Netflix is a huge money pit. There's no way it's ever going to be solvent. It's basically doing what the satellite radio companies did in the early 2000s. Just blowing huge amounts of money to get set up, but with no way to get the subscriber base large enough to fund it.
Watch them file for bankruptcy and some hedge fund swoop in and get all their assets for pennies.
Both Disney and AT&T (new owner of Warner) are much more heavily indebted than Netflix due to borrowing cash to pay for their acquisitions (Fox for Disney, Warner for AT&T).
Keep in mind that Netflix continues to be profitable albeit less so due to intensifying competition from incumbent media giants.
>Per quarter
Fuckin' christ. A 3% net profit. That's fucking terrible on those kinds of expenses on what should be a pretty established company.
Comcast, the parent of NBCUniversal, only had 9% net profit in the same quarter, AT&T only 10%. Netflix is a rapidly growing company. Investors are willing to let it continue spending to fuel growth both in the U.S. and overseas.
The more money you spend the lower percentage profit you need to appear attractive you brainlet.
If you have a trillion dollars, hypothetically, you're better off playing it safe and making a 2% profit, then trying to make a 30% profit. This is why companies like Amazon turn such small profits. It's about market share.
if a company's biggest goal is to grow, why would it primarily show content targeted to a specific audience (liberals)?
i don't get it.
But they're really not even making that much on a dollar basis. I just don't see Netflix being able to get subscriber numbers high enough when its competitors are so much more diversified.
The fact that these companies are spending money to grow means they have ways to expand their business further. Large companies that have hit a ceiling don't spend more to grow since their market is already saturated and spending more is not going to increase their revenue (see Apple now and Microsoft circa 1999). They increase dividends to return their profit to shareholders instead.
Share prices trade on potential further upsides, so when companies declare they're mostly done growing and start paying out money, it's actually quite disappointing for shareholders and share prices stop increasing drastically even though shareholders are directly being paid cash now.
First of all Netflix hasn't made a profit yet, even when it was mailing out dvds.
Second, and most importantly, Netflix is a privately held company that quite famously does not share a god damned thing with the outside world. Where are you pulling these numbers from?
because younger, more affluent and more well-educated people are disproportionately liberal, and both have larger disposable incomes and are bigger consumers of niche prestige entertainment (not reality TV, soaps etc).
it's not a conspiracy at all: the right wing is statistically poor, depressed, addicted, old, and plebian in its tastes. those are the facts.
This, losing their biggest shows to rival companies and getting into overwhelming debt is a good thing (and it's beautiful)
>But they're really not even making that much on a dollar basis
read the fucking thread
>Second, and most importantly, Netflix is a privately held company...
Did you eat paint chips for breakfast?
If you're selling stocks, you're "indebted" by default to your stockholders. That's how the universe works.
There's a pretty direct correlation between liberal views, education and annual salary.
Why is political "banter" always so fucking crap on Yea Forums?
Thats not what solvent means
Any time I see “Netlix Original”, it’s a red flag for me. I can’t be the only one.
Netflix is a public company
I have? What's your point? Netflix is blowing huge amounts of cash for its size, barely turning a profit, and is much more vulnerable than its competitors because all it has is a streaming service.
Netflix expanded into pretty much every country in the world except China (their government won't allow that), and they can do that because their own global rights to their original contents. Meanwhile, Hulu can't even start offering their service in Canada due to rights issues. Netflix has almost no competition in Japan, South Korea, and the rest of Asia and have been investing heavily into developing original contents there.
Republican states are the most impoverished, least educated and least affluent regions of the Union. It's not banter, it's a fact.
>he's in investor
>in NTFX
>he does it for no dividends
Netflix and HBO have nearly identical revenue ($5.5bil & $5.4bil), but for HBO $1.8bil of that is profit...for Netflix, only $266mil is profit. Netflix is adding almost as many subscribers in one year as HBO did in 40 years
>la la la I can't hear the truth, la la
SiriusXM is still trucking.
Yea that's why no one can get a real public breakdown. They are essentially controlled by 3 people and that is why you will never know how much they actually paid for normies to stream FRIENDS all night.
I can literally dive down into my GE reports and find out how much we make a turbine for, and how much we sell it for.
you literally answered your own point for fuck's sake.
my mom still subscribes even though I tell her how much cheaper spotify or any other streaming service is and not potato 64kbps quality
>Netflix expanded into basically every country in the world except the largest untapped market.
Whoa! Tell me about all those Liberians and Pakistanis that are just dying for more Netflix Original Series!
"Getting into" the Japanese or Korean markets isn't difficult are remarkable. These are things that Disney, Universal, and AT&T can do easily... or something that local media companies can do just as well.
Literally because of truckers
GE's financial statements are so transparent, they had three surprise asset write-downs related to its insurance business in past two years, had 70% decline in share price, and got kicked out of Dow Jones Industrial Average after 112 years?
I pay for both Apple Music and SiriusXM. I like having Apple Music to listen to specific albums, but I like having music curated by DJs, and I like some of the talk shows.
Yeah, after both Sirius and XM radio individually filed for bankruptcy shortly after getting their networks operational, then getting bought for pennies, and finally merging.
>These are things that Disney, Universal, and AT&T can do easily
Why haven't they done it? They can't seem to offer their service in Canada or UK, countries with no language or cultural barrier to entry.
How expensive is cable in the US?
Most companies are dying to expand to growing markets in Africa and Asia, it's a difficult thing to do. There's a growing, affluent class of young people who speak good English all over the World. Of course they want to lock that down ASAP, even if it doesn't bring immediate profit.
Granted, GE has been shedding business left and right. They sold off their multi-billion dollar rail leasing and manufacturing division.
there are affluent people in every country who can afford subs, which are also priced locally. their money is real money.
btw Roma came out of nowhere largely because an absurdly large % of South American netflix subscribers watched it.
Depending on the market $30-45/month for basic cable.
The dirty secret is that the cable provider is spending a bit over $10/month on carriage rights for ESPN that everyone has.
I'll put it to you this way; how did Netflix originally grow? By having a large library of established content that people wanted to watch.
Then other companies cut Netflix off, or raised the licensing fees so much as to make it unmarketable. These streaming services are much more easily done by local media companies because they already have the content people want to watch.
If you spend 10 billion dollars, and turn a 100 million dollar profit, aka 1%, you're generating 10.1 billion dollars in revenue.
If you spend 1 million dollars and generate 2 million in profit, you're generating 3 million in revenue.
The second is better for your average investor, however the bigger problem is economies of scale, investors worry about the size of your possible market. You might be generating a huge profit now, but you may also have exhausted the size of your market because you fill a niche area. The reason things like Netflix and Amazon have stock prices that are so high despite generating small profits is because investors seem to believe that the possible total market share is huge and so don't care about huge percentage gains now, they care about market share growth, with the idea that once you monopolise a sector you can rapidly cut spending.
To put this in Yea Forums friendly terms, I might have the most profitable tranny 'packer' selling company in the world, but I probably won't attract as much investment than if I was the most popular Bollywood film studio, because executives think the number of Pajeets who will be paying for media over the next two decades, and the rapid growth in Indias consumer market will exceed the number of trannies who will buy packers from me.
apparently you can't get "just tv" in my area, only tv + internet, but basically $90/month promo rate for 1 year and up
Dude this isn't the 70s anymore, places like Nigeria, the Congo, India etc. are gonna be gold mines in the future.
I think that some companies are offering packages now that don't include sports channels just so they don't have to pay ESPN all that money.
>least affluent
2016 says hi
I can't figure out how GE is shedding so much. I still hold my stock. But that is my premise.
GE makes everything that makes us alive. Nuclear and coal plants are run on GE technology. How is it possible that a cell phone manufactur is the most valued company in the world, and the company that America built that literally designs nuclear plants and giant dams is so low?
Nobody i talks to likes them except the punisher and they killed it
It's a fact you stupid nigger. Not even the same guy, I voted for Trump but go to any Trump rally and tell me we aren't in the minority and mostly surrounded by delusional pro-zionist boomers and bluepilled-lite. Useful idiots are still idiots and even on the right we're surrounded by normies.
>niche prestige entertainment
This is shitposting, right?
I don't know about any numbers, but I sure want Netflix to succed over mega monsters like Disney or Apple that want to buy the world, and will always support that
so liberals are allegedly the most educated and well paid, but the content they watch routinely limelights niggers fucking white women and embracing immigration
what does that mean?
college educated libshits are ideal consumers. they're rich, easily influenced and love to frivolously spend their money on stupid shit.
Facts don't care about your feelings goes both ways user. You can't nog crime statistics one day and complain later when they no longer suit you.
Jeff Immelt literally spent $30B buying fossil fuel generation station equipment manufacturers (such as Alstom Energy, which was already bleeding money and would definitely have gone bankrupt by itself) while hiding further losses from their financial divisions using creative accounting.
It certainly was for a while, especially among students. There's a reason it's 'Netflix & Chill' not 'Come round and watch TV with me'.
Smart people understand the benefits of immigration and race mixing. Retarded hillbillies and hicks wouldn't understand that of course. Netflix caters to liberals because they are the ones who pay for things. Retarded magapede incel meme lords do nothing but pirate that why Yea Forums can never be profitable. Because it's literally the worst demographic out there
people who go to rallies are usually dumb, you can say that the average redneck is dumb but the average liberal in a bernie rally is a manchildren drowned in college debt and goes to therapy
dumb people on both sides, one of them doesnt need their parents or daddy government to stay alive though
But the immelt shit got taken care of. And in the end he was right. The Permian basin is pumping out so much oil that no one even gives a shit that there has been a giant oil fire in Houston for almost a month now.
Look it up kiddo. Some refinery supplier caught fire. They are on the hook for over a billion in damages. No one knows about it.
>You can't nog crime statistics one day...
but the liberals get really angry when you talk about those statistics, they even say its a lie.
Let me break it down for you boomer. Education doesn't give you good taste. Just because being "educated" sounds good it doesn't automatically translate to other nice sounding words like "hardworking" or "disciplined". Don't be so retarded or I will assume you're actually a leftist falseflagging with intent to make us look retarded.
fortnite made 3 billion dollar profit last year. quarter billion is nothing.
comfy /biz/ on Yea Forums
So you admit you're acting like a leftist by citing stats one day and dropping them the next?
Come on man, we're right because we're better than this. This attitude is why thr left has a monopoly on universities. If we flooded them with conservatives instead of being afraid of them we'd win. Most of the leftists in the colleges want an excuse to fo right. We'd fucking win if easily if we gave an attempt. I know because I'm in college and for every sjw who REEEEs when you drop a subtle redpill 5 people will take your side even if they disagree just to piss off the sjw. I'm telling you colleges are begging to be liberated.
because everyone gets smart TVs with internet access now.
Let's just take your numbers for what they're worth, but is that sustainable? No, it's not. People will pick new games to play and it can be very difficult to pick what company might make the next hottest game.
Now lets think of something much less flashy but is a consistent money maker: railroads.
Union Pacific (UNP) - Profited ~$6 billion on $22.8 billion in revenue while paying out $2.3 billion in dividends in the last year.
Your thesis is flawed in that it fails to take into account leftist culture and nepotism throughout (((higher))) education and many career paths.
So lefty zoomer goes to college, gets indoctrinated and 90k in debt, and lefty boomer gives him a mid-income job to pay it off for the next 15 years. This translates to being more affluent and educated?
There are mouthbreathing retards on all sides. The average zionist neocon boomer is analogous to the average fey pro-multikulti boomer.
Corporate interests are the real enemy in any case.
>the single most successful product in history within the single most profitable media sector made more money than a media conglomerate trying to compete against all of hollywood and cable television
I don't like Netflix, but their goal is fundamentally more ambitious than just making money now, they want to be the single source for tv and film for all millennials and zoomers. They will probably fail, but their goal is to become a trillion dollar company.
it means stuff that networks don't want to pay for because they have to guarantee a certain size audience.
remember, Netflix subscribers don't actually need to WATCH everything they have access to, they just need to keep paying their sub.
so Netflix is spending money on things it thinks can bring in new subs by reaching audiences it hasn't convinced to sub yet.
it may even be spending massively to generate publicity for its own sake.
I mean really, just look at that fucking consistency! Investors love that shit!
Rail is a great bookend for any portfolio. I didn't need Bill Gates to tell me to start buying CNR (leaf obv), my conductor grandpa gave it for me from his own portfolio.
>Just because being "educated" sounds good it doesn't automatically translate to other nice sounding words like "hardworking" or "disciplined"
no but making more money does correlate with "hardworking" and "disciplined". being a depressed racist addict doesn't.
You can get the same deal for $15 here.
>tfw I work for CNR
>tfw I get a 35% match on shares with an employee share investment program.
It's just stupid money.
Pakistan and India will mak each other radioactive craters within this decade
>the places that will most be affected by climate change are gonna be gold mines
Why does Disney borrow money if the company has been so profitable over the last years
because they think BIGGER is BETTER until they get broken up by the government lol
decade after decade after decade after decade after
Netflix goal is to be the Facebook of streaming. So companies can control streaming through Netflix.
What no one is telling Netflix is that my boomer ass quit Facebook in 2005.
Have you not taken a Finance class, ever?
When you bait so hard you forget your coalition is niggers, spics, social welfare recipients, fags, trannies and Muslims