How come movies love to praise cuisine like italian but never british food?

How come movies love to praise cuisine like italian but never british food?

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you have a loicens for that OUR MAJESTY™ muffin bruv?

>so this is the power of anglo cuisine

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As some point you have to choose between being good at cooking and becoming an unstoppable empire.

>good food
>unstoppable empire

you can pick only one

Short answer:
Because british cuisine is shit

British cuisine has a mix of Indian cuisine as well so there's alot of overlap.

That looks great, dumb nip bitch.

>british "food"


I ate at a pub there called The Fox and The Hound, I think it's called that because I'm pretty sure that's what we were eating.


Fucking slant eyed bug eaters can't compete.

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Imagine not picking good food

Those movies are made by jealous plebeians that will never experience a delicious full English breakfast, or a Sunday roast dinner.

spanish food is one of the best of europe.
poor anglos and your fried fish and chips.

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British food is fine you niggers

That looks fucking raw, m8.

Scottish food is top tier though. I could eat haggis and black pudding every day.

What the fuck

nah,its all made from boiled parts of a pig,like the name clearly indicates.
if you are a tree hugger you are going to have a bad time seing it thats sure.

>bong food

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British food is legit fucking gross, from their meat to their fish it's all fucked
And I'm Russian so I grew up on sub-par food

I don't know why they are the way they are

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My GF is from Manchester and it's been an adventure trying all kinds of English foods.

They seem to not like any flavor in their food, just lots of meat, eggs, beans and bread.

Her favorite comfort food is a "full English" breakfast, I had to stop eating that stuff because a plate of it in the morning put me right back to sleep.

oh, its this thread again

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british food is meh, but italian food is extremely overrated

oh, it's this post again

There is literally nothing wrong with beans on toast you tasteless pleb.
If you're complaining about it, I bet you've never even tried it. With good beans that is, not the weird watery ones you find in US supermarkets.

What's that on the bread? Black men cum?

behold peasants, a gentleman's breakfast

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bruh even the fucking tomatoes are burned



>its another "Yea Forums starts literally seething at britain for absolutely no reason" thread

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>nothing wrong with beans on toast
Maybe if you're an inbred angl*id.

Imagine having your taste-buds ruined by over seasoning to the degree that you can't enjoy the taste of just things. I'm not saying spices are bad, but if you can't enjoy the taste of just egg once in a while, then... I really don't know.

those mushrooms are delicious

throw away the pudding though

That's all good, besides the brown sauce how do people like that stuff


But England is the archetype of the stoppable empire.

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Meat tastes like shit by itself though.

Plain egg is fucking gross dude

And I eat meat off of a fire when I go camping

Because British food is horrible and one note. It's alright for a breakfast or something but then you realize they having nothing to offer but greasy shit that gives your cardiac arrest.

That being sad a modern British diet doesn't even consist of that but of horrible fast food versions of Indian, Chinese and Turkish cuisine + Mc Donalds. After living there for one year I really learned how to appreciate my own country's traditional cuisine.

My heart hurts just by looking at that

>I'm not saying spices are bad, but if you can't enjoy the taste of just egg once in a while, then... I really don't know.
yeah some people apparently only enjoy the taste of spices.

jesus christ man..

The meal that built and empire.

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A legitimate English dinner is fried egg and chips (fries) with buttered bread and beans.

It is the blandest thing I have ever tasted.

>he doesn't know how to season

fuck u bitch im starving and have no money
seriously want to eat that right now

No, that must be hours boiling, anyhow that looks like a blog or something like that homemade.
these has been doing that dish arround 150 years in Madrid

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You guys may have a point, but that might have to do with my utter lack of knowledge about how the britts do things. I kind of assume that they atleast use salt on stuff, and eggs are perfectly fine with just some salt, the same goes for pork meats. But if they don't then I guess you're right that their food is a little lame, but still entirely edible.

It does though. You'd have to be mental to think something like a baked chicken breast or an unseasoned hamburger tastes good.

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that my friend is a poached egg

Im not a burger but I just want to say my local supermarket imported a bunch of 'british' groceries here for novelty and I bought one of those blue cans of Heinz beans to see what they're like. But it turned out they were bland as all hell, but I suppose thats to suit the british palate

What does blood sausage taste like?

Is it passable?

Please realise that your disdain for our nation's cuisine only make us stronger.

ah yes, the foul bongroach always has to pick at the US in his devious, and chittering posts

You can go only go up when you're at the bottom.

Boiling is an insult to the animal that gave its life. Many Spanish dishes are amazing, so why did you post some of the grossest shit ever?
Portuguese troll?

Why is anglo and by extension American "cuisine" so shit?

that looks actually really good

Egg is good when it's runny and still in the eggshell, aka poached egg, I'll agree there

But just plain egg cooked up and served without any additives is legit fucking gross

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Even America has better regional food, and it's actually an unstoppable empire.

as an american I can say I likely have better food than you at every meal

>What does blood sausage taste like?
It tastes just like it looks. An enormous hematoma.

the problem isn't that british food is bad, it's the British who are usually terrible at cooking (not talking about professional chefs obviously)

It's called black pudding and it's delicious. Doesn't taste like sausage, it's its own thing.

Angl*ids everybody

I salt my eggs. Is that enough for your tastes, or do you turn them into an omelet?

for me it's pepper

Not an argument, soibitch.

>hurr durr british people cuisine is shit
Because you've never real British cuisine
>white people cant cook
French cuisine is the best in the world by a very wide margin. All master chefs are white.

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Hold the scabs, the Brie Larson toes, and actually cook the eggs, and I'll happily eat it

I don't eat egg's as plain, I usually add them as an additive to Rice/Spaghetti

I'm real partial to Rice omelette despite my disdain for egg

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Good food is only found south of Paris and North of Jakarta, this rule applies to the entire world, prove me wrong.

That's fine to I guess.

>All master chefs are white.
What the fuck?

I thought all master chefs were a mixture of Asian

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because it is you snotty little battycrease

the parts of France with good cuisine are not white, neither is Italy (the actual best cuisine). Proper white europeans eat shit

French "cuisine" is a meme.

french cuisine is the most developed and sophisticated, though I wouldn't say 'best' overall, which definitely goes to Italian food.

>French cuisine is the best in the world by a very wide margin.
Yes, that explains the worldwide popularity of French food (sarcasm notice for the autists)

Beat cuisine in the world is Italian.a

Need soda and potato bread.

Salty. The taste reminds me a bit to leverpostej

It taste good actually

what's the historical reason for british food being such a greasy piece of shit? inbreeding?

French cuisine is total shit and the biggest meme on the fucking planet.
t. Been to/travelled across France multiple times

America counts as England.
>b-but we fought to say we wuz murika
still British people saying it.
If we colonized Mars and the colonists claimed independence we wouldn't suddenly call them aliens, they're humans.

>You can't torture ducks to get foie gras, that's

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Fuck all you Italian retards
>Muh spaghetti
>Muh fish
>Muh tomatoes


The best food in the world is JAPANESE!

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Our food is the way it is because the spices and herbs used in foreign cuisine were never natively grown in this country and were not commonly obtainable once they began to be imported.

But America didn't get to the top primarily through militarism, but through economics and exporting culture

>not liking based morcilla
That anime bitch is crazy

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>America counts as England.

This is some next level cope, and is actually sad.


nah im pretty sure its inbreeding bro

Who the fuck has time to prepare all that in the morning? It looks like something you would eat at lunch

It is a fucking abomination. You're supposed to do it gently, not throw the thing on its other side half way through. Absolutely disgusting.

No. Japanese cuisine is good but not even top five

But if they were born there they would be martians.

fuck off, bong

Jesus christ no wonder you fags die at 40 from heart attacks.

Impressive, innit?

If someone decided to nuke us, China, and Russia the world would probably be vastly improved. We're the heralds of shit.

Cooked tomatoes are honestly super nasty.

yes, they made a mess of it, but then, you're expecting a lot from the average joe

>british food
PFHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, enjoy your fish and chips.

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morcilla es un asco, amigo

sorry America but literally everyone else still thinks of you as English.
Your best argument is you're diluted English on account of all the cheaters who immigrated after colonization, but the country itself is British through and through.

Japanes food is fucking garbage, and sushi sucks. Have fun eating your cat food.

you're the herald of my boot up your ass

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I don't give a shit about your fat fucking zero iq head that's filled with Italian grease from your hair gels

The majority of humans enjoy trash tastes like Pizza and Hamburger

I'm refined

I'll take Sushi any day of the week over your disgusting lasga and Spaghetti and meatballs

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>second-tier powers would be more powerful if the single superpower were to drop off the map
You get the award for "most obvious statement of the thread"

>being such barbarians they still refuse to use forks

Te gusta mas el sushi no?. Porteñito weeb

Americans are a mixture of countless different European people, French, German, Irish, Spanish etc. In no way are they "English". So far tough, Americans are still mostly "European". If you were talking about Australia or something, then maybe you could get away with them being "British", but English, no way. And definitely not for America.

>tomato, cheese, oil in every single dish
Hmm lel

Tfw Texan cuisine is the greatest cuisine
Tfw breakfast tacos for breakfast and brisket for lunch and dinner

Feels good to dab on yuropoors

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Sushi is the most soiboi food and everybody knows that weeb

I know... eating Japanese food helps you to teleport behind people. That's nice.
Grownups who aren't hampered by an overactive imagination know that Japanese is not even better than Chinese

you r wrong

>Rice and Fish is soiboy
>Hamburger and Pizza is Chad and Alpha

Has all the grease gone to your head fat piggu?

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Why do nordcucks hate olive oil?

It's spelled *biscuit

do Japanese use avocado in their sushi as well or it's a western thing?
because it's fucking everywhere

come to my house and I'll buy you food if you let me eat your ass

Modern Japanese slop is using weird ingredients like jellyfish and soibeans made palatable by French cooking techniques
>weebs triggered

Do they have olive trees there?

Are you talking about California Roll? That's fusion, not really Japanese

California Roll has been around since the 1960's yeah

It's basically used as a substitute if you run out of fish

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because people do this outside movies too

That looks awful.

Jellyfish salad is pretty good imo

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>fish roe everywhere
Do you know how I know Japanese will never be the best?

>black people buzzwords
Shiiieeeeet Jamal u on fya :100:

What's wrong with Fish Roe?

It's used by all cultured countries

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>prefering basedboi anime food over chad italian cuisine

Because they think soapy rotten fish is food

Why would someone consume fish testicles?

Yeah, almost like I have fine taste and want to enjoy my food instead of stuffing my face with fucking olive oil and subpar noodles

Reminder that Italians eat fucking maggots

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point at this guy and laugh

>*suckles dick shaped cow titties*

High in estrogen. No wonder you're a weeb.

What's even the point of making the spaghetti Mario?

Just drink the fucking olive oil directly

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>Reminder that Italians eat fucking maggots

So? What are you a girl?

ALL 'BRITISH' (ENGLISH) food is STOLEN so to say its not good is meaningless.
fucking try me
curry: indian
fish and chips: italian
fry up: scotch
burgers: america
shepherds pie: Ireland probably
sunday roast: (literally just plain meat cooked) cavemen worldwide.

what is left? this thing?!
this is an empire built on sand.

>sandwich is British food and is eaten worldwide
>therefore, British food is better than French

Based, I love being Texan

i´m actually eating this as lunch

t. zoomer

>Why do nordcucks hate olive oil?
They don't it seems, maybe iceland, but maybe not even them if you'd look at this per capita

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Blood pudding is great on a burger

>Just drink the fucking olive oil directly
tfw I do that sometimes

imagine feeling satisfied after 6 basedballs

It's really nice. Like its popular for a good reason, and its a bit weird that the British only managed to spread it as far as Ireland.

It's like, crunchy on the outside, meaty and soft on the inside, filled with these little seed-like things for texture. It doesn't taste like a sausage. It's quite rich and hearty but kind of dry. Tends to seem burnt in a good way.

Imagine you're in a cafeteria in the world of 1984, and there's something labelled 'discs of meat extract', and they look grim but when you give them a try they turn out to be the only actively desirable thing on offer. It's like the definition of a pleasant surprise.

I do. Shots of olive oil are good for your health and skin.

Nobody cares that your great great great grandparent was Irish.

cheers user,
I'll take a shot of spanish oil right now

>fish and chips: italian
It's spaniard 'pescaito frito'. Some sephardi kicked form Spain ended in London and opening a 'jewish style fish & chips'

olive oil alone is better than the entire British "cuisine"

>sandwich is British food and is eaten worldwide
>therefore, British food is better than French
Nice straw man, old chap

Can anyone imagine the pathetic nature of people who repost identical threads like this? I mean, Bane, Sneed, and GoT threads I get... but this thread? Who the fuck cares? Discuss it once and it should be done.

Que puto asco, Manolo.
¿Qué es eso verde?

cum on, it's edible isn't it?

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Fuck off sneed poster

Who could say no to the quintessentially British dish called "mushy peas"?

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Cosa de los gallegos, Santi. Hay mejores cocidos en España que el gallego, sin ir muy lejos de Galicia, en Ponferrada o en Asturias.

That looks like shit, pal.

parecen grelos, es parecido a la espinaca, es tipico de Galicia, lo sirven como acompañamiento del lacon, que es parecido al jamon dulce pero mas basto

dead by 35 of clogged coronaries tier

Well at least you can use it as dippin sauce for those fries I guess

gross, what's wrong with them?

Looks tasty as fuck desu, like one of my run escape cooking pies

They call those "chips". And chips are called "crisps" in Britain. Fuckers are trying to corrupt even the terminology of what we call food. And don't get me started on the fact that "pie" just means random shit thrown together in Britain.

>parecido a la espinaca
Eso pensé

Fries exist here too actually, it's just that rather than just lumping every type of that food together under the word "fries" there's different names.
>Really thick 'fries' (steak fries I think is the US term) are called wedges
>thin McDonald's style ones are just fries
>the ones that are a size inbetween the two (the most common variant) are chips.
Crisps are called crisps because they are crispy.

A pie is just a pie, a pastry item usually filled with meats, I don't know what the term could otherwise mean to you.

So things that don’t describe Britain?

But this is apparently a Fish Pie! No pastry!

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>this is what Nips eat for breakfast
*breathes in*

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>unstoppable empire
oh nonononono look at this dood

Good point, I didn't think of fish pies. It's not much of a pie, is it?
I wouldn't really consider that or a Shephard's pie a pie at all, but that's what they're called I guess. Seems like it's just a strange name quirk.

>Even America has better regional food

Yeah, because the pizza burger or the Mcnuggetini are so good.

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Oof my intestines

Looks pretty good

Seems like a meal that would settle well with my stomach and give me the most amount of energy to complete my days task without feeling bloated or the need to drink a gallon of coffee

Yeah, ok, weeaboo.

Baked chicken tastes good if it's cooked right and not too dry. Sounds like you've been eating McDonalds your whole life and have never cooked meat for yourself.

Plus even in the worst case with bland meat it just takes a small bit of salt to be good.

>The most popular sauce with to use the cuisine is made of soi

enjoy your high mercury levels and man tits cuck

American food is some of the best in the world and they are the biggest empire in existence. Explain this.

>But just plain egg cooked up and served without any additives is legit fucking gross
good god your taste buds are fucked.
Plain scrambled eggs are delicious. They're also great with cheese and oil or butter but if you can't eat them plain something is wrong with you.

Epic reading comprehension you FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT

Both of these statements are wrong

name 10 american chefs

Name 40 british chefs

Guy Fierri
Max Gerfield
Johnathan T. Waxon
Ringo Chavez
Quareon Gucci
John Sneed
Pip Lagerheim
Brap Nielsen
Vinny Spaghettio
Bronald Blumpf

>french best cousine
>not italian

kill yourself nigger, african couisine doesn't count

Soul Food like fried chicken and mac&cheese
Southern Biscuits
Creole food
Various regional styles of Barbeque
Buffalo Chicken Wings
Philly Cheesesteak
Eggs Benedict

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>Fish and chips
>Full English
>Bangers and Mash
>Scotch Egg
>Cornish Pasty
>Steak and kidney pie
>Beef Wellington
>Shepherd's pie
>Cottage Pie
>Chicken Tikka
>Yorkshire pudding
>Welsh Cakes
>Angus beef
>Cumberland sausage
>Red Leicester and Cheddar Cheese
>Bakewell Tart
>Lancashire hotpot
British cuisine is unironically the best and most hearty in the world.

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>this buttmad
Go drink some tea, Nigel.

rate my country food

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>that salmon fillet
Fucking hell, how do they find the time or money to cook this shit for breakfast? I thought living in Japan is supposed to be hard.

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>Fish and chips

Sorry Bongs, but despite living on an island it took the Jews to teach you how to make fish & chips.

The tradition in the UK of fish battered and fried in oil may have come from Jewish immigrants from Spain and Portugal.[3][2][4] Originally, Western Sephardic Jews settling in England as early as the 16th century would have prepared fried fish in a manner similar to pescado frito, which is coated in flour then fried in oil.[5] Charles Dickens mentions "fried fish warehouses" in Oliver Twist (1838),[2] and in 1845 Alexis Baseder in his first edition of A Shilling cookery for the People, gives a recipe for "Fried fish, Jewish fashion", which is dipped in a batter of flour and water.[6]

Because british food is ass.

Is this what the queen eats or is it relegated to the peasants?

It's always the JEWS! Anyway curry is the national dish now

What is Yea Forums eating/eaten today? I had a package of bratwurst and coffee. I put two of the bratwurst after they got cold onto a wrap with pickles and pickled jalapeneos. bretty gud. now I'm sipping a delicious la croix cran raspberry sparkling water

microwave cheeseburgers

No one cares they were bong either

good shit

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I'm reporting you to the police for extreme nationalism and racism. Hope you have your licenses in order.

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looks okay, but just a worse version of american diner food.

>I put two of the bratwurst after they got cold onto a wrap with pickles and pickled jalapeneos.

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>Sounds like you've been eating McDonalds your whole life and have never cooked meat for yourself.
I haven't touched McD's since I was 8.
>it just takes a small bit of salt to be good
So in other words, not by itself.

Still better than white rice.

Looks mostly fine. I ain't touching the beans or blood pudding though.

Why do brits say they had an empire? Colonial empires aren't real empires.

3 fried eggs and some pea soup, not sure what to eat for dinner yet.