what would be the plot of your countries "Film"?
What would be the plot of your countries "Film"?
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>Slovakian film
Bunch of kids getting fucked up everyday and have no point in living a life. And yeah there are also gypsies, fights, hard drugs and blood.
+It could also say something about Mafia ruling the country.
if serbian film really is the consequence of serbia's national trauma, i don't even want to think about the horrors of a movie about the national trauma of germany
It was already made. This is England. Perhaps the only differences would be no skinheads, just short back and sides, less racism and Barratt newbuilds and over 60s apartment complexes as opposed to dreary boot houses.
storing money
>A Swedish Film
Plot would be pretty much the same except the main character would be a white girl getting railed by about 40 somalians over the course of 90 minutes
Drunk pathetic man stumbles his way through town, is abused and mocked by everyone he meets but inspite of all this manages to hold onto his delusion that everyone likes him
a creepy horror about a country invitng a new group of people in that beging to rape their children but each time they do it it becomes less spoken about
pic related
It would be about pancit and Manny Pacquiao
Israel is it you?
>A man escapes a prison sentence by the skin of his teeth and must now steal alcohol from Americans in order to get a job which utilises his talents: drinking hard spirits.
It's actually pretty kino too
It would be a documentary style movie about any entire population mysteriously descending into schizophrenia and then the end would imply that it was the Jews that did it but in such a subtle way that only people like /pol/ would pick up on it.
Feel bad for you lads. Such a beautiful country. There's no winning for you guys.
>an American film
>It's just 2 hours of body can footage from chicago
>An Irish Film
Anto is a thin heroin addict living in a run down hostel in Dublin who never sees the other occupants, all he hears are pained groans, heavy breathing and choking behind the doors. He spends an hour sitting staring at the Millennium Spike before the hunger for another hit kicks in. Anto decides to visit his 'girlfriend', a sickly Lithuanian immigrant who is suspiciously young. Anto momentarily relieves his mental frustration on her, beating her while crying and ejaculating on her bared stomach. He stammers out an apology before leaving. We see another man, a burly African, coming up to do the same thing. Anto then uses his old flip phone to call his dealer (we don't hear the other side), all the while a nauseous droning has been getting steadily louder in the background. Anto wanders through Dublin's back alleys, past historical buildings and old cobblestone streets, at one point he passes a pile of refuse, out of which a human face turns to peer at him. Anto runs away and vomits. Breathing through gritted teeth, Anto is assailed by a group of Polish skinhead youths. Anto reveals he has a knife, slashing one youth across the face violently, creeping on his hands and feet like a barely human creature towards the downed youth before they drag their screaming friend away. Anto spends some time laying on the damp stone ground staring, the drone is louder now. He vomits again before getting up. Now walking down a long street, Anto begs for bus fare. He narrates his perspective and assumptions on each person down the long line. Immigrants abound, muslims who don't look at him, native Irish who shame-facedly mumble an excuse, Romanians who tell him to leave. Anto tries to board a bus by its second doors but gets pushed out by something he can't see. He hears his name called then. He can see the tip of the Spike looming above the buildings. Anto runs madly through the city to it, but at one point trips and falls into the Liffey, drowning. The End.
Damned Juden, they never stop.
>an American film
>it's 2 hours inside a costco/walmart, filming people and their natural behavior
Fromage et Baguette
As much as I'm ashamed to admit it. I wish to die.
>A Canadian Film
Just about a bunch of bros playing hockey and drinking beers.
it's also in winter
theres quite a few scenes playing in my country here. where else would they film a show about banks?
i watched a slovakian documentary on hbo and that was literally the plot
>An Argentinian Film
It's about a loser who sees a fuckable woman on the street every 30 seconds and goes insane. Starring Ricardo Darin
>A Chilean Film
already exists
>An American Film
>An American Film
They'll never top this. It even has a burger scene.
Fuck me. It's Falling Down. Here's the burger scene: youtube.com
Fucking leafs
Sounds like arthouse kino
Russian Film
Rich people not knowing what the fuck else to do with all these billions while general population starves, drinks and fucks itself to death.
>Finnish film
Male full frontal nudity and cursing.
Postal but with funky town playing as the soundtrack
Israel "spends" and "receives".
He is clearly talking about the Bergjuden of Switzerland.
>winner of the Governor General Award
>a Canadian bestseller
>An American Film
Four protagonists. One is a fat Jew from New York. One is a fat black guy from Alabama. And the final one is a fat Hispanic guy from Florida. And one is a fat WASP from Massachusetts. They all get locked in a meat locker at a Walmart. It's a psychological drama where they fight over hunger, and it ends with them attempting to cannibalize each other. It's social commentary about race relations in the United States.
>Ukrainian film
>a bunch of kikes organize a revolution after revolution and dumb plebs buys it all
>a German film
great premise, horrible ending
Black Panther
Although I can't stand Paolo Sorrentino and Toni Servillo (they are pretentious to an almost farcical degree), they really hit it out of the park with this.
They even made Carlo Verdone act like he used too, I had completely given up on him ever getting back to his old skills.
Citizen Kane.
A boy grows up idealistic, is corrupted by wealth and power, becomes vain and decadent then looks back in regret at the happiness and idealism he lost.
the protagonist decides to go outside and gets king hit for looking in a persons general direction. that night his home is invaded by the areas friendly sudanese youth that the left wing progressives say will integrate and need opportunities in life.
>An Italian Film
It's just two hours of two grannies arguing and insulting each other in all the ways possible because they disagreed on how to cook some pasta
The Founder
A very disgruntled tradesman has to sort out all his licenses just to watch East Enders.
Mah secondo me sei un "ItaloAmericano", uno di quelli che non riesce neanche a pronunciare il suo cognome.