Friendly reminder that Van Helsing did quippy Avengers-style action packed assembly few years before MCU was a thing. Yet for some reason one was critically panned and other one asslicked to the Moon.
Friendly reminder that Van Helsing did quippy Avengers-style action packed assembly few years before MCU was a thing...
How come 2004 CGI still holds better than 2012 capeshit CGI?
The werewolf in this was kinda hot :3c
The Dracula is what ruined the movie. Way over the top to beyond obnoxious.
That and it’s s rip off of Vampire Hunter D
Van Hellsing has a dumb story.
This is where Universal fucked up. They keep trying to make the Dark Universe, but they’re doing it wrong. Van Helsing would’ve made the logical endpoint for their first phase.
Movie 1 - Van Helsing London Assignment
Movie 2 - Werewolf movie with Beckinsale
Movie 3 - Frankenstein with Dracula secretly funding stuff for his own reasons
Movie 4 - Van Helsing. Dracula exposed as ultimate villain all along.
This movie is fucking BASED, i dont care what people say
biggest crush on beckinsale after this and underworld
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen >>> Justice League
Soloman kane was much better
Even that black death movie with sean bean and season of the witch with nkc cage were better than this
>let's do 4 movies instead of 1
You're the reason the film industry sucks today. Van Helsing had textbook perfect pacing, you could not ask for a better balance of information received interspersed with action to entice. They even used chekov's gun, it's a perfectly self contained story
The problem is that they outright stated that they were building a "Universe". If they didn't do that and the movies came little by little and slowly form the universe it would have been more accepted.
IMO that's more honest than baiting audience for few movies.
As said, why making 4 or more if you can compress it to less. More movies = cashgrab.
Like the last time, when they had the entire horror monster lineup under licensing rights and they just started doing crossovers without making a big fuss of it. "Mahvel and Deesee are doin it so we should to" is putting the cart before the horse
>that's more honest
All they were doing is making the public have unrealistic expectations of quality. People want good movies coming constantly, each good movie builds the universe while each movie takes away from that prestige. And now that the Mummy was an absolute shitfest, their universe started in the worse way possible and each movie they release saying that "it's part of the Dark Universe" will always have the stigma of the reputation set by the Mummy, unless they release nothing but a consecutive string of awesome movies for a while. They could have avoided it by not stating outright their movies are part of a bigger ecosystem but the damage is already done.
because you have brain damage
Because Disney is cheap as fuck and realized that manchildren will pay for their capeshit tickets no matter how bad it looks.
>people want good movies coming constantly all set in the same universe
Literally just mangia you fucking animal
>season of the witch with nkc cage were better than this
user, just no. Season of the Witch is boring as fuck, Van Helsing isn't good, but it's still a fun flick.
Did somebody not tell some of you retards the film industry exists to make money?
I can't understand all that hate towards The Mummy. It's a solid blockbuster and I'd say even better than most of recent ones because it doesn't feel like a constant CGI fest. They even came with a new plot that is different to previous mummy movies. If they had Marvel logo on it it would be praised for amazing locations (as opposed to goddamn awful greenscreen in MCU) or actual stunts done by Tom and not bunch of computer graphic artists. Story? C'mon it's a movie about a fucking undead mummy, it will never be anything above B-tier flick. Capeshit is B-tier shit too. Just with insane budget. Call me a boomer but I'll take "bad movies" like this over "good" movies that feel like video game cutscenes.
Let me guess, you want more student film tier garbage like Drive, aka the worst movie ever.
>If they had Marvel logo on it
That's the whole point. People are literally blind to the quality of movies and rate them based on the production company logos.
Good point. I'm MCU fan but The Mummy has better production design. Everything feels so real. Well, maybe except sandstorm and rats.
>getting mad at how did this get made
the movie was bad
Of course. Anything with Kate in tight leather pants is gonna be a BASED movie.
>Everything feels so real
Because it is. It's a real desert, real ruins and real London. Tombs and crypts are sets, not greenscreen.
Underrated post
Based post
kate is so fucking hot it's ridiculous
Marvel movies wouldn't be so critically aclaimed if Disney didn't astroturf the fuck out of news media, reviews and the internet. No-one is throwing that kind of propoganda at a stand-alone Van Helsing movie.
Had to drop Kate when she hooked up with Butthole Eyes. She is forever tainted.
literally the last real action hero
>that cameraman sprinting backwards while filming
Not all heroes wear capes
They really should make another one now that Hugh doesn't have X-Men obligations.
Why doesn't Stephen Sommers get more work? The man knows how to make an entertaining popcorn flick.
I'm convinced that everyone defending the Cruise Mummy are all Smol posters. It may have been good looking with great stunts, but the script was shit. It reminds me of Waterworld in that way.
That makes me want a live-action Gargoyles movie. Disney doesn't have the balls to do it right.
>draculas babies are still born since he's undead
already retarded but lets go further
>pays victor frankenstein to invent a machine that can give dead tissue life again
>key to the machine is the frankenstein monster
>frankenstein monster is the mcguffin for dracula
why have van helsing in at all? like the writers had to see that dracula is more of a protagonist than van helsing
There's a certain niche for these movies, just like Van Helising, Hellboy (to be fair The Mummy reminds me more Hellboy than MCU movies it's constalty compared to) or Underworld series. These are not masterpieces but they are enjoyable.
Just curious, what's so wrong with the script? Seems to be pretty straightforward.
Absolute kino.
>The Dracula is what ruined the movie
OK, agree but they were clearly going for caricatures than horrors and he works as caricature.