>p-please give me roles
Glad I won't be seeing this one trick pony ruining my kino experiences anynmore.
>apologizing for being racist
Irishness revoked
That’s what you get wh*tey
qui gon jin sucked anyway
top cuck. the twitter bluetick liberals will never forgive you anyway so what's the point. hope this dumb mick's career crashes and burns.
what's the matter you, can't you see that this man is a nit!?
people had already forgotten; why is he bringing it up again?
did cold pursuit do that bad?
He's rich enough and it's not like he has anything to lose since his wife is already dead.
He should just straight up say "Ahem... FUCK NIGGERS"
>why is he bringing it up again?
Likely he is being refused roles based on his comments, and is only realising now how bad the damage is
>budget 60 million
>box office 62 million
>some nigger commited crime
>liam wanted to do something to niggers but did nothing at all
>for some reason these idiots care more about what he wanted to do instead of things that actually happened
what kind of fuckery is this? HE DID nothing, it doesn't matter what he wanted to do, BECAUSE HE DIDN'T DO IT ANYWAY
meanwhile actual criminal is getting away
this is a fucking joke
Surely apologizing will change that
The listed budget doesn't include marketing. They probably lost money.
His logic is wack. It's like saying the rapist was male so he was hoping he'd kill the first male he sees.
Never apologise for shit like this because people will still screech about it regardless, so fuck em.
but you can't murder beasts
it really does make you think why he went so in-depth
normal answer would just be "yeah, my friend was raped, and i thought about revenge but then realized that may not have been the best idea"
still, he did nothing while real crime is ignored
He didn’t miss the point. The media completely spun what he was saying in the opposite direction.
it's too late now
he should hook up with Mel and Vince Vaughn
All Hollywood movies lose money. Studios would go out of business if they had to pay taxes instead of writing everything off as a loss.
im gonna guess a certain gefilte fish eating group of individuals strongly requested he apologize.
We don't know the exact figures but the rule of thumb is that the movie needs to make double the budget until it starts turning a profit.
This was Ireland in the 1970s, there was hardly any black guys at all in the fucking country
Everyone forgets the context when talking about this
I feel bad because he fell for the oldest trick in the book. 1, he told the truth, and 2, he thought they’d forgive him, that they’d empathize, that they’d actually admit that everyone has racist thoughts and we all need to work to combat them or something like that, but nah see, liberals are actually perfect and aren’t racist even though it’s human nature and they would never admit to being racist and they can’t even believe that he did. This world is absolutely ridiculous
NEVER EVER apologize to SJW and Jews!
Agree&lify when in private, unapologetically belittle the comment when in public eye.
around reporters, never relax. liam relaxed and got led on for a sweet GOTCHA story.
>blame all blacks for one black raping
Yeah, that's racist regardless of where it is.
Based and redpilled, truth
You might say his career has Taken The Commuter to A Walk Among Tombstones after his Darkman comment
Stop capitulating you idiots, you are giving them power.
Never apologize. It puts you further under their boot.
when someone you care about it raped you hate everything about the circumstances.
I don't go to bars anymore.
>says nothing wrong
>apologizes anyway
Why are wh*te people so cucked?
> irish
> white
To the point of thinking about murdering blacks tho?
>I'm so sorry for getting upset after my close friend got raped by a nigger. I realise now that rape is part of multiculturalism phenomenon and diversity is our strength. In fact, I'd like to watch next time she gets raped, and make it 20 niggers. God I need work.
implying only one of them rapes
>didn't even say the n-word
>getting treated like he did
Are blacks the most fragile and coddled group on the planet?
>pale to the degree of translucent
>not white
What the fuck are you on about?
What gets me is that he was STILL demonized even though it was several decades ago, he admitted how awful it was that he thought those things and even thought that back then, and he said he doesn't think like that anymore and worked to better himself. Even through all of that, he was still labeled a racist monster and blacklisted.
Sorry I didn’t catch this guy’s name, what was it again?
more like, unwanted!
he didn't want to murder one, he just imagined if one attacked him he'd like to kill him in self-defense.
When it happens all you can think of is throwing away your life to get the guy.
Literally every sane man goes through that stage of grief, you literally want to tear the guy apart.
I was threatened with arrest when I demanded the guys name from the police and went jogging every night after that much like how Neeson went power walking every day.
I also picked up boxing for awhile.
You have so much bottled up rage and aggression when you find out and it doesn't leave you for weeks and weeks.
Even now years later I still feel fucking pissed but I've been dealing with it so long it's become somewhat numb.
Still, anyone who says that's not your immediate natural response has never had it happen in their lives.
Quite a few Irish people (myself included) have dark features (mainly hair) but paper white skin. That and /int/er/pol/ memes.
Guys please help me
>he apologized
fucking idiot, he's done now, these people dont learn
And there it is. The brave anonymous racist.
>blacks disproportionately kill
>blacks disproportionately rape
>blacks disproportionately steal
>blacks disproportionately sell drugs
>blacks disproportionately abandon their children
>blacks disproportionately stay unemployed and on welfare
Gosh darn so many purely coincidental statistics, I better check my internalized racism
>says HE missed the point
HE missed the point?! No, it was the retards in the media and left wing that entirely missed the point of his story!
So Qui-Gon is apologizing while Jussie just gloats? Clown world.
Cold pursuit, more like old pursuit.
>friend gets raped by a nigger
>he walks around black neighbourhoods with a club, hoping a nignog approaches him so he can beat it to death
As opposed to the brave anonymous liar who lies to himself whilst everyone around him admits the hard truth. Everyone human being on the planet is racist, and everyone who’s ever tried to tell me otherwise is a bad liar. Every time. You are not God, ergo you have hate and prejudice in your heart even if it manifests in the opposite direction
>twitter SJWs
>forgetting an offense
Yeah that's kind of the point Liam was making with his statement. He knows just how blind and illogical racism can be because he's gone through that. If he'd admitted that he'd been a heroin addict that used to rob old people for cash back in the 70s, he'd be treated much better.
why does this image assume people know who Kendrick Lamar is?
Do you project this strongly in order to justify your racism? "It's okay for me to be racist because everyone is racist!"
>Liam Neeson's net worth. Liam Neeson has a net worth of $85 million according to Celebrity Net Worth.
poor little baby
>Liam, without anyone asking, admits to being racist
>now apologizes profusely when he starts not getting any work anymore
It was London. I'm telling you with no exaggeration that there were ZERO black men in Ballymena in the 70s.
Context doesn’t matter if they can milk virtue currency out of denying him work. This isn’t about morals, its about power and control. Same thing is happening to Vic Mignogna who is being fucked over by Chris Sabat (Vegeta) who is apparently a power broker who can blacklist you from getting work as a voice actor.
I’ve had a Black best friend since kindergarten, so black people aren’t some mystical unicorn to me like they are to you. We discuss racism, it’s how I know. He accepts me for being white and naturally wanting to rout for his own team, I accept him for being black and naturally wanting to rout for his own team. These aren’t the only parameters, they’re not even close to the most important parameters, but it is there in everyone and everything. Dogs hate wolves and cats, cats hate birds, etc. hatred is a carnal emotion, it is artificially to feel otherwise, created by an artificial environment. I can recognize my life innate racism and work to combat it. If I never recognized or admitted it was there, I would have nothing to work with. That’s called taking responsibility
Are there any conservative film directors in Hollywood that would hire him?
>I can recognize my life innate racism and work to combat it
Yeah, let's fight millions of years of evolution because some brainwashed screeching retards are telling me it's a bad thing.
You deserve to go extinct.
that is the whole point of this website faggot and I talk like this in public too. You idiots call everyone a racist to the point the word has lost all meaning as any type of insult. You are parroting a programmed response to keep from acknowledging facts and statistics.
American History X was just Liam Neeson early years
Umm sweetie, drugging, assaulting, and robbing people doesn't even come close to having racist thoughts after your friend is raped
>Ever apologizing to the sjw mob
How the hell have people not figured this out yet? Apologizing is like giving a hungry tiger your pinky finger and expecting it to be happy with it.
If I didn’t conciously fight against racism I wouldn’t have been able to become friends with the funniest and coolest dude I ever met in my life. We bonded through our hatred, through our racism. we learned to accept each other for what we were, it was honestly a beautiful thing and people who don’t have multiracial friends will never know the joy of cracking some racist jokes every now and then and bonding over differences rather than letting them build up on the other side of the fence until it’s a homogenous behemoth you don’t understand. You have to get in there and fight for it and it can be worth it in the end. But if you deny it in the first place you’ll never be as good of friends as you would have been if you actually opened up. Liberals are fake as fuck and then they have extreme anxiety and wonder why
Pretty sure you'd be groveling too if people knew what you've been posting here.
and you’re proud of that? Proud of censorship and thought policing? Proud of people being too scared to admit the truth and hurting our bonds overall?
>British christcuck nigger
Old fursuit
What he needs to do is dust off the ol' cosh and start cracking some lefty skulls.
Yes as long as it makes ppl not racist. Its not censership if its hate speech... which you Nazis have a lot of...
>muh censorship means freedom from consequences
You're free to say whatever you want. You're not free from facing consequences for saying it.
r. toastie
Who censored him? Pretty sure he damn well volunteered information and no one made him shut up about it.
Im worse in public, you cant shame me into controlling my opinions. You are weak so you cannot imagine having enough conviction to stand behind what you say.
>t. James Gunn
>I had racist thoughts 20 years ago after a friend was raped by a person of a different race than I, and I know having those thoughts against all of that race because of that one person was wrong
Really weird how people get so upset with him over that.
Hes being censered because he's a Nazi.
he did it he called us Nazis! This guy cant even think for himself and is forced to fallback on name calling and shaming as a legitimate arguments.
t. proud racist
(p-please don't dox me reeee)
yeah that’s not actually how the law works. There are no restrictions on speech of any kind and any breech of that is a breach against all of our rights. There are restrictions on calls to action. The right to avoid mob justice is the entire point of the 5-7th amendments. The bill of rights was designed primarily as protection for the individual against the tyranny of the mob.
Hes a literal Nazi, not even a neo-nazi but a real Nazi, so fuck him
>being censored
Backlash over him saying shit censorship
>poe's law in action
Liam did nothing wrong but be honest about a dark moment in his life where he reacted poorly, and chose to speak about it in the present to give context to poor decisions people make today and warning them off emotional reactance by sharing a moment where it affected him.
If you think he was saying "secretly, kill all the darkies" then you are both a faggot AND a cunt and you should absolutely hang yourself at the nearest opportunity. Be swift, nobody likes dangling.
Here you Nazis go again talking about the constitution and the bill of Fuck off that shit was written by Nazis for Nazis. It doesn't apply in real life
This, only screamed loudly in the faces of morons still angry at him because their TVs told them to be.
user you jumped the shark it’s too obvious now
I would be mad to if I found out that Liam is racist
shouldnt he be rich enough to never have to work again?
the guy's career is decades old
>the guy's career is decades old
That's because he's a Nazi
>I would be mad too if I figured out that this Human being exhibited natural human emotion that everyone feels. Fear mixed with suspicion of outsiders, the most natural instinct there is.
Not him, but I mean you kind of have to in order to force people to see you're just joking these days, which is why I've shied away from shitposting unless it's instantly obvious and more importantly funny enough to be worth a captcha.
Just baiting people isn't fun, it just makes people mad. Like okay, someone's mad, now what? A serious conversation where ideas are shared and compared is much better than greentexting at one another and posting smug anime bitches back and forth, right?
>inb4 go back
I don't lurk places that require a persistent identity, least of all there.
and then he fucked up even more when and apologized
He should have apologized for being racist instead then maybe people would accept his apology.
I always thought he was overrated. There are tons of actors who can do the simmering-angry-guy roles.
Yes but he burns his money
go back to resetera you non-passable tranny
>people had already forgotten
Jews never forget, they are still butthurt over things that happened 2000 years ago
>apologized for being racist
That's the next worst thing he could do because he'd be admitting guilt and would still be called racist. In this day and age, your crimes follow you for the rest of your life no matter how long ago it was or what you do to try to atone.
Enough man, it's not funny pretending to be retarded.
Well, yeah. That was the point of his story. He realized how insane his logic was, thankfully before he did something illegal.
He's still racist
>Liam did nothing wrong
Except, you know, confessed to being racist.
>That's the next worst thing he could do because he'd be admitting guilt and would still be called racist.
Then he shouldn't have been racist...
>In this day and age, your crimes follow you for the rest of your life no matter how long ago it was or what you do to try to atone.
That's a good thing for society tho. It keeps people in check since they can't commit the same crimes again like being racist.
The logic isn't actually insane, though. It is basic tribal instinct and it works when people use it as a group. When your group is being preyed upon by another, driving the other group off stops the predation whether you get the single individual in each case or not. Pretending that groups don't exist is the insane logic, and is extremely destructive.
You can also tell by the reaction to the story that Liam, and White people like him, are the only ones engaging with this without being completely tribal. Everyone is condemning him from the standpoint of defending their tribe from his tribe.
Still at it, why? Everyone knows what you're doing, so why persist? Nobody is laughing, you just sound like a retard. Talk for real user, maybe we'll have an actual discussion here.
>racist user being this defensive
>blame whole race for the crimes of the individual
On that note, we should keep whites away from banks and money because they're known scammers.
Aren't you ever embarrassed by this sort of posting? You really should be.
Just talk like you're a real person user, we're all anonymous you can drop this dumb jokey pretext you've been using all thread and just talk to us for real. Be a person instead of a shitpost user, maybe we genuinely want to hear what you actually think?
>liberal faggot reaps what he sows
He thought he'd get away with it because he towed the line. Fuck him.
For pointing out that a racist only cared about his racism when he faced consequences for it?
user, you're being childish. Drop the act and just talk to us already, there's no reason to keep shitposting. I mean, is it making you laugh? Really though? Do you think anyone else is amused? Do you think anons believe you're being genuine?
You could just talk to us like a person.
Welp, there goes his career and personhood. Never fucking apologize to these clowns.
It's not like when Brando said that the Jews run Hollywood and got blacklisted. What's this apology supposed to do? As if it will go like with Brando...he can't apologize and expect the blacks to let him work again.
A bunch of bearded New Yorkers got the Catholic Church to "apologize" for "claiming" they killed the LORD Jesus Christ. That's their idea of an apology when in the wrong.
Says the guy who thinks facing the consequences of voicing out racism equals "muh censorship"
most people don't live in a cave
You never answered any of my questions. Is posting facetiously making you laugh? Do you think it amuses anybody else? Why carry this act around with you, you're anonymous, you can just post your real feelings and thoughts and talk to other anons.
For reasons i can only attribute to your presumably low age, you won't though, you'll ignore everything about this post and reply with "yeah but rasis olol".
I wish you wouldn't, it's a waste of your time, but I guess carry on with your adolescent shitposting if you're seriosuly too insecure to speak your mind without an ironic front.
stop giving him (you)s
that’s just how all kids are. If everything is a joke then their convictions can shift with the wind to whatever they need to be. They can test the waters of debate without actually committing themselves to it so that they feel no personal responsibility when the position they’ve “adopted” is proven untenable.
Jayonnaise gets me everytime
Yeah, I just thought it was worth a try to reach out to a shitposter and get them to actually speak their mind instead of shitting all over the thread. Turns out it wasn't
You're right, but it's still bizarre for me to see it in an anonymous environment where one COULD tentatively share his actual thoughts and discuss them without risk to their identity, without risk of being embarrassed to be wrong about something. You're right about the veil of sarcasm acting as a cloak though, I just wish people were less prone to ironic shitposting in place of actual discussion.
>muh ad naturam
It's like he's subconsciously trying to find ways to sabotage his career. Must be going through some kind of breakdown.
Once a racist, always a racist. You can never come back from that and shouldn't be allowed to in the first place. I hope he dies penniless and despised.
>whites away from banks and money because they're known scammers.
Nice try, Moshe
That’s actually not what that word means, kid. Good try though. If I had said that “racism is natural and therefore good” I would have committed the fallacy you claim. However, because I did not say it was good because it was natural, I did not commit that fallacy. I merely pointed out that something was a natural phenomenon; in fact I put negative connotation on it and said it was something that needs to be recognized before it can be combatted. You see, 16 year old smug kid from Reddit, human beings have natural vices which require us to compensate for them with virtues. Naturally we do all sorts of evil things and so we must consciously seek virtue. That is the responsibility of the civilized man. To deny your evils entirely is to deny yourself the ability to improve yourself
>said it was something that needs to be recognized before it can be combatted
Pretty much what Liam was trying to say from the start, I think.
Yeah. Still, there's a belief that people don't change and some people also felt that they might only half listen to his message and feel emboldened to be racist
It is about moral supremacy and the taste of dictating others what they are (not) allowed to do.
There is nothing important behind it. The fact you can always "get away" if you simply apologize is part of that, too.
It's not even blacks, it's fragile white people that think they can speak for blacks which is even fucking worse
>there's a belief that people don't change
Depressing, but I can see how some think that way.
>some people also felt that they might only half listen to his message and feel emboldened to be racist
Baffling, but then we are in clownworld after all.
What a faggot. I hope some magical witnesses from 50 years ago suddenly show up and sue his sorry liberal ass.
Is that like all the marginal clingers on Yea Forums insisting they do the same thing for whites?
I do wonder if people who hold that standard for others will hold themselves to it when the time comes. People are stone until their ass is on the line, then suddenly it’s all, “I can change! I was wrong! Please!”
can a potatonigger post their cosh?
>then suddenly it’s all, “I can change! I was wrong! Please!”
Just bargaining at that point, but yeah I hear you. Ironic that those are the same people genuinely angry with Liam who actually DID change over time.
Nice try gardai
i'm a conservative and love him as an actor but his comments were problematic
>I'm [x] and [y] but [z]
this post made by astroturf gang
Only niggers think this
I'm telling you guys he literally wants out. He signed some fucking contract he doesn't want to fulfill.
>blame all whiteys for slavery and colonialism
>inb4 strawman
I dont give a fuck, all I want is some fucking consistency and none of this double standard bullshit
what you want doesn't exist.
He is rich enough. Just want to "clean his name".
>sign a contract
>show up for work
>the script is completely different
>the director's an idiot
>this is going to be an embarrassing mess
>"I don't trust niggers."
Makes sense.
either every single fucking country is multicultural and ultracucked as whites are or every country becomes fash ethnostates
until i see token whites in government Nigeria and China then I wont stop being racist
The same reason he brought it up in the first place.
>I must offer a public apology to all the black people or NIGGERS as I like to call them for those offensive comments, I really missed the point
Seems honest enough