>watch movie
>don't get the ending
>read summary on wikipedia
Watch movie
Other urls found in this thread:
>>read summary on wikipedia
Should have stopped there, no one actually watches movie here. Dumb frog poster
>fully understand movie ending
>check wiki page anyway
>check tvtropes page for fun
>read wikipedia every 10 minutes to make sure i'm following the plot correctly
>watch movie
>don't get the ending
>ask about it on Yea Forums
>go back to r*ddit
>watch movie
>about to end with boring predictable outcome
>pause at the last ~15-20 minutes
>skip through the ending
why do I do this?
>watch movie to understand the wikipedia article
>want to watch movie
>look it up on wikipedia first
>if the plot section isn't at least 5 paragraphs long I'm not watching it
based frog posters
>watch movie
>luckily it's a Nolan flick so he spells everything out at the end so that even the most inbred simpleton will get it
>tfw can't check out the IMDB forums any more
Whenever there was an ending that was the least bit ambiguous I'd go over there and sure enough, there'd be long discussions with people not getting it and making up all kinds of bullshit in their heads for it to make sense. It always made for some entertainment. On here you have to wait for someone to make a thread about it for the retards to flock in, with the IMDB forums there was always a thread ready to be read.
>edit wikipedia articles on movies
>introduce a tiny but crucial mistake about the plot
>lurk Yea Forums
>absolutely shit on somebody reiterating that mistake because he has read it on wikipedia
>lurk wikipedia
>wait until someone trys to undo the mistake
>report to wikipedia admins for malicious trolling and revert changes
>implying nolan films are limited to a single ending
>he thinks the ending of The Prestige was spelled out
Based brainlet who thinks he got it.
>can't check out the IMDB forums any more
it's an archive and continuation. they have a chrome/firefox extension that inserts a link/preview on the bottom of film pages on imdb
>those recently viewed
could not possibly be more reddit
Epic roast user! XD
...that's one of the screenshots from the extension's chrome web store page
>Watching a TV show
>Pause 10 minutes in
>Read the wiki summary of the episode
>continue watching
that was a bad habit
>movie has sex scene
>check wikipedia to see if it's unsimulated
>read summary on Wikipedia
>watch movie
When I was a kid, I would read the last few pages of a book before reading the rest from the beginning.
holy fucking basedcemi
So you enjoy when movies have part of the ending in the prologue?