Any redemption movies?

Any redemption movies?

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What is going on with these couples where man is handsome but the girl is so much below the average?

Pretty women aren't nice

The dude is ugly as fuck fag

What? He looks like a mutt ape, she is a cute


>What? He looks like a mutt ape, she is a cute
Overcompensating third world goblino detected. She literally has a mutt nose and groid lips. Stop trying so hard to blend in, subhuman.

I have tits, no confirmation will be sent tho.
He's a top tier specimen user.

Did anyone read the masha interview? Made me sad desu

translate pls

Is this child not the male's progeny?

who are they?

No, he's not. There are objective standards of beauty, and he doesn't hit the mark.

could be her stepdad kid who knows
old pornstar google her cat goddess

i hate to tell you this but men will always be at least 3 times more valuable than the woman they are with, this means looks too

Extras from the latest Terminator movie. Apparently she cheated on him and had that kid and they stayed together anyway but the dude freaked out and killed the baby and girlfriend

What? She loved that grown dick dude

>Suddendly understand what this thread is about

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oh you

Tits or GTFO, you know the rules.

Standards of beauty doesn't equal to how people are considered attractive in a sexual way. It's no secret that for fucking women are looking for brutish looking men, and the guy in the picture seems handsome enough with brutish features on top of that, so no wondering he's making some panties wet.

whats that?

why are you lying you stupid bitch lmao he's ugly, the goatee isn't doing him any favours and the chick is really pretty

>women are looking for british looking men

What the fuck am I reading

repo man was pretty good

You find one in every thread

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not his post, apparently...

any fallen heroes movie?

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pop his post, papparently..........

>and the chick is really pretty
Are you an Anglo? Because she really isn't, in a Slav country she would be average, maybe slightly below average, talking strictly about the face

I'd punch you through the screen if I could

>women are looking for brutish looking men

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That girl is way cuter than him...

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Shit i remember them. The way that guy treated her anus i'd be surprised if it's not completely busted

seeth harder reddit


To be fair, most men are, in fact, ugly.


Am I supposeed to know every single fucking meme since the big bang?


Have sex, femcel

Should I know who that is in the picture?

Don't look at it that way fella. The fact is that men run the world and drive humanity forward. Women are baby factories that requires sperm to be pumped inside. When you consider these facts it explains why women single out the most physically and socially capable looking men, while men just look for a baby factory that isn't busted

the girl was in child pornography
people who make these threads with no explanation are just bragging about how they're "in the loop" when it comes to child pornography

I don't know if they're a meme, they were just a couple from pre-HD porn days who engaged in hardcore poohole penetration.

I just know I'm in the 27%

>most men are, in fact, ugly.
You are talking about me?

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If you don't know who is she is you're a genuine newfag
Theres no two ways about it

I bet either Vicky these days is a freak in bed where she can't get off without calling the dude shes fucking daddy, or shes the prudest fuck ever.

What the fuck are you talking about? Every attractive girl I see are always with scrawny looking dudes who have the bodies of either a drug addict or a grade schooler and look like they'd cry if they were ever confronted by anyone.
when is the film adaptation coming?

Hypergamy. This is actually a recent phenomenon.

how is this still up? are the rumors true? theres new mods and janitors?

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i'm actually slav and they both look slav to me

I thought she was married?

>Years ago I saw the “Vicky” videos while doing long term research on child porn from the “inside”. There is no doubt in my mind that my perspective was the same as that of child lover. That is, from a viewer point of view.
>Regardless of what Kylie Freeman has stated about her alleged abuse, I do not think she was abused. It’s clear that she was not. Not only from the perspective of the videos her dad made. But also from her interviews. The word “abuse” has been tossed around loosely in her life by those who resent the porn videos. Rather than to see an honest perspective from her father, he was quickly condemned for breaking the law and reduced to nothing. Kylie was quickly brainwashed by her mother and step father, as well as many others. I do not advocate child porn. But there is a whole other world of parent/child relationships that is very misunderstood. It is something that has been here since the Beginning. And it will not go away because it is obviously a reality that will fight to see the light of day. There are many many families who strongly believe in incest. My family is not one of them. But I prefer to understand something than to simply condemn it because of my lack of understanding. That is ignorant.
>Just like people condemned the telephone when it was first invented. Ignorant. People have shown for the longest time that they easily fall into a smug path where anything different becomes a crime. In this case. The videos with “Vicky” hardly show abuse. They look more like sexual training videos done with a lot of care. Kylie actually seemed very fine and there were loving exchanges between her and her father. This is easily understood when you compare it to videos like the horrifying “Tara” videos where some fat, sadistic fool really does abuse a young girl. Nothing like that occurred in the “Vicky” videos.

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any reason why it shouldn't be pal?

>Like it or not. There are things in this world that are demanding attention. Homosexuality is a prime example for modern times. I do not condone someone training someone else’s child secretly for sex. But where incest is concerned, I think it is a reality that comes with and without abuse, the same as anything else in this world. But just because there are instances of abuse, that doesn’t make incest a bad thing. The TV show that Kylie Freeman was on is just another typical program looking for ratings at the expense of someone else’s life. Someone gets built up. Someone gets torn down. That’s Hollywood for you.

LOL is that....?

why are they both hideous but the child looks normal?

I need a quick rundown

mods are faggots