How do i write a really memorable and cohesive screenplay?

how do i write a really memorable and cohesive screenplay?

Attached: The_Godfather_Screenplay.preview.jpg (640x480, 198K)

Why are you asking me I can barely see the shadow and I don't have to way back in the past and present


What is your favorite book? Distill the message of that book into a paragraph. Write a book based on that paragraph.

If you actually want to write the screenplay yourself then read modern or atleast post 1950 poetry. But tbhfam it's more profitable to just write books and hope one gets adapted. Literally any idiot can publish a book now.

Read a few books about screenwriting so you get an idea of how a three act structure works. That doesn't mean you have to follow it, but it helps that you know when you're bending and breaking rules and the reason you're doing so. Otherwise your film will be meandering and pointless. There's a certain math to it - an inciting incident at page 10, a low point at page 60, etc. Write out what your plot is - then figure out what the STORY is. What's the theme? If you can figure that out solidly, it should inform the rest of your story. What are the complications in your story? Do things just happen? Or does A happen, which leads B to happen and because B happens, C was inevitable, but D gets in the way which leads to E...

Work, re-draft, and don't get too proud to take notes.

Think of a good story and write it.

Writing is 30% thinking, 20% writing and 60% editing.

Well put.

Read Dan O'Bannons Guide to Screenplay Structure.

Show don't tell and make me care for the character(s) before killing them off. Pretty easy, just kidding it's fucking impossible I've tried.

Easy just be smart

....oh I see the dilemma

It's not about the how good the screenplay is, it's about what mood the cocaine fueled executive you're pitching it to is in and how you do it

just b urself

Unironically this though. You're either in a position to hand off some shitty half baked rehash that some kike is gonna love or you're just not going to make it in Hollywood. This meme of having "that" screenplay to propel yourself into the spotlight like Stallone with Rocky, that shit just doesn't actually happen

I made it up on the spot. U like how I intentionally fucked up the flow for re editing and made it 110% for the thinking? I thought it was clever when I typed it. I could probably do better.

But that's retarded. Ben Affleck and Matt Damon were literal pieces of shit. Good Will Hunting isn't a god damned period piece or a life story. They took their shitty childhood, distilled a message and re wrote it.

Yea dude write all the stories about yourself you want.

>my drug addled brain doesn't remember reading it, I just have made that shit up
Less well put

Literally would not have happened if Robin Williams wasn't there to lock it all down, that's the whole point. You either know someone or your dumb fuck screenplay is toilet paper. Hell, even Stallone himself got to know that someone by impressing other execs when he refused to sell his unless he was the star

Okay here's the thing. I do it this way. I think the script is all about the page, not the whole story. You have to make sure that each moment you're writing is self contained itself. That each little étude is grabbing your attention as well as moving the story forward. Write a page. Read it. If you enjoy what you've got so far continue. If in the end you will have a novel, not a script, that is so good it can be published separately as a book, then you got it.

That adds to 110% you fucking idiot

>Come up with idea.
>Make it into a logline (a sentence describing the premise)
>Watch similar films for influence (optional but something I like to do)
>Write treatment
>First draft (it's gonna be a mess, that's ok)
>Print it out
>Mark up the copy with all of your mistakes and edits to improve it.
>Second draft
>Show to people you know for feedback.
>Either adapt or don't adapt their notes.
>Keep working until you get it just right.

That's the writing process OP. I haven't dipped my toe into the marketplace yet but right now I'm focused on having good samples before I start shopping around.

Recommended books

Dave Trottier's Screenwriter's Bible (6th edition)
Guy Gallo's Screenwriter's Compass: Character as True North

People swear by Robert McKee and Syd Field's books but they're outdated.

What's the difference between a plot and a story? Aren't they the same?

Think of a story as the entire thing and the plot is the events that happen within it.

Not him. But start with the classics.

The essential first book right now is a Kerouac rip off. What everyone gets wrong is that they weren't shitbags.

Read On The Road twice. Figure out what it means to you, not just a camping story where he bangs the San Fran chick. It's not about that. Then write your version of being a dirtbag.

That's actually just a writing assignment from an old professor, but supposedly if you can make your did that story 150 pages it's profitable.

Do you fucking want it or not?