things here lady.
both. i'm getting tired. i don't have the stamina to fight these morons anymore
And at last when finally cornered on so other avenues, you just lash out like a child who was caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Pathetic.
>but it can't FEEEL that I'm killing it
Cool bro, I'll be sure to mix in some potent drugs in your drink before smashing your head in. You won't feel it, so in a way I'm not REALLY killing you.
>women who are raped shouldn't be forced to have a living reminder of their trauma.
Child or not, they will be traumatized.
incel piece of shit kill yourself
Oh they don't do that anymore, they inject acid into their face to melt their brain, sometimes it takes two go rounds
Otherwise what's the point eh wink wink
cruelty cannot exist without pain
it's literally part of the definition you stupid cocksucker
>completely utterly BTFO
>utterly no response
I like how you go a totally different thing because you have no argument to justiffy laziness and irresponsabilitty.
and between the rounds they worship satan
>cruelty cannot exist without pain
Good, so before killing you the killer will make sure that you're completely unconscious. You won't feel it, so killing you will be perfectly fine.
>No arguments
>pretending to care about something that was never aware in the first place
virtue signalling is just as faggy and cringe when the right does it
i'm not cornered. i'm tired and can't absorb any more of this misogynist xenophobic rhetoric. i can close this website and go on with my life confident that i will always have access to abortion while you incels whinge about women having rights
inb4 rekt feminazi kek: i hope you take the steps necessary to treat your depression.
you're getting baited hard dude
I think abortion is wrong and am not a religious moralfag. I believe human life is inherently more valuable based merely on human capacity for learning, communication, civilization, etc. A developing fetus can only be considered human, and is composed of 1 or more diploid cells. A cell is considered the basic unit of life. Because a developing fetus is composed of one or more cells, and is necessarily human, it is a human life by definition, and thus I am opposed to extinguishing that life.
What do pro-choice incels have to say in opposition to this that doesn't appeal to women's rights or the matter of personhood, which, as any rational human being knows, is a moralfag argument that inherently involves making a baseless moral judgement, at least at the current moment?
You're literally ignoring arguments and saying that they're "misogynist" when someone ask you something that you can't answer you switch to a different thing.
I hope that you someday realize how delusional this is.
>was never aware
What do you care if it was aware before or not? You want a medal for being aware previously? If you're in a coma you're no different from an unborn child in terms of your awareness. So I say I get to smash your head in. You're not REALLY alive anyway. I mean you would've come out of your coma in a few months if I didn't kill you, but that doesn't count.
in my state, i have the means to have an abortion whenever i want. i don't think that will change. i will avoid red states like indiana or kentucky where abortion is heavily regulated. however, it is my personal choice and it has nothing to do with the incels circlejerking their misogynist rhetoric in this thread. you will never be able to take that choice away from any woman.
>lost so hilariously soundly that you have to run back to r*ddit
Yea Forums is an anti abortion board and America will be made an anti abortion country
abortion is haram
>You won't feel it, so killing you will be perfectly fine.
Strawman. The fact remains that you either didn't know what the word cruel meant, or you're making shit up for your melodramatic agendaposting. Just take the correction like a man and stop being so damn hysterical.
I think what happens in cases of Twitter suspensions is things are reported, and whoever monitors violations tend to err on the side of caution and suspend things just to get them out of the public eye as fast as possible (in case it's something REALLY bad). Then the person has the option to appeal and get further review.
I had a friend lose his twitter account because he replied back to a friend "lol I'm gonna kill you man" and Twitter took it as a legit threat. It's not Twitter being biased against conservatives, it's just overzealous moderation of anything that could be deemed remotely offensive to anyone.
Enjoy being a lonely old woman.
can you compile what arguments? im sorry, im new to Yea Forums. i decided reddit was too fucking stupid and came here to talk about my favorite television shows, but got caught up in this instead. please let me know when you have compiled this list and i'll sit down and write my responses so you can stop insulting me for pointing out that abortion is a legal right in most places in the united states.
I hope you meet a man who won't allow his child to be killed and treats you like the murderer you are when you do it. Yes sweatie men can actually murder you if you murder their child. Remember that next time
>unnecessarily harsh
Pretty sure ripping something to pieces while it's alive meets this definition
lol so we're basing this on the potential to eventually become a person? are you Catholic?
>Literally so deluded that he decided to ignore this entire thread
i don't think that i lost when i still have the right to have an abortion. you can keep pushing your women hating agenda as much as you want but that won't ever happen in america. nu tv doesn't deserve to have poltards come in here and complain about how stacy and chad don't include them.
>tiny female brain is too weak to remember a conversation she just had
This is why you shouldn't be allowed out of the house
nice attitude. really says a lot about the way you view women - i don't need to 'meet a man' to understand things. i have a legal right to have an abortion.
>I left reddit
>but you're nutv
Nah cunt
>you can keep pushing your women hating agenda as much as you want
No one here is hating women, Being anti-abortion is the opossite of that.
The fetus that you're killing could also be a girl, you know.
Harsh to whom, exactly? Pussy moralfags like you?
gross. this thread is a clusterfuck. there are literally 6 different people (i'm assuming?) responding to every single thing i'm posting. i don't have time to sit here and compose a thoughtful response to each and every one of you.
its not alive. it exists because you exist. its a parasite. it dies without its host.
I'm not even that guy you were talking to originally, but you're obviously wrong if you're seriously claiming that "cruelty cannot exist without pain". I'd say not feeding a starving child is cruel, does it involve pain? I'd say robbing people of opportunities is cruel, where's pain in that? See, you are clearly wrong. Now apologize to me for being so rude and I will forgive you. But will God ever forgive you? No of course he will not you will burn in hell amen
>No one here is hating women
what purpose does this comment serve? lmao
Human life isn't complete until it has finished the cycle and raised a child with a mate. For females this means rearing your young and for male it means providing for them. This is biological fact, you're just ending billions of years of evolution because you think diapers are icky. It's okay, you don't deserve kids anyway
Just like a man in a coma. He can't exist without all that equipment. Is he really alive? Let's go smash some vegetables tonight bro, sounds like a great thing to do
go back
You were a parasite too, that "parasite" would have grown to be a normal person like you or your parents.
i have literally never been pregnant in my life and don't plan on it. i take the necessary precautions to prevent it. however, in rural america and some awful situations, some young women might not have the opportunity to protect themselves or access abortion. i think that's despicable and that abortion should be accessible for all. it's every woman's right. as i have stated at least 30 times before, that right has NOTHING to do with men.
Reminding you what a fucking retard you are you dumb cunt, this is why no one respects you
>Not alive
for someone so critical of me you surely seem interested in my sexual organs.... creep
>i have a legal right
For now. Laws change sweatie, I will always support politicians who put murderers in prison. That's just basic
>I'd say not feeding a starving child is cruel, does it involve pain?
Yes, starving to death is generally pretty painful.
>I'd say robbing people of opportunities is cruel, where's pain in that?
In the mental anguish.
>But will God ever forgive you?
Which one?
true. the only thing keeping them alive is the equipment and the family members in charge of making decisions. if they wanna spend the money to have them around longer no hospital will turn you away but they will advise taking them off the machines. thats on the family to process and decide.
are you an actual fucking women?
>can only respond with name-calling
thank you for admitting defeat
i go back to 'no one here is hating women....' then the 'tiny female brain' comment. how long have you been a virgin, user?
Why not just make condoms and pills more accesible to rural girls instead of abortions?
>when run out of all options, muh vagina
Classic joke, tell it again, it'll be just as shitty
>In the mental anguish.
Okay be honest now, when you wrote that, you already realized you lost the argument, right?
>starving is painful
>t. Never been hungry in their life
You entitled fuck
you are one person. i believe that this new wave of psuedo fascist rednecks and xenophobes will be over when we have a mentally sound president in office. maybe you should talk to someone about why you feel the need to treat women that way. a psychiatrist could help you become a normal person.
Huh? Saying that the "parasite" has no worth is like saying that no one has.
You admit to coming here from reddit but refer to oldfags as nu trash, you're the biggest hypocrite I've seen in awhile and that's before we get to the part where you support killing kids
>boo hoo you can't hate me
>by the way here's me hating you
Damn why are roasties so fucking dumb
i am arguing on an internet forum. i don't think 'options' are a real thing here. on the other hand, you are shitty for attacking me and other women. it's indicative of your poor character.
Do you not know what pain is or are you pretending to be retarded?
Literally have no idea what this post was supposed to mean.
>I'm innocent because
>muh vagina
See, what did I say? Dance, money, dance
Do you consider your lawyer to be a parasite that should have been killed?
i do agree that condoms and pills should be more accessible, but some girls may not be able to access them. they may have never even had sex education and won't realize they need an abortion until it's too late. they absolutely need to have access to protect their future.
shut up or show your tits bitch
I'm saying you're an entitled fuck who has never actually been hungry. Starving sucks in a lot of really shitty way, but it's not painful you fucking idiot
>tfw can't retroactively abort all /pol/fags
>tfw haven't posted a frog in years so as not to be even anonymously associated with /pol/fags
Moot should've driven you all to cripplechan when he had the chance.
Why are you assuming I'm an American, sweatie? Not everything is about you. In my country making abortions illegal is a somewhat realistic goal.
thanks for the input anons! put it in the suggestion box! uwu
We both know that a fetus is not the same as someone who has been born. There's a reason why you don't add nine months to your age and fetuses aren't granted social security numbers and other documentation. But if you want to ignore reality and play le epic conservative SJW online, knock yourself out.
'money?' *hmm emoji*
anyways, you're trolling and not contributing to our thoughtful debate. i'm not going to respond to you anymore. good night!
>I came here in 2016: the post
>but some girls may not be able to access them.
That's why they should make them more accesible, no the abortions.
Moralfagging aside, More condons over abortion is always better just because it doesn't affects everybody's bills.
>Victims of starvation are often too weak to sense thirst, and therefore become dehydrated. All movements become painful due to muscle atrophy and dry, cracked skin that is caused by severe dehydration. With a weakened body, diseases are commonplace. Fungi, for example, often grow under the esophagus, making swallowing painful. Vitamin deficiency is also a common result of starvation, often leading to anemia, beriberi, pellagra, and scurvy. These diseases collectively can also cause diarrhea, skin rashes, edema, and heart failure. Individuals are often irritable and lethargic as a result.
Why are you so hellbent on humiliating yourself, user? Are you actually a pro-choice false flagger?
>Do you not know what pain is or are you pretending to be retarded?
No I'm simply referring to the fact that you have agreed that robbing people of their future is cruel while also saying that killing unconscious children is not. Keep jumping through your mental hoops, I know you will, but the argument is over sweatie
Thoughtful debate requires actual thought and you're incapable of that based on this thread
we can agree to disagree, but thank you for actually speaking with me about this and sharing your point of view. i'll consider this in my own ideology and look into it further.
>We both know that a fetus is not the same as someone who has been born
Are they less than a dog though? Because you can't kill dogs can you
You just don't get it. These foaming-at-the-mouth neckbeards are the good guys, and genuinely care about justice!
Yeah, do you know what too weak to sense thirst is even like? When the pain in your dehydrated kidneys vanishes and you cease being able to form a coherent thought while you slowly waste away incapable of stopping that tidal wave of fatigue that cripples your every motion? Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, you know nothing
>they may have never even had sex education and won't realize they need an abortion until it's too late
Come on, you're delusional if you seriously think that there are people that know what sex is but not their consequences.
If it's a millennial I'm gonna make a guess and say this person has "dog parent" in their social media bio so
Niggers don't know how babies are made
>i do agree that condoms and pills should be more accessible, but some girls may not be able to access them.
That was the point that he was making, you have problems reading.
Niggers don't know lots of things
so then everything should just be allowed to be created? your talking about something on a cellular level with no thought function.
take a look at the birth rate, its pretty safe to say there are enough normal people making it through the process
>robbing people of their future
so we're back to the personhood thing again
if you think something completely non-sentient can be described as a person, you're letting your emotions do your thinking for you
>tfw angered /pol/tards and incels invading Yea Forums into spazzing out on a christian movie thread and am now going out to dinner with my longterm bf and having a pleasant evening out on the town then will go to bed at a reasonable time perfectly content with the incel jimmies i have rustled today
>but some girls may not be able to access them. they may have never even had sex education and won't realize they need an abortion until it's too late.
That's exactly why we should use money to make them more accesible and to improve education and not in abortions.
false flagger confirmed
>so then everything should just be allowed to be created?
Living beings? Yeah.
If you thought this was anything but an extended day long redpill making more people realize the only people who support abortion are histrionic children, you're just as stupid as every other faggot I've ever met
>make a point with an animal
>doesnt know for sure the laws about it
should we throw lions in jail for killing antelope?
That's not a term, that literally means nothing. If you're saying it's okay to rob unconscious people of their future, that's an interesting point to make but I don't believe you mean it
goodnight user! uwu
>your talking about something on a cellular level with no thought function.
Which is soon gonna become one, you're acting like if it's the same that making a nuclear bomb or something.
>n-no, there's n-no way one of muh bad guise actually had a harder life than I did
You're gonna get that bubble penetrated
>Because you can't kill dogs can you
yeah you can
where...where you an abortion survivor? is that why you're so stupid and personally invested in this?
>if you think something completely non-sentient can be described as a person
Because that non-sentient thing IS gonna become a person, it's not a piece of wood.
>I'm right because I personally starved to death like a nigger child in Africa
>also feel sorry for me pwease :(
Where the fuck do you live that killing dogs is legal? No, you can't just kill dogs in most countries.
Nah, life taught me that no one gives a fuck about your bullshit, so don't come crying to me about your bad choices
>IS gonna become a person
So we agree it's not currently a person? How can you "murder" something that isn't a person?
>all those roasties making arguments that killing a baby is not a crime
>they don't realize that men can kill a baby by punching them in the gut and then use the same arguments to say they're not a murderer
Roasties just can't win
>actually arguing with women
this place really is unsalvageable, almost every one here now is too new to respect the rules.
>so don't come crying to me
abortion is legal and you're literally the one crying about that fact lmao
killing a healthy dog or a dogs litter? both are possible.
I dont know though, you tried making the point, youre supposed to be telling me about it.
Wars are also legal, doesn't make it right.
Not him, but I would say it is a person, and by definition can't be anything but one. Ignore the retarded faggot.
Not being a person =/= not a living being
discord trannies aren't women
>youre supposed to be telling me about it
Go ahead, find your country and give it a read
I mean it's fucking retarded regardless
They have to learn to place
Hopefully she has realized that her "arguments" consist in strawmans and buzzwords, even if she wouldn't admit it.
based and uber hardcore
why should someone else have to back up the argument YOU'RE trying to make? jesus christ kid
doesn't matter, the poster saying or implying they're a woman should always be meet with the same series of responses that they have always been and always should be to have a serious discussion
this but without the faggy passive aggressive sarcasm
the only problem with that is you are now comparing human life to animal life. if weve come that far than let the food chain and cycle of life have its way. youd be ok with the baby being born and preyed on by predators?
Because they're too fat to know early on.
>of animals
PETA please go
figured out how to make an account on this website uwu!!!!! im here to stay excited to share my thoughts with u all!