Who’s more handsome than Brad Pitt?
Who’s more handsome than Brad Pitt?
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Playing Burning crusade while there is a thunderstorm outside eating Chinese food while alone in a basement
kurt russell
paul rudd
River Phoenix
Timothee Chadamet
Brad's nose is gross
He's more pretty than handsome. Peak Clooney is the most handsome man ever.
He looks good, but he's no Lachowski.
Francisco Lachowski comes very close to perfection. There are virtually no flaws in his facial appearance.
He has perfect maxillofacial growth which becomes evident from the zygomatic arches that project wide and are round in shape in the tipping points. The nose is perfect: straight nasal septum indicates the face hasn't grown vertically more than it should at any point in developmental time so it doesn't appear hooked, it is also devoid of any obscure mal/formations, crookedness or deviation
He has near perfect dentofacial growth. While he has gotten some dental aid with orthodontics (evident from the appearance of his top central and lateral incisors+canines), his bite is perfect. You can tell this by looking at his lip posture, which is affected by the position of the mandible, and anyone will agree that it looks nice and balanced. The mandible is in an ideal position which means there's no malocclusion, and malocclusions have an enormous impact on the aesthetic appearance of the face. This is rare because with modern [western] diet and the rapid increase of allergies, it is extremely hard for most males to develop a nice looking jaw (not to mention that you need the appropriate testosterone levels and genetics to develop one). Lots of males that would normally develop a jaw similar to Lachowski's don't, because of mouth breathing or improper masticatory usage (the diet is too soft). It takes a perfect growing environment on top of good genes and hormone profile to develop a balanced facial structure like Lachowski's, and that's leaving out the individual features like the eye area, which in Lachowski's case is unique in itself. Now combine all this with the fact that he is over 6'2''. A good looking face with pretty features is hard to achieve when given a tall skeletal build. Most guys that you see with really pretty or handsome faces are 5'9'' to 5'11'', i.e. average height.
Is this copypasta
There's no man better looking than Lachowski. And I'm not talking about 2007 Chico with autistic photos on his Facebook, I'm not talking about 2008 Francisco who won the Ford Men's Supermodel of the World in São Paulo and then won a Ford modelling contract and worked for Dior Homme, Versace, Dolce & Gabbana, DSquared, Gucci, Cavalli, Armani and others, I'm not talking about 2016 post-prime bearded Chico with two kids and married with Jessiann Gravel Beland, hell, I'm talking about 2010 Francisco with perfect facial harmony and universal appeal, 6'5" tall with perfect frame and bideltoid breadth, completely hooded eyes with aegyo sal and neutral canthal tilt with no scleral show and no upper eyelid exposure, flawless skin and perfect facial leanness, 1.88 fwhr, 0 on the NW scale, 7 cm interpupillary distance and 14.2cm of zygo width, forward grown maxilla and jawline with a massive skull.
all embarrassingly wrong
That's a nordic nose shitskin. Wouldn't expect a monkey to understand.
aint clooney got worked on?
I heard he whitied his Sclera
(part of eyes) so they got whitier than his teeths, which makes it looks stupi. iirc Jimmey Car did the same thin!
My grandma told so.
Imagine being so butt hurt over a nose like damn bruh chill
Either toshiro mifune or gian maria volonte
Based and grammapilled
Hotter than you muhammad
Outa the way fags
THis is what men think women want
for me it's Alain Delon
2 meters tall(6'6"), massive frame, jet black nw0(norwood 0) hair, light blue eyes, massive skull, very high class bones structure but still robust as fuck. That chest hair, that forearm hair, that barrel ribcage, that healthy bodyfat, these long limbs, these body proportions. Classic robust corn-fed american chad. Massive frame, 10" thick wrists. Masculine as fuck, very handsome face. Giant frame.
Clint Walker lived to 90, which is rare among men so tall. He had a huge torso, which suggests excellent heart and lungs. My own theory is that the best predictor of longevity is a high ratio of thorax size to body weight. Long-lived people tend to be big-chested without also being fat. Thank fuck men like him don't exist anymore....the mog would be too much. He is pure masculinity. Being in his presence whilst in his prime would probably cause me to have deep depression and possibly even spontaneous suicide.
>good looks makes the lanklet seeth
literally the only suitable contender itt
this thread is about handsome men not what women want, faggot
It’s just banter buddy I’m 5’11
>Playing Burning crusade
He’s not really what women want we want guyslike Much hotter than that guy
>those small eyes
>those huge eyebrows
the mutt meme is way worse in brazil
also plenty of tall guys are good looking
>you’re about to do kharazan while eating some fried rice and general tso with some Dr Pepper with your feet up on a ledge and you can hear the rain come down heavy
That flat-faced chink? lol no
Post yours
are you retarded? cant you read?
>Thank fuck men like him don't exist anymore
this, looking at pictures of him already made me less masculine
1979 Mel Gibson, too bad he aged like a cup of milk under the sun.
I've never seen a more faggot looking fellow in my life
Why is it always a white man
armie hammer is a disgusting twinky faggot
Keep coping incel we want guys like Franco and Ezra not some Frankenstein
>it was just banter bro!!!
Baby Eastwood. Shame he's a shit actor.
It was calm down fellow Manlet
River Phoenix. And he had a cooler name.
lol, nice try. Brad pitts face looks like a smushed in ogre in comparison.
Imagine being so ugly and brown you have no idea about anything. This is why no woman worth a shit will ever have a kid with you. You get to share your shit genes with wildebeest.
>``this is what men think women want``
>this thread is about handsome men not what women want, faggot
>``but this fag is what we want!!!!! much hotter!!``
everyone knows youre just larping, stop, thats embarassing
will you fuck off already no one thinks phoenix's disfigured receding chin mug is attractive
I already have a white gf who I creampie everyday so thanks bruh ;)
Blocks your path
Bruh look at this dood
Watched spirits of the dead last halloween with my wife and then his segment comes up and my wife goes jesus christ that's a beautiful man. Lol. I can't say shit, dude looks like a model.
For me, it's Ricardo, the prettiest man.
Wildebeest* and I know you do. There's a reason she's with you and not guys like me. Enjoy all our leftovers we threw out.
Young Matt Dillon
>you and a few Goulding’s farming in nagrad before BT and a large meat lovers pizza is on its way while you hear birds chirping outside and the front sounds of a busy street blocks away
Nah I’m 26 and she’s 19 she likes that I sell coke and have my own place and car plus I’m 6’3
>After graduating from high school with straight A's, he spent some time in the United States in the 1970s on various academic scholarships, studying chemical engineering at Washington State University and Clemson University.
>He studied chemical engineering for a year at Washington State University,[14] prior to serving his mandatory one year in the Swedish Marine Corps at the Amphibious Ranger School.
>In the late 1970s, he enrolled at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm and graduated with a degree in chemical engineering.
Not more handsome but he BTFOs him and everybody else on almost every level
My mom says I am.
Post ur face
*mogs everyone itt*
Dreamy Cavill.
Ok so she's obviously an idiot and a dumb cokewhore. You're proud your g/f is a worthless fucking mooch? Gonna suck the next dick real quick.
small face
weird jaw
big head
Reminder that rugged ALWAYS beats pretty. Darker men ALWAYS beat pale cucks.
>could fuck any girl
>gets fucked by men instead
Uhh, based.
Can't beat Delon
No I met her at 17 when I was 24 and got out of prison she’s going to uni for biosciences and most people under 30 do coke don’t be made you’re a virgin who believes in waiting
>not dealing with women's bullshit
sounds based to me
also he could be a top
Yeah but... pretty with a little bit of rugged beats all. This is fact. All women want a pretty guy. Leave your basement once in awhile and you would know that.
What’s the difference between hot, sexy and handsome ?
Idk but find someone who loves you for you
Hey ;)
not fair, Dolph was grown in a lab
Can you be a bald jawlet and still be handsome?
Asking for a friend.
this is like the nicest male 3/4 profile i've ever seen
>casually mogs the thread
Of the guys posted in this thread Redford certainly makes me jealous but Delon makes me almost sick with it.
I'm 34 with 4 kids, big job, big money, big house on a lake, but what type of fucking loser gets with 17 year olds as a 24 year old hahahah what a beta virgin bitch. You couldn't make it anymore obvious you didn't get laid in high school. Just going home every day jerking your worthless shit to all the girls guys like me were fucking. You just openly admitted how pathetic you are and you're too stupid to even realize it.
I'm on ps4 I can't even post any pics of anything
>with 17 year olds as a 24 year old
Uhh a guy who wants fresh tight pussy why would I date women my age I would do young happy you have kids man maybe one day when they go clubbing I sell em a 8ball
>Enjoy all our leftovers we threw out.
I doubt anyone who's ever seen pictures or video from any of the numerous Yea Forums panels is likely to be much affected by this sort of bluster, chief.
>no one will ever beat this
if i'd look like him, would probably get a cute gf
why is life so unfair?
Wtf is he wearing?
If they're anything like me they'll be doing 100s of 8balls. And you're clowning if you think 17 year old pussy is tight. I was there, my friends were there, the pussy hasn't been tight since she was 14 bro lol. Give me a 24 year old WOMAN who knows how to fuck already. I am a man, a man fucks women.
You could get a gf now maybe even qt if you weren’t a beta bitch
>just bee yourself
people forget what he was before the JUSTening
Alright boomer what ever you say
Nah don’t be yourself because you seem like a bitch
For me, it's Prince Phillip circa 1950.
Not me, the jammy cunt.
man's got a point
bitches hit the wall hard at 14
17 or 34 is basically the same bullshit
Cringe and tasteletpilled
it's okay you'll kill yourself before you get to his age anyway
>you will never experience the rich naval traditions of rum, sodomy and the lash under leftennant mountbatten
wow, he looks great here.
he needs to stop with the faggy crossdressing shit and just stick with this.
>bitches hit the wall hard at 14
once there 10 its all over bro
imagine if they had produced a daughter that was 18 today
Whatever you say man
Not a chance in hell
doesn't matter: women don't want cute boys, but powerful men
if you're into faggotry, i reckon looking like that will help
Dat hairline oh nononononono
Wish I had that jaw line
don't be a retard: 9-14 is objectively prime age for women's looks, unless you're literally a pedo or a brainwashed gerontophile
denying it only makes you look suspicious
Ugly cope
God damnit, why couldn’t I have just looked like that?
some people are strange like that
>women don't want cute boys, but powerful men
So I hear. I'm not sure that's even the case with the most obviously parasitic sluts though.
If it helps most people don’t look like that
Ezra is not a top.
But that doesn't make him any less handsome.
fucking perfect specimen
They guy looked like that and still had to study his ass off before getting lucky with movies. Being handsome isn't a silver bullet as you think
What a damn shame, he was a perfect specimen ruined by mental illness.
prime Clive Owen most definitely.
It would still be helpful with the opposite sex.
Well yeah he's swedish. The model looking to average ratio is way higher than other places.
Now that's just a tragedy, for either straight women or gay men. Now no one is happy.
t. 6'11
>Now no one is happy.
Eh, not really, if he didn't chop his dick off, he can still be happy. I've come to notice that gay men can really be happy, just lesbians that objectively can't and turn into bitter ghouls.
was he considered handsome? all can see is same old leo, who is kinda funny looking
He’s very good looking but not handsome certainly pretty and cute
What is the difference between handsome, hot, pretty, cute? I don't get it
Handsome is more manly than the others
handsome implies masculinity
with his looks it's almost weird his career flopped
women want to fuck you
>Cute and every other synonym
God I wish I could just hnnnng
You not ugly and have a good personalitiy but you're not for me.
You're attractive in a feminine way.
Fuck boy looks.
Masculine physical attraction.
Obviously Vincent Gallo and Steve Buscemi
There is this guy in my town who far more handsome than Brad..oh wait, it’s me.
let me guess, you are asian and wants to feel less insecure, right?
This ogre with a silly putty ugly face is nowhere near the perfection of river, who had a classical beauty you could never understand. Sad.
low test prettyboy, usually bland looking; feminine personality
low bodyfat and/or overcompensating masculine personality
a mix of both, best overall, socially dominant or intelligent
basically, your average IG basedmodel is cute, a criminal with good facial features is hot, this is handsome
incels discussing male beauty is just as ridiculous as feminazi landwhales rants on femenine beauty standards
t. courtney love
Steve Reeves
>nw0(norwood 0) hair
Get a load of this hairlet autist with his autist hair terms. Look at him and laugh.
>you really think someone would do that?
Lookismcels are so fucking autistic. If you think he looks better than Brad Pitt in the OP you're blind.
That's easily a norwood 2. Look at the temples.
This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
>mfw she kills Kurt and cucks him with a Manley bald
a spaghetti and a meatballs eh?
When I was in university a thousand years ago and sopranos was on there was this group of blond Stacie’s and we had a media and film class and I could hear them talk about how hot tony was
Women are so fucking weird
dumb as fuck honestly
kurt's a million times better looking and his music's better
user, she's a retarded whore
doesnt matter tho, Kurt had to go
either too good for this world or went against the Jew too hard, doesn't matter
It's because he murders people and treats his wife like shit.
It could be bullshit, who knows, but the timeline of those stories fits properly into what we know about Ezra's past.
I've studied them religiously to try and see if there's a way to prove they're bullshit but it honestly fits.
Nirvana and smashing pumpkins suck but don’t try to understand what women do I’ve seen them do weird things to short bald fat men that have no money
kurt was a druggie fag he also didn't like wrestling
True he was an alpha male
>too good for this world
you don't actually believe that do you?
So there is still hope for me?
too good as in a literal fucking innocent child in a man's body
as a part-time stacy meself i can confirm s1 tony is cute but he's gross after that. gandolfini didn't take care of himself at all. deadass he ate 6 full meals a day with 8 drinks per meal.
chrissy though.......
bruh. oh god. bruh. please tell me you're underage. bruh. you're killing me dawg.
You are trying too hard, tranny.
I worked at clubs as security and worked with a 45 year old hunchback Manlet bald barback (guy who collects bottles) who didn’t own a car and I’ve seen him getting blowjobs and fucking in our spare room 25 year old smokeshows I also would work with this one guy who was massively chubby but the most sociable and charismatic man I’ve ever met and he would get models numbers and fuck in his truck despite being a welder
His son is better looking but has a shit career.
How ironic.
it's not fair bros
>tfw no clint walker superman
That's what men know women should want and men should want to be
Well it is because he shothimself by accident
so beautiful they let him free
Fuck his mugshot does him justice compared to the pic on the right
I will shoot myself on purpose. Still not fair.
Nothing’s fair in life get used to it
>get used to it
I am that's why I am pulling the trigger.
Ight bruh
Not aging very well.
Ahem...wait until you get his age, I am quite certain you won't age half as good.
I’m killing myself next month I’m sure I won’t have to worry bout dat
I am killing myself this month, not kidding. What a coincidence.
I certainly wouldn't want to look like that in prison.
Prison is not some rape fest that suburban American whites think
kill yourself faggot
Beatty maybe, whatever his body count is, it's legendary.
>kurt's a million times better looking
>and his music's better
Too much of a babyface
wow i'm sorry. i would delete my comment if i could. please no bully
Cuck eye area. 6/10 at best. Also he's too asexual
But it definetely helps.
>will never pass his jawline genes on cuz he’s a gay
really? that's unfortunate
the goose makes brad pitt look like quasimoto, who incidentally, predicted this thread.
What’s wrong with you
Ryan Gosling is a miracle, not an ounce of symmetry yet he looks great. But Pitt mogs him to oblivion
Ryan Gosling is nothing special imo
He not ugly but compared to guys in this thread he’s dogshit
His jaw is clearly underdeveloped look at how his face shrinks away under his ears/nose
>tfw my hair is just right today
Thinking of going out and walk around so girls see me
>tfw I was 19 and skinny girls would literally catcall me on the street
Can we go back bros?
No, I am bald, there is no turning back.
Are you tall
But I'm not. I'm 25 pounds heavier though
If he doesn't pass on his genes it will make his face all the more iconic
I have no sympathy for fat people, you did this to yourself.
Shit I’m balding and have a terrible hairline but got a thicc Asian Art hoe gf do what you can my friend
He lacks basic facial symmetry
I'm not fat, I'm skinny fat. But I used to be ottermode. Every FUCKING time I think about all the girls that eyefucked me through my teenage years. I could have been a fucking slayer yet I was a virgin until I was 24. Not my fault though, it's the way I was raised and my environment
You would have made nothing of it.
Hairloss medicine made me impotent, so I am offing myself within 2 weeks probably.
I read a lot of excuses, my man.
He looks pretty normal for a boy his age.
Try to look into medical procedures I was going to go on that stuff but I decided not too
Nothing wrong with taking the gentleman's way out. See you on the other side brother
Apparently the chances for post finasteride syndrom are super small and it was just my luck again, make of that what you will. I am not aware of any effective medical procedures. I am fed up now as well, I tried and I tried hard, but life kept shitting on me. So be it, nothing really matters anyway.
Shitpost in my memory.
>Hairloss medicine made me impotent
finasteride? don't off yourself you could probably get TRT, talk to a doc
I hope you don’t kill yourself but check out trt or go see a doctor but if you have to go I hope it is quick and easy
Already did and all my hormone levels are fine so he didn't want me to go on trt. Gas it is.Thanks for your support though.
I will sneedbomb entire threads, I'll curse negros For You, look up from time to time and you might forget about Satan raping your ass for a couple of minutes
kys Ron Don Volonte ain't Japanese
Satan will make me watch all these Marvel movies on repeat.
Just run a cycle y yourself fuck the doctor
>calling your cokewhores "girlfriend"
the cope
How's your jaw area? What about your eyes?
>I'm 34 with 4 semen stains, no job, no money, mommy's house
My chin is weak and I got dark eye circles from insomnia.
Most women under 30 love doing coke and she’s in uni even the good girls you like will do a Kobe here and there
>whole thread
>no 25-year-old Marlon Brando
you're all faggots for not saying you'd fuck him
the girls i like can usually afford it with no need to sleep with brown people though
Not my fault young white women are all cokewhores
me desu
>I'm 34 with 4 kids, big job, big money, big house on a lake, shitposting on a mongolian foot fetish board
I love fake posters. Most dillusional posters around. Because you know if you were super successful and married with children youd shitpost on Yea Forums
Chalamet was incredibly hot in CMBYN but he lost his babyfat doing that meth movie. Damn shame.
>no one posted Paul Newman
Are you faggots even trying? Guy had such a unique look.
Except losing babyfat is supposed to make you more hot, not less
Nice hair but kinda gay face.
He actually reminds me a lot of
he admitted to having a blepharoplasty (surgery to remove droopy eyelids)
It's subjective
Losing baby fat makes you look older and gaunt.
High collagen plumbness is a sign of youth
You can have high collagen without having a fat face
Guy was so cool a shitty watch that no one liked for decades sold for almost $15m just because he wore it.
A face that makes you gay maybe
Also he knew about Hollywood
based ephebechad
>men really do look their best from 38 - 45.
Cruise, pitt, Vigo ect ..
>rocking abs before it was cool
It's all in the hair lads, if you can keep a good head of hair well into your later years you're basically set
The Chad Delon vs the Virgin Jagger
>280 replies
>no James Dean
this thread is really gay
>men really do look their best from 38 - 45.
...as long as they don't get bald or fat
Good luck with that. Most men don't and there is nothing you can do about it.
>tfw maternal and peternal grandfathers have full heads of hair into their 70s
FINALLY somebody posted it
You are probably set, but baldness can still happen if you have any family member with mpb, sometimes even without that.
Delon is the only correct answer
James Dean, River Phoenix and prime Depp are the only ones that come close. Paul Newman maybe
i always figure if/when i go bald i would not chrome dome myself just do like a number one or something like statham, shiny bald heads are off putting on most white people. i can grow a beard but will never grow it out. facial hair is gross
except we incels can appreciate male beauty and don't question male beauty standards
These guys shave because they are shiny bald on top by default, all they have left is a tiny strip of hair at the sides.
No one
He’s the perfect balance between what women think looks good (smooth, symmetrical features with no overall defining characteristics) and what men think looks good (strong, dominant features with a unique profile that stands out from the crowd)
He’s like the perfect blend. Although when he shaves his head the fully masculine side takes over
Warren Beatty
Robert Redford
Paul Newman
were way up there.
For real. It's almost like no one comes close
Ryan Gosling as a gangsta was not believable at all.
Are actors getting uglier or is the human gene pool declining?
Compare this god to modern actors who are considered handsome
Young Leo is considered one of the most attractive males ever, but whether you consider him handsome or pretty is up to interpretation.
When casting the sex bot in A. I, Spielberg's associates literally have made a scientific research to determine which actor (at which conceptualised is) the "most sexual" for women.
So, scientifically speaking, pic related is what makes women most moist.
Literally me
makes sense because Jude Law is still aesthetic af today even as he's balding
Young DiCaprio makes me understand female penis envy
How much of this picture is make up, how much of it is real Jude Law? His skin is artificially smoothed of course, but does he really have such perfect face proportions normally? He's inhumanely beautiful here, I can see what's up.
Literally daddy af
How bald are you?
yes thank you, I was looking for the pic of him in the yellow trunks
To be frank in some pictures Law looks like an actual alien from Planet Pretty, almost like he's not even biologically a human. There's some very weird quality to his looks, like, they're too good, uncanny valley. If I saw someone this objectively pretty in real life, male or female, I would probably be rather creeped out than horny.
Like a nw2 with some thinning on top my dad grandpa moms dad and brother all have full heads I recently shave two months ago to see how bad it was and it’s not as bad or as good as I think it is
Yes !
uhhh.. yes it was. it was absolutely kino
A literal Ken doll? Yea, I can see why.
Very small penis
Tfw my 22 year old Stacy and mother cream themselves during the dom Hemingway movie
Tfw my sister got a new boyfriend 2 months after the movie with the same shitty hairline
probably cold water
his penis is actually decent sized:
Neither is Pitt.
>All of that sun damage
No thanks
It's almost like he had to be balding, or he'd look too perfect.