
Glorious Return Edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Primo per Pretty

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>costume designer
>literally named "Wear This"

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DS9 went to shit after the bajoran civil war arc was completely forgotten.

>ywn be followed around by a giant Breen who will bleep and bloop, co-signing everything you say

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Riddle me this, Captain. If Batman is so rich, then why doesn't he invest in curing cancer? Surely, cancer is a greater menace to society than any of his arch-foes.

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I'm just at the beginning of voyager but why did Nelix and Kes break up?
There were so many episodes about them and their relationship and how nelix doesn't need to be jealous because she loves him and suddenly they just say fuck it and break up for no reason?

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I love you guys and I love DS9

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Who cares. Kes sucked. Best characters on VOY were janeway, chakotay, seven, and future Harry kim

They didn't know what to do with the characters, especially Kes. Also she was holsing him back, Neelix was fine in any scene not involving her.

Very poor taste in both jokes and ST series.

IIRC Kes got possessed by some warlord and she had sex with his harem, making her realize that she was wasting her time with ol' Neelix (her first love) and SPOILERS so she went to go be a galatic thot and came back as a haggard roastie looking for vengence but gets BTFO by Janeway and then Neelix settles down with a nice, loving family to live happily ever after while Kes dies alone

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"Ah liek science!" - Spock

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Reminder that after Keiko got possessed by a pah'wraith, a literal embodiment of negative emotion, O'Brien realized it wasn't his wife because it was treating him too kindly.
Reminder that Keiko is not human and everyone just plays along because they don't want her to destroy the station.

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What are some Treks to go on when you have the day off work and are going to just lay around jerking off?

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>when you step on the scale after a week at Risa

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Booby Trap

Probably a trek to a therapist since you probably have some real self-actualization issues.

You got to love the creators of Star Trek.

They can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese people, and cast a slope as a nip.

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>wake up
>see this
What do?

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ask him why he kept spamming /trek/ last year for months with shitty MSpaint memes

>What do?
open mouth

well they did make him a retard

>Are we still on for hasperat tonight, Commander?

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It's seen it's best days this meme has.

get cakes

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Truer words, me old mucker

4/10. Good effort, just didn't make the cut this year.

I cringed so hard it created a quantum singularity

>old ways were beddah!

Degenerate dykes. Fuckiy shit

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damn I can't believe how much Picard hates science officers

They're virgins and incels.

Why are girls always so gay?

So, Sisco. Was he really religious?

Captain Archer's progression
>s1 - Bright eyed globalist liberal with Faith of the Heart
>s2 - Becoming more militant as he finds out other cultures suck, losing the Faith of the Heart
>s3 - Full on right winger at this point, stealing and killing to get what he wants for his people
>s4 - Comes face to face with Nazis, realizes that universalist liberalism is superior to hate and fear, puts together the beginnings of the Federation of Planet. Faith of the Heart regained.

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fuck off yoda you're literally the dumb frogposter of your franchise

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They gassed the dog.

Pls keep it frenly.

Where my girl B at?

On my D

>instead of making the powerful statement that anyone can be redeemed (like it seemed they were planning to), they turn Dukat into Space Satan
Why were the S6/S7 writers so retarded bros?

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Shut your whore mouth

It's just a show, dude. Chill.

Maybe she's ethnically Chinese but born in Japan?

i hab dyscplexiaf

She's Burhmanese.

Offensive. 3/10.

cause one of the main writers left during the end

>instead of making the powerful statement that anyone can be redeemed (like it seemed they were planning to)
You have to be on a level of delusion bordering retarded to unironically think this

I'm sorry, the gypsy blood in my veins sometimes makes me volatile.

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It really is amazing how much STD sounds like 13yo fanfic shit when you spell it out honestly.

"I was the best smartest Starfleet officer ever and I'm actually Spock's sister (he has dyslexia btw) and my mom and dad were supergeniuses and they created a time machine suit and my mom is saving the universe with her time machine superpowers and and and..."

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Not saying unimaginably stupid shit was better

Because the writers intended for him to be stereotypical space nazi, but Marc Alaimo came in and turned him into a charismatic villain that people loved to watch. After receiving tons of fan mail telling them that Dukat was awesome, the writers got pissed and torpedoed his character so they could basically give the middle finger to the audience for thinking Dukat was one of the best characters in the entire series.

Also, the prophets sucked in the later seasons.

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the old boy looks quite similar to Jürgen von der Lippe, a former german comedian/showmaster

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The prophets were always kind of lame. Sisko was a strong leader who would have ended up being important to the events on Bajor and Cardassia without the help of the prophets because that's just the kind of person he was. Having them directly interfere in the later seasons trashed not only their entire purpose in the story, but the Bajorans as well. Instead of being a metaphysical concept which only a handful of individuals had made contact with they were suddenly a concrete form existing on the material plane, robbing the Bajorans of their faith and spirituality.

>german comedian

What the fuck is a showmaster

The prophets and pah-wraiths always sucked. The show treating them and the Bajoran religion seriously as if it might have validity was the stupidest fucking thing.

You sound bitter and small.

master of the show yo

0.01 cents have been added to you CBS All Access account!

I like the show but not the threads. How will you improve the quality of the content?

german term from the 80s: the host of a major tv show

how will YOU?

Shouldn't that be Vorstellungs Kommandant?

He doesn't, his character in that episode bounced around a bunch of different fields and never got anywhere because of it. It wasn't that he was a science/medical officer, it was that he, as a person, was indecisive. Spock, Bones, Beverly, Data, Dax, Bashir, etc were all decisive, focused, capable, and dependable officers.

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Dax is dependably a whore.

>Oh Jaysus Mary and Joseph why did I betray my race?

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Because Asians are submissive.

>his hell of being an indecisive useless loser just happens to make him a science officer

Alot of people write hurtful comments.

He's just living a normal life like you, user.

I don't remember exactly, but Q said something along the lines of "because you kept transferring posts and fields you never rose above [whatever low rank he was] and never did anything of note".

Maybe compared to a rabid pitbull.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I love the character. But they often have the other members of the cast irritatingly tell him to get to the point. "Focused" is not a core quality of his, especially at the beginning of the series.

Is Q technically a virgin?

yes but my countrymen were gay for american love

You're dismissed.


shut the fuck up

Obviously not.

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He fucks the entire universe with his cosmic cock

I don't know what to make of this?
Are you about to stop me as I'm leaving and apologize because your actions might have ended our friendship?

Ignore him. He'll stop eventually, you'll see.

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Is that how Riker got fat?

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He posts "dismissed" every thread. It's funny to some but I don't get it.

Nice OC

Who's the best singing captain?


Who's in charge of /eurotrek/??
The lack of content during German prime time is redic.

I can't remember seeing dress uniforms post TNG, Riker must have single handedly killed the fashion.

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They look different. You don't watch the show do you?

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I love these!

the pissed off engineer is alright. they haven't overused her yet

gay dead doctor should be shit tier (prior to death) and okay tier (after resurrection)

Picard or Mercer, easily. Not really surprising when you consider their backgrounds.

Your opinions need work. Engine dyke is God tier

All of them are STD tier

Trek the patriarchy!

Seth working on a season one: Orville has got to stand on its own. Just bring in Frakes to direct, he'll get the spirit and feel down. Okay maybe the EMH.

Seth working on season two: Okay, now bring in Tuvok and Phlox and Troi,

Seth working on season three: Call Shatner and Stewart. And also Bakula, but just to make him think someone cares. Give him the wrong address.

Did Michael create the Cardassions too?

If you got to make your own trek what changes would you make?

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she hasn't been in enough to be god tier yet. I'd probably put her at good tier

How much ya'll wanna bet that Picard in his new series refers to himself negatively as an old white man, or a part of the old white men collect. Bonus points if he happily tells a black woman he's of a dying generation and soon they'll rule the Federation.

No Picardfags. Literally only other change. Everyone else is cool.

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Holy SHIT, I did not know Bakula had pipes like that. Also I didn't expect Avery to be that terrible.

based make it happen JJ

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>No Picardfags

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I created the Cardassians lol

The kid actors that portray her as a kid are significantly better than Sonequa Martin-Green. Noticeably better. The only thing she might have on them is ability to cry on command.

late night /trek/ is basically mad max hours with the australian cunts

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Wow, Jellico can sing
>So I ask meee, what would Jellico dooo?

>actually replying to the autistic TNG and Picard hater who makes those shitty charts
makes me have the big think, /trek/

I'd make the ship a run-down beat to shit Miranda, post-VOY, crewed by failures and washouts that Starfleet want to make forgotten without discharging them as it would cause them to lose face (once-bright faces of the future, head of class at the academy, and children of high ranking officer type people). They do milk runs in the fringes of Starfleet space and get up to hijinx similar to this: youtu.be/FH8lvwXx_Y8
Captain would be a disheveled alcoholic, capable of commanding and incapable of all else, still mourning the loss of his last crew that included his Caitian lover. He never gets over it, not even in the last episode. He does make good friends with the chief engineer, who shares drinks with him every few episodes as they discuss the past.
End of the series has the Miranda facing off against something wildly more powerful than it, defending a colony below. it gets shredded violently, captain orders abandon ship. The chief engineer tells the captain he's noticed the warp core charging and that the ship'll tear itself to pieces if he does (that same old threat from every episode when the ship's been damaged), captain beams the chief engineer to the colony, engineer warns him again, captain says he knows and shuts down comms. Captain aims at the enemy ship and jumps, instantly disintegrating his ship into the enemy ship, wiping it out as well. Ending has the crew attending a posthumous award ceremony for the captain, followed by the chief engineer pouring a shot for him and an empty seat across from his, then raising his glass, then roll credits.

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It amazes me how this guy has been spamming his tardcharts for months now and still manages to bait people. Do you think he's replying to himself or is /trek/ that stupid? (Answer is probably a bit of both)

chard tart is the snitch bitch
star trek

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What would it be like to gently slide her clitoral hood back?

>tfw read this in his voice to the point of even picturing the vibrating head shake on the words "LONG AFTER"

Thick. Juicy. I want to know THAT William T. Riker.

Missed me with this gay shit. Spock and Pike nowhere to be seen, just the two faggots and the SJWiest female characters.


Unfortunately, I must report that your request for more rice cakes has been denied, as they are already being hauled down to DC. Further requests for more rice cakes will result in your quarters being flooded with Neurozine gas. That is all.

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I went to twitter to see if this was real and all I found was pro-climate hoax, anti-western rhetoric and propaganda.

Did you think this one was real too?

No because I know what alt-riter tweets look like

based edit

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Oh no no no

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ya Ro irl is always banging the political drum
Beverly is the comfiest follow

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>Number One, Set course to colonize

imagine being a trek actor, you fucking hate the fans you meet but it's your bread and butter so you try to bear and grin it

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better than working a real job

>Sorry but our country that is struggling to rebuild itself after decades of war whose people are still starving can't afford to take in all your flaky alien migrants
Episodes they couldn't get away with in this day and age


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imagine being star trek

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I do. Every day.

What were they drinking, again? Tequila, right. Cheers, guys.
Also, what was the space-minidisc he used for playing "rockin' in a space machine"? Why does everything have to be space green. Like the cymbals. Is it Rick Berman's fault?

Wasn't it more like a fweep? Toots are usually brass.

Would Miles have had a happier marriage if the Pa-wraith had opted instead to keep possessing his wife and living her life instead of trying to release the rest? Would he get along with her better?

>Gordon "thot eliminator" Malloy

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meme answer: yes
real answer: yes cuz then he would have divorced/killed her and married that cute thicc cardie who was thirsty as fuck for some jameson

In a word? Exquisite


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Why are Gul Dukat and Benjamin Sisko arguing about Batman.

Shut up and rub my feet, Miles.

>After revealing itself the pawraith instead buys it's time
>Miles can't do anything so if forced to keep up aperences for the kids and his friends
> weeks turn to months are tense interactions soften to genuine, the pawraiths access to his wife's memories making it more like a personality change as opposed to a totally different person
>the pawraith herself enjoying and indulging in all the splendors a physical body offers, to the point oh liking Miles company
>More then a year past Miles reflects after another night of wild, passionate sex with his wife, and realizes he is much happier

We joke but Keiko was kind of a shitty person, and Miles deserved better

The Ferengi are so goofy. I can't stand them.

>and Miles deserved better
That's the point.

Not kind of, she is genuinely a bad person. Even aside from being unlikeable as a character, in-universe bad.

she was a cardie spy and slutted around with every guy on that expedition when she was gone for three seasons don't trust keiko there's a cruel energy glimmering in the inky pits of her beady mischievous eyes

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>breeding with cardies
maybe with the intent of creating more cardies to kill

>my mfw when profits

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>Odo, torn between doing what's right and allegiance to his people and their home world
who do you think this was directed at

literally me

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Its doubtful that a human and cardassian could breed.

why? Cardassians and Bajorans breed easily, Cardassians and Kazon breed easily. With the latter, Seska thought she was carrying Chakotay's child, so that would mean Humans and Cardies can breed easily as well. And that Cardie chick who wanted O'Brien's seed didn't seem overly worried over whether she could carry his children, she just said they should wait a bit first.

The Dubsminion has endured cor 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after Miles O'Brien finds happiness.

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they need to give the black guy acting classes

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do we like the design of the Defiant?

nope ugly


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>Miles deserved better

Yes he did.

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this may be a dumb question but is the speed of light also applicable in outer space, where it's dark?

> What is it, Jadzia?
> I still have not gotten any dubs, Worf.

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She realized he was a weirdo pedo and she could do better. Also being taken over by that crazy warlord's consciousness messed her up a bit.


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How are they any different to the dozens of god-like entities we've seen in TOS and TNG?

>250 years into the future and we have made incredible technological progress, able to explore the galaxy and instantaneously teleport people from far away

>communications systems fail at the slightest hint of interference every other episode

Yes, that is in fact where it is most applicable. "The spped of light" is in fact only applicable in a vacuum, all other mediums actually slow it down, to one extent or another (yes, that includes our atmosphere).

Lightspeed Ramming: The Series


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>Lightspeed Ramming
Hmmm, wonder what VF and BF are up to tonight...

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>10,000 years into the future and we have made incredible technological progress, able to explore the solar system and instantaneously communicate people from far away

>most people can't even start a fire

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What do you mean?

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You tell 'em sister baby honey child!


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Eh, I got warned for posting about xir, so I'm not gonna go into it right now

Who, Bashirfaggot, aka Jessica Lynn the gap toothed commie barista?

Except their gods actually interacted with them through the orbs and could manipulate time and demonstrably change events throughout the galaxies.

They were gods and/or godlike and therefore more akin to a TOS style alien than a TNG+ alien.

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Sorta' does look sorta' like Rico from Starship Trooper.



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>blonde haired blue eyed white male from traditionally hispanic region
Checks out

How many holes do you think this man has ruined in his lifetime?
Everything tells me that Frakes is fucking massive downstairs.

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>traditionally hispanic
u wot

>Florida was the first region of the continental United States to be visited and settled by Europeans. The earliest known European explorers came with the Spanish conquistador Juan Ponce de León. Ponce de León spotted and landed on the peninsula on April 2, 1513. He named the region Florida ("land of flowers").

Spaniards are caucasians with lighter eyes and heads shaped similar to those around then.
Grouping them in with Mexicans or native American populations would be incorrect.


So what? It was originally inhabited by Native Americans. If you're just going by whoever got their first, then it's a traditionally Seminole/Apalachee/etc region.

>1. relating to Spain or to Spanish-speaking countries, especially those of Latin America.

Right, and it's a misnomer or a poorly ascribed appellation to a group of people who are racially much different than those who decided or were forced to start speaking the other's language.

It's like calling the Chinese majority city of San Francisco an anglo city because most people speak English in San Francisco.

Based Akoochemoya poster.
Trail of tears, never forget.

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Bro I don't know what to tell you there's a lot of Cubans and Puerto Ricans in Florida

Never let the wight man forget his sins, Akoocheemoya

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>do we like the design of the Defiant?

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Flying toilet seat

They're a minority.

In this situation, the Indian is the Jew, the Cardies are Nazis, and the Feddies are the Allies/western powers.

They use victimhood to obtain what they want.

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Tough little ship. I think it's adrift... but salvageable.

You've clearly never been to Florida

>Miles deserved better

He had his chance but that ship sailed on more than one occasion.

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>Hispanics and Latinos of any race were 23.2% of the state's population
Clearly, (You)'ve never been to Florida.

So we can all agree Michael's mom is the Borg Queen??

>Miles deserved better

For all his "manliness", he just couldn't cross that bridge.

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>If you're just going by whoever got their first, then it's a traditionally Seminole
You make it apparent you know nothing of the Seminole. Never speak of them again.
If you want to point to a people that natively inhabited the Florida peninsula then I'd go with Calusa or at least "Creek."

And then, of course, when they find out what a fucking terrible idea it is to get annexed by the Cardassian Empire, they get the Federation to arm them on the sly, for their "fight for freedom."

t. I only have gone to the major cities

This bullshit is like saying all of California is gay men and beach babes. Or all of New York (state) is Jews.

>Tough little ship
That line sounds so much like "Tough little shit" that I choose to believe Picard uses the S-word to describe it.

This is hard.
Shatner is amazing and i love that song.
Ronny have some heavy blues thing going on.
Avery doesnt have the best voice, but he is maybe the blackest man alive, and that, for some jazz/negro spiritual music is great.

Im going with Avery, you can get laid thanks to his music. Also, the things that are wrong in his music are to blame to the producer is just a bad mix. But he is on tone.

Not the same guy, but it depends on the part of Florida.

North Florida = South Georgia
Central Florida = Didneywurl
Heartland = farms and cattle
Southwest Florida = Geriatric Park
South Florida = North Cuba

Really, the futher south you go in Florida, the more hispanic it gets. I knew more hispanics that were from Guatemala and Panama than from Puerto Rico (the Puerto Ricans are always annoying though, especially the ones with that bizarre mix of New York and Puerto Rican accents)

So /trek/ is nothing but a bunch of Floridians?

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is the only thing i dream of.
Being in space, knowing cool places, surrounded by intergalactic qts and having adventures.
I would probably do everything in my power to be stationed in bajor or DS9 to have access to premium pussy.

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Yea Forums is mostly Floridians. Now you know the secret.

>Heartland = farms and cattle
You forgot the phosphate mines and gypsum stacks. And "farms" should include "orchards."

He DID do a better job in the heat/sun than what should be expected of the average human.

He should dumped keiko and stay with Kira and rise the kid with her.

Also fuck odo.

Proximity to pussy is meaningless when holographic pussy exists.

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was star trek diversity written for women?

you are a bad person.

I've been waiting for you....rowr,

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>Really, the futher south you go in Florida, the more hispanic it gets
Until you hit the Keys and then shits get CUH-RAZY

Are we even sure /trek/ is real?

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>Central Florida = Didneywurl
It's a real shame Star Wars is getting a massive theme park expansion and the amazing Las Vegas Star Trek experience in now just a distant memory.

It's Real!

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This looks like it would have been pretty fun. The last time I went to Disneyworld, I would have been miserable if I hadn't gone with my friends.

How long will it be until everybody is sick and tired of Star Wars and Disney stops milking that cash cow? Will it be around Episode XLVIII?

Also Paramount needs to license Star Trek out to some theme parks. I know those bastards want the money.


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based, that episode was amazing.

It counts as real friends, dammit!

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are perfect star trek gfs real?
or do we just want to believe in them?

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>*cranes head confusedly*
>*blank stares*
>Awww ta' hell with this!

Based Trip Tucker the Third!

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I keep telling you, find a slampig from another fandom and then make them a trekkie after the fact.

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Fuck off VF

Based and Cardy-pilled

>Until you hit the Keys and then shits get CUH-RAZY
Cocaine is a hell of a drug

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looks good to me


>He should dumped keiko and stay with Kira and rise the kid with her.
>Also fuck odo.
>this terrible central american english

Absolutamente basado y pastilaroja!

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/trek/ is NOT real.
You are in an autistic friend simulator because holodecks do not exist, yet.
If they did, ensign Pretty would be in mine, not most of these jerkoffs in these threads.

Attached: pretty.jpg (432x456, 23K)

Looks like Robert Beltran.

oh great your retarded ass is here to ruin everything

I am always here, fucktard. You will learn to like it, or go away.

Attached: 1524830317450.png (880x660, 747K)

I have to admit, being a touring drummer for a glam new wave synth-power pop band and having a regular gig as a background performer on a hit sci-fi show would be pretty rad.

you can't even imagine how much pain I'm going to inflict on you before I break you
by the time we're done you're going to hate the very mention of star trek because it will remind you of me

Attached: Is_There_In_Truth_No_Beauty_015.jpg (700x530, 125K)


Do you do this in favor of the needs of the many, or the needs of few, or an individual -- maybe even yourself?
I can't tell what threats like that mean on this imageboard.

Hey remember the TNG episode with the brain-helmet that provided bones with superintelligence? What was that one called again..

Women don’t like Star Trek

>I can't tell what threats like that mean on this imageboard.
you'll find out soon enough, retard
run out of webms to link?

Attached: VISOR_evolution.jpg (155x185, 9K)

You can tell just how influential Gene was on early TNG by two standout items: cheap props and hypersexual "aliens".

I wasn't the other guy, but ok, thanks.

You would not likely survive a physical encounter with me, user. You should not pretend to be an internet tough guy. You should try to get along.
Hateposting will not win this.

Attached: 1552843732613.jpg (600x381, 60K)

*wastes valuable canon airtime in your path*

Attached: Oh-Nerys-You-Are-Not-A-Dance-Instructor-Anymore.png (720x547, 482K)

moar liek star trek: emesis

The Kira must suffer.

Seriously, the guy's dialogue was dryer than the sahara in July and I felt like his whole purpose of existence was to make Kira seem more appealing by comparison.

Attached: Default-Opening-Line.png (720x546, 415K)

Some day a rain will come, and wash all this scum off the threads.
I briefly considered looking for a Trek character with a Mohawk before I remembered that I don't care enought to do that.

>fite me irl
I will destroy you here, in this general you love so much.

Attached: 2072-18-1-1016611200-3942135726-xlarge-608x342.jpg (608x342, 51K)

Fuck, TNG s7 is worse than TNG s1

Why are Gowron episodes so based?
His eyes are HGUE.=

Attached: BasedGowron.png (720x540, 424K)

I am not the aggressor here, user. Hatefag that never posts content threatened me. I am one of us, and try to keep it friendly here.

Attached: Sybok.jpg (625x670, 259K)

Attached: Punk.jpg (900x680, 128K)

Martok is best klang but Gowron is such a fucking good character. Hyper-ambitious powermonger, kicks Khaless' ass and just laughs him out of the empire.


>Valley Forge vs MKULTRA
I'm so hard right now

Attached: 220px-Mohicansposter.jpg (220x327, 27K)

I always liked the effects in "The Battle" despite their cheesiness. Stewart gives a great performance. My only issue is the uniforms. I wish they would have used TMP uniforms for the ghosts.

Imagine being such a mallfag dork that you just HAVE to get the Vedek Bareil figure in mint packaging to complete your autistic collection.

o im laffin @ station n_ _ _ _ _ s LAWL

Attached: VedekBareil.jpg (480x640, 110K)

Stop, stop. I can only get so erect.

>gets kicked off of one ship for child predation
>finds new home with missing father and new young child fresh in the wings waiting

If you think Neelix is not apex-tier child stalker then I've got a parcel of land in East New Brunswick to sell ya, I uh....

Attached: GUHiy26.jpg (1400x1060, 506K)

Hello, fellow Cardassians. Praise the current political leader!

Say, what were our secret plans against the Federation again? lol, I forgot

Attached: a20792b14282e1ac292aac_l__62435.1419964989.1280.1280.jpg (385x650, 58K)

>Sisko bantering with his son about Bajoran women


Where the fucks new brunswick

Home of Michael "JUST" Eddington

Attached: fortheuniform8.jpg (475x363, 34K)


Attached: Jackets.jpg (523x650, 55K)

>DS9 dress uniforms resemble the TOS movie uniform style

I like the nod, but I wish they'd made them more similar.

Attached: dress_uniform.jpg (491x906, 40K)

and not actual dresses

outmoded and sexisty

Why wasn't the girl version a dress? hmm

Attached: Star-Trek-TNG-Season-7-Blu-ray-Review.-Deanna-Troi-in-skirt-uniform.jpg (1207x898, 85K)

Yeah that as well

> hi geordi. Did you lose your virginity yet?

Attached: CrushGroove.png (1015x735, 971K)

>snake in ceremonial encasement
Is this a reference to an episode or just random crap?

And all the attention whores will look up and scream, "Save us!"

And I'll whisper, "no"

Attached: watchmen-rorschach.jpg (1000x563, 479K)

Opened up my garage door and threw my mouse into traffic when I got to this part of your post.

Attached: PimpDaddyMornCucksATowelhead.png (720x540, 435K)

Is it "homes" or "holmes"?

>Is this a reference to an episode or just random crap?

Did Playmates make a Voyager reference through a DS9 character? The only time I can recall something like a "snake in ceremonial encasement" was that episode where Janeway has to go through some religious mumbo jumbo to save Kes and gets bit by a snake, then talks to the George from Seinfeld's mom and (not) Abe Vigoda before doing it all over again.

Attached: sacred ground.jpg (514x385, 17K)

You wanna' know how I know you've stolen valor on more than one occasion in your not so short life?
Hint: I'm reloading my gun.

Attached: t'pol is mildly miffed.png (550x432, 429K)

She Dindu Nuffin, amirite?
Crystal Entity helped Lore ffs

Attached: doctor-marr.jpg (1434x1076, 160K)

I already did it 35 posts ago.

Attached: susan spectre.png (750x1334, 1.35M)

>Trapping a lifeform against it's will.

Attached: JpqIc.jpg (1249x983, 140K)

>Nah, seeing that twat son of yours scared me off even chancing fatherhood.

Attached: Geordi - Thumbs Up.gif (346x263, 945K)

Holy shit, savage.

>And all the Marquis will look up and scream, "Don't bomb our colony!"

>And I'll whisper, "no"

Attached: download.jpg (257x196, 4K)

>Quark and Odo agree to play the game where the officers are trapped
>instead of just throwing members of the Aliens' crew out the airlock until they release them

I thought DS9 was supposed to be the grey-areas trek


Attached: Picard VS Sisko.webm (560x480, 2M)

What is this from?

Attached: Star Trek Obrien trolled by Riker.jpg (855x1920, 336K)

Star Trek: Last Contact
Crossover between Spencer for Hire and TNG universe that never made it to TV.


Attached: anon i'm watching you pleasure yourself to pakled porn right now.png (720x547, 418K)

Why do people continue to insist on being objectively, DEMONSTRABLY wrong?
