New Star Wars.
New Star Wars
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where he at
dafuq is dat?
Meh Wars
>Rey has a blue saber again
What was wrong with Green sabers? We haven't seen one in ages? I liked how Phantom Menace had Qui Gon with Green, and Obi Wan with Blue, it made all their battles together very colorful. Phantom Menace is honestly just a really good looking film. I understand why Anakin had to have blue as well in AOTC and ROTS, but I thought both of them being blue was slightly more dull. I'm glad Mace got purple and Ahsoka got green.
Also who the fuck are Zorii and Jannah. And Lando looks horrible.
>NuSW trilogy
>Third episode incoming
>Should be the culmination point
>No expectation
>Casuals don't care
>Fans don't care
>Nobody cares
There are no consulars left.
Are only consular allowed a green saber or something? Why did Luke change his sabers color?
Lando has a fucking pimp cane? What are they doing?
Literally JUST
>a bow and arrow
its epic remember robin hood? well hes a girl in a tournament now. remember hunger games? shes in space and black now
I guess Rey appearing in the third film but now with a green saber was too much even for JJ.
Bows and arrows are so 00s
The green ones aren't used by warriors/attackers. Luke wanted to solve the crisis by not hacking Vader to pieces, and he succeeded.
>barely fleshed out your 3 leads
>keep adding new characters
>who the fuck are Zorii
I dunno, she looks just like Leia in her bounty hunter disguise in a "it's salt" way.
I don't think this was ever mentioned in the films. What piece of EU ever claimed this?
Pretty sure Qui Gon was a warrior, and I saw him attacking in TPM. Why would Obi Wan, a blue saber be training under him?
>keep adding new characters
>Oscar Isaac says its a large part improv
It's going to be a shitshow.
>a fucking bow and arrow
>in Star Wars
I think I'm starting to buy into the theory that they're deliberately trying to destroy the franchise.
It's from kotor, mostly as a signifier to split the 3 classes in the D&D fashion.
>new star wars leaks
>thread already dying
>even lando still wears the same clothes as 40 years ago
They even got a character that looks exactly like Leia in her bounty hunter armour, wow its like poetry.
Fuck, I just realised they're going to have Billy Dee talk about the fembot. At least the man is getting paid nicely.
Rey should have had a yellow lightsaber
Dude it's a long long time ago haha
>plot twist : it actually is Leia in bounty hunter armor so they can keep using the character even though Fisher is dead
I'd imagine it'll ve a quick throwaway line when Lando walks on to the Falcon. "Good to see you, girl" or something like that, with an affectionate pat on the console.
I don't really care about any of these characters.
Trying to keep a disabled man in his 80s vertical long enough to film a scene.
How are they going to fuck up Lando's character? My guess is that he'll have lost Bespin to the first order and it's been/gets destroyed or something.
Because somebody in the design department realised that obliterating Luke's character and then having Rey make her own green saber, just like Luke did, would be a stupid idea. Especially after she already stole and destroyed his original one.
>we haven't seen a green saber in ages
Improv is code word for the director being too spineless of apathetic to 'tard wrangle the actors.
I'm going to assume the latter for JJ.
Billy Dee needs a pimp cane to walk, doofus.
She destroyed Luke's saber? I totally missed that scene I think.
Throne room scene has her and kylo pull it until it rips apart and explodes.
Zorii is Keri Russell.
remember when star wars used to be allowed to have white male heroes as well?
Oh so it's from 2003. Made after TPM and AOTC were already out. Yeah I dunno, I'd rather keep that as some old Jedi thing in the KOTOR era that was't around during the time of the PT, and obviously not in the OT.
Also I remember being able to pick any saber color I wanted regardless of class in KOTOR.
You all know that it will either be a marvelesque lazer bow or when people complain they'll point How the ewoks were low tech as well. I can see the articles now.
it's going to be terrible but I can't look away.
This is an allegory to Luke raping Kylo. Prove me wrong.
I for one cant wait, I love star wars drama, beats all the political bullshit right now.
>okay everyone ready? ..actually John could you turn around? a bit more and look back at us over your shoulder. mm that's good.
You're given the specific coloured crystal once you chose your class, though by the time you leave Dantooine every colour is available for you to swap out; it's not like the council chastise you. Yeah, I also prefer it as done in the movies than some sort of department badge.
The clickbait shills are so obvious that I think they'll give away the tone of the movie.
We all know that the two directions Disney have are to pander or double down, and that they will astroturf whichever way they're going. This means their shills will be the canary down the mine.
The fuck?! They’re bringing back Billy D. There goes another old character.
It’s made more comical when Chewbacca has a bowcaster. Unless she has specialized green arrow arrows.
>female Wookie
really outdoing themselves
Whoa ho ho
A time displaced Hawkeye in the ST would be a vast improvement. He would talk so much shit about everyone. But KK hates white male heroes.
Didn't they do that in the firefly movie?
>'Hey guys we've lost all legitimacy with fans. What do we do?'
'Lets bring back Lando! They love Lando!'
Poor Billy D.
Why would Rey build a whole new saber when the ST is all about breaking the old and beloved, super gluing it back together, and calling it your own? It's a metaphor.
Not true, the game can swindle you out if a purple crystal by not spawning it.
This is probably the first decent payday he's had in 20 years.
You might be onto something.
Are everyone's sizes subtly off? Finn is taller than Rey, isn't he?
beat me to it
this is true I guess, Disney cant take our bitter mockery away from us
Gee, Poe legit looks like Nathan Drake
Lando looks like a black Roy Campbell
Finn is basically black Han Solo here
And who the fuck are the 2 newbies
Chewie still good tho. How much is he old right now?
~230 by my guess
Where is Rose? she better be in the new one.
Oh my God that’s how they are going to do it. There going to have another actor play Lelia but keep her face covered until they can CGI the stock footage onto the actor at the end.
excuse me where are the Caucasian male protagonists?
>take franchise with well established and beloved characters
>kill most of them off or do some bullshit plot contrivance to replace them with this
i just don't understand, why did anyone at disney think this is what people would have wanted?
Your not rooting for the first order after TLJ ruind the good guys?
Its what Kathleen wanted apparently. Jeremy from G+G said Kathleen personaly asked the script writers to limit Luke’s involvement so he couldn’t outshine the new characters.
>implying I've even watched nu-Wars
top zoz
for the longest time before i played kotor i thought blue sabers were for padawans and green sabers for masters. that's why qui gon's saber was green and obi wans blue. and that's why luke's sword went from blue to green. i don't remember if that was ever implied or if it's my head cannon. now that i think about it it doesn't make much sense since obi wan's saber in a new hope was blue and he was a master
>top 10 pranks that went too far
White males are the villains. It's a very subtle statement on Kathleen Kennedy's part.
Lucky you man.
Even Luke was the villain of TLJ.
The way it worked in some of the EU was that green was for consulars and blue was for knights.
Luckily that was never canon, I like that in the Clone Wars the Jedi have to do soul searching to find their crystal it's not assigned to them.
our minds are like little kids
you need to limit what degeneracy you're exposing it to
oh yeah i know that now, i was just saying what i thought as a kid.
and what you described about soul searching sounds similar to kotor 2's take with that personal crystal that's attuned to you that you find
>New Star Wars
Well at least now it actually looks like Star Wars
in case this is not obvious
Blue sabers are light side. They're typically wielded by Jedi who had not yet been properly tested by force and destiny, so padawans end up having them, but Obi also never lets go of his because he's such a chad that the doubt of the dark side has never even entered his mind.
Red sabers are dark side.
Green sabers are for, typically, Jedi with a more profound understanding of the force, either masters with questionable methods like Yoda and Qui Gon, or Jedi after they've understood that the Force is not so simple, like Luke in RotJ.
You can interpret Windu having a purple one as him being dangerously close to the dark side because of his lightsaber style, but we all know Jackson just wanted to be a snowflake.
I'm doing this because I love you
>Prove me wrong
No, I think you might be right, now that I think about it a bit.
There are Padawans with green sabers though. So this is just headcanon. Especially since Anakin has a blue saber still even in ROTS.
Dubs decides whether I PEE in THIS thread!
Might be from that one planet in the EU that was cut off from the Republic so they reverted to primitive tech
it's not a setting thing
it's a narrative device you mong
>intergalactic intervention
>consists of humans wearing
aztec attire, the corner of a 1950 Ford Sedan bumper, and a sasquatch
There are younglings in AOTC with green sabers.
If you don't even know Leia's name, don't act like you ever gave a shit.
Yeah, it's an episode where Ashoka takes some Jedi kids to Illum, that frozen planet from the 2D Clone Wars, and they have to find their crystals after conquering their fears and stuff. It's pretty neat.
Found a discor tranny.
>Pimp cane Lando
Only good part about that image, and they'll still find a way to fuck it up
Lando bout to get dabbed on
Rey consistently using Anakin's blue lightsaber is only a small portion of how the fucked up the ST.
15 years from now the ST will go down in history as one of the biggest fumbles of all time.. Only incompetent morons could fuck it up.. It could have been a slam dunk, instead it was a missed lay up.
It was solely from one of the games.
All other EU originally had virtually every color imaginable as a saber color: if you could find a focusing crystal in that color, that's what your saber would look like.
Then they came up with the idea that the sith didn't have access to the mines where the jedi mostly got their crystals from and synthesized red crystals (even though there were natural red crystals too).
Then the latest fucking bullshit is that the crystals are fucking alive and that they have midiclorines too or some shit and the red ones are red because dark side users give the saber constant menstruation.
Nuwars is fucking retarded.
They even have a "the wand chooses the wizard" bullshit lifted from hp for the crystals with jedi now.
Quigon should've had yellow.
Sick of fucking green and blue.
Improv also works when you have quick witted talent.
The current cast is bereft of such.
Shitshow indeed, but whoever thought otherwise?
This guy was taken from an 80’s movie
that looks retarded
Why bother with dogfights in space when they can just lightspeed a corellian frigate into the enemy base?
I realize that it's space fantasy and you can look past a lot of things but introducing relativistic weapons into it seems to invalidate a lot.
This. Why not give her her own weapon like a double bladed yellow saber to sell more toys and be a simple way to make her feel like her own character? Oh yeah, because she's the laziest written protagonist in movie history and Kathleen thinks "Jedi like Luke and Anakin, but girl" is enough to make her stand out
>laser string
jj will introduce her awesome double saber bow staff that will have Anakin's saber and kylos on both ends
And everytime i think these movies cant get worse. Yea Forums shows me more of disneys folly.
>The current cast is bereft of such
what are you talking about? don't you remember that hilarious first scene of TLJ with the your mother joke? that was poe's actor's idea
>30+ years after RotJ
>let's have Lando dress in pretty much the exact same outfit he wore in Solo
Why though?
I clapped when I saw the outfit! I recognize it, just like I did Han Solo's dice.
Oh give it time. The mouse is gonna shill here like crazy. Remember the 700 "GO SEE CAPTAIN MARVEL UNLESS YOU HATE WOMEN" threads the first week CM was out? And then they disappeared. Times that by 50 and thats what will happen when 9 gets close to releasing.
I'm showing my cousin the PT for the first time, should I make him watch TCW in between episodes 2 and 3?
>takes off helmet
>it's atually a girl
>belligerent black woman with a fro
I'll laugh if Hux is the final villain of the saga after Ruin completely made him into a joke. JJ won't have the balls to make Kylo an actual bad guy because he's remaking RotJ where he turns good, so unless Palpatine or one of the Knights of Ren takes over, the movie is fucked.
Just replace Poochie with Lando and new characters with old.
>tough woman poc with a bow
Tough woman bounty hunter
They’re doubling down, eh?
This will crash and burn
Why are women so bad at character writing?
It really bothers me how shes getting ZERO heat for the plethora of horrific decisions shes made. I guess pic related is true.
Da fuq is that?
The Harry Potter lady wasn't that bad at character writing.
I guess the problem is that today politics are more important than quality writing.
I bet the documentary they make 20 years from now showing how Kennedy and iger completely destroyed the SW franchise will win an Oscar. Book it!
no, that is far too clever for JJ
Short of introducing a new character, the main villain HAS to be Kylo and/or Hux. Of the two, Kylo has shown some degree of sympathy towards Rey, and doesn't seem especially enthusiastic about the whole "toppling the Republic" thing as he does about getting back at his now dead dad and his now dead mentor.
The Hux-led coup WILL happen and Kylo WILL defect
>barely fleshed out
bullshit, these fuckers dont have a single personality trait between all of them.
its a simplification of lore from the old WEG D6 Star Wars RPG.
it was the best of the EU stuff, and the only stuff that felt real.
Literally who is poised to be the villain of IX?
>Hux: Rendered an impotent joke that the audience cannot take seriously
>Kylo Ren: A joke since he was first beat by Rey in VII and by Luke in VIII, and has been treated as a joke in the narrative the whole way. Impossible to take seriously
>Phasma: A joke.
Furthermore, who is there to stand against the FO? LITERALLY the entire galaxy does not give one single fuck about them. The last time the good guys got btfo this hard there needed to be a 20 year time skip and the beginning of an entirely new saga to undo the damage. But we're supposed to be having a direct sequel to this shitshow. The good guys after VIII are in a worse position than the good guys were at the end of ROTS, but we're supposed to buy that they still have a fighting chance in the immediate future?
>"I didnt want to see episode 9 but it has Lando coming back!! And i love lando! Hey guise rememeber how cool Lando was !! I remember!"
I GUARANTEE at least 2 million onions boys in america said those very same words when they heard he was in it.
We already had a tough woman bounty hunter
Several in fact
And they're all 30x the character this bitch will be
>so Luke wouldn't outshine the new characters
This was a good idea for Luke to be limited in the first movie, but not the entire 2nd one and likely the 3rd as well. The worst part of TLJ to me isn't him being a suicidal hermit, but how quickly he turns back to being good because Rey and Yoda give him a pep talk and then he's fine. He's so underused and shallow unless 9 makes him a huge part of the story.
Why are EU weapons so retarded?
his prayers have been answered. the poor guy was doing conventions for signatures and pictures for years. the last thing he was in was fanboys I think.
user the Nightsister Energy Bow is still canon
The villian will be an even older and bigger white man at least three times the size of Snoke.
Asaj Ventress did __________ wrong
and six times whiter!
I'm assuming it's because they don't have a solid script, at least not one that they've got much confidence in. They're gonna throw improv shit at the wall and see if that improves anything.
>that was poe's actor's idea
was it really? oh no no no no
>mfw Disney has retroactively made The Old EU they tried to bury more popular than ever before
If it was up to me, it'd be Palpatine as a clone or young version or whatever. The fans love him, he was the villain for 6 out of 8 movies and this is the 9th one, and its feasible he has a plan to be reborn instead of just dying because of Vader. Also he could double as an explanation for Rey's powers if she was an incarnation of him, Kylo said he saw something in her and its revealed he lied about the junk traders so he knows and is trying to save her.
I understand it's retarded to bring him back and Matt Smith recently said he's not in the movie so I doubt it'll happen, but his name still holds much more weight as a villain than Hux or Kylo or some new guy and if nothing else the fans would appreciate him being the final villain of the final movie in the saga.
>If it was up to me, it'd be Palpatine as a clone or young version or whatever.
stopped reading there
Thats the problem. They focused more on diversity and GURL power before they even had a script. Id bet you anything before ANYTHING was written kennedy told them "make sure luke isnt a big deal in these movies. We dont need another white male hero!! But make sure my white female hero has zero weaknesses and beloved by all"
>Oscar Isaac says its a large part improv
Literally "Fuck it, whatever, nobody cares anymore": The Movie.
I've started reading some of the old EU stuff and I'm loving it so far. I was never a huge SW fan until TLJ happened. Ironically that movie was so bad it made me interested in the lore and I decided to go back and read up on it.
Afros have no place in star wars unless its a disco character. Star Wars is 70s scifi, which had no afro niggers with bows.
if it was Palpatine, he'd actually have a plan in place. The FO is a shit show and Kylo Ren and the Hux are certified retards.
>im-FUCKING-plying Matt Smith's secret role isn't the new super-antagonist final boss introduced in the last film of the last trilogy with no setup or explanation
We all know it's happening.
I keep saying it; Lando & Leia will be "sexting" one another through the whole shit & will run off together at the end, now that Han's dead.
Especially if he can't get Rey/Finn to happen, he's by god going to get a black man & white womerns together in it somehow.
>literally only one white person
>no white males
Are they even trying to hide it anymore?
>Chewie still good tho
They've barely fucking touched Chewie at all.
Only thing resembling any love he got was in 7; he was fucking forgotten in 8, though that's probably for the best.
They haven't been trying to hide it for years.
TLJ is one of the only movies i went into with a completely open mind and was blown away by how appallingly bad it was. Like justice league is entertainingly bad. So bad you can watch it with people and laugh. TLJ is boring and bad. Nothing fucking happens. And there are ZERO stakes to anything. Its a movie about nothing that sets up nothing. And yet i know a few people who think its the best SW movie ever. And when i ask them to explain why? They of course have no answer other than "duuuuuurrr it was really good user just like it okay" i want people in this thread to go ask friends and family they know who liked TLJ to explain what they liked about it and why. I bet anything you get a bunch of run around and no real reasoning other than "it was just good user stop being a hater" i swear normies are turning into pic related en masse
>nigger uses a bow in a galaxy where laser guns and laser swords exist
Why the fuck do they keep introducing new characters? Like how are we supposed to give a fuck about these people through one film?
Same here. The lack of description in young adult writing kinda sucks but you can see how influential Thrawn Trilogy was to games like KotoR when 30 pages in its inventing things like battle meditation.
>implying the EU came up with energy bows
>shitting on based lightwhip
The absolute state of Anti-EU speds
JJ wants so desperately to just remake the whole OT yet not have it be technically a remake.
Just HAS to have the Emperor type figure Rey can use to turn Kylo back.
It is literally "muh OC! Guize check out my OC I just HAD to stick in there!!!!" and it is the reason nearly all remakes/reboots/franchise-resetting-sequels like this trilogy universally fucking suck rotten ass.
No way Palpy would ever make a backup plan, his overconfidence was his fatal flaw and what got him killed in RotJ. A Palpy that makes backup plans in the event of his own death is not the kind of Palpy that trusts Vader to stand by and watch him electrocute his son to death
Wearing an outfit that looks almost exactly like the one Donald Glover was wearing in Basedlo to desperately try and make a connection between the films. Basically a 80 y.o. man wearing a disco outfit.
Same outfit as in the last movie but in white. Looks like a bad cosplay of a gender-swapped ANH Luke. Why does she still dress like a bum anyway?
Hey O'Connell.
Exactly the same as in the last movie.
AotC Padmé meets Jango Fett. At least Enfys Nest did look kind of cool, this one also forgot most of her armor. Looks cheap.
Another space hobo strong whaman, this time with even more diversity strength, with a kween mane and with a fucking bow (?)
Costume department should be fired.
Kylo being a bonafide villain and dying as an evil person would be the best just because it wouldn't be an RotJ retread but we all know it isn't happening. An interesting new character would still be better than Hux and the red troopers.
false. luke should have given her his green lightsaber, since she said "i've never seen so much green before in the whole galaxy", after having anakin's lightsaber taken by Ben swolo
>landspeeders aren't a thing
the bow is retarded
I'm fucking Shocked Billy Dee even came back I remember a long time ago he said he had no interest in the new films (was either lying or NDA) i'm kinda pissed though because this means they'll probably kill him off like Han,Luke,and I guess now Leia (rip Carrie)
TLJ is the biggest cinematic car crash I've ever seen. its bad on so many levels, it unbelievable. I'm actually fascinated by it. Two years later and I'm still watching YouTube videos picking it apart. I just don't understand how this absolute clusterfuck of a film was made, especially consider the stakes.
But then Luke would have to hve some kind of redeeming quality, which would force them to make Rey a better written character. Why do that when you can just make her "better" and hit the white power patriarchy at the same time by tearing him down?
Because critics, casual fans, and many new fans loved it and Disney wanted to alienate the old fans on purpose. That's the only explanation. We will see if it works out for them.
>An interesting new character would still be better than Hux and the red troopers
>let's make up for the shitty new characters we introduced by introducing even MORE new shitty characters
Asking for it.
>Using Geeks And Gamers as a legitimate source.
Kill youself
He betrays the protagonists and then dies before he can redeem himself
>We will see if it works out for them
This shit will top out at $600m, if it even reaches that.
The new character wouldn't be coming off a movie where he was the butt of a yo momma joke and made to look like a buffoon at every turn, so yes it would be better.
The old ST characters have no depth to them and zero chemistry with one another, so they're just throwing in more poc actors to eat up screen time and distract the audience from this. Same reason Rose was created in TLJ.
He's black; not a fucking chance.
but even disregarding it being a Star Wars film, its just a terrible movie in general. The plot, the characters etc...Even the big fight scene in the throne room is shit. Visually it looks good, I suppose, but I don't understand how anyone could think this is a good movie, Star Wars fan or not. Just because it looks good and has brown people in it? is that enough to be considered a good movies these days. fuck me.
all of this
>Jannah is Finn's long lost sister introduced in movie 3
>Zorii is Rey's estranged mother introduced in movie 3
They wouldn't, right?
I'm convinced the whole Captain MArvel thing was a psyop by Disney to get people to see it. No way anyone got that upset about her saying anything.
>takes off girl
>it's actually a man
>Introducing TWO new characters in the finale to a trilogy.
"Sir people hate our bland uninspired characters and we killed all the beloved characters! What do we do?"
Bow...OH NO NO NO NO their going to RE: RotJ again aren't they? instead of Ewoks the indigenous people are just going to be less technologically based humans fucking JJ can't you get off George's dick for one moment and make something original to this franchise?
good thinking here though I'd say legolas was the next step from robin hood and katniss the next step from legolas. I doubt that YA writer took RH for inspiration but might have Orlando Bloom.
It's literally their best option.
>Kylo is so obviously going to turn good, there's no way he can be the final villain
>Hux is a Saturday morning cartoon villain giving Nazi speeches and getting pranked in front of his whole crew
>Phasma is a fucking prop
no, just Jenna but spelled in bullshit way cause someone thinks that's so alien. Like Qi'ra = Kira.
Lando is the epitome of cool black man. Disney would never make a colored character do anything seen as bad or shady. Now if he was white id agree with you.
>Prove me wrong.
Go back to twitter
Fighting because the other guys are bad. Became a Jedi because she felt like it, I guess.
Tried to escape on the first movie. Tried to escape again on the second movie.
Quipping machine with no screentime.
The universe's first down syndrome alien
Mark my fucking words that's what it is
I unironically think the title may be Superglue. Rey superglued the saber and Kylo superglued the mask.
>Rose shows up in one scene as a fucking Senator like Jar Jar, really busy so she can't participate in the plot
I would die laughing, great move JJ.
Dumb videogame / eu meme
I hope you're joking but HOLY shit, not promoting her in that picture I wonder why?
I 100% agree with you on everything. I think youd have to be brainwashed to genuinely believe TLJ is a legitimately well made movie. What I cant grasp is how a monlithic company could watch this being made and not once step in and say "are you guys sure this is what we want to do?" Like how could these higher ups look at the finished product and say "Yes this is perfect this will be a smash hit!"
so Dominic Monaghan, Richard E Grant and matt Smith are guaranteed villains then. Greg Grunner is the only white guy who isn't but he's fat so that's the same as being a minority.
Why are they introducing new characters in the last movie of the trilogy when the ones we have aren't even developed
TFA and TLJ are just big budget fan fiction adopted by women who never really cared about Star Wars, propped up by white knight nerds who also never truly were in to star wars. Prove me wrong?
Sequel and prequel apologists (see: Zoomers) are out in masse now pointing out all the low points of the EU to defend the newer bullshit. Despite the fact that the EU was fucking massive, with decades worth of content covering every medium imaginable, and Disney still manages to fit an entire EU's worth of fuckups into one blockbuster.
They had mostly a hands off approach with Marvel, and that worked out, because those people actually know (or at least knew) wtf they were doing. They did the same with SW, and really had no reason to doubt & try to get micromanagerial with it after TFA's box office.
Someone else said it before & I'll say it again: they replaced an imperfect yet carefully constructed miniature model with a contractor bag they all shat in until it was filled.
They should just have the TLJ officer who is an obv ripoff of Piett and kept rolling his eyes backstab Hux and take over the Order at end. Then he declares it's the Imperial Remnant. Hell retcon they're related
But it somehow ended up with 92% critics loving it and a legion of people who were never diehard Star Wars fans defending it. Whether they paid for that shilling or not, they somehow made a Spaceballs movie that has enough people convinced it's genius, so they ended up with the upper hand.
It was 100% a psypop I was in those threads. Every thread was a complete shill marketer. You know how many comments i saw of people saying they wanted to see the movie but brie seemed unlikeable? And then Immediately berrated with "VIRGIN VIRGIN HAVE SEX INCEL SEX INCEL"
sister is real spoiler, mom is not.
more negro wars? lmao
let me guess, this woman is a QUEEN of some shithole wakanda-like planet
What reason is there to care about this movie? The way TLJ ended it basically gave people no reason to even look forward to it. The resistance is 20 people in one ship
>Finn is Lando's son
How many audible groans on average you think this will get, being as everyone saw this shit coming with JJ from the first fucking TFA trailer?
Where are the alien qts?
the old west end games rpg sourcebooks are pretty good too.
Yeah then they said Captain Marvel was a 7.5/10 and worth checking out for Nick Fury, the most obvious shill campaign ever. They're still around.
>The last time the good guys got btfo this hard there needed to be a 20 year time skip and the beginning of an entirely new saga to undo the damage.
I went into TFA with an open mind and the beginning credits scroll made me realize this wasnt going to be good. It was basically 20 yrs passed and heres some new people and THE FIRST ORDER is here (not the empire) and the resistance(not the rebels) are stopping them. I knew in my heart this wasnt going to end well.
God fucking damnit, this.
Not fucking ONE thus far.
The new target audience of star wars finds them problematic.
They better fucking not !
>Lando have the same clothes as in Solo
It's downright criminal.
Fuck the new audience.
It's pottery to them & JJ though; Lando's son gets kidnapped by the FO & literally made a literal black slave.
>Godspeed Rebels
>I'm Rebel scum
The whole point of the OT was so that you could stop calling yourself a Rebellion or Resistance and become a fucking Republic. How does 30 years of that fall apart in 2 days because you let a new space nuke be developed under your nose?
Ive seen TLJ twice and it took me a good 5 minutes to remember who Rose was. I had to google it. I thought Rose was the girl "not Yoda" yoda from TFA
The new target audience of star wars doesn't give a shit about star wars.
I don't think you understand how mass media works. The biggest players don't just make the media, they have the influence necessary to shape what the consumers want. That's most of the battle for them- not making quality content, but manipulating audiences into getting hooked on whatever content is most profitably produced and reproduced. Disney was actively attempting to shape what the future of the market would be by changing the face of Star Wars into what their sheltered idealouges thought it should be. In this case, it seems that they just stretched the consumers too hard and fucked everything up. TLJ wasn't the financial travesty it deserved to be, but it crushed the long-term potential of the franchise.
I've never met a dollar I didn't like, and he hasn't either
Truly breaking new ground in the entertainment business. Remaking franchises specifically for people who don't care at the expense of those who did.
This makes sense. But Kennedy isnt even close to Feige (or at least what he used to be in really making sure each marvel film was legit and had a quality to it) so they should have realized early on Kennedy doesnt even have half of Feiges talent (even her mega producer husband shoehorned her into all those spielberg films)
Why are you guys bitching about this OT had 1 (ONE) Twi'lek girl and NT had like the Kaminoan if you can consider her attractive and not just "colored human" and that one Jedi master that got 66 blasted, SW hasn't been teeming with alien women before CT
I disliked the one that had "this has been in my anus" written on it. Didn't even want to snort coke through it, but I did.
Rey should have at least had a double sided lightsaber since it would fit in with her staff weapon proficiency.
>mfw even the 20 reviews ive read that were positive said brie larson was the worst part of the movie.
Not good when people think your main character is the worst part of her own movie.
Just because it's always been a problem doesn't mean I can't bitch about it STILL not having been solved.
Why do black people age so hard?
It's a real bitch when your skin absorbs 120% of sunlight & reflects zero.
Come on guys. Those were just shitposters doing it for easy (you)s. Actual shill threads are very different, they don't outright tell you to go watch the movie.
Ive said this before in other threads. Took a huge redpill at my old job.
>work at a warehouse thats majority black and mexicans
>a couple days before TFA comes out
>ask a couple dozen of my co workers if they are going to see TFA
>majority of them never even seen a star wars
>most of them think its "goofy white people shit for nerds"
Almost all of them said the same thing "I dont wanna see that nerdy white people shit fuck that" I assumed EVERYONE liked star wars. And im assuming Disney also doubled down on this too. Not realizing minorities probably dont like a movie series revolving around white wizards fighting with laser swords in space.
Thank you for the "shitposting for (you)s" example. Have a pity (you).
The (one) Twi'lek girl had a long fanservice scene ending with her death that made the species an EU mainstay. She wasn't even that hot, but had way more screentime than anything in the new movies. I don't even need anything like Oola again, just don't pretend like she was just in the background doing nothing. Fuck why cant you shills just leave the OT alone when needing to compare your shitty movies to them
she's in the movie, promoted to Poe's right hand (wo)man in high command.
primitive Bowcaster my dude
where are the white men at?
cause ones we have are beyond saving so they'll try to dazzle with new characters and push old ones into the background.
>Rey is still in desert rags
It's pathetic
he isn't. he and afro kween are brother and sister and they are not lando's children
Nobody did any real researching of any of this, I don't believe. They just assumed that since Kennedy was "Lucas's girl" she knew wtf she was doing.
The PT didn't really bring in all THAT many "new, young" fans, and the ones it did were pretty much exactly the same types the OT did... forty fucking years ago.
Why anybody automatically thought this shit could be retooled for Chadlington & Stacy to watch with their little girls while they beg them to buy the toys is well beyond my own level of stupidity, which ain't insignificant.
We Wuz Ewoks
Where is the Asian girl ? Is Finn gonna be paired with bow girl or robo nigga ?
She has experience running Spielberg Oscar bait films, she should have stuck to those, not running a cinematic universe.
My brother was a dating a single mom at the time. And her kid was at the age for star wars and she said she tried to show him TFA and he wanted nothing to do with it. Same for her sister and her two kids they wanted nothing to do with TFA and they were the target ages. Funny enough all those same kids LOVE marvel.
Disney started to change SW's primary target audience from white men to women and minorities cause statistics told them that those demos are the future or someshit. before, you know, those demos were in position to take over as the most potent consumers. so they ended up with alienated old demo that's still huge majority of SW consumership and with meh response on the part of those new demos they prioratized at the expense of the old demo.
Maybe she's part of a less intelligent race that only appears human, but can't actually understand technology.
they work in space, don't they?
it isn't just that she isn't feige, it;'s that they fundamentally failed to understand that SW fans have different behavioral patterns than MCU fans despite crossover. MCU fans bitch and moan but support those movies even if they offend their sensibilities. SW fans withdrew their support to Solo and to lesser extent TLJ (I guess undoing the rush on opening weekend was pretty tough although bad legs made up for it somewhat) because they offended their sensibilities. LF couldn't believe that Solo bombed cause nothing like it happened with even the most no1curr MCU properties. Now they have to re-think the whole concept of Saga + spin-offs because they learned the hard way that SW fans =/= Marvel fans and never will be.
just call them the fucking Empire.
that's what they are.
>D & D coming in gave them the great idea to rewrite Leia as essentially the Mountain
I don't get it either. She's even downgrading, she's back to her TFA outfit except it's white now.
Does she like dressing like a bum?
>implying the Knights of Ren will ever be as much as mentioned again
>they learned the hard way that SW fans =/= Marvel fans and never will be
They could, easily. But there's a huge fucking difference between a "cinematic universe" comprising 12+ "main" characters over 20+ films & a franchise based on like fucking 3-5.
You fuck THOSE characters & their portrayals up, without anything you've introduced being strong enough to fall back on, you are royally fucked.
Well they're on the leaked promo poster that has the same characters as the OP image.
JK Rowling is changing character details every five minutes to appease sjws on twitter, she's a fucking terrible example of making good characters
It'll be nice to see old man Oscar Isaac having ptsd flashbacks in interviews
The vitriol against Rian in those from all the production crew will be legendary.
What's the purpose of having a low-tech weapon if you're just going to make the string out of plasma?
I remember Leia's "death" was actually fucking powerful for my audience. Especially if they noticed Ackbar, the fact that two of the biggest SW characters could be killed off like that nonchalantly was a great SUBVERSION that showed the horrors of war. People gasped, were into it, and everyone was ready to move on and see how Kylo would handle his copilot being responsible for his mother's death.
Then she came back for no fucking reason at all in the most awful visual in SW history, and I dont think my audience reacted to anything else in the film.
yes, LF made the same mistake as DC when they tried to achieve cienamtic universe overnight without years of planning and patient build up. heck, they couldn't plan 3 sequel movies let alone a shared universe. serves them right. at least DC is course correcting now and focusing on individual movies rather than shared uni. I couldn't care less what SW will do cause Disney sensibilities are all wrong for it.
It's not worth sacrificing the main theme and heart of Star Wars just so it's "not a retread." Kylo won't die a bonafide villain. He's the last and only Skywalker and Solo heir.
I love that she's going so much farther with it than even the majority of them are comfortable with. She'll be writing whole minutely descriptive chapters to Dumbeldore getting Whatshisname's shit out of his urethra after their passionate buttfucking session soon.
Everything about Kylo and Leia was done wrong in TLJ. They started out good with his confliction and refusal to kill her, but then they didn't even have him mention her even one more time again throughout the rest of the movie. Like they just couldn't find the time to flesh out that very important relationship. It was noticeable and jarring.
>a thing
get that clone wars fan fic shit out of my face
Hilarious. I'd bet they were banking on their actual "face to face" for *UNTITLED EP IX*.
All this shit they built up to fall on Carrie only to have her essentially OD from how miserable it all was making her.
>bad guy is fifteen feet tall and invisible
Lumiya & the lightwhip were both great.
Luke fucking coldly beheading her was kino.
>NT had like the Kaminoan if you can consider her attractive
Taun We is a cute! CUTE!!
JJ Binks is just going to bring Snoke back. Mark my words.
His (dark side) force ghost is going to possess Hux MGS2-style or some shit.
completely redefining "deep throat"
lol, cute
She was very good to start. Not perfect, most of the romances weren't all that great, but there's a lot to admire and a reason those books were so beloved. If she didn't have a twitter account those characters would still be as solid as when she first wrote them.
I can't believe they were fans that defended this scene and thought Luke doing this was in-character and even morally justified. The nigga had his light saber up posed to strike when his nephew was sleeping, only to find out he was awake and saw his uncle, mentor, and leader of the order he was raised looking like he was going to strike him down.
How the hell can anyone think this was a fleeting moment of lapsed judgement that was only instinctual? Replace lightsaber with a gun pointing to his head when the victim's wakes up and tell me that isn't attempted murder.
Fuck off cunt where’s all the black and Asian people, rise up people !q
This. I can see Luke having the train of thought. I can see him struggling with considering it.
But you can't fucking tell me Luke couldn't sense the fucking kid's dreams from the other end of the compound if he wanted to. And he'd never actually wrestle with it enough to be standing over him ready to do it.
>light saber up posed to strike
I think this was only in kylo's version of the story, but your argument still applies even to luke's version
Fucking kek that gif i always end up laughing at this scene its like they made last jedi a comedy on purpose
So, niggers?
turning Star Wars from a sci-fi movie into literally "white saviour, the movie"
how else do they think it looks if they turn everyone else into "minorities" except Rey?
[minorities is in quotation marks because at world scale white people are actually the minority]
Ah yes, the Feige Ghostbusters angle
don't worry minorities, brown haired white woman is coming to save you
>at world scale white people are actually the minority
Shhh, you're breaking the narrative, they can't deal with being bigoted against the global racial minority.
yikes you’re probably right
Clone Wars is canon
>fan fic
You mean canon user :^)
>then he realizes she played him & Jacen actually killed Mara
>so now he can't avenge her without falling
k i n o