What is the film equivalent of this album?

What is the film equivalent of this album?

Attached: In_the_aeroplane_over_the_sea_album_cover_copy.jpg (316x316, 19K)

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Suck's Fuck and Chuck

there isn't one

its too ethereal for film to match


unironically this.

unironically not this

the Simpson's Movie

What about the film equivalent to this?

Attached: E1C45149-FE5B-485C-B5E8-268188820E98.jpg (1080x1080, 94K)


Literally this

dark knight rises

Yea Forums is posting on Yea Forums again

Attached: 1547677604561.jpg (500x322, 16K)


Schindler's List

>redd*t music

Attached: 1551461713127.png (645x773, 11K)

a giant steaming turd captured at 15fps

What's the film equivalent of this?

Attached: Life is Strange.jpg (1280x720, 128K)

The Color Wheel (2011)

Donnie Darko. The Butterfly Effect definitely has a more similar core plot, but Darko captures the atmosphere way better.

call me by your name

It's basically a film already

The Last Jedi

Life is Strange

Attached: 5648653865.jpg (253x199, 12K)

in the feed and seed over the sneed (formerly chuck's)

Attached: 1545708352668.png (500x500, 613K)

The Beach Bum

Probelm Child 2