Is he superior to reviewbrah?

Is he superior to reviewbrah?

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nice reddit thread

Crazy eyes. This guy 100% has people chained up in his basement.

I enjoy watching people eating buttloads of food

>superior to /ourguy/
Not in a million years

people who enjoy watching people eat buttloads of food are autistic

I enjoy being autistic

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hohoho holy fucking based

Based as fuck.


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goddamn this man is based

100% based, nay...1000% based



roastie got fucking dabbed on holy crap BASED

God what a fucking faggot.


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his face legit scares the fuck out of me. i would run away if i happened to see him in public

He don't take shit from nobody

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had this man been a woman, he would be like the Elizabeth Holmes of food.

This isn’t film.

You aren't film

dont know who this is but i dont like him

check out the big brain on brad over here

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He's turned me on to some good places but I can't trust "foodie" YouTubers without any degree of objectivity. Weins has never rated anything poorly or below mediocre and never stops smiling. It's fucking weird and unsettling.

Based fucking Weins mmm oh ohhh yeah mmm oh yaa

Honestly fuck Canadians

>Poor man's The Food Ranger

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Is there anything more onions than "food reviewers"

Mike Chen is better

Movie reviewers
Just look at this board obsessed with RedditLetterMedia

dont post it

*blocks your path and arteries*

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>Hey Burger Cunt


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Link me the vid

Would joey ever consider collaborating with kino king food dip?

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lol true

>everyone making fun of the amerigoblets
>look i n mirror
>i am a amerigoblet

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>*makes another capeshit thread*
>*makes another blacked thread*
>*makes another pedoshit thread*


Collaborating with Joey means just saying your name on a video and not actually being sat together. Unless it's that jewy tax dodging faggot. He also hates reviewbrah.

Food Dip is the champion of all. He doesn't need no collaborations. That shots below Him. I'd rather he continued doing his own style of them when he picks up homeless people.

sarcasm BTFO

Fuck, I remember watching this chink food reviewer at a restaurant in Sicily. And out of nowhere, one of the italian guys says something racist, then the chink tries to remind them of their Arab history or some faggy shit, and I think the Italian guy responds "I'm white".

Wish I could find the video.

>Crazy eyes.

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you're very clearly incel, we can all tell that you have not had sex

He looks one hundred percent insincere.

Reviewbrah is pure.

Absolutely btfo the thot and faggot white knight.

Fuck Mark Wiens. Watching him eat is disgusting. He is extremely annoying and i hope he dies alone

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Too bad he has a wife and kid, unlike YOU, incel.

He has a loving cute chink wife and a son though.

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Not forever

>youtube cancer
the shilling never stops


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he looks like he's only heard of facial expressions from someone recounting a book they read 20 years ago

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this facial reading shit was debunked decades ago

t. psycho crazy eyes

fucking soulless and insincere

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I hate watching people eat and make weird faces. Reviewbrah just makes face and when he eats it's pretty much normal and hidden and he only does it for like a minute before doing the full review.

What the FUCK is this guy's problem?

>those episodes where he reviews airplane food while you can see people uncomfortably stare at him in background probably wondering what the fuck he's doing

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his "problem" is that he's not an insecure spineless fuck like you that is afraid of what others think of you while you are in your first class/business seat in an airplane

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Him and babish are the only food channels I actually enjoy watching. Maybe it's all in the personality, I don't know.

this post made by desperate coping gang

Mike is Based

>ywn be this based

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You guys forgot he got stalked from a dude from Yea Forums and had to live in his car? This dude give no fucks anymore.

I think it was more because his parents kicked him out but he got his shit back together I think

This is why reviewbrah is /ourguy/

Thirsty roasty detected

I honestly dont believe reviewbrah to be one to blatantly lie about something like that, like he made a video talking about the stalking. It would be easier to just not say anything and make videos, instead of fabricating a "im being stalked" lie.

When it was happening some user posted the photos the stalker took from inside his house. Seems pretty weird for reviewbrah to be posting random pics online, when he seems like a private person.

It's actually real believe it or not, I was there back in the day. He was like 16 though so you can't blame him. He also has apologized about making comments like that in some of his videos.

>He was like 16 though so you can't blame him. He also has apologized about making comments like that in some of his videos.
He used to browse /pol/ and acknowledged the board in a few comments. Then when he got older he made a video saying he was an idiot to be influenced by certain online boards (didn't say /pol/ by name) and he was pretty depressed at the time.

He's all about that money, traveling for free while Makin 10x whoever is looking at him at the plane

>"oh wow, look at all those juices"
>*digs his fingers into his food like a caveman while sweating profusely*
>"oh yeah you can really taste the chili"
>*eyes almost popping out of his sockets as oils drip down his leathery skin*