I think she would be perfect to play Ariel in the live action adaptation of Disney's The Little Mermaid.
I think she would be perfect to play Ariel in the live action adaptation of Disney's The Little Mermaid
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I think she would be perfect to have SEX with me.
If you put that much make-up on, you could as well just wear a porcelain mask. Saves you the trouble of applying it every day and looks quite the same.
who is this whore?
That is literally Mary Jane Watson irl.
What kind of guys this girl might like?
I have a lot of hair on my belly so I, for one, don't think I stand a chance
Why would someone from Atlantis have red hair?
Who would Disney cast as Ariel?
Sup, Nazi incel, pic related is MJ, your time is up.
Perfect to ass fuck
doesnt matter what she looks like if she cant act. also, she looks too much like a whore. ariel has a pure, innocent, naive quality about her. this whore is anything but naive: she's probably handled more cock than you can count.
I'm actually fucking serious, man.
All she has to do is straighten her hair and darken it a bit then it's fucking done.
shes european so she exclusively dates african men.
>no teeth shots
>dyed hair latina with big tits
This nigger will be MJ? Are you serious?
looks like a dude
This is by the same artist that deadpool 2 mentioned about Domino being created by a guy who couldnt draw feet. Hence why MJ has her feet covered
she's brazilian you fuck
Ariel or Mj, either way our girl is perfect for both
The weak should fear the strong
>Implying she won't be blackwashed
why do women these days look like glazed doughnuts?
You can clearly see that signature of Scott Campbell there not Liefeld's, user.
ariel is 16 asshat.
>brainlet thinks Campbell is Liefeld
stop posting please
have sex
>not real ginger
my gf is a big tiddy natural redhead and I have a lot of hair on my belly too
Baited you nerds so easily :^)
Chad Peter.
Franny should play Ariel
on my face?
>Here's your Ariel bro
He tried to *fgsfds* anyone here so he could be a nerd with big dick nerd cred. He wanted to sound like a knowitall. Then you guys called him out for how much of a retarded faggot he's being. Then he pulls the "lol I'm trollin!" Card.
He's probably an underage b&.
Fuck him.
based adhd non reading faggot
Because people from Atlantis were said to have blue eyes and orange hair
She can't act, and she will never notice you, you basement dwelling neckbeard.
>Because people from Atlantis were said to have blue eyes and orange hair
Atlantis sank long before the genome for red hair emerged in the human population.
God I hate Gypsies so much.
Don't be rude to Franny
drag queen makeup
It´s the man jaw from natural testosterone overproduction due to getting raised as little boys AND the constant estrogen overload from the pill and ALL the phyto-estrogen chemicals.
Make sure you watch her good around niggers.
You will get Lupita nyongo bongo and you will like it, bigot.
>implying there's niggers where I live
>implying she doesn't think niggers are loud, smelly monkeys
>It's a retard outs himself episode
If she exists, which is unlikely, she is definitely cucking you
Is this true ?
Nice fivehead
Oh, they won't cast a full mulatto nor a real caucasian redhead. They'll split the difference and cast Ariadna Grande or something like that.
May Marmalade
What a woman says and what she does have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with each other.
Extremely based and extremely REDpilled
>current year adaptions
>not nigger
wow I can't believe how racist and homophobic you are
Disney won't do it.
Everyone hates them
Not possible. Hollywood kikes prefer women with teenage boy bodies. That’s who they like to fuck. Teenage boys.
no way this cunt already has breasts bigger than my head
She's going to ariel winter them, isn't she?
she always wears push ups, they're not that big in that vid where she's wearing a bikini
I want to slap her boobs to the tune of Under the Sea
Eww, fuck no
Looks like a tranny.