Scrubs was a bad show. The jokes were family guy random tier, the forced emotional moments were cringe...

Scrubs was a bad show. The jokes were family guy random tier, the forced emotional moments were cringe. You admit you like scrubs you're really admitting you're a huge normie who will laugh at anything and has shit taste.

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Everyone knows this. Zack Braff is literally a punch line in modern comedy. I believe American Housewife took a swipe at his retarded gay ass last week with a swipe against northwestern. And the doctor cocks apologists are just queers waiting to come out.

The only good thing about that shit show is maxim cover number 1 looking hot and breaking balls, and also Barbie.

You say this but too many people who I respect vehemently defend it. It's beloved.

Your friends are idiots.

I wouldn’t re-watch it but it was comfy at the time. I doubt many people think it’s a stellar example of genius writing, it’s just that most people can’t tell the difference between a ‘nice’ show and one that is well scripted, shot or casted.

Let me be slightly more uplifting. You made your friends. They are idiots. But they will always be your friends.

You don't get to pick the ass holes you do business with. But you get to pick your idiot friends.

>getting assblasted and samefagging your shit thread

This show wasn't made for high spectrum autist rage incels so of course you will fly off the handle and get assblasted at Zach Braff kissing all those cuties and being funny

Everbody here knows that Scrubs is the ultimate hit or miss show.
I watched every season of it just because, in the middle of a bunch of dull/weird/bad episodes, there was one that was solid gold.

When the episode was bad, it was bad. But when it was good, it was pure kino.

You're right they are idiots.

I need kino friends.

>being funny

"whoops I slipped on the janitor's banana peel!! xD"

"this is my man not caring face (EPIC!!!)"

it was shit, stop embarrassing yourself.

I wanted to fuck the blonde doctor so bad bros

its for women. if you even need to watch it to tell that given the setting, you're dumb but fucksake if you watched it and still didn't know

you had to be there, going back and watching it now it really doesnt hold up, but at the time it was genuinely great

No. Back in 2004 if i heard someone liked Gilmore Girls I would think "well it's a great show, but targeted to young females." If I heard someone liked Scrubs I would think "that nigga is gay as fuck."

Yeah, it wasn't amazing. But it was pretty comfy. It was basically Community before Community was a thing.
And the s8 finale is unironically the best sitcom finale ever done

it's guy love, nothing gay about it


>It was basically Community before Community was a thing.
100%. Scurbs was definitely a precursor to many of the meta-comedy comedies that have come out since. Scrubs doesn't hold up well, but it was pretty clever at the time

Childhood is Scrubs
Adulthood is Psych

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Only seen a couple episodes. The leads seemed like they had solid banter. Which seasons are the best?

It’s considered the most realistic medical shows followed by Chicago Med.

It was a fun show, I don't know why you're so booty blasted over it.