Leave Thanos to...us

>leave Thanos to...us

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Is that Meagan Good's body or a body suite?

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This power rangers reboot is getting out of hand.

It's all good


Unironically tho, this movie will be capekino and comfy

It reminds me of genuine boyscout heroes like Maguire Spiderman and other chill genuine heroes.

It's supposed to be fun, but it will end up reminding us what true heroism is, not this space opera drama flashy laser kaboom shit that marvelcrap currently is.

>It happened
Do you think they've kept it a secret like Marvel did for Endgame?

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Oh god.....you told me this was going to be GOOD ANONS

The madmen actually did it

Attached: Shazam post-credits scene.webm (550x360, 2.82M)


whoever did that costume design for meagan good is a hero

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>high quality hard cover omnibus shazam reprint
thanks steamboat ! (Also maybe some other reasons)

>black shazam = big butt
>Mary shazam =\= big tits
Seems obvious that they should have gone with a milk truck for Mary marvel

Is that a porn parody?
Jeez, they get in quick.

>It's supposed to be fun, but it will end up reminding us what true heroism is, not this space opera drama flashy laser kaboom shit that marvelcrap currently is.
Don't forget the grimdark depressing BvS bullshit. Aquaman made DC fun again. Hope this continues the path.

Why do they make seven year olds so sexy?

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It's a movie made for people who like superheroes, not generic action heroes for normies loosely based on comic book characters
It will probably get called too corny by plebs in a few years just like Raimi's Spider-Man, but Raimi's Spider-Man is still talked about.

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your logic is sound

michelle borth is also 40 and has been in nothing but garbage, that casting makes no sense however you look at it

>It will probably get called too corny by plebs in a few years just like Raimi's Spider-Man
People, in general, like Raimi's Spiderman 1 and 2. The third one gets the hate (deservedly in my opinion).

Couldn't they have given the white woman "muscle leggings". Her legs look odd compared to everyone else.

Nice art work

Mary should have just stayed the same actress for whatever reason.

Go back to Yea Forums comfyfag.

That’s her body. It’s fucking fantastic.

Geoff johns sucks and his shazam was a committed product, it was a movie pitch, pretending it wasn't a soulless product aimed at nornies is retarded, go fuck yourself.

The look on Freddie’s face in that pic is really heartwarming with the context. I’m legit a little misty just thinking about it.

Fucking based.

The Shazam family should have never expanded beyond Billy, Mary, and Freddy. The other three are nothing characters with no depth or personality beyond arbitrary quirks. Hell, none of them beyond Billy even has a usable superhero name anymore. Mary can't be Mary Marvel and Freddy can't be Captain Marvel Jr.


>but it will end up reminding us what true heroism is
Phew, good thing, because I've completely forgotten

Is that Joshua Gomez, the other guy from Chuck (currently seed), 2nd from left?

Captain Marvel*

>watched the movie
>little black girl turns into this
>she still has her cute childlike personality

This is great, i've seen so much tough black women over the years that something like a black girl acting super cute is really amazing and unique.

My body is ready.


the movie fixed the comic

cool it, soiboy


pls respond

>Mary not in white
Come on

no, it's DJ Cotrona, who was going to play Superman in George Miller's Justice League
on the left is Adam Brody, who was going to play The Flash

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That's because Johns is a hack and really likes the "seven entities with different colours" gimmick. Seven Lantern corps, seven Shazam kids, seven sea kingdoms he mentioned in Aquaman but didn't expand upon.

Thank you very much for the prompt response, kind user.

I think DC cucks are on the spectrum, there's no way a normal human being can be this much of a cringefest

They know its shit but they revel in the fact that others get mad so they pretend to like it even more.

stop replying to yourself

Both me ;)
Make Mine Marvel


Attached: dc cucks are officially on the spectrum.jpg (834x389, 40K)

Oh I don't know it looks like good, wholesome family fun. Something everyone could enjoy. Maybe you're just a jaded, stick in the mud.

DC vs Marvel cinematic universe when?

Literally all me ;)

Ok I never before needed to bother with this kiddie tier capeshit, WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE next to Shazaam and why should I care?
Is there maybe a quick UTub vid around to explain all this shit in under 10 minutes?

they are his friends who can also turn into Shazam, it's fucking stupid now you have 5 more super beings running around

But why?
The pedo wizard got bored with just one kiddie or something ??

Billy can grant powers just like the Wizard can.

So...this is the power of DCEU?

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I don't get it
Also, why are they teasing shit nobody knows about? I thought that DC was the anti Marvel

DC is incompetent that's why.

he appears earlier in the movie

It would be perfect if Sivana then walked through the wall.

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Elvis was big fan of Captain Marvel. Elvis died.

Stan Lee created Spider-Man. Stan Lee died.

That´s fukn retarded on so MANY levels.

The evil caterpillar is one of the top 3 Shazam villains.

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he uses the wizard's staff

>none of them are ugly
how did they get away with it

Oh well, thanks for the heads up.
Guess I´ll have to get really drunk when I have to watch the cam-rip.


I want my fkn Go'ould back.

All right,
t is time,
x is the variable,
what's a and b. They have to be some rather insane shit, because this formula looks to simple.

the body of that one girl, that's a bit of a wower

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Fuck off back to /pol/, you triggered faggot.

>being this new

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but Mary turned out lame while Eugene and Darla were pretty cool. Pedro was alright.

calm down idiot

this IS new

>new 52
Talk about new.

God knows I would.

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>Superman is a lonely brooding tragic character destined to be alone
>Shazam is a happy enthusiastic based chad that can share his power
Superman BTFO!?

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>this tight little monkey
*bites lip*

Justice League Beyond movie where Billy gets blacked when?

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>the half copy was printed for the little guy in the brown suit


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The Purple Shazam has canonically always been a Black girl, user.

What does ultraman have to do with captain marvel? is ross trying ot say anyone who changes form by saying words is inspired by CM? so sentai is based on CM? fuck off boomer comic artist.

>he posted on Yea Forums proudly


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>see this
>get a raging boner and think of heading over to /gif/ to wank over some BLEACHING
>feel kinda bad about it; like a race traitor
>see this
>boner gone
Well, I'm glad reality exists and doesn't allow me to wank it over filthy negresses like a degenerate.

thanks alot zack snyder for fucking up the whole grim dark thing so much that now DC movies are embarrassing cartoons again

why do you get boners while looking at monkeys in the first place?

Leave Thanos to us...

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>they shoehorned a nigger in the comics

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Because has nice titties and ass and the color contrast between the black ass and the white dick looks nice... Don't judge me, I'm ashamed already.

>imagine having a cast like this nowadays

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This movie is no different from your average marvel flick, Yea Forums shills and contrarians will embarrassingly put this capeshit in an another level, a new down for this board

Would have kept Mary/Freddy (and Tawky) for the first movie

it would be awful. white people are irrelevant

Holy fuckin kino this shit is going to be a culture impact.

>The absolute state of this board

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Oh sorry I'm not nutting to MCU capeshit.

Fucking kino

they are both the same shit user, dont be autistic bran war fag

the power of diversity saves the day!!

Shazam is the new awesome.

Hello this is Disney and Marvel we'll be seeing you in court soon...

If only she didn't paint her eyebrows she'd be the hottest black women ever

Goddam right. Mr. Mind kicks ass.

Saw it earlier this week. Its mediocre AF. They used up all the funny scenes for the trailers, action is meh, acting is meh and CGI for the demons is trash.

Flying scenes look pretty wonky too.

Essentially yes. And that's how it was all the way back to when the characters were first created. Personally, I like the thought of a broody, more serious and thoughtful Superman and a more upbeat, optimistic Shazam. It makes for a nice contrast.

you're meh

did you know how much DC fucked over the original creators of Shazam (Captain Marvel)

probably not

Captain Marvel debuted in 1939.

they didn't fuck over the original creators, only the company they worked for
the artist was even called to draw the book for them in the 70s

The best part about Dr. Savana is FINALLY we have a super villain who vapes

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Is he making infinite resources, giving everyone access to space travel between suitable planets, or adjusting fertility rates this time? You know, any of the things he could have done to help if Disney hadn't turned him into a complete fucking retard?

A = Sneed
B = Chuck

>Le infinite resources
you cant make matter out of nothing, the stones dont work like that, dont be retarded

Because of superior nigger genes, my dear inbreed.

>I'll take all money from the rich! Then you'll all be poor! That's equality!

Oh no he's a communist

Imagine all of them flossing at the same time in front of Thanos

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>i don't have super friends....I have super family

They actually do

Way to ignore the other two. Stop making excuses for lazy, shitty writing. It diminishes you. We could have had a Big Bad that was worth a damn instead of the retard we got.

I'd piss myself in sheer glee.

the other two are equally retarded but the infinte resources one is the most used one, in the end he is just a big megalomaniac that managed to kill half of the universe and safe natural reasources in the process, stop caring this much about capeshit, it diminishes you

Evem now, I can not believe they hired an actress with curves in a DC movie
It's probably the last time

Mera was pretty hot too.
Unfortunately they fucked up Birds of Prey casting though

Ways Thanos could have made sense
1. Infinite resources
2. Replenish resources
3. Create tech which recycle resources
His "kill half the universe" decision is just silly because all he's done is delay the inevitable and if he just wanted to delay the inevitable then he could have adjusted fertility rates. It's silly.

>I have no real argument, so I'll copy the other guy

You're defending a retard whose "grand solution" amounts to a speedbump in population growth. He's better in the comics. Way better.

Nothing comic booky make sense
Bruce Wayne would be better off spending all he had on charities for the poor instead of launching his pricy war on crime
Tony Stark invented or perfected energy reactors, ai, and nanotechnology and kept it all for himself
So why does it bother you a villain doesn't have a good plan?

>He's better in the comics. Way better
>i just want death's pussy
>Way better

>Bruce Wayne would be better off spending all he had on charities for the poor instead of launching his pricy war on crime
Wayne Industries is incredibly philanthropic
>Tony Stark invented or perfected energy reactors, ai, and nanotechnology and kept it all for himself
The Marvel universe does benefit from the advanced tech produced
>So why does it bother you a villain doesn't have a good plan?
Thanos was just poorly written, fuck off with your whataboutism

Why is Black Adam chinese? I thought The Rock was going to be Black Adam?

Yeah, dipshit, because he looks on death as an offering instead of a fucktarded, short-sighted solution to a non-existent problem. In the comics, death is the end, not the means. If you can't see how that's instantly an improvement, then brainless Disney shit is precisely your speed.

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Hi, you are color blind (it's blue)

It can't be THAT philanthropic is the city keeps being poor and incredibly corrupt

And Thanos thinks his solution is the best because he thought of it on his own planet
He's the Mad Titan not the Rational Titan

No, that's comics Thanos. Movie Thanos is just the Retard Titan.

That's Johns shazam you absolute retard, the diversity kids are his creation, and curse of shazam was ALWAYS a shameless movie pitch.

Because Christ knows you were well versed in the Infinity Saga before you watched Avengers. Fucking lying ass.

Just got back from the cinema, it is pretty good
Jokes are actually pretty funny, action is kind of mediocre but still enjoyable, plot is simplistic but it does enough to make it's theme of family work