She’s entitled and a hypocrite. ‘I want to break the wheel by reinstating my family’s rule using foreign rapists in my army’. Yeh, fuck off.
Why are we supposed to like her?
You're supposed to dislike her now that she's becoming tyrannical.
I lost too much time in CK2 trying to make her marriage work. Fuck the Targs.
Because nude scenes
>Why are we supposed to like her?
You're not, not any longer at least. She's going to die this season when she finally loses her shit completely.
She's meant to be getting the same madness the mad king had. People still like her because dumb people see a women commiting violence as empowering.
Look at that angry ugly face of her.
her dothraki won't rape
because her dothraki won't rape because she will say so. even though it is part of their culture and the cities that she abolished slavery went straight back to it after she left, but of course you are supposed to forget this because muh Drakarys and le inspirational music. God, fuck this stupid cunt.
>the face when you fart and accidently shit your pants
it really is that face
>No slavery in Westeros
>Burns everyone who disagrees with her alive instead of imprisoning them
>Attacks Westeros with a foreign army of rapists and savages
What is this ''wheel'' that she's supposed to break? Are we made to believe that she's some kind of liberal savior?
I hope she dies.
I'm really only here for Clegane bowl at this point.
>Are we made to believe that she's some kind of liberal savior?
And Faceless LF
You're not, NPCs saw a pretty girl and assumed she was the good guy
Why do you think we are supposed to like her?
Rewatching the whole series it's clear from the first season that she's an evil targ nutcase and a terrible leader. I hate how she's become some sort of feminist hero or something because the fans are dribbling retards who just want epic quips and stronk women. It's clear from the early seasons the Fat Man wrote her to be anything but a Mary Sue. She fucks up constantly, is arrogant and untactful, and is always shown to be emotionally unstable and cruel. She was definitely never intended to be a hero.
*saves Westeros from total burning*
pudgy, something or someone that is squishy, soft, round, chubby, plump
faceless littlefinger would unironically save this show but we all know dnd are hacks who would never be that based
She is still better than Cersei though
how does she look qt in the show but such a gremlin irl? is this why they don't have enough cgi money for ghost?
Can someone please post the GRRM webm of him blowing bubbles and playing with a remote control car?
She's going to break the wheel of patriarchal capitalism and you are a bigot nazi if you disagree
Weird that you say that since during the first season she was thoroughly portrayed as just a tool to her brother, a victim of being sold as a breeding mare to a tribe of barbarians. No yaas queen moment until the very last episode. Then in the second season she's starts gaining morale and is seen as a benign conqueror and liberator of the oppressed masses of the world. IIRC it's only after she executes that slave who killed their prisoners that her father's traits start to show.
She has bad style. She should also stop moving her face as much as she does IRL.
Viserys was the hero we needed.
Why the fuck would a faceless man sacrifice for Lf ?
She's always been a cunt. Tyrion is playing the long con and is going to betray her to save westeros.
am I the only person who had no issues with LF's death? He deserved what he got. He is responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of people. He started a war that was unnecessary, manipulated the entire event for his own gain.
The only thing that is likable about LF is that he raised himself up from his own bootstraps to become one of the most powerful men in the realm. Outside of that he's an evil, manipulating cunt.
where is she entitled?
CAUSE SHE GOT A *outlines big ass with hands* GREAT ASS
Because either he can pay the price or he works for them. Both probably serve the Iron Bank though and it might be in their interest to keep LF alive depending on what kind of service he currently provides for them.
why is she posing like a Muslim?
I don't think you are supposed to like her.
The Starks are the only family that are always benevolent.
This. The ending will see all the children become like their parents.
Then maybe something happens that wipes all the houses for good.
Maybe Varys will stage a coup 'd etat for the good of the realm.
I'd say this about the books but the show glosses over a lot of her mistake and developing insanity
Open a window
Sure does stink of male incels in here
It does now
I'm glad he died, but the circumstances were weak, and Sansa should have killed him herself like Eddard would.
She was a decent enough character for the first 2 1/2 books. She just doesn't do anything after taking the Unsullied Army and the burning of Astapor. Doesn't help that she's also outdone by her supporting cast.
Because seeing the evil, manipulating cunt win is more satisfying than the alternatives.
>invents a fake feminist persona to attack himself to pretend that there is controversy over a topic when there really isn't
Can you be more pathetic?
In my eyes Emilia Clarke is a very likeable and attractive woman. But i hate her character in GoT. And i am somehow trying to like her in the series because i like her as a person. As i said, she is not a good actress, but she is still wasted in this role.
The whole turning Arya and Sansa against each other was silly, but the trial was kino when Sansa was listing the charges and then says "how do you answer for these crimes... Lord Baelish"
To see Littlefinger completely off-guard and unprepared like you never get to see him before was fantastic.
>the face when you fart and accidentally have the shits while you wander around for days on end because grrm enjoys writing about poo
Crash dieted before every season
The problem with GOT is that is loses all the inner dialogue and perspective of the characters.
So for example, you don't see Sansa's character develop from a mindless princess wannabee to a mature shrewd woman like her mother.
She's too thin in the series, desu.
I think her plump self is more attractive.
The problem is, she looks much older IRL. She could be a milf.
>muh Dany's going mad
>muh you need to be a white knight to be a hero
>muh foreign armies who pillage and rape are worse than native armies that pillage and rape and whose ancestors were foreign armies who pillaged and raped
Itt plebs
>implying Sansa is mature and shrewd
>implying Cat was mature and shrewd
Her face was so qt in the Jons name reveal sex scene.
The problem with Dany is that she is just obsessed with being queen. Ambition for power is a bad trait in the series.
All the good characters, don't want to rule and see it as their duty to do so.
The bad characters want to rule because they lust for power.
Dany is just like Cersei.
>Ambition for power is a bad trait in the series.
>All the good characters, don't want to rule and see it as their duty to do so.
Did the ancient Targaryens and the Starks fuck dragons and wolves?
If you think Ned and Jon are more interesting than Stannis, Tywin, or LF you're retarded.
>muh reluctant ruler
Truly the most plebian of taste and amongst the shittiest of cliches.
George himself will tell you you have to want power, even Jon wants power and recognition no matter how retarded and white knight D&D try to make him. You don't get to be king without fighting for it and even now Dany is delaying her war for the throne to keep Westeros alive enough so she can rule it. Jon and the others don't even give a shit about peasants besides knowing that being killed by zombies is bad
Who the fuck said anything about "more interesting"?
It is just that there is an obvious moral hierarchy. It might not be obvious in the first seasons but later on it is pretty blatant.
I don't get the appeal of the alt shift x guy
he literally only summarizes the episodes and explain their references
it's like a summary you read if you can't see the episode
are normies so dumb that they need to have the episode explained to them afterwards?
I mean GOT is not exactly hard to follow
It's called the Game of Thrones for a reason. But there are different levels of ambition.
Both Sansa and Cersei want to rule but the latter is much more obsessed with it and will go to greater lengths to achieve it.
>Who the fuck said anything about "more interesting"?
You disagree?
>It is just that there is an obvious moral hierarchy
There isn't retard.
Yes there is. At first the books try to make it seem like everyone is morally ambiguous. But later on it is pretty clear that that is not the case.
>are normies so dumb that they need to have the episode explained to them afterwards?
normalfags think daenerys' name is khaleesi, so yes
Also he explains lore that the show itself never even goes into, like Patchface, or the Northern conspiracy, or Sothoryos
>tfw you fard and shid and popp and shid and fard until toyilette is full
>To see Littlefinger completely off-guard and unprepared like you never get to see him before was fantastic
But that happens multiple times. It happens when Cersei threatens to have him killed, it happens when he sees Lysa trying to push Sansa out the moon door, and it also happens when Jon gets named king.
It just so happens to be the only time he doesn't come up with a plan on the spot. Instead he just goes WAIT SHANSHA PLEASHE
Sansa's ambition led her to give up on her youngest brother, manipulate her half brother , sacrifice her brother's coalition consisting of armies that were willing to fight for them and risking her half brother's life in the hopes of getting revenge. And she still doesn't give a shit about anyone including the people she wants to lord over
You didn't answer the question and neither gave any example of not lusting for power making them morally superior. Jon was such a failure as a commander that he got killed and only came back because he's a literal puppet of a god who requires blood sacrifice. Dany requires no explanation. And Tyrion is hardly a paragon of virtue. So I have no idea what moral hierarchy you're talking about.
Aidan Gillen is such a shitty actor. He probably didn't understand from the start what Littlefinger is a villain. It sounds like he tried to sound somewhat noble in the first seasons, and then by the end Littlefinger sounds like a character's from King's Quest, because that's the only way he knows how to make him sound evil.
is this alt shift x? why anyone would watch this fucker? go and watch his predictions for old seasons. he never gets anything right. fuck that guy makes me sick just to talk about him in chance someone will subscribe to idiot because of my post
This, fucking plebs care more for empty spectacle and oohs and aahs than sense
>that he got killed
by his own men*
The battle of the bastards was Jon's idea. Sansa wanted to wait. Rickon was dead either way. In the show, more than the books, he served zero purpose. He's just there and then he dies. There is no way Rickon would have lived.
Every battle Jon engaged in was out of need rather than ambition.
It is only in the very last episodes that he changes his mind and starts thinking about ruling, and only because he realizes that he cannot trust others to do the ruling while he is with the Night's Watch.
You are trying really hard to push the
>both sides
have sex
I don't understand people who like her. Im the guy who always likes villains more than "good" guys because they are in 99% of the cases more interesting and better written overall. Say whatever you want but the fact is we were always on the edge of the seats when there was scene with Geoffrey or Tywin or CIA or Ramsay. Daenerys had the potential to be one of those awesome characters but I think that she was ruined by the actress. There is something replant about her. Cant put my finger on it, but there definitely is.
un-related to the thread, but instead of making a new one might as well ask it here.
I'm re-watching it all before the final season and in the first episode, how did Jaime and Cersei know that Jon Arryn knew about their incest? As far as I can remember, it's Baelish that got Lysa to poison Jon, but how did Cersei and Jaime know what Jon knew? Something to do with Pycell? Even if they knew, wouldn't they be concerned that someone that wasn't them poisoned Jon? It should tell them someone else knows their secret and potentially has that leverage over them.
It's just one of those things that's never really made clear, because the first scene you're introduced to Jaime / Cersei they're discussing if Jon told anyone what he found out.
that pic is from right before I came on her face
Clegane bowl? What does it mean? Not a native english speaker.
Lord Baelish was playing both sides at the same time.
Yes, but how did Jaime and Cersei know what information Jon had discovered?
>Every battle Jon engaged in was out of need rather than ambition.
Yeah and how does that make him morally superior in the story? If it depended on him he would be dead like his uncle. Being a retard with good intentions is at no point in the story presented as proof of moral superiority
Clegane brothers fight it out.
Lord Baelish informed them and told them that he'd deal with it.
What is the definition of "moral superiority" to you?
You fail at English.
Thanks brother. I hope the burnt one wins for he is the best character in the show you dumb cunt.
and this is why the show sucks now. it's all fanservice, but every time D&D go for a cheap thrill, they're ruining the world established in earlier season. by doing this, things start losing their meaning and the ebin twists become ever less satisfying.
Why are you asking me my definition? You're the one claiming they're morally superior according to the moral frame the author established for his work. Either give a justification or shut the fuck up, retard.
She's going to turn into "Hollywood Left's" critique of AOC and her crowd. Promise a utopia but end up being batshit crazy and destroying everything.
jon didn't even want to fight, Sansa is the one who pushed him. Sansa wanted to wait when a storm could hit any moment and no other houses were siding with them and refused to tell Jon why they should wait and that she'd contacted Littlefinger who had the Vale. Giving up on your blood is fucking cold especially when Sansa had dangled the hope of saving him to Jon when motivating him to fight and raise an army
Doesn't make any sense.
Dany is highest nobility and as establishment as they come.
Dany is Clinton or one of those centrists "we have to keep everything the same" liberals while at the same time promising ambiguous
CHANGE (TM) that never materializes.
AOC is exactly the opposite of that. AOC is more like Arya. She's a troll to the current establishment. Her actions don't really matter. She is too weak for that. But she does create a whole lot of butthurt.
Books are better. Show fucked her up bigtime.
>Dany is Clinton
Jesus Christ, kill yourself.
Literally a running fan theory since the 2nd book/season is that she's going to fip to a Mad Queen and start burning everything before the end.
If the show weren't transparently trying to cover its ass after getting scolded by feminists for the sansa rape scene 3 seasons ago I'd expect that's where the show is headed too.
She's set to be a really brutal character in the books. Especially when Aegon(cut from the show) starts to rally the realm behind him and make Dany look like Viserys.
They really tone down the foreign conqueror side to her in the show but that's gonna be her biggest hurdle in the books by far.
Still can't believe aegon and the other dude were cut from the show, also how euron is so dumbed down
fuck d&d
She's literally Clinton in every single way.
>highest nobility pretending to be for the people
>groomed for the job
>supported by people who expect to profit from her reign
>promises change that never happens
>becomes ambitious later on
Book Euron wouldn't fit in the show.
Reminder that /ourqueen/ Cersei will btfo Khaloreesi.
and why would he ever do that? Baelish isn't someone that's just going to tell an extremely dangerous person (Cersei / Jaime) that he KNOWS that their kids are bastards, and that he KNOWS that her and Jaime have incestuous sex.
I cannot see LF every disclosing that he knows that, unless he did it indirectly through a third party, like having someone else inform them with a delivered note or something.
Not that user but that guys did make a good comparison
>most hated character BTFOs most liked character
>in season 4+ GoT
i wish, but no. ramsey being eaten by dogs is when i lost all hope of GoT ever returning to its former glory
He literally does that just before she threatens him.
>knowledge is power
>no, power is power
Stop it
Most edgy ending isn't any better than muh white knight always wins ending.
It's just the opposite extreme.
>mfw Dany gets killed and her people will all be like
BUT IT WAS HER TURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dont forget the most important facts
>her partner was president/king
>she lost election/war to memelord
euron winning confirmed
>haha this political thing is just like this other thing from my fantasy book
You know who you're sounding like faggots
I'm not the one who started it.
At least my comparison makes sense.
>Most edgy ending isn't any better than muh white knight always wins ending.
not true
>It's just the opposite extreme.
whiteking ending is the worst possible ending by far. the reason we all loved got is because it was different to any other show in regards to plot armor. sad thing is they killed too many people too fast and the ones who are still alive are protected until the end because there is nobody to carry the plot otherwise.
Based Clintonposter
I think his “chaos is a ladder” monologue shows early on that he’s evil. He doesn’t care what happens to anyone else as long as it benefits him. That’s the definition of evil.
a-azor jorah?
GOT pretty obviously follows the "power corrupts" philosophy and right from the start its made clear that she isnt really supposed to be a hero.
Of course all this kinda evolved with our culture and especially our media becoming so batshit insane that a female tyrant on the quest to conquer a kingdom is seen as something positive.
That's the definition of selfish, nigger.
This isn’t entirely true. Robert’s rebellion was about stopping the mad king. I think Dany actually wants to rule so she can help people. At least early on she did.
I've only ever heard losers like you trying to link it to politics.
Stop with the retarded persecution complex.
No. It goes like this.
>innocent girl
>teen that is shocked at the cruelty of conquest
>late teen that goes on a rage rampage
>woman that is now more ambitious and less scrupulous about using violence
In the books she was MKUltra'd with blood magic into believing she is destined to rule, when all she really wanted was to go back to her summer party house in Braavos.
>show that starts off heavily political
>compared to politics
Wow who wouldve thunk it
Cersei is clinton
Not at playing Sarah Connor
>Books are better
Shut up, nerd
Him "explaining" the lore is fucking annoying though, all he does is repeat exactly what the books already said. He doesn't come up with anything new, even all the theories he's mentioned have been found and discussed to death on forums already, for the last ten years.
I never learn anything new watching him. I guess it all boils down to the age-old question, "are normies REALLY that dumb? do they seriously have no skills reading beyond the surface level?" and the answer is sadly, always, - "yes".
His videos still piss me off even knowing that. Any moderate bookfag could do the same fucking thing he does, he brings nothing new to the table.
>GOT pretty obviously follows the "power corrupts" philosophy
Truly the most plebian of opinions and amongst the most cliche of beliefs
Why did you greentext his post number you fucking animal
oh shut the fuck up you edgy cunt
you fucking annoying zoomer kid
We used to call people like you "emos".
>implying i'm wrong
Reducing the show and books to amateur shit like this when it's based on history is plebian as fuck. George will tell you and has repeatedly said shit that goes against this
Look how not edgy he is
What a good boy
I bet you make mommy very happy
Stop being gay and start being based
Read Souten Kouro
>based on history
Literally the only thing based on history is the idea of the game of thrones. Everything else is fiction.
you never read a book in your life, have you?
You are truly a massive retard
>muh Yea Forums elitism
I was too busy over at /sci/ trying to figure out how the universe works, faggot.
I stopped reading fiction in middle school.
holy shit that cope lmao
He was bound to get killed off eventually but what everyone hates is that he, possibly the smartest and greatest manipulator in the show, gets outsmarted by fucking Sansa and Arya of all people. And the fact that the entire seasons story leading up to his death with Sansa and Arya wanting to kill each other before it was fucking stupid
That was cringe as fuck dude, why would you even write that shit?
I like her, because soys dislike her.
There just wasn't enough time to have some major resolution to LF's story, the way they did it in the show was fast and felt somewhat rushed, but I don't think they had the airtime to flesh it out more than it was, especially with only 7 episodes in the season.
Sansa is already weary and distrustful of him since before they left King's Landing. She was just binding her time all along and going with him when she had no choice.
Perhaps you really are in the vanguard. I've often thought the whole shitshow would eventually come full circle.
The witch from season one was so fucking based
>but I saved you, why'd you kill my baby?
>because you knew the price, also you fucking enslaved me after your dothraki raped and murdered my entire village
Dany is such a dumb hypocrite.
I hate how Arya is basically a completely irrelevant character with a plotline that is detached from the rest.
In the show it is even worst. They just turned her into some super ninja that can fight against a fucking giant knight. LOL WUT?
>I was too busy over at /sci/ trying to figure out how the universe works
what a post
This is why book LF is better. He looks and acts innocuous instead of like a snake.
Arya is way worse than Deanerys. Dany wasnt that annoying in season 7.
Maario Naharis
the pasta that saved /got/
In the show. The books made me fall in love with her. I hope the books have a different plot line for her and hopefully more relevance.
My favorite character is Stannis
honestly not sure how it happened
What happened to Tyrone Lannester?
Who else /team cersei/
Westeros ain't free. The 7 kingdoms gotta be littered with the blood of the noble westeros knights. Daenerys "breaker of chains" Targaryen aka DANNY is not my queen. She's a foreign invador and probably incestious aswel :DD
CERSEI AND JON not DANNY AND JON ok? praise the seven
Wow, just wow...
taken your pills yet?
after Jon bent the knee, I was fully on /team cercei/ fuck that cuck
I fucking hate what this show became after S5
Can't wait for the 14th of april tho
I'm a Littlefinger superfan and he definitely deserved to die but not as a part of the retarded double cross we saw. Truly pathetic.
>after S5
You mean after S4
>I think Dany actually wants to rule so she can help people
Great. By wanting to help she set the entire Slavers Bay at fire politically.
And yet she succeeded
>tfw she left her conquered city to crumble due to inept governor and left for muh throne
fuck her and fuck that oathbreaking faggot jon as well.
My brother once told me that nothing someone says before the word but really counts.
>Tyrion is playing the long con
>the long con
>joncon confirmed
i have issues with how fucking shit the writing is in this godawful show. let it be over already
looks like you figured out how onions works. that's about it
Start the damn bobbyposting before I piss meself
BOARing thred
>"the Northers should feel blessed she'll help with her dragons. Why are they pissed that Jon has bend the knee? Fools, I hope they die. All must love her! Kween!"
>gives the Night King a dragon, that helps destroy the wall, accelerating the invasion
Remember why people think the dragons will really win this fight? I full expect GRRM to be misleading the readers, they didn't like rain in the last book, and people said that the old dragons (in the new targ book) wouldn't even get closer to the wall, and they were more experienced and stronger than Dany's.
i fucking hate you. fucking shit tier pleb opinions, ruining MY GoT
If you have to dislike Dany for any of the reasons stated ITT then you have to dislike every character still alive in the show.
Damn, she's getting old pretty fast.
>and people said that the old dragons (in the new targ book) wouldn't even get closer to the wall, and they were more experienced and stronger than Dany's.
Which part is that? I'm still on the Jaehaerys chapters.
the shittiness of GoT is legendary
It could have worked easily without all the magic crap.
>tfw no giant gf
my Lannister my wine?
just read zombie army as a foreign invader that doesnt like to speak and dragons as air force
Everything made sense after learning she had an aneurysm and brain surgery. She's damaged goods.
More wildfire for the boar mylord?
idk haven't read them. I don't care about the Targs.
Then how do you know what the book says about dragons?
Spoilers. I know it was on one of the Queen's chapters.
>People still like her because dumb people see a women commiting violence as empowering.
No, or else they would like Cersei. they like Dany cuz dragons and dragons are cool. That's it. There's nothing more to her popularity, there's no need for retarded incel theories, people like dragons and as long as she has dragons she will be popular, if she lacks dragons she is boring, normal people is attracted to characters that do FUN shit, no one liked the sand sneks, but everyone likes bronn.
Da fuck is a milk of the booby?
Friendly reminded Braavos was Hardhome before the Faceless Men tested their nukes out on them.
I hate the nukes memes.
Its Empty grace
>gets attacked mulitple times
>loses faith from everyone
>leaves on dragon
>leaves city to witty dwarf
>gets attacked again
>murders everyone
The hairline of the blonde wig hides her big forehead
>the north went ape-shit over some wildlings
>somehow ok with a bunch of foreign horse rapists and cockless wonders
>radmere was left to rot in his cell in the twins by ayra
link me to a theory of it
Patience. He'll be the one to take back Riverun for the Starks and kill the Nightking.
>the north went ape-shit with invaders that historically harmed them, raped them and killed them, invaders without any loyalty to the north
>the north has no problem with an allied army that is there to help them and serving an ally of their leader.
I get that /pol/ is strong in this board, but there's no need for retardation.
Not enough episodes left for that and who's going to let him out after all this time?
What the fuck has pol got to do with anything you fucking spastic
But the north is not ok with her
Season 5 is the worst season of the show and its adapted from GRRM work, the reason is that the two last GRRM books are absolutely dogshit.
Of course they are not, I only talked about an hypothetical allied army. The north isn't ok with fucking andals, of course they don't want anyone who isn't from the north.
>Have some cold misreable life ahead of you at the night's watch
>Out on a horrible march north of the wall, probably going to be killed by wildlings
>Instead some alpha fem-giant takes you to her rape cave and keeps you well fed for years as your pelvis remains too bruised to ever have hopes of escape
In what world is season five based on the books?
I don’t recall the garbage that occurred in Dorne onscreen happening in the books. I don’t recall Sansa in Winterfell in the books. Brienne in the North, Young Griff, the list goes on.
The best parts of season five are all from the book. All the added content is Garbo.
No user, reeee martiin
watch seasons 2-7 champ.
>GoT requires the reader to frequently read between the lines, particularly when it comes to events, areas and peoples outside of Westeros and the fact remains that Hardhome was destroyed by something that suspiciously looks like a nuke and afterward, we have the fall of the Valyrian Freehold that happens essentially overnight and results in massive geological upheavals, again implying the Faceless Men used nukes in the unstable volcano/mines on the Valyrian peninsula.
There was a fun thread about it a few weeks ago.
maybe grrm thought so, but d&d are clearly playing her up to be some sort of epic heroine to cheer for
>but d&d are clearly playing her up to be some sort of epic heroine to cheer for
Yeah, fans ruined it, d&d wanted to praise for being "woke" they fucked up with the sneks, and continue to do it. The book will have Dany as a soon to be monster that will either die a bad guy or be redeemed at some point, but she is clearly going mad.
We have little time to endlessly ponder shit on forums all day , a little reminder helps after a long day you neet idiot.
how much do you hate your mom? Do you still live with her? Does she nag you for being a NEET?
>make her a man
Lmao, brainlet thread
Because d and d are not good writers.
It's not even that she's 'evil', its that her actions are incredibly dumb when analyzed further. Actually every character has taken a nose dive in the logic department due to the poor writing.
The only good characters left are those with no lines, like the ice dragon and white walkers.
>am I the only person who had no issues with LF's death?
>He deserved what he got.
Your problem is fundamentally not understanding storytelling. No one is saying that Littlefinger didn't deserve it. The problem people have with it is that it came out of nowhere with no buildup to it and no payoff. It was haphazardly thrown together to quickly tie up some loose plot threads that D&D didn't know what to do with.
Tumblr please fucking leave
Dunno bout the Targs, but Starks almost certainly have some Children and Others in them.
i dont think people were upset that he died because he didn't deserve it, it's because he was written poorly especially in the last season.
Why would he play such transparent sister versus sister games with Sansa when she ALREADY DISTRUSTS him because of Ramsey?
More like
>make her a man
>this guy cant rule for shit
>this guy cant rule for shit
Literally every male leader on the show lmao. Girls bad, though.
Historically the kings have all been garbage so the system deserves to be broken, so why not a woman who was sold as a rape slave hellbent on revenge?
>implying Tywin couldn't rule
His downfall was in not giving Tyrion Casterly Rock. Its not like Jamie wants it anyways.
>Literally every leader on the show
Aside from Jon, he is literally the only good ruler, him and Tommen are the only good lads. the women and rest of the men are shit.
>>implying Tywin couldn't rule
He couldn't he only cared about his family name, Kevan may had admired Tywin but it's not as interested in glory. Kevan > Based wine aunt Genna > Tywin > Gerion > Tygett
You are not, her when story arc is that of an innocent young girl spiralling into madness the more power she gets, Yea Forums are the only brainlets thinking she's still a "hero"
>Yea Forums are the only brainlets thinking she's still a "hero"
And some retards from tumblr, sadly Yea Forums believes insane purple haired retards are representative of the general population, when Dany burned Dickon she lost normie points, the casual viewer wants Jon to fix her and save her from going full cersei using his Stark dick.
>His downfall was in not giving Tyrion Casterly Rock. Its not like Jamie wants it anyways.
he literally bankrupted his entire family trying to get control of the Iron Throne. He burned all their money on loans to the throne, then took out more loans, anticipating that they'll eventually be repaid. But then cersei pretty much nuked everything and became Queen of King's Landing and once they get couped out of power they're just going to be fucking broke and hated.
And really his downfall happened under Aerys, when he got cucked and was forced to raise Aerys' bastard Tyrion, and then Aerys made his heir into a fucking Kingsguard, and he just sat on it and instead of just killing Tyrion he tortured him to get back at Aerys, ensuring that he got killed taking a shit. Plus he let his kids get into fucking each other. He let Cersei became a psychotic cunt and Jaime become a self-sabotaging sociopath.
>sadly Yea Forums believes insane purple haired retards are representative of the general population
They choose to believe it on purpose to justify their persecution fantasy and shit on "the libshits". They know that it is not true but they purposefully pretend that it is.
>when Dany burned Dickon she lost normie points
lol no he pretty much forced her hand on that shit. The normie perspective was "well that guy's a fucking retard."
>Tyrion is a bastard
Relax my friend, just relax...
That's not arya, that's from Hardhome.
Since I watched this scene, I've thought it's the only proper ending.
also proofs
I don't want her dead. I want her to be more relevant in the show.
In the books, hers were my favorite parts.
Would be kino if he had to kill Tardarian in order to save everyone from her tantrum
Only Jon and Arya's timelines in S5 are finished in the book, everything else is mostly added up. Stannis is still alive and wouldn't burn his daughter under any circumstance ,taking into account he is doing everything for her.
She fed innocent people to her dragons. Had innocent people crucified. Forced a man to marry her and then treated him like shit, allowing her paramour to threaten his life. Used the people of Slaver's Bay as an experiment and then invaded Westoros with an army of savage horsemen who like to rape, pillage, enslave, and haven't ever been able to maintain a small tent city much less an actual society. Those dothraki are going to be a nuisance in the wilds of Westoros for centuries.
>Dany takes the throne
>starts burning everything
>omg she's the mad queen!
>revealed to be a complicated plan to kill the white walkers
>yas queen slaaay
>Those dothraki are going to be a nuisance in the wilds of Westoros for centuries.
They are not going to stay in Westeros. They don't want to stay in westeros, Danny forced their hand when she destroyed their vatican city, they now have to conquer the world. They will go back to Essos until they rekt every city,
Oh lawd
If you put dragon eggs into hot fire you can trigger explosions. The faceless men got a dragon egg from Euron as payment for killing Balon and they probably caused the doom of valyria. Hardhome was a testrun for their dragon egg nukes.
Not really. Cersei isn't much better, but at least Cersei didn't invade Westoros with tens of thousands of Dothraki. How happy would you be if Hillary Clinton deposed Trump by invading American with 50,000 savage tribesmen who then dispersed into the wilds where they formed tribes that continually harassed small towns and highways, robbing, murdering, and enslaving locals? That's what Dany has done.
Its almost as if this shit is written by a fat slob leftist or something
it's a redditor theory
Fucking /pol/
WOIAF kind of sold me on the conspiracy. Joanna Lannister spent the year before he was born in KL. She had previously had some kind of relationship with Aerys before she got with her cousin Tywin. Aerys famously had a problem with fertility that kept leading to deformed monster babies that died in birth. Joanna was notably super fertile. She gave birth to 2 perfect twins out the gate. Aerys impregnated her with a monster baby that would have miscarried had she not been so fertile.
Also in the book Tyrion literally is half-Lannister, half-Targaryen. His hair is half gold, half white. He has one purplish eye. Etc. Tywins dying words are literally "You're not my son" or whatever. he also says earlier
>Men’s laws give you the right to bear my name and display my colors, since I cannot prove that you are not mine. To teach my humility, the gods have condemned me to watch you waddle about wearing that proud lion that was my father’s sigil and his father’s before him. But neither gods nor men shall compel me to turn Casterly Rock into your whorehouse.
Also "the dragon has three heads." Tyrion, Jon, and Dany all killed their mothers in childbirth.
Plus Tywin being cucked and forced to raise the Targaryen monster baby that killed his wife makes him much more tragic. He either needed to kill Tyrion, or learn to treat him like a person, and instead he chose to torture and abuse him for his whole life. And it fits into the theme that Tyrion talks about with
>“It all goes back and back," Tyrion thought, "to our mothers and fathers and theirs before them. We are puppets dancing on the strings of those who came before us, and one day our own children will take up our strings and dance in our steads.”
idk even if the show never actually does it I choose to believe it in muh headcanon. It makes Tywin and Tyrion and Aerys more interesting.
*degenerate fat slob leftist
there is also a bit where Jon asks Tyrion
>what do you know about bastards
and Tyrion replies
>all dwarfs are bastards
In the books, there is a scene where a woman from a town she's destroyed calls her out on her hypocrisy and basically says that she's an evil cunt who occasionally commits small, irrelevant acts of kindness to feel better about herself, while destroying other people's lives. Does that scene happen in the show?
Also Tywin tried to quit as hand at one point specifically because Aerys had said some inappropriate shit about Joanna at court, and then he refused to let accept Tywin's resignation.
>Daenerys had the potential to be one of those awesome characters but I think that she was ruined by the actress.
Dany means well, but even in the books she does some fucked up things.
I'd buy that for a dollar.
More Sir my Wine?
>da good guy killed da bad guy so it no problem
Minors aren't allowed on this site.
what does this even mean? can you explain this meme?
>>Instead some alpha fem-giant takes you to her rape cave and keeps you well fed for years as your pelvis remains too bruised to ever have hopes of escape
Giantess in the books are described as being bigfoot. So if you are into huge, hairy, smelly, ape women then yeah... based.
you retards don't seem to understand that LF's story needed to end. He doesn't matter anymore, the endgame of the series was never going to involve him in any way, they killed him because he is unnecessary baggage and his storyline needed to be wrapped up. Go ahead and complain about the Sansa / Arya turned against each other plot, but stop crying that LF is dead. He is irrelevant in the long run, his relevancy is almost entirely at the beginning / middle of the series when he's orchestrating events.
>am I the only person who had no issues with LF's death?
I didn't have a problem with him dying, but his death scene suxxed cox and dix. And they kind of didn't do anything cool with him first. He kind of just slinks around for the season and then gets murder.
And it was double gay because the Winds of Winter chapter has him explaining his whole endgame where he purposefully bankrupted the Lannisters while hoarding food and money for years, so that he would be the only bozo that didn't deplete all his resources on war before Winter gets there and everyone freezes to death. Like it seemed kind of clear that he was setting up LF to die in WoW where he was going to spend hundreds of pages setting up his grand scheme and then he gets killed in a subversive "oh" kinda moment. But the show just phoned it all in.
>They don't want to stay in westeros,
How are they gonna leave? Why would they leave? Even if some do, are all of them gonna go? I doubt it. Westoros is fertile and many of them can thrive as nomadic raiders there. I don't see them going back.
>his relevancy is almost entirely at the beginning
Unlike your post, which has no relevancy to what I said.
When a mnn gets surgery to remove his penis and testicles, the surgeon will form an artificial vagina where the genitals used to be. The body uses its natural healing power to attempt to close the "vagina" hole because it sees it as a wound. To counteract this, the person to whom this surgery was performed has to dilate; meaning they will have to insert an object into the "vagina" for an extended period of time to prevent the body from sealing it up. The long and short of it is that "dilate" is a way of mocking people who are suspected transgender individuals.
>heiress to a line of brutal, foreign slavers driven out for their incest-born madness
>literal gray-haired infertile witch, surrogate mother to fire monsters
>destroys the culture of every land she visits
>commands an army of loyalty-less mercenaries, rapist savages, pirates, and mindless eunuch slaves
>hair white
>eyesbrows dark grey
fucking dumb nigger if you dye your hair you gotta dye all of it
>I don't see them going back.
Irrelevant. In universe logic says otherwise, the stallion was all about conquering ALL THE WORLD, they have no reason to RAID westeros, they used to raid to get slaves and god statues for their sacred city, their city is gone, ALL THEY HAVE is conquering, it doesn't matter what you believe, it doesn't matter what /pol/tards want to sperg about in this thread, the truth is that in D&D retarded world they not only don't rape anymore, and obey as good pets to their master dany, they also want to go back to essos and fight against those evil slavers since that's all what they want to do: Conquer and kill, not raid. It doesn't matter anyway, they are all going to die so D&D don't have to deal with logistics. Also, stop sperging about hillary and rapefugees, the savages and dany are just like the americans freeing the middle east in d&d's world.
>When a mnn gets surgery to remove his penis and testicles
what the fuck are you talking about?
why they fuck would anyone do that?
>commands an army of loyalty-less mercenaries
They are back in essos (why Dany doesn't call them to help in the north is pretty retarded, or help from the red priests, there has to be at least 10k crazy fanatics willing to die and fight for R'hllor).
I wish Jeremy Kyle was cast as Kevan.
What IS the narrative value of Tyrion actually being Tywin's son, versus him being Aerys' son?
It makes the whole "Tywin hired a literal army to gang rape Tyrion's wife and told him she was a whore" thing slightly less insanely villainous if he thought he was getting back at Aerys for ruining his life by torturing his son, instead of actually just torturing his own son.
This is a very heated debate. In my opinion, there are probably some people who are afflicted with TRUE gender dysphoria; that is, they are born male or female yet they have an imbalance in the brain that tells them they are of the opposite sex. I assume that a large number of these sex reassignment surgeries are performed on these individuals (probably the majority). On the other hand, in this day and age with the spread and ubiquity of social media, everyone has a voice. Someone can be heavily influenced by a person claiming to be transgender and get it into their head that they, too, have this condition. After seeing how many will walk on eggshells around these people, it's possible to see that these pretenders ("transtrenders") are seeking validation and sympathy to fill other voids in their lives.
Remember that I am not a professional and these are just my views. You will see lots of posts on Yea Forums about fuck trannies and whatnot, and I can see how people could get tired of this proliferation of this problem, and fake sympathy is indeed tiring. On the other hand, I can't help but feel for these people who really ARE afflicted with this problem. I can imagine being born as the "wrong" sex would be devastating to someone. Like I said, it's a hot issue and lots of hatred on both sides.
The long and short of it is that you know a HELL OF A LOT about something and it seems like you're using "mocking it" as a way to justify why you're obsessed about it.
I'm not the guy who initially replied with, "Dilate." I was just explaining what it meant to the guy who asked.
No, they are tied thanks to ice, not real land. If you drive from westeros to Essos you would legally be SAILING, so you can drink whe you drive over the ice that unites both continents.
/jazz/ threads are a curse.
>On the other hand, in this day and age with the spread and ubiquity of social media, everyone has a voice.
Which is why you obsess about the means by which .00001% of the population takes themselves out of the gene pool. You're able to find thousands of examples of trannies! And you're not capable of understanding scale and scope when it comes to hundreds of millions of people!
>Someone can be heavily influenced by a person claiming to be transgender and get it into their head that they, too, have this condition.
Is that what you think happened to you?
>After seeing how many will walk on eggshells around these people
Have you ever actually seen a tranny irl?
I saw some in Key West a few times. That's about it.
>it's possible to see that these pretenders ("transtrenders") are seeking validation and sympathy to fill other voids in their lives.
Yeah it's almost like hundreds of thousands of conflicted perverts like you will give them a crazy amount of attention for it.
>You will see lots of posts on Yea Forums about fuck trannies and whatnot, and I can see how people could get tired of this proliferation of this problem, and fake sympathy is indeed tiring.
nobody cares about "fake sympathy." Just stop making everything about fucking trannies. It's embarrassing. This board is essentially all white dudes. You weirdos are the ones making every fucking thread about your fetishes.
> Like I said, it's a hot issue and lots of hatred on both sides.
It's only a "hot issue" on the conservative side because the gay marriage meme died. The right always need perverts to focus on to justify why you shill for assholes. And it's spiraled out to where we're now talking about what 3000 fucking people do a year, when 700,000 people are bankrupted by medical bills every year in this country. It's jangling keys to distract babies.
Shit, I need to reread AFFC.
Either way. It's a new world/end of the western dark ages allusion if it happens. The discovery of the Americas was a huge technological and economic stimulus that changed everything. Creating a parallel where the story ends with a new trade route to the far east being right there, seems somewhat plausible.
Asshai when?
I do distinctly remember it being mentioned that we won't see Asshai in the story except through allegories or flashbacks. Plans do change though
>The faceless men got a dragon egg from Euron as payment for killing Balon and they probably caused the doom of valyria.
but that happened a long time ago
I really hope she's gonna fail somehow and get punished for all that yo mentioned OP
>but at least Cersei didn't invade Westoros with tens of thousands of Dothraki.
yeah she just destroyed the entire kingdom and blew up the pope lol
>Creating a parallel where the story ends with a new trade route to the far east being right there, seems somewhat plausible.
Lady Elissa Farman is your lass then m8. She wanted to discover a new world, and apparently she managed to go from westeross to Asshai
>Lady Elissa Farman
oh shit I didn't even realize he released a whole other book in november.
I don't know why you're claiming "obsession" here. A guy asked a question and I answered. I'm a normal straight man.
Is the book worth a read?
It's pretty fun lore
if you like the deep lore go ahead
>She wanted to discover a new world, and apparently she managed to go from westeross to Asshai
by going southwest?
I still don't really understand if Planetos is supposed to be really small or really big.
I thought daenerys was bad then I watched westworld and holy shit is dolores terrible.
The theory the twins are Aerys' kids is more interesting.
>GoT first season
>Eddard Stark is executed to the horror of fans
>several seasons pass
>lots of subversion of expectations
>people still wonder who the fucking show works
GoT fans are fucking retards. You truly deserve all the pain you experience from watching this insipid show.
You mean pleasure.
I like that theory too the only problem is that makes the whole thing a conflict of targs
Incoming, 2,000,000,000 dragon lady class
No it isn't. It doesn't make any sense with the lore. And more importantly, Joanna and Tywin were both in the Westerlands when they were conceived. Unless Aerys snuck to the Westerlands at some point it couldn't have happened.
But then with Tyrion, she was in KL. Something happened that made Tywin try to quit, made Joanna go back to Casterly Rock, etc. Like why set up that Aerys kept having stillborn moster babies if it's not connected to Tyrion?
And really what does the twins theory add, narratively? That he liked the wrong ones? i guess that's ironic if it was his seed that made the monster, but then he's just a cunt for the rest of his life.
And if Aerys thought the twins were his, it doesn't make sense why he made Jaime his kingsguard.
But if he thought Tyrion was his, by making Jaime Kingsguard he's forcing Tywin to either make Aerys' bastard son his heir, or he cede inheritance to his brother.
It all makes way more sense that Tyrion was the bastard than the twins.