Saturday /tpg/


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Other urls found in this thread:

Gotta light?

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Sure thing, here you go sir!

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someone post the bf meme pic with lynch & meaningful closure & "what year is it?" please

In what ways did Twin Peaks change you anons? I started to drink more coffee, re-adjusted my life goals (where I want to live - from the city to a more cozy, small town near woods), added a whole new genre of music to my library and started paying more attention to my dreams as well as meditating. It also gave me a new perspective on film and art in general while also moving me in other ways that are still developing to this day. Powerful fucking kino.

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david lunch lol

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I went back to Missoula

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How do you go from this?

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To this?

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I always laughed at how the ESLanon says this in the "Yea Forums does Fire Walk With Me" video

does anyone have a link to it

It made me love that bike.

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CHRIST ALMIGHTY. Shelly truly is /bestgirl/ forever.

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She was never attractive, especially when standing next to Madchen and prime Sherilyn.

Factually untrue

Very true. I'm just more amused at the fact she completely fucked her face.

What the fuck was Kyle thinking? He could have had any woman back then and he settled for that creature.

The finale of the Return was the only show since the Sopranos which truly changed my opinion on life, namely love through time.
A lot of TV shows don't get to 1% of the poignancy.

It also made me appreciate my small-ish town a lot more.

this was a great scene, nice trips


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>Scott Walker died before he could show up in a David Lynch work
I'm upset.

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Based user, I agree with your views. It's very interesting how these things can have such an impact on our lives. Beautiful, even.
To this user I say
>pic related

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She was pretty and hadn’t revealed her true nature yet

I already wrote down my dreams sometimes but I learned more about dreams and have had some lucid ones after watching Twin Peaks. Being lucid in dreams is fantastic.

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Sheryl Lee is CUTE!

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Even in her prime she was plain, brah.


I didn't like fire walk with me.
I missed the soap opera elements. But I did like season 3.


>You'll never fuck audrey in her prime.

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Fire Walk with Me is shit and the Lynch dickriders can't handle that fact.

Oh Mr Jeffries, the shit, it come out of his ass.


Oh Mr Jeffries, the shit, it come out of his ass

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What are your thoughts on Inland Empire? Is it shit or am I just a brainlet? It's the only thing Lynch ever made that I just don't like.

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>watching Mr Robot S2 E2
>blonde at a bar alone, nigger sits besides her
>cut to them in the bedroom
>protagonist complaining about sexism and racism
Hollywood just can't control themselves, can they? They just ruined everything after a perfectly good first season.


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No need to be rude, user
Sheryl wouldn't like you being rude

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In my top 3 favourite for everything that Lynch has ever done. If you've only watched it once, I urge you to give it at least 1 more shot. It gets better with every viewing. On first viewing, my brain could barely comprehend anything happening on screen.

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I like it, it's actually among my favorite things he's done, after Twin Peaks, FWWM and Blue Velvet. It's a deranged dark fever dream of a movie, I like it a lot but I can totally understand why the vast majority of people won't.
I'm not a huge fan of Mulholland Drive, on the other hand. I've seen it several times and I can appreciate a lot of things about it, but it's just not doing it for me.

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Holy shit Laura a CUTE? I never knew this.

It's my favorite movie of all time.

>Lynch dickriders can't handle that fact.
Why is it so hard to understand your opinion isn't fact and people can like things you don't like without pretending?
Okay who am I kidding, your taste is objectively garbage and you're confused

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Sheryl is very cute

Nice, hadn't seen those, post more Sheryls

I have a fuller appreciation of the esoteric that isn't based on a headstrong desire to solve all mysteries. I just appreciate mysteries for what they are, little parcels of God wrapped up in purposive complexity.

And yes, I drink more coffee. I also live by the "one gift a day" rule.

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What about this?

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>Madchen aged so well, I bet the other women in the cast hate her.

BASED. The "one gift a day", among many others, is an excellent little piece of knowledge to implement in your own life.
I'm one of those buddy and even though I think Laura is cute now (never appreciated her looks much in the show), I still think SHELLY BTFO OF EVERYONE. FUCK SREGGIN AND FUCK JANNIES TOO.

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I wish there was more of Charlie in season 3, he was a real high point.

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Are you fucking kidding me?

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He was great. I'd like to see a spin off sitcom where him and Leyland struggle to run a business together.

>started meditating
>started drinking black coffee
>gained greater appreciation of pine trees
>ambient music now one of my favorite genres
Not related to Twin Peaks, but because of Eraserhead whenever I pass by a construction site or something I'm reminded of that opening scene where Henry's stepping through the puddles

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Patrician Charlie poster.
Alright the coat's coming off.

I had never seen Twin Peaks before and watched it all in its entirety in about 10 days, shortly after The Return finished airing. Season one and two, Fire Walk With Me and the Missing Pieces, I even read The Final Dossier. It was the single greatest experience of my life. Nothing has topped it since. It gave me hope that TV may once again reach as high as Twin Peaks did. I watched The Leftovers shortly after, expecting it to be terrible I had watched L O S T for the first time a few months earlier but I really enjoyed it and thought Lindelof handled the ending much better. I also went through Lynch's filmography and enjoyed most of them, especially Lost Highway, Blue Velvet and The Elephant Man.

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I only called her ugly so you would post again and bump the thread. I’m playing 3D chess with you

where did he go?

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Into the power socket with a fork

Great story user, thanks for sharing. Many anons share a similar path (binge watch TP and then getting deeply involved with Lynch's work),
>pic related

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>tfw ur LITERALLY Eddy Vedder but without the energy
Syd Barrett, take me away.

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Oh yeah? Well I'd be posting anyway and it's my thread, I've been playing 4D chess all along

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I'm feeling a DEEP LACK OF SHELLY in this thread.

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Only got 4 episodes left

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I stumbled across some Twin Peaks discussion videos on youtube by a channel called WowLynchWow and the guy that narrates them is Rummy from Rummys corner the boxing channel. Kind of weird but I like his obnoxious Jersey(?) accent.

I dunno, I feel like a thread with a lot of Sheryl can't possibly be lacking anything, but here's a Shelly for you as a token of friendship

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/tpg/, it's time to pick your favourite piece of Twin Peaks music. From the original run, the Return and both films.

Mine is The Pink Room but I'm also very partial to I'm Hurt Bad which is the song Bobby plays on the jukebox in the pilot.

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Shelly is my wife.

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Thanks user, I appreciate it. Have another one of your girl smiling.

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I dropped it after that episode. Not because of the interracial relationship but because the show went totally off the rails.

>Cooper is actually a traumatised and sad man who focuses on the positives in life, no matter how big or small, to work through his trauma
>people latch on to his eccentric morning routines

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post rare lynchs

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Hurt bad is an absolutely fucking atomic piece of music that's underrated because it wasn't released digitally, as far as I know. Insanely powerful song and I'm very impressed by the choice user. Pink room's also a classic but don' forget the bookhouse boys -

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>Coop suffers failure after failure
>Even the ending can be interpreted as another failure or punishment for his attempts to save Laura

It hurts bros

his morning routines keep him positive and focused

makes sense to emulate that

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At least he tried to fix things by saving laura.
Nobody else did.

A strangely arousing webm

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Ah fuck this hits me hard. Imagine working on the van nuys set, getting out at night when the chilly LA air sets right in, and going to eat at Bob's in Burbank while Lynch explains his autistoid ideas in such poetic ways

Coop inspired me to keep a journal, even if it is in text form instead of audio logging

The Bookhouse Boys is a patrician choice.

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I don't like to pick one, but if I had to, it'd probably be the Fire Walk With Me theme. Maybe the sax version.

There are a bunch of tracks I listen to all the time.
Sycamore Trees, Don't Do Anything (I Wouldn't Do) which is the music that plays in Hap's Diner, I've really fallen in love with it. Moving Through Time, Nightsea Wind, Deer Meadow Shuffle (Film Version). Pink Room is great, as is Blue Frank. Bookhouse Boys, naturally. Questions in a World of Blue. Laura's Dark Boogie
Dark Space Low is magical. Heartbreaking. I like Lynch's American Woman remix more the more I listen to it.


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I also really like Sycamore Trees and listen to it a lot as it shuffles in to my playlist.

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Arguably that was his biggest mistake. He refuses to understand that rather than trying to change the past, you have to embrace it and move past it

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>mfw whenever Angelo's nuclear sound bombs start playing

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But Lauras mother was going to fucking kill everyone.

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Really goddamn bad story, isn't it user

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It made me appreciate Sheryl Lee more. :)

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It's a shame that Donna couldn't be in the return. Even insane Audrey had scenes.

This picture will improve your day tremendously
Open it responsibly

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Wtf? It worked?

It's Saturday. Anyone taking their girl to the malt shop tonight?

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Holy shit that's a powerful white-pill. It works.

I'm going to watch Blue Velvet, keep the thread alive anons


Sure, I'm about to

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No I really liked it and its general dreary atmosphere and aesthetic. I thought judy possessing Sarah Palmer was great.

I was quoting Sarah, user
"Really goddamn bad story, isn't it Hawk"

I wish I forgot more of season 2 then season 3.


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Did you accidentally post this in the wrong thread?

Don't we all


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fuck you

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>be speaking with girl
>she says I'm good-looking
>quickly corrects herself and reiterates that it's great to see me be doing good
>also says that she is very happy that I am well
>tell her that I am happy that she is happy that I am well
>mix medicine and beer and proceed to vomit on the pavement outside

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No, fuck YOU.
I already knew while watching it that I'd hate people who'd hate Dougie Coop.
I mean how the fuck can you hate it?

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Dougie was the best thing about the Return.

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I know someone who hates Dougie and fast-forwarded through episode 8


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90% of The Return is people doing nothing

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There's interesting paranormal, detective shit with lynch and the gang.

>mfw I actually have that funko pop figure and hated dougie.

...well shit I still hate him.

Literally me


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you're the retard
>insulting the angel that is dougiecoop
you're hereby banned from posting in tpg
also, dougie lasts practically till the very end, so I think you got lynched

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could anyone explain to me who was that old smoked lady in caravan in Fire Walk With Me?

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Yo Mamma


same but I love dougie, I’m almost on ep 5

David Lynch

Fire walk with me theme and the black dog runs at night (gives me an early swans/joy division type of feel). Also what two films? Fwwm and...?

holy shit it fits better to Twn Peaks than to Deux Ex

The Missing Pieces

Oh yeah it did, and that's the worse part.
At least we got him in the end...
I wouldn't have minded dougie if he wasn't there for THAT long.

I think you missed the fact that that storyline and character was the emotional core of the series and that he IS Dale Cooper

>"I wish there was more of him"
fucking lol

Everything about this is gold

..what the fuck kind of neighborhood is this?

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why were the Mitchum bros so great?
>mfw every time they're on screen

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They were my favorite new characters. The Las Vegas storyline in general was a 10/10

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Some people just can’t be saved, /tpg/. No matter how hard you try, no matter what you sacrifice....and in the end, nobody knows if it really happened.

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part 6 contains some of the most transcendent experiences mr. lynch has ever graced us with. forever grateful.

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>They were my favorite new characters.
Same. I include Candie with them, she's great

I want to fuck this FBI.

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aaaaaa im fucking cumming

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Agreed. The scene with Bushnell is one of my favorite scenes in all of season 3, such a beautiful scene.

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a pleasure to connect with you, friend

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inland empire has an interesting connection to twin peaks. it’s been awhile since i watched IE and it’s difficult to parse to begin with, but iirc the basic plot is that laura dern’s character, the actress, essentially transforms into the character she’s portraying, the polish woman, and in so doing finally provides closure and redemption for the character and actress alike.

sheryl lee has likened it to her experiencing portraying laura palmer. she felt that via her performance she was able to release laura’s suffering spirit & finally vanquish some of her own personal demons.

great movie

AHEM. rM repooC, t'nod tegrof ot sag lla swej.

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Sheryl Lee’s performance in FWWM is fucking amazing, truly an amazingly passionate actress that gave her everything to the role. She’s so underrated bros

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Insane performance indeed, this part especially stuck with me. Excellent emotion, perfectly acted.

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Reminder that Dr. Amp dug Big Ed out of the shit

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What's the significance of September 3rd?

the finale

I was suprised in the scene where he walks back to his desk and you can see he's got normal legs.
It seems the actor had loads of health problems as a kid, including some kind of arthritis, thats why his arms are short and he can't move his neck at all. In spite of all that he's a succesful theatre actor.

why is lynch trolling me so hard? dougies story isnt even going anywhere im worried about coop

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Season 3 is complete shit
Change my mind

Like many others the Dougie situation seemed to drag on and became frustrating but you forget all that by the end. You really have to watch it all the way through even though its tempting to throw in the towel around halfway.

Trust lunch

i dont even care about the pie or the coffee or the crimesolving i just dont wanna sit through 11 more episodes of him doing nothing until someone finds him and he gets fixed or whatever happens AAAAAAAHGGGGGHHHHHHH

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Anyone who has seen The Return and accepted it into their heart has embraced the LORD Jesus Christ and been enriched by Him

Why did Lynch hate Annie so much? She's literally only mentioned in season 3 once in passing by hawk and never spoken of again. Pretty fucked up considering Cooper literally wasted 25 years of his life rotting in the black lodge for her. Cooper should have at least visited her in the hospital or something... but I guess he just forgot/ doesn't care anymore? Also Coop and Diane being a thing was pure cringe and forced af.

Interesting take and I want to see other user's thoughts on this Annie thing. Why was she "skipped"? Why was Diane propped up so quickly? It all made sense in the end, for some fucked up reason, but it was certainly unexpected.

Arguably your biggest mistake is to understand that Cooper succeeded and your feeble mind is trying to make an ending out of a cliffhanger.


But what year is it? "1954" she was possessed. In which iteration? Which loop? Jeffries Original Timeline, Jeffries Subsequent AKA The Unofficial, The Official?

he didnt want her to exist, blame donna

He went in there to kill two birds with one stone. Fuck Annie, she didn't even exist. Official version it was Audrey who went in. Look what that did to her when Official version snapped to full. Annie's just a tard now. Some part of her is still in the Lodge. Audrey too. With that part of Maddy that didn't get murked.

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people are under a lot of stress, bradley


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David Lynch denies using fake butt for “Twin Peaks: The Return”

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because I cant not spread the love

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Keep this gem of a thread alive boys, I've gotta go make coffee for 8 hours. Be right back.

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Dougie was kino. It's kinda nice, Coop in a way got to have a happy family that he never got to have because he was trapped in the black lodge.

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The first part of FWWM was an amazing experience.
>ywn have a season of chet desmond and coop running around solving mysterious cases

Yea that was great. Actually if there’s ever a fourth season I hope it’s about how leland met bob, leading up to cooper right right before fwwm.

Laura is best girl

My main gripe with that part was that Lynch miscasted the two agents. Literally who should have been goofy, bumbling idiot and Sutherland should have been Chet.


Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during the Twin Peaks finale. It confirms Agent Cooper never gets his mind back. (Pic is evil Cooper)

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Good Coop is very off after he touches Mr. C. Rewatch the Odessa shit and really think to yourself if he's being Cooper like.

I haven’t finished S3 so I can’t

You see, ive already gone places...

Isn't that because hes become Richard or whatever Dianes note called him?
Why would Evil Coop want to take Laura home, is it because Judy was supposed to be there as Sarah?

Cooper the boyscout, and Mr. C the scoundrel are both ultimately misguided.
Only Dougie, through inaction and observation is truly enlightened. We should all strive to be a little more like Dougie.

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>Season 3 is complete shit
>Change my mind
no, we dont want anymore LYNCHED fags here

bitch you ruined the sheets

You don't get to not like it, you didn't fucking get it

similar things to what you said, but I’m actually going to try and follow in Cooper’s career path. working on a criminal justice degree right now, going to then work as a cop in a small town, get promoted to homicide detective after a few years, and then finally try out for the FBI. This has been an idea of mine for a while, but I didn’t have the courage to commit to it until I saw Twin Peaks. It really is powerful fucking kino

What's Lynch working on next? He has to have another thing left in him.

we’re making a flick together real hush hush don’t let anyone know i told you

best of luck mr. frost

Wouldn’t say it’s my favorite, but this song, and the scene it played over, cemented The Return as very good in my mind. Need to re-watch it once it gets warm again.

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Finished The Return the other day and now I'm depressed knowing there will never be anything in the history of entertainment that will top it.

Made me appreciate my life living in semi rural Washington state

What was the best song in The Return?

I wish I had a genuine old school diner in my shitty town. Closest thing we have is Waffle House and only methheads go there.

Headless Chicken for free jazz vibes. Slow 30's Room for fans of The Caretaker. Saturday (Instrumental) or maybe Windswept for fans of Drive. Dark Space Low for ambient fans

I'd love a Mitchum Bros spinoff with an occasional Dougie appearance.

That's some Taoist shit right there, is Dougie Taopilled?

my town has a 1950s diner but it's been bought by nudists and you're actually not allowed in if you're wearing clothes

Why does nobody care about ?

Emma Stone, among many other actresses, should frequently go there

Of all the celebrity deaths I miss Bowie the most.

Because Heather Graham is a horrible fucking actress.

Why was there so little Horne Brother interaction in The Return? They were amongst my favorite characters in the original series.

L _ _ _ _ _ D

What was the worst part of The Return? For me it was Amanda Sefried's character and her junkie boyfriend. What was the point of that shit?

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Cutemanda Cutefried

For me:
No Annie.
Bobby being underutilized.
Lynch's extensive trolling. Like Dougie's Arc, Audrey's Arc, etc were enough. Lynch didn't need a 15 minute scene of himself getting googly eyed over a french thot.

the roadhouse songs

Any fans of The OA here?

Did anyone notice the parallels between Part II and The Return? Even the ending gave me huge The Return vibes, it’s undeniable that they got inspiration from the final scene too.

captcha: traffic lights

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inb4ing won't save you from it, faggot

Fucking based, that makes that moment so much better to me
Love him in the 80s KC

Excuse me hello this is a negativity-free general, you must leave

Ray Wise being the new BOB. Just hated an actor of his caliber getting so little screentime.

Summoning Vedderfags

>Meant Ray Wise not being the new BOB

Part II was disappointing but in the overall context of the show I could see some TP influence

I guess it set the standard for shows about different dimensions

someone post andy's gut


in this thread: faces of stone.


80-IQ bimbo steals everything she can from Lynch and sells it to Netflix as OH SO ORIGINAL DONUT STEEL. Read her Twitter, she's most likely below IQ 80.

I remember when it was announced that Jim Belushi was in the cast, and everyone talked shit. Lo and behold, the man ends up bringing one of the best contributions to the whole damn show. This show is magic

Attached: themitchembros.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

how does Lynch do it? How does everything he makes turn to kino?

I liked Wild West tbqh

honestly Diane. Ruining the entire mystique of Diane just to shoe horn in a major role for Laura Dern is infuriating frankly, and the one artistic choice that felt contrived, in a sea of choices that could be very readily be taken as contrived

sheriff trueman sized hole in the return

Attached: bros.png (688x512, 289K)
