Why hasn't there been a biokino about The Beatles yet?
Who would be the best actors to play the roles?
Why hasn't there been a biokino about The Beatles yet?
Who would be the best actors to play the roles?
There is
The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.
Link to imdb or wikipedia article please
Because they are overrated. Queen is far more significant.
probably an issue with michael jackson owning their catalogue
>write an article about some nobody dumb ass writing dub articles for clicks
>Her dumb article gets double the clicks
posting screenshots fron mail online should be a bankable offence. only rags worse are the sun and the guardian
>Sgt. Pepper transformed the Beatles
>not Rubber Soul
>not Revolver
what's wrong with it?
Love and Mercy > Bohemian Rhapsody
This Beatles are pleb tier over rated pop and where considered (edgy) for their time.
Beach Boys animal sounds is the goat experimental rock right up there with the goatest goat pink Floyd's the wall (which also is fantastic heavy metal tier kino) along with daft Punk interstellar 9999 anime tie in magically fusing rock with hardcore eletronica and forever changing the way music was/is made.
I'd put the average alternative 80s and even late 70s experimental rock pop electronica over the Beatles any day and I grew up as a kid in the 90s absolutely adoring most of their catalogue on vinyl then cd/dvd
I dunno I just feel it's like not only the ultimately over rated and over played music but also the least interesting stuff made especially at the time.
Don't care for the lyrics either way but the only parts of their stuff I really liked was the arrangements mixing weird tape loop sample based stuff and some of their obscure shit
Sadly musically their hits are technically their weakest stuff.
Also mgmts last 3 albums along with tame impalas stuff and more importantly their offshoot pond have done even more with the 60-70s revival folk music kinda stuff then they ever did
T. 28 year old virgin boomer white male with a small penis
Xwave shits over it all anyway
Fun fact:
Everytime you see the cover for this album, someone on it is either missing or added. Look into it.
fuck off back to Yea Forums you contrarian autist
I can safely say that literally nobody gives a shit about whatever you just posted
Or you could just kill yourself.
Why would I fuck off to mumblecore meme soundcloud rapper land
Hate that place shit taste in music shit taste in everything
The Beatles are the definition of boomer rock
after the queen movie did like a billion dollars you bet there will be now
Whatever the only surviving members of the Beatles
Even queen is a better band and it produced mainly shit
I think any beatles docu would end up devolving into how much yoko ono is a mentall disturbed control freak cunt and would probably end up with her house getting broken into or something
Ok, but kill yourself.
>no icp or death gripz movie
Even ice cube/nwa was meh
Idk but there is a retarded Danny Boyle movie coming out about a guy being the only person in the world who knows the Beatles and becomes a famous copy musician
And it would gloss over them killing paul
Or you could just get better taste in music
That's fine man, thanks.
But do your part and fucking kill yourself. In the very least because of your autism and inability to understand what the post was about.
>Or you could just get better taste in music
Typical pseud. A true maturity in tastes is understand things in their context and appreciate their role and influence.
This is valid for the pseuds here that only superficially talk about art movies (and then crumble when a genuine comment is asked from them).
Similar comments denote just plain insecurity.
Your replying to 2 different people mate
Anyway doesn't matter who we are all that matters is that the Beatles where highly requarded in their day but other more influential bands actually did the groundwork first they just took the credit.
Also ringo star your art sucks
I have genuinely listened to their stuff so much it sounds like background noise though
People have been dicksucking their mediocre alt (for the time) pop rock for 5 decades time to give them a rest and let them get rediscovered by some gen whatever hipsters in a century
>The Beatles
>Pop music
Pretty sure the Beatles are credited for being a classic rock band, not pop. Jesus christ.
>Something something 'NPR, Thelonious Monk, African Americans. Jazz is uniquely American.'
Go suck a nigger dick queer boy. I rather listen to Johnny Rebel or even shitty mumble rap than that pretentious drivel kikes enjoy.
Relax, it's Yea Forumss imagine being Arnold pasta