Likely diverse

>likely diverse
Lol, gotta check them boxes

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Hail the true lead and her black boyfriend

calling a single human "diverse" lays the whole plan bare doesn't it? Diverse means no more white people and they know it. They will call 100% mexican population diverse.

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So no trans being ?

All I want to know is if the loli is good looking.

Well everyone except diverse boy ia confirmed cute so thats something.
Unless they cast john boyega.

Also i dont have a problem with autistic girl being the true lead.

Look her up.

Is a straight up Dystopian word. Like literally calling someone a token human being.

How are black and mexicans not insulted by it?.


They usually react with "shiiihieeeet" "damnnnnn" or "that is WACK".

Isn't Ghostbusters only for white people

Does Asian count as diverse, I wonder

Or would that be avoided because of the "nerdy Asian" stereotype

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diverse is code for nigger, MAYBE spic

>Interview for a graduate school position
>One of the interview questions is what I can do for the department's diversity
It's funny to hear all my women classmates complain about old men talking down to them in the workplace when they get preferentially hired and sought after in graduate programs despite the fact that I have the best grades in my entire year.

ignoring the ‘likely diverse’ thing, this sounds like garbage

what movie is this?

Spectrehunters 3

What does "diverse" mean?

>cool and quick witted
>off the chart smarts
>unbridled excitement

these all sound like the 2D traits of characters from MLP or some other substandard kids show. Yet this is for a billion dollar franchise. Fuck this gay earth and the (((art))) it makes

Diverse is code for "schwartzer mongrel" at this point.

>white replacement
Literally a gangstalking delusion

>likely diverse
Crazy how a group of people who have an incredible amount of genetic diversity, with things like naturally occurring red and blonde hair, green and blue eyes, etc. are seen as the antithesis of any kind of difference, and are to be shunned and hated by modern society.

Diverse means black. Latinos are too white for them to get social justice points, same with asians. And for some reason, they don't even seem to realize that arabs and Indians exist.

>country is 90% white a few decades ago
>now is 56% white
>entire half of political party options has given up even the pretense of pandering for border control since they are at or near the point where the OPPOSITE is a tenable mainstream platform
>all areas within the country that have dropped below majority white are unlivable hellholes.


add a dog and that would be the famous five

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Asians are white in the eyes of Twitter's blue checkmarks

>he's often narrating life in real time
>she speaks with flat delivery that make her observation humorous
>her science acumen (12yo) proves invaluable throughout the story

its a hard pass from me.

I thought the goal was to be better than 2016? What the literal fuck are they doing?

>ok, let's make 2016 female remake look good
>got it sir!

Then tell me, what does "likely diverse" mean in the context of one person being selected for a role? Certainly you're not going to sit here and expect me to believe some paranoid conspiracy theory about "representation" when we're talking about one (1) singular individual, unless you've found a conjoined twin that's comprised of two distinct races

>descriptive color
>likely diverse
So you be saying you want someone who can make dem white folk laugh, huh

>he didn't overload their pea brain by insisting you need someone "normal" to make the diversity pop

And this is why hollywood ia dying. Nobody makes a cool story or plot and then casts the characters or gender. No they figure out how many black women, or gay Mexicans or evil old white people NEED to be in the script and then write around it. Hollywood is such a joke and i hope all this "progressive identity politics" bullshit burns to the ground. Creative and bullshit free entertainment doesnt exist anymore. Its all about checking off boxes on a sheet.

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Blacks and women dont want real equality. Because theyve both have had that for deacdes upon decades. No see "equality" nowadays means if i have a vagina you give me what i want (while playing pretend I "earned" it) and im free of criticism because i have a vagina,if you point out the hypocrisy in that you hate women and are a misogynist. And you give me what i want because my skin color is dark and if you criticise me or point out how hypocritical that is. Than youre a racist. This whats really going on nowadays. And youd have to be blind not to see it.

>implying Hollywood cares about anything but the ethnic landscape of the US

>when they get preferentially hired and sought after in graduate programs despite the fact that I have the best grades in my entire year.

Well user thats your fault for not having a vagina. But remember women are more than just their sexual organs. If it makes you feel better last 2 jobs i had my bosses boss at one was a 22 yr old ghetto thug wannabe rapper. Who played on his phone all day and hit on women and Nobody could say anything because "Hey Tyrell had a hard life!" At another my boss was some slut who had zero experience at her position but was a single mom and HR felt bad for her. Again she ran the department into the ground and screamed sexism when are whole department (women included) said she didnt know she was doing. And she's still employed.

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>cool and quick witted
>unbridled excitement
aren't these almost opposites?

tipically white countries having low natality rates and there being a huge push for immigration from non white countries to raise those rates is a fact not a delusion
wether it is some sort of big keikaku is impossible to prove or disprove, but the fact is happening is undeniable

Yeah, crazy how the tables have turned, no?

>run a decade's worth of ads and articles saying white people won't exist in 100 years
>the react unfavorably to this
Who could have guessed