tf were they thinking?
Tf were they thinking?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why did you watch it ?
Democratic hubris
>libcucks will defend this
Vote Freedom
Vote Moral Values
Vote Democrat
What is Milo Yiannopoulos doing in that song?
>tfw voted for Trump just to spite libtards
What was she thinking?
This but with Yang this time to piss off the rthedonald redditfags
the republicans don't give a fuck about you but you're also aware these are the only other option.
>xer is reporting everyone saying negative things to the police
if you call them libtards then you're almost certainly a conservative which is a good enough reason to vote for Trump you retard
amerifatlardsharts are hilarious
>ian somerhalder is in it
why damon? :(
>this is what libcucks actually believe(d)
i don't follow celebrities much
how many of these people are jewish?
if you were offered $50,000 to record yourself singing would you turn it down?
3/5 were Jewish
>tfw voted for hilary just to spite libtards
how does that work?
Recent picture of you I see.
newfaggot this isnt about being a contrarian, its about hating libtards(trannies, niggers, sóibois,radical feminists, body positivists, and commies)
woah it should be illegal to be this based
rthedonald status: triggered
Okay, this, now THIS, is absolutely and unequivocally B A S E D.
>willingly giving your children phimosis and giving up guns
I already have severe dabilitating phimosis and the thought of being anywhere near a gun makes me anxious sad and angry.
god i hate electionfags. voting yang just to spite you specifically
>he doesnt mention hating Jews
>he’s pro-circumcision
They’re our greatest ally right goys? Trump only sucks their cock to show them who’s boss.
Sorry to hurt your feeling.
>t. phimosis ridden dicklet
been here since 2006 bro
dont sweat it our based russian friends will help us
based and redpilled
heh. based
is it even legal to be that based?
Go kneel at your mosque, kike
>he doesnt mention hating Jews
we need to pick our fights u cant be full 1488 people will run away, they still have a tremendous influence, the battle against them will last decades and none of us will live enough to see a truly free country, maybe your kids
Fuck off shill
So you couldn’t even say it here? You’re playing 44DD chess like Trump right? I agree we should just keep pumping money into Israel they’re based, shalom friend.
this but unironically. plus the comfy 1000 yangbux
u are so blind, be like stormfront
a totally irrelevant group, dress like hitler im pretty sure you will persuade lots of people.
One day you may.
unironically, let chapo trap house coordinate the social media campaign for the dems in 2020
This cannot possibly be real.
have you literally ever listened to chapo? they shit on these kinds of libs all the time
>radical feminists
*all feminists, you beta white knight normalnigger
pic related is one of those chapo trap house dudes, even worse
You're all cringeworthy faggots.
the decay and brainwashing of society, just fucking look at their dead eyes
Cat people are literally mentally I'll, but don't worry, women are doing their best to ruin dogs and snakes too.
The only manly pets left are complex salt water fish tanks
unironically imagine the smell in summer
matt christman is the voice of a generation, despite dressing like a small child. also the neverending meltdown over that tweet is fucking hilarious
>complex salt water fish tanks
based 90s entrepreneur
>I want to be a woman so I can wear my grandma's clothes :)
uh what? yang doesn't approve of it but he basically said he won't do anything about it lmao
>lol the meltdown is hilarious not me. a literal manchild
yeah we are le seething, triggered and rent free
>women are doing their best to ruin dogs
4D chess
aint you heard? women are taking the dogpill now
They're also, coincidentally, Chapo's primary demographic.
>He doesn't own an alligator
Get FUCKED, Lefty.
Women are le dog moms now. It's disgusting
they're not at all though lol there's a shitload of mutual hatred between the extremely online dirtbag left and the centrist hillary winemoms, why do you speak so confidently on these things when it's so obvious to anyone who knows about it that you're wrong? lol
remember this?
>they still haven't deleted this
There is literally no difference between the "dirtbag left" and the "hillary winemoms", user.
Take a long, hard look at what these two "different groups" actually want, and you'll see that outside of aesthetic sensibilities they move in lock step.
>hillary Clinton supporters/voters
Pick 1, retard.
lol and once again, fucking laughably wrong, literally pay any attention to the fucking leadup to the primaries, dipshit
lol and here's one of the absolute brain geniuses who thinks third way centrists are actually leftist/socialist/progressive
another (You) for the based post user
>do you really want someone in charge of our nukes who's known for firing?
I can't believe they said that
I can't take Key seriously anymore after all the shitposting. Every time I see his face I just picture him crying through an answering machine message on Peele's phone.
Who should I support in 2020 bros. I am sick of Trump and his whining. Don't say Yang or Bernie they are both memes
You know who's a threat to capitalism and who's not by whomst gets deplatformed from every system, and whomst't've gets millions shoveled into their Patreons.
>lol lol
>i'm totally not a libcuck i just listen to chapo trap house and whiteknight for hillary OTI for free
based chaposhill fightin a lost battle
/pol/ has so many shit prepared for the election
it will be more entertaining than every superbowl combined
>/pol/ has so many shit prepared for the election
Hey ESL, you won't be voting in the election, so I wouldn't worry about it.
>/pol/ has so many shit prepared for the election
/pol/ can't meme anymore faggot it has been overrun by boomers. Name something funny or original /pol/ has done since the election
ah yes, the very deep insightful criticism that nobody has ever done before "if chapo thinks that capitalism is bad then why do they get paid in MONEY??? libcucks owned"
>whiteknight for hillary
the fuck? can you even read?
Based Libtards rekt
This is what it's like when boomers try to appeal to kids. Better pokemon go to the polls fellow youths!
Don't worry, my family's votes will more than make up for him :^)
you have to go back
this user made the ultimate sacrifice
thank you
>chapo is a threat to the system thats why the system shovels money at them
based retard
Living in your head rent free for years on end is pretty funny desu.
>politicians don't care about you
We know kiddo
Based AOC is bringing the zoomers over to her side, its over
Fucking based /thread
>the system shovels money at them
... do you know what patreon is?
Yea Forums is canonically a /pol/ colony newfag
>chapo are going to destroy the system thats why the system gives them loads of exposure and coverage
Yea Forums is leftwing and always has been newfag
>Writing in Yang as a vote because he has no chance of becoming a presidential candidate
Good choice user. Waste your time with that protest vote.
It's not that they take money. It's that they're not actively denied service by payment processors. Or media services.
So this is the level of prevarication from the chapo left.
Kys slanteyed nog
Damn she's cute.
marxism is jewish philosophy
>from 2016
>still hasn't hit 4 million
>waaaah you have to ban chapo because richard spencer or some such dipshit got banned
lol they got a few profiles when they first started getting big and then nothing since, what coverage? also once again, what is this fucking dumbass use of "the system" you keep trying for? their income is people choosing to pay them directly for their content, they don't have to go through the entertainment industry to produce/disseminate anything
patreon is part of the system, it was the 1%ers that threatened to remove their payment processing if they didn't ban right wingers.
they even banned milquetoast cucks like sargon because autistic centrism is more threatening to them than any leftism
>Fight song
>have you literally ever listened to chapo?
Of course not
Why in the everloving fuck would I do that?
Besides Trump winning, this was my favorite thing to come out of the election
talk about diversity, jews, feminism, TRANNIES, leftists on any thread
see the results and come back to me;)
>we are rebels out to take down this corrupt system
>funded by the system
based moron
because it's good
why samefag so hard?
wow libtard owned
people will cry about that tweet until the end of time, hilarious
>because it's good
they should learn to handle the bants tbqh
The kid behind him stole his look
who here /cumtown/
insanely based
Thats the point of the picture you retarded shit eating Trumpster
once again, chapo routinely makes fun of these people
they thought promoting a historically corrupt political party as "fierce" and "hip" to appeal to younger audience's was a good plan.
>you know why libs like bernie?
>tangents off into postmodern advertisement
>over-enthusiastic screeching laughter
At the very least, I now know exactly what I am missing
Laughing at that idiot making a fool out of himself isn't crying lad no matter how hard he tries to cover his retardation by claiming so.
What's the meaning of this? Make Donald Trump change his last name to it's original pre-immigration name? What will that accomplish? Isn't that a slam on other immigrants? What the fuck did these retards mean by this?
Every single person in the video is a pedophile. Let that sink in.
and again
This redditfag is FURIOUS that fascism is unironically more punk than communism now
>chapofags once again desperately trying to pretend chapo is edgy and not three sad sacks of shit defending the status quo
So this literally who found a kid and dressed like him or was it pure coincidence? This is peak cringe regardless.
based fantano and black pigeon getting top comments
imagine being a fan of that obviously bullied guy
No wonder you need to shill here.
It’s extra hilarious when you remember that the drumph meme came from John Oliver being assmad that Trump exposed Jon Leibowitz as a chameleon kike
>once again, chapo routinely makes fun of these people
Libcucks cannibalizing each other is always a good thing, but they have absolutely no room to talk.
holy shit you literally have a damaged brain
Yes what you are doing is a pure cope.
>e-everyone is a-angry not l-laughing at m-me i-i am a-a m-master t-troll
Don't compare chameleons to kikes you piece of shit.
*laughs in highest earning patreon*
never really understood this angle, like you guys don't have your disagreements with "cuckservatives"
>*redditposts in butthurt*
what the fuck is chapo
listen to the clips and find out
Left wing podcast. Started off pretty funny and entertaining has kinda gotten shitty recently
No explain this dumb shit to me. This basedboy I have no idea who or what he is paid a kid to dress a certain way so he can mimic it as a joke to own whatever side of the political aisle he leans on? Or was it pure coincidence? This is extremely cringe though and he should kill himself along with his fans.
>shilling intensifies
lol you really are struggling for an audience aren't you?
>never really understood this angle,
All of you are just varying degrees of human cancer. What's not to get? You relish in these mentally ill faggots mocking people who agree with you, so don't pretend otherwise.
lefty podcast. parrots the most mainstream, politically correct opinions and yet somehow deludes their fans into thinking they're 'edgy' and 'out there'.
Kind of impressive in a way.
who the fuck listens to political podcasts?
those are unironically their listeners, the left is full of trannies, "brave" deformed people, feminists,niggers,etc
literally the lowest and laziest human forms
people dont wanna be asociated with those animals. people dont wanna be asociated with people like you
its like highschool all over again bro :.)
me :(
literally just think about it for ten seconds
or maybe i just don't want to waste time explaining a podcast to somebody when there's literally already clips of it in the thread
I like to start my morning out with Styx but that's about it.
Politics obsessed losers who need their own opinions regurgitated to them on all sides of the spectrum.
Pretty much this. I wanted to hear their pain and I was satisfied on inauguration day
>people making fun of matt christman's appearance while watching this dickhead on youtube
It would help if I knew who this guy is and what his political beliefs are. He could be an ironic left leaning fag or a 30 year old boomer from r/the_donald
no it's pretty obvious what you are doing filling the thread with links to a show with sub 30k listeners. you'd unironically be better off shilling on reddit.
Both of them look like they inject soi directly into their own testicles.
>This guy on youtube is ugly and I disagree with him so I'll go on and suck off this other ugly guy on youtube I agree with
lol you dumbasses that are always going on about shilling really need to realize what a coveted demographic you aren't
Looks like an Apple commercial from the early 2000s. Cringe.
we get a lot more than 30k though m8 and you are struggling hard to pull that
that poor guy in charge of defending this bullied neckbeard n the internet
>wahhh why dont u listen to them? i will never understand it :(
>we get more than 30k it's more like 50k hahahha
What are you doing shilling on Yea Forums? Reddit is more popular.
This looks like every single center left or center right youtuber ever. Why are they so cringe anons?
>imagine being such an unemployed NEET you think a thousand bucks a month is a lot
Triggered to fuck. Site traffic pisses all over your little 30k.
>these are the liberals posting le epic Yang gang memes
I'm not triggered. I just like the majority of the world have no idea who you are so I'm just being curious. Send a link of something a centrist fag like myself might like to promote your product like an intelligent person.
hookers make 30k too and u dont see me jealous at your mom
Since when is "drumpf" a fucking verb? Why are leftists using the vocabulary of toddlers?
Why does that college football linebacker on the right have lipstick on?
Literally resorting to
>no u
Once the corporate suits notice you can't pull an audience your funding is gone. They've probably already put you on notice which is why you've resorted to desperately filling Yea Forums threads with links to your garbage. Looks like it's back to the barista life soon ;_;
Ah yes, good ole Marxism.
They invent their own language and change definitions of words to match their ideology. It's just the way things are now user.
Based Marx calling out greedy capitalist Jews
She's not left wing.
The world may never know
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
What? I'm not who you think I am lol. I live in Michigan and run a construction company. Attention seeking podcasters/youtubers are peak cringe.
>your mom!
Yikes. Now why would someone get so defensive when chapos poor numbers are brought up? Hmmmmmmm..........
Crashing this thread
>b-b-but those podcast guys get 30k!!
lol why are u so emotionally invested n those guys?
>lol why are u so emotionally invested n those guys?
because it's either him or a seriously autistic user that wants to be him. Nobody is a winner in this situation.
>he hasn't taken the crabpill
if we repeat the same sentence 4 times but have different people say it, it means that it's POWERFUL, woooaahh
The unpolished sincerity bit was pretty funny tho
It's not, so no problem right?
Cool, have fun at work dear!
sad cope, mutilated faggot.
Peak cringe and low iq pilled.
0% btw
were you involved in the dsa retard caucus
this but unironically
Marx was a Jew
have sex
>calling people reddit when you can't even stutterpost properly
Yikes. Pointing out Chapo is peak cringe and has literally no fanbase to the Chapotard desperately trying to get them an audience is great fun m8.
very nice
Careful user, this might be a little too based
Think of the advertisers!
What did they mean by this?
That’s right.
They think Trump is against all immigration, and because of that think he's a hypocrite trying to hide his background by changing his name. They conveniently ignore that Trump is only against illegal immigration, and that the name was changed by Donald's grandfather in an attempt to better integrate during his legal immigration.
This but unironically.
>Isn't that a slam on other immigrants?
Yes, but it was a means to an end, and John Oliver who scribed the joke was silent for weeks after Super Tuesday when Trump won every State. This was not suppose to happen.
No. Everyone understands the immigrant issue as White vs POC.
When Whites immigrate it's invasion, colonization, and imperiaism.
When POC immigrate it's humanitarianism, rights, and justice.
>no jews
Back to r/DA_DRUMPF, fag.
I'm voting Yang, because I'm betting on the Chinese. Better them than jews.
Go away evil dogger.
go away evil dogger
Go away evil dogger