What did aquaman mean by this? One of his special powers?

What did aquaman mean by this? One of his special powers?

Attached: aquamancopsafeel_0.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

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is he, dare i say, /ourguy/?


he usurps the essence of cuny for his powers

you mean to tell me your hand doesn't move on it's own usually


>that fucking look of "ive been found out who else saw it"

look how spooked he is

those are probably just his kids you fucking weirdos.

Who the fuck does that to their kids? how does that make it better?

Ah, that makes it okay to have sex with them. I see you're a native of Hollywood.

Aquaman, pls..

>overwhelmed by situation
>randomly caressing daughter's stomach
>some retards on the media think he's intentionally rubbing his daughter's "tits"
And this is why people on this board are the most antisocial psychopaths. You fuckers have zero self-awareness and can't analyse any social situatuons whatsoever. How the fuck do you even function IRL if you can't pick up on stuff like that? Or are you children who go "hihihi, he touched his daughter, did you see that?"

>DisneyMoms still trying to push this meme
Pathetic . Go watch Captain Marvel again

the one on the left is actually a boy

stomach > tits to be fair

it's fake retards


Of course it's his daughters. It's just some mentally ill people here trying to spam the same shit over and over again. I don't know whether it's just Disney shills or legit retards who don't understand that some parents don't even pay attention where exactly they are caressing their kids

It's in fashion in hollyweird to make your sons look like little girls atm

Liev is a master of it


now show the one where he gropes her ass

Then why does she move his hand away, and give him a "What the fuck?" look?

she asks him a question about the dance they are being instructed on

I honestly don't rule out actual Disney marketeers not roaming this board after everything related to Captain Marvel. Even the biggest plebs I know say it's shit so people on a board dedicated to movies hyping CM and at the same time shitting on Aquaman and Wonder Woman is crazy to me. These smear threads just further reinforce my thoughts

Very based, he is trying to escape the inherent cuckoldry of having daughters

Attached: 1549412169991.png (684x741, 739K)

Isn't the right one his daughter and the left one his son? I mean I don't even give a shit about the daughter but if it's the son, who in the world gives a shit about that?

the shit is being taken so out of context it's not even worth responding to incels like you

>smearing him as a pedophile on a pedophile site

the one he is """groping""" is his daughter

Why the fuck would he do it this publicly? He looks close to tears in the end lel.

Even if wasn't true, why can't a kid just be annoyed that he's/she's being touched in general? I told my mom several times to not touch my shoulders as a kid just because I was annoyed and not because I felt groped by her. Kids don't have that kind of perverse thinking as most people here do. Fuck, are people really this dense or is Disney really pissed that Aquaman made over a billion?

>made over a billion
wtf since when, i haven't been paying attention to it, fungus shills on suicide watch lmao

Where are all these pedo apologists coming from? Yes we get it, you think age of consent laws are an infringement on your rights, now fuck off back to your tranny discord.

If you think Yea Forums now is a pedo site, you have no fucking idea whatsoever. Try your luck with 2008 Yea Forums and we can talk

He's obviously touching the stomach so I don't know where this fake outrage comes from. If you have watched some interviews with his co-stars, you should already know that he's a very emotional person and that he probably comes from a household where love was actually shown by hugging, touching, etc
I think regular Americans have a hard time understanding that people in other cultures focus on touching, caressing, hugging, etc a lot more. In my country, people, especially family, greet with kisses. Americans immediately proceed to call that kind of stuff gay


Based kike turning sons into cunnies

I think it was in January. It was a legitimately good movie so I'm happy it did

Just because you can't read social cues doesn't mean everybody's a pedo, you dimwit. Go out more and have real-life interactions with people instead of just sitting at your computer
>tranny discord
What the fuck does that even mean? Takes one to know one I guess?

i'm a filthy newfag so i have no idea how great 2008 was, but certainly it hasn't died out completely

god I wish that was my dad

>tranny discord
>enabling their competition

got any more of this?

Pretty much. They are legit seething that DC are turning things around.

Dude, it has died out. In 2008 when I came here for the first time, I was fucking shocked to see literally a third or quarter of threads on Yea Forums be full-blown cp threads. It was crazy. After a while, you just learn to ignore it and use other boards

People use tranny discord, which I don't even know what it means, and Reddit, which I never visited apart from /r/ threads to get 1080p rips, as insults here and it makes me think that only people who do it in the first place use those "insults". It's literally like kids screaming, I swear

Yeah but why? If Disney were delivering quality products like Phase 1 instead of the shit we get now, wouldn't it be nice to have to companies who put in effort? I honestly don't get company war faggots

not only that, but there were disused chans everywhere that were completely flooded with it
the internet is so sterile now to what it used to be

>all this pedo deflection
Look pal, your cover is blown. Crawl back into your hole and take your HRT. Don't forget to dilate!

>using other boards for cp
yea like Yea Forums

it's a reversed gif, retards

/pol/ just repeats the same few buzzwords when confronted with things they disagree with, SJW kike shill etc.

They're probably his daughters

>be a good father and comfort your daughter because she's showing signs of being uncomfortable
>a bunch of projecting NEETs on the internet who never received emotional and physical care from their parents calls you a pedo

I can understand attacking Liev Schreiber and people like him, who have obviously done some fucked up things to his kids. But attacking someone for comforting their child in a stressful situation, once? Fuck off.

Attached: 1537006037696.jpg (606x421, 46K)

and they are right 90% of the time

yeah they are 90% right leaning hence the lack of thought put into their beliefs

Strange. I'm a SocDem and I've been browsing /pol/ on and off since 2011, arguing my SocDem beliefs, and I can count the amount of times I've been called a SJW, kike or shill on two hands. I've been called a commie a bunch of times, but that's usually just an insult added to the end of an argument that attacks my opinions, which is fair enough.

Maybe you're just shit at arguing your opinions, so that nobody bothers coming up with worthwhile responses.

>Pedophile site
LOL are you shoot 17?

ok sjw kike shill discord tranny

I'm assuming you're on the same political side as I am. Please stay the fuck away from /pol/. Brainlets like you do nothing except radicalize them further.

Nothing is more frustrating than having a bunch of sub-75 IQ cunts like yourself derail decent debates with your retarded ramblings, which only serves as confirmation bias and fuel for radicalization.

>pls stay off /pol/ I can't handle being BTFO anymore
lmao get rekt cuck