Are there any movies that depict a civilization's point of no return...

Are there any movies that depict a civilization's point of no return, wherein certain ethnic groups can do whatever they want and get away with it?

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Dude he just committed terrorism in an attempt to incite racial violence. It's no big deal.

To be fair, being a gay black jew in United Mutts of Israel is playing the game on God mode

came here to post this
probably the most powerful combination

except for the part where you have to spend your entire life surrounded by other blacks, jews, and black jews

Might be a deal breaker.

Any movies about /pol/ getting btfo by a dumb faggot with plots straight out of a MAD TV sketch?

What makes it most infuriating is the smug demeanor of this complete and utter scumbag. Lets hope the fbi will do what's right.

>wherein certain ethnic groups can do whatever they want and get away with it?
blacks are the majority of prisoners in the US lol. This one guy skated because 1. he's famous (rich?), 2. the prosecutor thought using their time on violent offenders was more useful, 3. shenanigans, or 4. the police fucked up the investigation somehow that made it less likely to return a conviction. Don't be silly.

He didn't get away with it because he's black, he got away with it because his family is rich and well-connected politically. When you're hanging out with Senators, and both the DA and a former president's chief of staff are friends of your family, you can basically do whatever you want.

>dad is a banker who tried to save a guys business but it blew up in his face because the dude started thieving
>faced only 2 felony counts but they went after him with everything but because he didn't steal they couldn't do much but still got like 10 years probation and has to pay back millions in damages and has heavy impact on the family
>this nigger runs up 17 felonies and gets a raise
Fuck this shit

How conveniant of you not to mention his political connections.

who is this

Jussie Smollet, an actor on the show Empire, who faked a hate crime probably to help his Chicago government friends push new laws. He got caught with so much evidence against him but he's friends with the state prosecutor who dropped all charges behind the scenes.

But what are you going to do about it? Nothing. That's why they knew they could get away with it. Whites don't riot over shit like this. Even blacks that say it's bullshit are secretly pumping their fists that the system got gamed.

Yea. They gave up on this slam dunk video evidence defendant gave 2 statements case to focus on all those shitcongo murders.

Also he had to pay a $10k bribe

>thinking rich famous people getting let off by the law is something new
How naive are you

A 10k bribe in Chicago politics is essentially a finders fee. Do you zoomers forget that Rahm Emanuel literally sold a senator seat?

There's no such thing as a point of no return in culture. Things shift constantly.
Which is why politics is futile and pointless.

There'll be a point where tomorrow's version of 'progressives' will differ greatly with today's wokeness, and are free, looking back on cases like this, to admit that Jussie is a comtemptable scumbag.

I mean today's progressives are a completely different animal than 60s liberals... today's centrists and even some supposed right wingers have more in common with the now. Whereas the 'left' now are basically corporate careerists and the contemporary equialent of sour-faced old school marm moralists tsk tsk'ing at the rambunctious and human.

>A 10k bribe in Chicago politics is essentially a finders fee.
Well it wasn't like he was buying anything particularly big. Just getting out of some felony charges, like you're saying in Chicago that's no big deal.
>Do you zoomers forget that Rahm Emanuel literally sold a senator seat?
That was Blagojevich iirc

> today's centrists and even some supposed right wingers have more in common with the *60s liberal left now.

>outspoken lefty
>friends with the obamas
He could literally kill everyone in the world and get away with it.


Its like a cheat code. Wonder if black people ever get bored having it so easy in amerimuttland

>He could literally kill everyone in the world and get away with it.
If he could do that there'd be no one left to prosecute him.

Yea as soon as I clicked post I knew I said the wrong corrupt politician.

wtf i thought we were dangerous nazi mass shooters backed by russians?
also no one gives a shit about blacks rioting in their hood

>rich dude gets out of a charge, something that has happened a million times before
>it's suddenly an issue because the guy is a faggot lefty
lol you guys are so pathetic.

>blacks are the majority of prisoners in the US
because they commit the most crimes

statistically speaking, MORE of them should be in jail

They're also objectively discriminated against and given harsher penalties for the same crimes and being put in prison is a predictor for crime.

Thats a conspiracy theory you white liberal asshat

It's fact, sorry that that upsets your feelings.

>They're also objectively discriminated against
Provably false, but continue to believe your delusions.

>it's suddenly an issue

Because the guy is extremely racist, a public figure and a well connected political activist who tried to increase racial tensions with a ridiculous lie that will now sow doubt whenever an actual victim of such an attack comes forth.

Even without mentioning his horrible pressconferences he's a disgusting scumbag.

Black people are more violent due to their genetics.
Why do you people hate science so much?

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1920's Southern USA
could kill a nigger for something you white neighbour did, miss those times desu

>constant release of videos of black people getting beat the fuck up by police for vaping too close to them or some shit
>"niggers gonna nig, had it coming, dirty apes"
>one black guys gets off cause he's rich and in the media
>"clearly the criminal justice system is in favour of blacks"
Never change, /pol/

6,5% of the population are responsible for 50% of the murders, and it's society's fault?

You Ameritards will never get over race will you?

>>constant release of videos of black people getting beat the fuck up by police for vaping too close to them or some shit
literally what the fuck are you talking about?




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Post ONE fucking example of a black guy getting beat up for no reason. One.

>just let them rape your women, bigot!

This dumb fat fuck is literally destroying the country and the world and getting away with it but you're choosing to focus on one gay jew nigger because he hired two nogs to beat himself up. You're the reason shit's gone south and you don't even know it. Reevaluate your priorities, reevaluate your whole life. You are literally the worst people in the entire world for not knowing the difference between an attention-seeking nobody and someone whose dumb shit is going to make the world impossible for your children to live in no matter what race they are.

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Left wing conspiracy theorists don't give a shit about reality


Only ironically. Most of Yea Forums and even /pol/ are Democrats.

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Posting fringe science is meaningless, buddy.

Thanks for proving my point

>This dumb fat fuck is literally destroying the country and the world
how so?

Buddy Obama did far more to increase the racial divide and destroy muslim countries than Trump has yet.

>you people who actually built this nation are the problem, why can't you just accept our radically different culture you backwards bigots
Something something shall

>"Now if you'll excuse me, I have a pizzagate to expose and Sandy Hook was a hoax to take away our guns. Also lmao holohoax."

Oh shit, do all black people have political connections? Is that why there are no black people in jail?

can't stop winning right guys! Keep America Great! kek

>hyperinflation is good
lol yang will make you poorer

>peer reviewed medical articles from the most respected journals in the world are fringe
Kill yourself lol

>jew organization will catch their comrade
No way fag

Trump did more to destroy the nation than anyone else before him. He's tearing down the institutions that ensured American dominance over the globe in favor of going at it unilaterally and forgetting that our alliances are crucial to maintain national security. He's sold out to Israelis and Saudis more than any other president in history while also pulling America out of the mainstay organizations we originally founded to ensure a status quo that would've remained in our favor. Greater men than him put these institutions in place and he's ensuring America and the world order it so carefully crafted under great men will be crippled beyond repair by the time he leaves.

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I'm not OP and the only sentiment I express is disgust with Jussie, not because of his race but because of his disgusting actions combined with his remorseless, shameless personality/demeanor.

My response would have been exactly the same had he been white and the people he tried to frame black.

>jeffrey Sachs
Next your going to post Paul Krugman.
You people are so brainwashed and predictable.

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Yeah but he made the libs mad and that's all that matters to his supporters

>He's sold out to Israelis and Saudis more than any other president in history

..implying the previous administrations didnt.

Quick rundown on the surname of that economist.

thinly disguised pol-bait

>Trump is forcing the world to play by our rules
>truM0 Is EnDinG aMerICAn heGeMonY

Hey this the politics thread right

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thanks for proving my point

I used to be a sapper. Do you think the based corps of engineers civilian side would hire me to build Mexican defense walls? I'm also a hopeless alcoholic but it is a govt job.