Cast him

Cast him.

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>That fridge like body
There is one person I know and she has a pet anvil

>His only job is to die

how well do you think it payed?

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>His only job is to die
Sean Bean?

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Idris Elba

Jonah Hill


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No, he's a B.I.G. guy

christ this season of jojo is so fucking boring

Some people say the next is even worse. (Personally, I liked it more.)

notorious chase

I don't get it, i think it's been amazing so far, especially loving the episodes with slight horror vibes like the last one. You people are crazy..

Pay no mind to the SBR-fags, we hate them on Yea Forums as well

The cast feels less involved than usual (Fugo had one fight and fucked off, Abacchio and Trish barely do anything) and Giorno is a boring Gary Stu.


Abbachio's stand is not a battle stand, Abacchio is more involved in dialogue than most other characters
Trish isn't meant to be a badass female stand user, very clearly
Fugo doesn't want to bring out his stand unless he absolutely must do it

just use angles to make him taller like they did in The Hobbit

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>Abbachio's stand is not a battle stand
It has arms, and its lowest stats are Cs, so he should be able to throw a decent punch. He just never does because reasons.
In Trish and Fugo's cases, those are just excuses.

well i don't watch Jojo mainly for the battles, so that probably helps. And the show is still only halfway. I like a slow build-up if it leads to something great like P4 did

C is average human strength

What a shitty stand

He summoned it while he was alive, it works while he's alive and became supercharged by his death. That's not shitty at all.

aside from GER, made in heaven, and Bohemian Rhapsody its the strongest stand and apocalyptic. Its stats but 1 are all infinite or As

Thought of this immediately.

>B.I.G. guy
>getting caught was part of his plan
>wants to crash the plane with no survivors

Of coursh, the fire rises.

ok, that post was epic

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What did Nolan mean by this?