Why is Rob Zombie such an underrated director? He's a legit genius

Why is Rob Zombie such an underrated director? He's a legit genius

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Used to think he was an alright genre director/writer until 31 which retroactively ruined his earlier works by canibalizing parts of it.

I don’t even remember what this movie was about so it can’t have been that good

Or maybe you're just a pleb? Lords of Salem was amazing

That's actually his only good film

kill yoursself

I refuse, also fuck you

This movie suffers from the same thing 1000 corpses does... it's just a bunch of random crazy for the sake of "man look how crazy things are!"
Devils rejects was his best most coherent film.


Imagine getting the opportunity to remake your favourite film and turning it into a torture porn mess that shows you don't actually understand anything about the original or what made it great

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>dude my wife cant act but i put her in all my movies lmao!

Except she can act and her ass is what dreams are made of

>Except she can act

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No she really can act, it's true. Only fags hate Sheri Moon

Rob is that you?

Fuck i wish, she has a sweet ass

saw this in the movie theater, what a pile of dogshit and waste of time. his other movies before this were much better

He's like John Carpenter, where people don't realize how great his films are until 10-20 years later.



I’ve never seen Lords of Salem but I agree with the comments above that he should stop casting his wife, she’s annoying and ruins the scenes she’s in. Reminds me of Harley Quinn, I hate that character and have no idea what the appeal is. The bimbo New York accent makes me want to vomit uncontrollably, “Sheri Moon” Retard does that character every time without the New York accent and it really makes his movies look like shit

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Except Sheri Moon is hot and a legit good actress and if she was my wife I'd cast her too

>wot if Satan woz a Teletubby??

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I saw clips of Sid Haig's performance in Devil's rejects so decided to check it out. What a piece of shit film, Rob Zombie doesn't have an ounce of directorial talent in his body- Subpar camera work, trash lighting, terrible editing. Fuck his shit movies. Sid Haig deserves better work in a main role.

Neck yourself. Devil's Rejects is great.

Not an argument

I think he's great. I still need to watch 31.

3 From Hell is gonna be SICK

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If the goal was to make Rosemary's Baby but a hundred times more unintelligible and disjointed as hell he did it.

>good actress
ehh….. shes hot. that's enough.

>having this much of a shit opinion
I don't think all of zombies films were that great, but rejects is a cinema masterpiece with one of the most kino endings ever.

>Cinema masterpiece

The aesthetic is meant to be trashy, not well lit or comfortable. The whole film has an almost out of focus feeling meant to convey discomfort. The genius about it is when you start liking the characters and become enthralled with the violence.

Well put, my man! "Seed of Memory" at the end was icing on the cake.

Don't. It was horrible. Used to love house of 1000 corpses and the devil's rejects but now both remind me of that terrible piece of shit.

Might actually give this a try but after the absolute trash that was 31 I fear the worst.

>Isn't this like his least known movie
>Casts his twiggy wife so she has sex with him for the first time in years
>Shows wifes butt crack but nothing else
>Paranormal horror genre is a god awful snore fest

Check out the released shots from post production. It looks sound, the images are saturated and gritty. Puts me in mind of Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Because that and house of 1000 corpses are his only good movies