I really think everybody here who hasn't read this should,it is an enlightening text.Kubrick's genius is mind-blowing.
I really think everybody here who hasn't read this should,it is an enlightening text.Kubrick's genius is mind-blowing
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Film studies is so goddamn yawn inducing. It's much more interesting to look at films from the perspective of the director. Blah blah blah look how this shot looks like the other shot, the blocking in this scene is similar to another! Wowzers! Wowie! I'd rather watch the film again than read this shit.
Dude hidden shit lmao
rob ager is a true genius. it's the reason his films win so many awards.
What?Fuck off faggot,shits interesting as fuck.You can't understand and appreciate certain films without analysis,and Shining is one of those that you can't understand AT ALL without heavy research.I cannot possibly imagine someone finding stuff like this boring.
>defends a pederast
>.You can't understand and appreciate certain films without analysis
Somehow this is a good thing? Thought experiment. Listen to a song, but you understand or appreciate it until you read a book about the song. Eat a steak. But you can't enjoy or appreciate it without reading a book.
If a movie can't be understood or appreciated simply by watching it it's a very very shitty movie.
Except The Shining can be appreciated on ALL levels,normalfags love it and I greatly enjoyed it on first watch.
You're just a brainlet faggot. Film analysis is interesting as fuck.
It's baffling to me that anyone follows or cares about the opinion of such a literally tasteless Hollywood garbage manchild drone as Rob Ager is.
This video of his is the perfect example
99% of the list is nothing but straight up Hollywood """entertainment""" garbage, absolutely beyond embarassing. Ready player one, disney cartoons, tarantino flicks, prometheus, worse than reddit 9gag tier taste
Who cares the analysis are grest
Did you get btfo by your film studies teacher?
this plebeian fuck thinks Panos Cosmatos' Mandy with nick cage was "too boring", same with Drive, and said that he would never watch beyond the black rainbow
I really like this channel. Please don't shill it, because then people willl hate it
Right,sorry,just trying to have a discussion
about the film
HOLY SHIT what a fag
Rob is one of the very few “video essayists” that’s worth listening to.
Anyone read the Mstrmnd’s analysis? How does it compare to Ager’s?
nice, is there something more from him?
>Shining is one of those that you can't understand AT ALL
Not everyone is a fucking brainlet moron like you
Why has he never mention this?
never seen it, is it a la room 237?
how come no autists dissect the shining miniseries with the king cameo and that mongoloid kid?
A sory is carefully designed by a mastermind behind the curtains pre planning the emotional highs and lows you will experience for the next two hours. Its facinating how they use the medium to plant ideas in your head both verbally and visually, then combine that into a larger narrative. If you dont see the value of examining such works of literature you're a brainlet.
Ive bought some of his essays and they are actually worth it ($2-4), never felt ripped off, what you want is a persona to spout what you already agreed with. I appreciate he actually has fucking stances on what he likes and can seperate that for academic analysis.
the majority of what has come out post-millennium has been what you listed there so what choice does he even have
i did like upgrade a lot, ill thank him for that
how was it? I havent even seen the trailer but I know when I watch it itll be some kind of pleasent suprise
I have no idea. Looked it up after it was mentioned in Room 237. A long yet interesting read.
My favorite pick of his sci fi recommendations, followed by thx-1138 and forbidden not sure if you will like it more than Her, it might be up to you.
the dislocated doors which lead nowhere and Locations which don't make sense (e.g. A Hallway which should lead outside but wouldn't be possible and the Office which has can't have windows because it's encased by the building) are things that creep me the fuck out.
You watched it 4 times and you understood all the subliminal themes and how they relate to each other?
>are things that creep me the fuck out.
did you notice this when watching for the first time?
I didn't mean to say "subliminal",whatever
have u seen a.i. rising? i liked it kind of
no, ill get right unto it.
your brain did subconsciously
so you didn't notice it
and didn't find it creepy at all when you watched it
unobservant brainlet
put nerds on their place
he looks like friendo back there
not really, my brain went "oh, it's a big hotel they sure do like to make use of the hundreds of rooms in it they must be bored"
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