Keanu Reeves appreciation thread
Keanu Reeves appreciation thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>country music
>facts about Bakersfield
>Take me home...
Why is he wearing a MAGA hat?
Based Keanu not touching the thot
Country music is the only good thing Bakersfield ever did
>hand in pocket
Is this the advanced hover hand?
>Why is he wearing a MAGA hat?
Because he's a goddamn American, that's why!
>tfw the whitest American actor is half native
>country music is shi-
He knows the game.
what a burden it must be to entertain everyone wherever you must go
If you don't like Hank Williams and Willie Nelson, you cannot be an american
He chose to do it, thats the difference. it's just life for him
Bottled domestics are only 4.50. Don’t cheap out on us now, Keanu.
Hes a fucking leaf
Is it john wick's day off
How many times can you say "bakersfield is shit"?
>babbys first country album
This. The south is an abomination and I wish they had been allowed to stay in their own separate containment country
is the chad's move to do in the post #metoo era
>bakersfield is shit
>bakersfield is shit
>bakersfield is shit
>bakersfield is shit
>set to country music
Sounds like a performance piece
why do girls do this
A person can't be so kind, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
You literally can't hate this man
it's like the söy grin face in man
It's called insecurity I mean i get it she's with Keanu I'd be
Cos they think its cute. But in her case shes its probs cos shes dripping more than a busted fridge from keanu proximity.
I wonder if he stuffed that bitch full of cock in the bathroom afterwards
I'd be insecure too*
that's western, not country
>crouching so as not to emasculate the manlet
A good soul
just about everyone on this board is as nice as him its just we dont have millions to fund our kind acts
speaking as a non amerifatass, the south produced 99% of the things actually worth salvaging from your ugly country after it inevitably collapses in the next couple years. Not that there are a lot of things anyway
He's Canadian, mate
we don't deserve him, fellas.
look at that girl's leg, leaning into him.
"...take me home with you...?"
>just about everyone on this board is as nice as him
he is good but not a boomer
Based Keanu
you were the one who prevented that from happening, blame yourself.
To steal a phrase from your retarded political base, sorry we couldn't stop winning
her panties are literally dripping wet
Is it time for another Mixtape? Do you guys think he ever got the last one?
thats not a maga hat either though
Gospel, but still musi/k/ino
to borrow from your base:
> tfw to smart to win
Like thicc jungle kweens?
that'll never not be funny
imagine the smell
This. I’d hire a van, play some country music and banter with them all before leaving them in the middle of nowhere and driving away.
You know what really bothers me? Fucking nobody knows where the "big iron" is currently.
He is not that tall
Humans use body language just like chimps. Hands, feet, facial expressions. It's basically a sign of submission and interest. Her body is actually folding in to show how open she is to his advances.
If you learn body language you never have to guess if you should waste your time on a woman.
You faggots should be shot on sight
Look at the girls leg. Thats a sex signal, she wants to fuck.
We invited rock and roll, have the hottest women, and the biggest BBCs.
Get fucked cuck
Such a fucking lie. The airline would have paid for a bus.
like lynx/axe africa
Kek. Posting one of these dark angels got me banned last time.
this pose, and any other that allows for the thighs to touch or cross a little, is done so that the illusion that they have a taper is kept
that is, if a gril stands up straight, like a man, with legs just straight down, her normal blockiness is made apparent
but if she bends the thighs inward a little, that aesthetic taper down from the hips to the feet is made apparent
they all do it, lots of modeling photos too models
Anyone can buy a Colt Dragoon or one of the thousands of functional replicas, user.
Your Yankee hatred of Southerners is now being turned on you. Because it's not really a hatred for "Southerners". It's a hatred of white people.
Country music makes girls wet
>Her body is actually folding in to show how open she is to his advances.
All this power to pull pussy and he's a fucking fag.
Jesus. Just fucking kill me.
>emotional dishonesty in auditory form
No thanks
Why did he date a tranny? Am i wrong in despising them?
see this is a guy who actually gets what country was "supposed" to be
i mean it's not my favorite song ever, and the beer imagery in the video is a put-off; but his voice, the lyrics, the overall sound - it really is a world above pop-country. Pop-country being possibly the worst genre of music ever created.
Hot sluts always love country music
i want to worship this slut on the right
Imaging waking up to the smell of nigger every morning. jesus christ..
this album and anything by hank williams jr are the only country i'll listen to
I love this album but my roommate legit played it every weekend for like two months straight and I had to tell him to stop
>can't act for shit
>ruined The Devil's Advocate
>fucking a man
Am I doing it right?
the only difference between "muh real country" and pop country is the lyrics. the music is still hillbilly garbage
But the titular "big iron" of the song is a one-off custom gun. Its whereabout are unknown.
>The Ranger's "Big Iron" was a one-off custom handgun chambered in .45 Colt and featured a Great Western copy of the Colt Single Action Army frame, Colt 1860 Army backstrap, grip frame and grips, and a cut down 9 1/2" Marlin rifle barrel. Marty Robbins saw it in Andy Anderson's famed North Hollywood gun shop in the late 1950s and wrote the song around it. Its current whereabouts are unknown.[5]
Remember when Keanu kissed a tranny who had their giblets chopped off and turned into an axe wound, spitting on the graves of his dead fiance and unborn child.
Step aside son
why cant most people have Reeves level of coolness
your cousin doesn’t count Cletus
the only bad thing was the country music other than that it was nice of him to ACT like normals
Dude he's rich, famous, good looking, and adored by women. And no one ever sees him with a date. That "fiance" was a beard and there's no way the child was his.
No one likes your klesmer music either Shlomo.
He might actually like country music.
So he is a good actor or not? Ever thread has people saying what a great person he is but you start talking about his movies and it seems like lots of people think he's a pretty garbage actor. And fuck airplanes
Because your fucking retarded.
Based keanu always delivers
Keanu seems like a really good guy. Even Omega likes him.
>not listening to jerry reed
Anti-commie rad-dad piece of shit Marty Robbins. Only accpetable to listen when playing New Vegas.
>try not to die on airplane, but if you almost do, do it with Keanu Reeves
Good thing they weren't on a boat.
>keanu secretly meeting up with EDP to debate about top 100 pornstars
Imagine the seethe from liberals if he actually did
Canada is American
fukken based Keanu as usual
>16oz Domestic Draft $5.50
Holy shit I can buy a 6 pack of 16oz beer for that much. What a rip off.
just makes him even more /ourguy/ go back to pol
I got a small Keanu story. Some director who's friends with him was getting married at a beach resort like 200km from where I live and Keanu stayed at a hotel in my town.
First thing he did was ask the concierge where he could buy a motorcycle, he headed off to the motorcycle shop and bought a harley right off the bat. Filled it up at a gas station and asked the girl up front how much the maps went for, she told him they were free. He ended up giving her a hundred dollar bill for tips cause he didn't have local currency.
He did the entire 200km to the wedding alone on his Harley. No one even found out he was here until the gas station girl's story spread on social media and he was long gone by then.
After all the shit he went through it's understandable his brain is messed up.
>Hop on dude!
How can one man be so based?
>anti commie is bad
Nice story, I work delivering to his talent agency and I’ve seen him there with his helmet and jacket. The guy loves his motorcycles.
Probably, literally, the most likeable guy in all of Hollywood, ever.
He will never be surpassed.
Dudes are gross but women are pretty fucking annoying
it's just fubar.
I have a jacket just like that but I always look like a fucking nerd in it. Probably because I am. Thank you for reading my blog
He is but hes somehow managed to bend the rules by realizing there is no spoon
I wish i was as good at talking to people as him, i am real bad at socializing.
>being an absolute pleb who only knows Toby Keith and Shania Twain
Keanu will be husbando material til the day he dies. Never heard a bad word about him and the stories of his generosity both in and outside of the industry are numerous. A rare case of silly money not going to someones head.
Even though he's not a fantastic actor he is a brilliant action hero and clearly cares about the craft. John Wick is at this point an extension of his generosity as he's used it as a vehicle to pay all his stunt buddies and martial arts pals from over the years. Weird to think a hyper violent body count action throwback has so much heart behind it but it really does. Its also incidentally got better action than anything else Hollywood puts out these days.
Post tutorial links senpai
>Red colored hat
i bet if keanu ran for president and didn't even tell anyone why or give any interviews, do any debates, nothing; and he would win. i've never known a single person irl that hasn't loved keanu for whatever reason
That honestly sounds fucking awful. Even an autist like me would have to beg keanu to shut the fuck up.
It's kind of sad, but I think it happened because of his sister, and it changed him in a way money couldn't break. Hearing what happened to his best friend, his family, meant he was either going to lose it or come out a better person than most.
Made it through the bad times, Keanu, keep smiling and I hope good ones follow.
where do ifind woman who does these for me
it works out because he doesn't have to act, his awkward genuineness works out somehow
>shuffles off to carls jr alone
>dressed like an absolute autist
>still manages to look like a top chad
how does he do it lads?
you can get away with anything if you look attractive
this guy fucks
Yeah, I think Keanu is one of those people who can genuinely say money doesn't buy happiness.
Do you guys think all of this "I hate all country music" out of people and random normies has a current of anti-white racism and desire to paint all things "white" as evil or lesser than what the other races have?
I mean I used to say I hated all country too but then I realized SOME good stuff exists and noticed the people who say that are rich urbanites.
I imagine if he wasn’t rich he would’ve never left the hotel and this story wouldn’t be all “wow amazing”
Modern country is just pop music with a corporate manufactured southern twist.
pinko fuck
it's a Jojo reference
>Merle Haggard is from here
>Korn is from here
>Buck Owens liked it here
>Bakersfield Sound is a thing
>Any Which Way but Loose was partially filmed here
And that's about it
I wish I was born A 10/10 girl in Keanu's eyes just so I can make him the happiest guy in the world.
I would never cheat or nag and would be the perfect wife because he deserves it.
xactly. This is retarded.
Dude has the money to have rented a Vette for himself and blown back down to Los Angeles in no time.
Instead, he acts like a poor person.
This must be adventure-playing for rich people.
>On September 12, 2014, Reeves awoke and found a stalker in his library, who told him that she was there to meet him. While Reeves calmly talked to the stalker, he called the police, who arrived and arrested her before taking her in for psychological evaluation
and his kinda sort of wife is the most likeable girl in Hollywood
will having a 12 inch cock help?
I thought he was fucking a tranny.
No one hates on rock, though. Remember: white =/= backwoods Southern
>zip up fleece under suit jacket
yeah i'm getting sick of this shit
this might be old news but i just found out today they're finally making bill and ted 3
>til the day he dies
That will never happen user.
you a mean a cardigan under a blazer?
Caring about clothes in everyday life is for poor people
Really hope it won't turn out like Zoolander 2
Not just for poor people but it shows how hard you are trying to be liked.
Keanu does not give a fuck.
>reading facts about Bakersfield and playing country music on his phone
this sounds annoying af
he's a hollyweird hapa that dates trannies
what the fuck happened to this board?
it's reddit so they probably enjoyed it
An entire website was on a flight together?
Remember that time Keanu was considered one of the most loved celebrities alive?
Oh wait. That's right now!
Some of us grew up
He has a great team of publicists, aren't he.
He dated a tranny. How based is that.
What happened to you friendo?
is english your second or third language?
This album would like to have a with you...
14th. I only spend 88 hours on it too. So sorry that you had to witness that pathetic display, mate.
Hapa only applies to white father+asian mother. Keanu is the opposite. Asian fathers and white mothers produce utter chads.
>Hapa only applies to white father+asian mother
> Asian fathers and white mothers produce utter chads
pick one
>larping as a low-IQ hillbilly because you think it represents whiteness
ironically they have much more in common with niggers than other whites
>country music is more nigger than niggers
Holy shit you are a nigger lover
>implying modern country music that most white trash listen to isn't pop/rap ripoff
alright, maybe you're not larping
He's wearing a MAGA hat
I remember pre-matrix nobody took him seriously, every day was pile on keanu day. I think that primed the pump
After the matrix it was like, whoa dude