holy shit
Holy shit
Capitalism is terrible but Marxism/Communism straight up seems like an economic system that only dumb people and scam artists would like.
I think you could apply that just as much to capitalism. Scam artists and bootlickers.
how are you people not bored of politics yet
how does zizek even have a career
just because something is flawed, does not mean there is a better alternative for it
Every modern day communist I’ve seen has an Instagram account and makes like 100k a month on Patreon. At least Capitalism is honest about suckering you.
How is this even a debate
People living in communist countries would literally risk their lives trying to enter capitalist countries
>a debate between supposed "modern philosophers" is a big media event with a nicely designed promo and everything
Capitalism already won
every criticism that can be directed at capitalism is actually the fault of jews
> haha based did you see when [my side] totally owned that [cuck/nazi], WE TOTALLY WON THIS DEBATE
there saved you click
>economic system
Kek retard alert
Why is the Frogman so afraid of debating real traditional right wingers?
The debating of low IQ college feminists and meme communists is getting pretty boring.
Communism hasn't existed.
What to debate though? Saying "theory of marginal utility exists" discredits anything Marxists have to say. It's like kicking babies.
uh yes there is retard
I want genocide apologists to leave
and it never will, it's just an ideological tool to overthrow governments
I agree
wow so deep
You can live within a system and criticize it at the same time. That's the essence of democracy.
Zizek seems like he genuinely cares about communism, but is very wary of Left Wing Politicians who claim to be socialist.
>Yea Forums - Television & Film
>The chad Marxist
>Everything wrong ever is the fault of this bogeyman youtube told me so
The world isn't terrifying because it has a secret malevolent overlord, it's terrifying because it's in chaos. That bad things MUST exist because there are bad people that will it is just easier and more satisfying for your child-brain.
>The virgin conservative
Imagine the smell in that auditorium
zizek has completely deluded himself
can't peterson just say "ha ha you're charging 400 dollars a ticket too!" and end it at the jump?
authoritarians must be destroyed
Here we go... everyone breathe we don't need to get into a fight about this.
>Every modern day communist I’ve seen has an Instagram account and makes like 100k
I can count the months of my life when I made more than 1000 € a month on one hand. If I had money, chances are I would have never even become a communist.
Yes it has and it accomplished great things and faggots like you dismissing socialist nations, simply because they had deficits when it came to democracy and personal freedoms that had nothing do to with their socialist mode of production doesn't mean they didn't count.
Hell, even North Korea, shit as it is, would probably be worse if everything were the same, except it was capitalist.
so communists are the people who can't contribute to a successful society, so they work towards one that will fail like they do?
Reminder Peterson is selling tickets for the livestream as well
>reddit spacing
Hello chapo, go up your patreon donation like a good paypig.
There is no fight. They just get butthurt about the facts.
Show me where this glorious stateless, classless, moneyless socialist society has existed you retarded tankie
Marx had the right diagnosis but the wrong cure
>selling tickets for the livestream as well
what? aahahahahahahaha this man is shameless
Why do you retards always attack people for using line breaks when you can't think of anything else?
why is that something to be ashamed of?
There's plenty to "unpack" in that post, but talking to people who unironically defend communism is generally a waste of time, as they are set in their bitter mentality and it's funnier to make fun of them instead.
I can hear JP now
>the dominance hierarchy
>slay the dragon
>tell the truth
he just says the same shit every time
it's an easy heuristic to identify lazy, uninformed and overall worthless posts.
so far, it hasn't been wrong once.
I realize the desire to create a united front against the right wing but lenin taking power from the workers councils really doomed the USSR to state capitalism and forever away from socialism.
>Well it depends what you mean by X
The more time you spend online the more you realize that the only people that think anything is solved by debate are centrists.
it's disgusting avarice. there's a reason he won't commit to belief in god, and it's because ((he)) worships greenbacks
Yeah bakunin / kropotkin were alot closer to what we need.
Debates are fucking pointless. Nobody ever changes their minds, Peterson fans will say he won, Zizek fans will say he won. Its the same thing always, its all so tiresome.
>Guy arguing for capitalism is a shameless grifter who has a patreon, sells lobster t-shirts, and wrote a self-help book 1000x simpler than his first book so that his retarded tweenage incel fanbase could understand it
It's like pottery
> gets married in a t-shirt
he believes in god, his whole shtick is seducing edgelord atheist gamers who would be turned off if he talked about god.
charging for a service is avarice?
how can he afford to feed himself or the people who help him put on these shows if he doesn't charge for it?
To a girl who looks 16. You telling me that's not based and redpilled?
>how can he afford to feed himself
Oh, I don't know, from his tenured proffessor salary? From his self help books? From his patreon which pulls in 100k a month?
he doesn't have a patreon
yes i'm sure JBP is on the poverty line and he really needs this debate to buy enough meat to last the month. Zizek would do it for free but JBP doesn't care about disseminating his ideas he cares about buying more dumb first nations art or whatever.
when a famous musician starts selling paintings it's not because they're talented. I don't know how many have sold autographed carpets
so he should use his other sources of income to bankroll free services?
that's very unintelligent business practice.
Oh yea I forgot he closed it down. He's in the process of launching his own alternative. Also I forgot to add from the money he gets from charging for ''self authoring'' on his website. From his mech sales too.
>offer products
>people like products
>people value products more then price of product
>exchange money for product
>both parties are now better off
>some rando on a malaysian plane searching forum gets mad
>Hell, even North Korea, shit as it is, would probably be worse if everything were the same, except it was capitalist.
South Korea you fucking retard.
he looks like he doesn't shower either. l guess that can be based.
>both parties are now better off
Thats where you're wrong kiddo
By being a Slav. The best Slav.
why are you so upset that he has money and sources of income? no one is forcing you to buy what he's selling, and nothing he's selling is harming anyone.
>nothing he's selling is harming anyone.
Yes it is.
it makes him more loveable, he's our leftist racoon that lives in a dumpster behind the local burger king.
he's described numerous times how his "self authoring" service works. you can easily do it on your own without paying.
i presume his service just offers a structured environment to do it in.
it seriously can't be that far out of your budget to pay for it, if you don't have the free time to figure out how it works on your own.
false economy, a conman isn't helping anyone by coercing them to feel good about it.
Please tell me how the guy spending 2 grand on a signed carpet, or 30 bucks for a lobster shirt, is now worse off. The fact is, if the shirt and carpet were not worth the money, the guy would not buy it.