ITT: We predict how capeshit: endgame is going to end

>Time travel confirmed
>also Captain Marvel lead

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Ant man dives into the Abyss

>captain marvel
Imagine letting the entire avengers plot end with a literal who mary sue character that only just got introduced at the helm

>right in the infinity stones

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>captain marvel lead
Already confirmed she’s not going to be the epic womyn thanos killer

It’s going to be Nebula. And that’s because it makes the most sense narratively speaking, NOT becaue “YASS QUEEN SLAY”.
How have people not put 2 and 2 together? Did they even watch the fucking movies?

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>everybody goes to fight thanos
>they manage to get the gauntlet off thanos
>everybody is trying to get the gauntlet now
>somehow ends up in nebula's hands
>she wants to kill thanos to avenge gamora
>somebody tells nebula something along the lines of "the gauntlet only has enough power for one more use if you kill thanos we cant bring everybody back"
>love of sister makes nebula do the right thing and wishes everybody back
>gauntlet is too stronk for her so they ended up going back in time to before thanos started acquiring the stones
>everybody teams up for a final battle against thanos, finally defeating him but not killing him because "if we kill him we'll be as bad as him" :^
the end

Ant man dives into Thanus and repeatedly expands/shrinks lmao

Yeah I fucking hated it in Civil War when Spiderma-

In the comic Thanos' messiah complex drives him insane,he leaves his physical body to become a god and laughably forgets the gauntlet on his physical body, Nebula gets the gauntlet and is an even bigger threat by being emotionally unstable with it. Needless to say, it will be Nebula, Nebula will do something important.

Theres a cool part in the comic where Nebula has the gauntlet and is saying how bad shes gonna kill Thanos, she blinks him out of existence and then feels an incredible emotional void so brings him back lol. Im telling you if they just adapt the comic its going to blow peoples minds.

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who cares?

Yea Forums

>iron man travels to the timeline where they win
>the fight takes place on wakanda
>thanos is 10 times stronger
>thanos kills several avengers and xmen in the process
>with the help of hulk, wolverine sacrifices himself to stop thanos

I am unironically rooting for Thanos. I hope he wins.


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can I have a quick rundown of this meme?

Reddit meme about Ant-Man getting inside Thanos anus then getting bigger
but if you're talking about the pic background history
an old gif about some weird guy sitting on a glass jar then jar breaks into his asshole and starts bleeding

>Someones criticism of a movie is that "the time travel isn't realistic enough!"

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At this point I unironically want them to do the "Antman goes in Thanos' ass" thing

>obligatory grunt army vs a few of the lame/unimportant avengers
>nice moment where stark and cap are reunited and he gives him his shield back
>avengers overwhelm thanos this time with ant man and captain fungus being the difference
>time needs to be turned back so everyone is alive again
>this will kill the person wielding the glove
>stark and cap both put their hands in the glove to sacrifice themselves
Something like that.
Although as soon as time travel is involved, it so many easy-outs.

The heroes win and Yea Forums continues to exclusively talk about Capeshit (whilst acting superior to Reddit)

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>The heroes win
Thanos won't win though

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