This fucking film was god damn terrifying. What did you think of it?
This fucking film was god damn terrifying. What did you think of it?
Other urls found in this thread:
maybe not the best movie, but one of the best horror movies of the last 20 years.
and aside from everything else, advertising it like the girl would be the main character the plot evolves around and then killing her off like that was a fucking masterpiece. legit jumpscare and one of the few times a movie really shocked me.
Not that good or even that interesting; you A24 plebs make me sick
what? and why don't you name a few horror movies from the last 20 years that are better?
I was trying to enjoy it but my girlfriend was ruined the mood by laughing at everything.
It wasn't that scary but it was pretty good.
I would rate it 7/10, it was better than the average shitty horror movie that comes out these days. Nothing from the last two decades can top The Witch though.
I keep seeing this but no one has yet to say even one actual reason why this movie is bad or pleb, not one. In fact, a lot of my normalfag friends hated it
like, what? the ugly child? sounds like your girlfriend sucks
the kid was so ugly, why do brits look inbred
>ugly kid
>brother goes home and goes to sleep
Soi horror garbage
sounds like baste gf
post pic
Atleast post the complete version.
Skipped it when i saw how ugly that kid is.
It was god tier until the girl died and the mourning part afterwards. Then it became really bland when they introduced the occult / spiritual stuff and the ending was just meh as fuck.
Nah, all attempts at being scary or creepy.
The ceiling headbanging and continuous crying from one scene to the next sent her into hysterics.
thx for posting your 100% random list of horrormovies and meme insults, truly patrician
there's always that one autist
The only thing I got from it that the pajeet kid is a really good actor. Was good in My Friend Dahmer aswell
I posted the complete version, I know because I made it. It's not some shitty reddit butthurt edit that doesn't even make sense
>My Friend Dahmer
that one started off so bland that i was almost about to turn it off, glad i didn't. really fucking good stuff. didn't notice that kid was in it, maybe i'll rewatch it later
no version of it makes any sense you stupid stupid man
i unironically dont even get this
a lot of those films are shit but hereditary just seems like it was tacked on there to make a point (a really flimsy one at that).
i dont even like horror films but i like hereditary for the subject matter and themes. i like a horror movie about essentially family ties and occult implications about passing generations role in a larger story. probably one of the reasons i like texas chainsaw so much
is the complete version, only redditor manchildren disagree.
I didn't find it scary or terrifying or whatever else everyone proclaims.
It was OK at best. The only creepy part was with the corpse idol, but everything else wasn't really interesting.
i didnt really like it
That's pretty cringy.
there's no coherence to it, it just doesn't make any sense at all. it's a random list of movies, of course there's a lot of shitty ones in it. but also a lot of decent ones. and some good ones. and even some really good ones. it's just random. because it's stupid bait. and it's just a stupid collage, so it's easy to repost. hence it gets posted in almost every thread about horror movies
Sup zoomer
are you capable of making a single post without any stupid memes? what the fuck is wrong with you user?
from reading this thread, the people that like this like the witch too
but the witch was terrible, so is this terrible?
>the witch
>slow paced
>a little creepy
>not scary at all
Sup zoomer
It’s not nearly as slow as the witch
they're both great horror movies, but there's literally no similarities apart from that. if you're not imbecile you'd probably like both.
Bullshit, I've seen Disney movies that are scarier than this hot garbage
why not post horror films that you think are better instead of shitting on anything remotely popular?
inb4 you're just trying to be contrarian to feel better about yourself for having different opinions than the norm
For me? Its this scene
Because it's clearly a bait, desu
Liking a24 shit is the contrarian stance. Nobody but redditors like it.
I creeped me out. I liked it a lot.
I agree with this, no one them are scary and hereditary is boring as fuck, slow and autistic. Kid was so ugly. The Ritual was kino as fuck though. WItch was boring, nothing happens then it was a goat.
He thinks The Nun is a good film.
I am not making this up.
>it comes at night
>a horror film
lmao what the fuck?
Everyone who like horror movies likes them. Because the only alternatives are shit like Paranormal activity 7, Insidious 34, or Conjuring Spin-Off 65.
Based. Annabelle is for zoomer mental midgets
The scene where the kid gets her head knocked off and the other kid just sits there for ages was really well done
It was slow, boring, and the ending was goofy and straight out of a shitty Italian horror movie from the 70's. I respect the desire to go without jump scares, but when you focus on the story, acting, and atmosphere being the main vehicles for the horror you have to make sure more than just one of those is good.
what else would it be? it's clearly a horror movie
I was pretty surprised how everyone had some kind of trauma in that family (except maybe the father) and noone bothered to see a therapist.
Even before the accident you'd think your mother sleepwalking into your room and dousing you in flammable liquid would result in some counceling (at least for the kids)
The only slow atmospheric horror I've liked is the wailing desu.
wasn't her mother a psychiatrist, and in some way involved in their treatment? i thought she said something like that in that meeting of the grief group
Sure, semantically I guess it is horror, in the same way that the walking dead is considered horror
It was pretty boring, I did find the car accident scene shocking and unexpected, but overall I wasent into the plot at all and not scared just staring at the screen wondering when it would end
The grandmother herself had some sort of psychological disorder so I doubt she was a psychiatrist.
Only masterpiece made last year
To be fair Pinocchio is terrifying
don't people say that most psychologists/psychiatrists had some psychological trouble in their lives at some point and became what they are because of that?
The movie does a good job in making you feel mentally and emotionally tired, just in time to present you the ending in a twisted blaze of glory. The ending would have been too over the top if your defenses weren't brought down by that constant grinding at your emotional state.
From what I have gathered the grandmother's disorder was pretty severe so I doubt she was working as a psychiatrist.
Then again, it doesn't really matter. Once the son bashed his head on the table while contorting his body the school should have been alarmed
>falling for that old trick
cmon user, you know he'll never reply with a single movie that has any semblance of suspense or dread
Not the user you responded to but Dawn of the Dead, The Hills have Eyes remake are a few that come to mind. Neither rely on jump scares or a woman shrieking for 2 hours of the movie.
haha what the fuck is this from
neither of those movies were good, nor scary. snyder is a hack fraud,, and white trash retards in the desert isnt scary and i'd argue it was 2 hours of a woman shrieking
kek kys you shit taste retard
it was garbage and the mother overacted from start to end. when the cluck girl dies it loses the little promise it had. fucking pathetic excuse for a flick
>Dawn of the dead
Please return to Reddit
ok then let's move the goalpost to supernatural horror movies. movies that get all their horror from gore and violence shouldn't count, that's just a different kind of movie
>A mother losing her child can have a semblance of overreaction
You are a NEET virgin, you wouldn’t get it
Anti-white propaganda
are there any movies that are not triumph of the will and birth of a nation that are not "anti-white propaganda" for you?
>"If I say that everything is 'onions' then my argument is stronger!" the infographic
actually triumph of the will and birth of a nation are anti white propaganda aswell
that kid looked so strange.
Her husband was a therapist. He was treating her, then they fall in love. The director cut the scene where it's explained, though you can still get the idea by paying attention.
All horror movies are shit, and the very few that are enjoyable like the thing, alien, psycho or suspiria aren't even scary but are good for their intrinsic qualities
>Didn't change the version number post-update
The wailing and Banshee chapter.
White people be like
>Banshee chapter
incredible cheap trash, u can't be serious
I liked the Hunter S Thompson performance and it had some really great scares.
2 of the 4 women in The HIlls have Eyes remake died in like the first 30 minutes of the movie and one of them even fought back before getting killed off and one of the surviving females was baby. Hell I'd argue the boy screamed more than the teen girl in that movie.
In sense of moving the goalpost that one movie about the London Tunnels being the 9 levels of hell apparently was damn good. I can't remember the name but it was a found footage film.
Dawn of the Dead wasn't scary at all, but I did really like The Hills Have Eyes though
as above so below, it was about the paris catacombs
>found footage
>not soi
holy fuck dude, you're not making a case for yourself
Oh right it's one of those boards
As Above, So Below? I watched it a while ago so don't remember exactly but it might be what you're talking about.
I only see hills have eyes to see ugly trolls fuck hot women.
Under the Skin
The Skin I Live In
Inland Empire
I Saw the Devil
It’s some kind of issue with the skeletal plates in the face during development, I think. Same thing the one kid from Stranger Things has.
>I'll just list obscure gore foreign flicks
But zodiac avtually isnt horror. Its a detective movie
This is bait. Imagine actually spending time making that image. Those aren’t even horror!
that ones better, yes.
>I saw the devil
better movie, worse horror movie
really didn't like the rest
I Saw the Devil is like a violent crime thriller. It’s good, but I wouldn’t classify it as horror
You are literally a redditor aren't you
>Disguising herself as a human female, an extraterrestrial (Scarlett Johansson) drives around Scotland and tries to lure unsuspecting men into her van.
Female stong woymn propaganda
Sometimes, it doesn't matter
Where do you think we are
It's a great film. She's not strong at all btw.
Most horror movies are about spooky women trying to trick men
No, I saw the devil and Memories of murder are horror and are also Reddit soi. The updated version of my list will include next A24 films like midsommar and The lighthouse and these movies as well.
how the hell is memories of murder horror you dumb ass weeb brainfart
Nowhere near It Follows and The Witch. A total borefest. By the time all the pieces fall into place you're too bored to care. "Oh a cult? Zzzzz"
This was absolutely hilarious.
Terminator 2
The Witch was good. Hereditary is terrible.
I think you're the one who doesn't understand. I have become the sole arbiter of what is considered good horror in this board. Stay tuned for my updated list which will bury these films to the trash heap of the horror genre.
Good one
lmao shove that phone up your ass you dumb ass weeb and go fuck your anime cartoon body pillow while Annabelle is playing in the background
watched it
and holy shit did you fuckes over hype this shit.
its not bad, but the way you plebs talk about it it should have been the best movie ive ever seen. but honestly it was just ok
i did like the twist, and the head splatting scene and motherly grief afterwards was kino but besides that, its a solid b+
Why haven't you added Possession yet
deeply unsettling rather than outright scary 2bh
6/10 from me. The cult thing was super forced.
You're being gang raped thread after thread but you keep on crying
Its literally only a24 shills who praise this shit. Every time an a24 horror turd comes out you'll see the same shilling praising it and calling it the best of the decade.
Possession is an embarrassing movie with funny overacting. It's so bad it's good territory. I like to watch it when I wanted to have a good laugh. That's why it's not on the chart. It has some value as a movie even if it's unintentional comedy.
stop fucking acting like this is some common term, it's some meme bullshit you made up and desperately try to enforce. no one else is using it and no one else ever will
Nah I hated the witch and hereditary is goat
I thought Hereditary was meh while The Witch I watched already about 5 times now
that makes sense. should have been careful of shills.
they got me
Holy shit the level of retardness is off the charts
It's just Rosemary's Baby with a Conjuring-tier ending for the ADHD generation.
>the plot evolves around and then killing her off like that was a fucking masterpiece
Zoomers discover film marketing.
that it, thats the perfect review right there. slap that shit on the dvd cover
Was the girl retarded? She looks off.
>Nowhere near It Follows
cmon man, I liked the visual gimmick but the film had zero good acting and jumped the shark when they started fighting the thing
>samefag weeb cartoonboi phoneposter still crying
Otherway around, faggot.
you ever hear of pyscho? literally just ripoff of that idea
its not new idea and its been done alot better
i noticed that she's sharing some of her weird facial features with the toothless kid from stranger things, maybe she also got a mild form of whatever condition that might be
>samefag weeb cartoonboi manchild phoneposter crying for the third time at the same post
>visual gimmick
It Follows has a cool story, though. Unlike HeREDDITary.
>samefag weeb cartoonboi manchild phoneposter crying for the fourth time at the same post
Sounds like a soiscuse to me.
Do you even genuinely like any horror movie at all? Lots of critiques, zero proposition.
Under the Skin isn't horror
Yeah man such a made up term
He likes The Nun and Annabelle. Genuinely.
OMG it was a fucking SLOW BURN that LEFT me on the EDGE of my SEAT
Confirmed retard
>two white people have an Indian son
Was I supposed to assume the father was a fucking retard?
>samefag weeb cartoonboi manchild phoneposter crying for the fifth time at the same post
keep the (You)'s coming
Why not
It's so slow bros so superior
>samefag weeb cartoonboi manchild phoneposter crying for the sixth time at the same post
loving it, please more
Was that really necessary sir. It's just my opinion, I didn't say no one can like the witch
>samefag weeb cartoonboi manchild phoneposter crying for the seventh time not knowing who to respond to anymore
Yo dude why do white people look like this
It's legitimately one of the funniest movies I've seen recently. The mom banging her head on the ceiling. The dad catching on fire. The kid bouncing his head of the desk. The mom sawing her head off. Fat naked old people. When the mom finds out about the ugly girl being dead, her horrible acting/screaming. The movie is fucking hilarious. There's probably other funny stuff I'm forgetting. That's all just off the top of my head.
the level of irony here hurts
Either Trecher Collins or the thing the Stranger Things kid has
They made her look more messy for the movie though. This is her IMDB pic
When the atmosphere is so slow so you feel smart for liking it. Fuck jumpscares!!
it's not even that slow, stop talking shit
also, this whole obsession with calling others "soibois", do you guys even notice how much of a cuck that makes you look like? being obsessed with strong, masculine men?
that childs face scares me more then the movie tried to
t, weeb
You could at least not use all the exact same images every time you shitpost about this. Amateur hour
t. weeb
uncanny valley
Take your meds
There's one jumpscare, though.
the mom is also ugly as fuck and Gabriel Byrne looks like Grunkle Stan
Jumpscare bad
just helps making the movie more unsettling, shelley duval looked like a fucking alien in shining and it really helped making the movie the best horror movie of all time
Jumpscare good
Why does this movie trigger Yea Forums so bad? Is it just because it's popular?
When le wifey is out with Le bull but A24 just released a new horrorshit
heREDDITary sucks, though.
ugly kid losng her head was the best though
that was the one thing that made me lol hard
>all this zero effort bait getting replies
we Yea Forums now
Jumpscare bad bad, slow good good
t. weeb
The picture that saved Yea Forums
Already did. My heart is safe for another day. I appreciate you looking out for my health, user.
>I like real gritty and gory horrorshit, not those faggy slow nonsense that don't even have jumpscares. Fucking faggots.
true grit was still 10/10 tho
this post ends in a even number this movie is listed as the shittiest overhyped trash ever to be produced
I mean, if you’ve posted on this site for any amount of time you know the trendy thing to do is be contrarian to whatever people like at the moment and never shut the fuck up about “thing people like is terrible, actually”.There were a lot of splatter and torture flicks (other than the remakes) in the early and mid 2000’s that were the hot thing among genre fans. Now you’ve got this rise of more slow paced, tension build style movies that revisit aspects of 60’s and 70’s horror, so naturally yelling that they’re trash over and over while talking about how much better movies similar to the last wave are is the thing to do. Or maybe they’re just diaper babies who can’t handle that people like something they don’t. I dunno man, horror “fandom” is a huge pain in the ass because half the genre fans have a different definition of what horror “is” and screech about a movie being “not horror” if somebody doesn’t take a power tool to the face
>The Witch
For me it wasn't just the fact that they she gets her head knocked off. That's goofy and certainly funny...but then they fucking show the head! And the way it's framed front and center and then not just a couple insects on it, but like a swarm of insects. Then after all the other hilarious shit the head makes another appearance at the end of the film. I couldn't stop myself from laughing. Plus the girl already looks weird as shit, so that's the backdrop of this. You're just like "oh man...that's unfortunate..." and then she gets her head knocked off on top of that. It was like a horror version of the scene with Dan Aykroyd in Trading Places when he walks out in the Santa costume, it starts to rain, and the dog pees on his leg.
im not even sure i think the witch was great.
althought i'd be willing to list it as kino more willingly then hereditary.
beside the boy was cute and at least he got some him some pussy, even i it was a dried up old witch one
This was made by the same guy who invented sneedposting just remember that.
>duuuuude the little girl was the demon the whole time AND they killed her off #sobrave
movie is fucking garbage
I invented posting.
Nope this is a japanese cartoon loving phoneposting manchild who likes flicks like The Nun.
literally horror for stupid people
>omg nothing happens for 2 hours and then boom le spooky ending
Intellectual horror
Dude it's slow so it's good
you're obviously retarded
I accept your capitulation
>being scared of a movie
kek faggot
At this point A24 horror movies are as cliche and played out as the conjuring and other mainstream horror
>slow pacing
>main character dealing with some kind of mental issues like paranoia or mental illness
>it's not clear if the supernatural shit is real or not
>overused strings in the sound track
>wacky, weird or open ending to make people talk about it
>interracial relationship (it comes at night, hereditary)
Next we have the newest of A24 white people= bad movie that it's the same thing I mentioned before but in a bright setting, bravo . I would rather just watch mainstream horror at least it's fun and doesn't take itself seriously or pretend to be deep
I've seen some of those conjuring movies, they don't even attempt to be scary. Literally flicks for preteens
Maybe you should try to have sex like those teens then you'll be able to understand it
>interracial relationship (HeREDDITary)
Huh? What did I miss?
I think that one needed a few more months in the oven retard
>stupid memes
>posts biggest meme ever
Have sex
Why did Yea Forums whole heartedly agree that The Hunt is the only real horror movie?
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as soi, is in fact, so.y.bean, or as I've recently taken to calling it, soya bean. soi's spelling is not only incorrect, but it also serves no purpose by itself as it's only the first part of a two-part compound word, soya bean.
Many products and recipes use soya beans, mainly so.y. sauce, a sauce I use so often that I don't even realize it when I'm adding it to my meal. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of s.o.y. sauce which is widely used today is often called soi, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the word s.o.y. but with the y replaced by an i (just like the words boi and boy for negroids).
There really is a so.y, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the compound word soya bean. s.o.y. is the name of the bean. The bean is an essential part of the sauce, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a recipe. Soya beans are normally used in combination with other edible products to produce not just sauces but many other important sources of protein. All the so-called "soi" products are really just soya beans used in different contexts.
because it's too real