How the FUCK do YOU keep up with new movies and Yea Forums shows, Yea Forums?

How the FUCK do YOU keep up with new movies and Yea Forums shows, Yea Forums?

I feel like thanks to Netflix, Prime, 2nd seasons and everybody and their mom making tv shows you got like a million new Yea Forums shows and movies every weeks. How do you keep track of and up with it?

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Quality over quantity. Stop watching subpar shit and concentrate on stuff you actually find interesting.

I don’t watch any of it.

What exact.y are you doing on Yea Forums?

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>he thinks this board actually watches tv

one day at a time

Who the fuck even watches tv?

Most streaming service shows are garbage, or mediocre. Just pirate anything HBO puts out and you'll always be "caught up" as far as being a normie goes.

See what show is memed the most on Yea Forums and watch that.

I guess you can’t really. I kind of just assume that if it’s something I’d really like eventually I’ll probably find out about it. No doubt there’s some I won’t, but nothing will ever be perfect. I know what I like and I actively browse for it when I want something to watch. That’s good enough for me. Most people will never have the access to entertainment that I do, why sweat the small stuff?
Not sweating the small stuff is something I’m trying to remind myself more often these days, which is actually the reason I bothered to reply to you. To help myself reshape my perspective. I don’t give a shit about your little problem. But my advice is still good. Good luck, user.

and how do you catch up with "non-normie"/fun/good movies/tv series? Do you just go throw all the new release and watch what interests you?

I don't really watch new shit at all except for a few directors that I like.

I just don't watch tv, I just shitpost. only inbred american twats actually watch tv

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I mostly base what I watch off of opinions I read online, and the tomato score. I'll give something a chance without either of those qualifiers if the premise really interests me or I recognize and like the actors or director

I just rewatch stuff and shitpost on Yea Forums while doing so. Drinking helps, too. Why do you think there are so many Sopranos threads all the time? We hate the new.

i don't

yeah,pretty much the same.
rewatched happy/preacher/justified and just don't bother with new stuff anymore which is kinda sad.
what you watching other than the big 3?
even starting leaving arconai on random shows I am that bloody lazy.

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>he watches tv

Sopranos for character drama
Boardwalk Empire for period drama
Trailer Park Boys for comedy

I genuinely don't understand the appeal of most TV shows. There are a handful that are great but for the most part, they come off as "what can we do this week?" Especially shows that have been on for years. That and they never feel like they're truly building towards anything.


>How the FUCK do YOU keep up with new movies and Yea Forums shows, Yea Forums?
i dont, i pursue more fulfilling things

had a dream I was delivery boy for mafia type families but for some reason I was bringing them curry and they got mad...might give boardwalk another go I guess.
someone invent a time machine for gods sake so we can go back to live threads...also I would have hair again.

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>watching tv or movies

I was keeping up with everything at one point, binging one show after the other. I started with Sopranos and Mad Men, then moved onto stuff like L O S T and Boardwalk Empire. Then Young Pope and Leftovers. At some point I was watching Tudors and Borgias while neglecting Uni, so I realized I was addicted. I deleted everything, and now have very few things on my PC. HBO minis like John Adams and Generation Kill that I watch one episode of per week. Person Of Interest to watch a single 40minute episode per day with dinner. And Mad Men for rewatching with lunch, since I can fast forward through bits and watch only the juicy stuff. Ongoing stuff that I’ll watch when they conclude are Billions S4, Mr. Robot S4 and the new Young Pope season.

Don’t try to keep up. Treat shows as just a 40 minute relaxation period after a tough day where you cannot do anything else. Don’t let them become something you “have to” do. Otherwise you end up becoming a completionist. I’ve always had that fault; I can get easily addicted. Be it collecting figures, playing games or watching shows. Keep it under control, or it will turn out sour.

TL;DR just watch trailers and pick the stuff you really, genuinely like and think look good. Otherwise don’t even bother. You should be using your time in other ways.

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I don't. It's not homework. You don't have to watch every movie and show out there. Especially if all you're going to do is bitch about it.