How does it feel to know that a black man exists who is superior to you in every possible way?

How does it feel to know that a black man exists who is superior to you in every possible way?

Attached: demons-never-die---uk-premiere.jpg (300x300, 12K)

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feel good brah

I'm Samuel L. Jackson

He is probably not superior to me in writing C++ template code, if i may be brutally honest to you.

>fucking nerd!!!

no wonder you are still a virgin and women detest your nerdy behaviour.

How does it feel to know that a white man exists who is superior to every black man in every possible way?

>being superior to me
That's not an achievement to brag about desu

Glad that Wakaliwood exists

Are you the one writing the /g/ web browser?

bugmen literally worship blacks, and some people still claim we shouldn’t strip them of all their rights

Why does every board have to be /pol/ now..trump is such a fucking faggot. He killed Yea Forums

Good for you, user, good for you.

Isn't he a cuck? cope niggah

>Idris Elba
>a literal cuckold who found out his son was fathered by another man

I'm good, thanks

>his son was fathered by another man
So it's not his son
If you marry a woman who has children from another man does this make you a cuck?
Can a woman be a cuck if her man has children from another man?

i said nigger.

nigger, based

fpbp, fuck niggers

I have a triple digit IQ, so obviously not there

Then why does he need to become a white woman to solve his problems?

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>How does it feel to know that a black man exists who is superior to you in every possible way?
I've made it clear by now that I do not wish for equality; the eradication of good things. So if someone has good things, it's not evil.
Dolphins are superior to mankind anyways.

Bench: 390lbs
Squat: 650lbs


Suck: ???
Fuck: ???

It's NBC. Maybe that's why.

If it had to be anyone, I'm glad it was him.

Attached: stringerbell.gif (400x300, 1M)

woah why this got so many niggervotes?