Books you wanted adapted to film thread

>books you want adapted to film thread
>user puts fourth the Mars series, by Kim Stanley Robinson
>the first discussion of Red Mars I've seen on Yea Forums
>jannies delete the thread because the first post was a shitpost (it's always a shitpost)

Fuck you jannies, I'm gonna talk about Mars and you can't stop me. How would you adapt Red Mars to film? Can it be done? Would it be better as a miniseries? Post your ideas. This is also a books you want adapted to film thread I guess (don't ban me you big black negro lovers).

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I never heard of these books before Chapo Trap House mentioned them.

Ive just started reading this, ive got to the chapter where John Boone is travelling around Mars meeting all the second and third waves of people and suspects Frank is spreading lies about him.

From what I've read so far, mini series format would be better. There seems to be so many little unimportant details (in terms of plot) which add a richness to the world. Doesnt lend itself well to a film which are typically very narrative focused.

i powered through these, maybe 10 years ago now, shit.
really liked the ideas presented, and the characters, and some of the detailswere really fleshed out like the page long list of tools the were bringing in the start of the red.
Hiroko (or w/e you know who i mean) could be played by that jap chick from maniac. I think she was a botanist in the book, the reveal of her plan was awesome and you could portray her as being up to no good up until the ice dome with all her kids.
scientist guy who fireseeded the vally was also a great character, cant remember his name but that scene and him getting lost in the dust storm stand out in memory.
otherthings i recall was the elevator plotline, the earth corperations sponsoring failed nations, everyone getting a birthing alotment of 3/4s of a child, reverse capitalism, cupola sex scenes, genetic lifespan fuckery. i didnt like the main female character, cant remember if she was a bitch or just boring.
you could def get a movie out of the first book, but a trilogy might be hard with the timeline being so long and having so many plotlines figuring which ones to drop.
good luck with the thread OP

Read years ago that Cameron was developing this. Would make for a good mini-series!!!FACT!!!

If we're doing KSR adaptations I'd rather see someone do Shaman or NY 2140.

Only the first book is somewhat salvageable without even being that good.
Mostly because it has interesting hard scifi.
Second book is just political soap opera garbage
Never read the third but everyone agrees it's the worst of the series.
I guess it's the kind of trash Netflix would pick for a show.

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Lords of the Starship, by Mark Geston. if you've ever spent any time browsing in second hand bookshops, you'll probably have seen a copy of this in the SF section.

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Larklight Trilogy so I can get the 2nd and the 3rd localized here

jannies, arrest this man

Pick a good scifi series next time.

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Only books 1-4. Which could be 4 seasons of maybe 6 episodes each.

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I know they are derivative.
I know the prose is bad.
I know they are pleb.
I don't give a fuck. I love them and I'd watch a movie or GoT-style TV series about Dragonlance Chronicles and/or Legends if it was faithful and well made.

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I had read Red Mars years ago and really liked it. Are the sequels worth reading or do they drop in quality?


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This is objectively correct. All of the construction from the first book would be kino.

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I'd like to see Jack Vance's Dying Earth adapted into a mini-series, each episode being a story from the book.

Other than that... maybe Asimov's Prelude to Foundation?

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Red Mars was my favourite of the three books, but having read the sequels, I wouldn’t dream of having stopped at the first one. You’ll find that the first book was the most plot focused of the three, with the sequels focusing more on the characters. You could describe it like this: Red Mars is about the effect the characters have on the story, whereas the sequels are about the effect the story has on the characters, if you understand what I mean. If you enjoyed the characters of Red Mars, I feel I can safely say you’ll enjoy the sequels. Although calling them sequels might not be accurate, as they read much more like one continuous story, which just so happens to be split into three books.

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Can BotNS even be adapted well?

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Out of my top four books, two have already found their way to cinema (Battle Royale, Uzumaki), the other two will hopefully make it someday (pic related, House of Leaves). Though both Hyperion and House of Leaves would be extremely hard to film imo.

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