Why do (((they))) hate him?
Luke Skywalker has vanished
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Based Vlad, I wonder what was th russians take on Star Wars. It was the height of the cold war. I wonder if they took it as american propaganda.
anyone know a movie discussion site that doesn't have /pol rejects injecting their stupid bullshit constantly?
literally redit you fucking kike
You can go to reddit and fucking stay there. It's filled with faggots like you and they downvote all the problematic shit.
>white male, works hard to achieve his goals, just like real life
Completely goes against the current narrative of white male privilege.
>white male, works hard to achieve his goals, just like real life
how many of you anons fit this description
you guys are exactly the same as sjw's.
you are unable to stfu about politics.
jj abrams being a shitty movie maker isn't enough, you have to add your bullshit to it.
Unironically, Reddit has some film and movie boards if you want an actual discussion. I cant think of any other film boards still up they were all shut down. IMDB doesn't count because it was nothing but shitposting. The passion of the christ had so much flame bait they made a separate board for religion
Luke Skywalker is everything the Jew hates. A boy turning into a man.
I'm Jewish and they're 100% right desu.
Man JJ has a big nose hey? haha
JJ made him a coward who abandonned his friends when they needed him the most, letting his sister deal with the problems. Rian made him a complete failre who lost faith in eveything and commits suicide because he felt responsible for making Kylo a bad boy after considering killing him in his sleep. Shot a completely insane scene where Luke is shown milking a walrus and drinking from it like a dirty hobo. It reminds me of when the americans captured saddam Hussein and showed him dirty and unshaved being inspected by a doctor as if he was a wild animal. In both cases that was propaganda to destroy his image. Then to complete the humiliation they replaced the male hero by a little girl. It's like Disney hired pentagon expert in psychological warfare and used their techniques to demorlize the audience.
>the jews want to destroy star wars
he almost had me except for the fact he argues the basis for the disneywars was the jewish-created expanded universe. if this were correct, then why would they get rid of decades of writing to make this paradigm only to get rid of it when disneywars started?
Any sequel would need to lose Luke. You can’t have conflict if you have a force god around to save the day.
>you guys are exactly the same as sjw's.
you are unable to stfu about politics.
jj abrams being a shitty movie maker isn't enough, you have to add your bullshit to it.
unironically making me think
maybe i should leave Yea Forums
>why would they get rid of decades of writing to make this paradigm only to get rid of it when disneywars started
I honestly believe they ditched the EU for two reason, firstly these stories are already known, secondly the people Kathleen Kennedy hired to make the new movies are mostly women and fuckers from Bad Robot. They don't know jackshit about star Wars, they don't care about it and they are too lazy to read all those books and make something of it. They just binge watched the OT and made a reboot injected with their subversive ideology.
Is it really only just striking you now that this place is incredibly bad for you?
I thought most people knew
oh no you might think a bad thing
>Any sequel would need to lose Luke. You can’t have conflict if you have a force god around to save the day.
You can lose Luke without turning him into a complete failure, a psycho who tried to murder his nephewe, ran away in shame, abandonned all his beliefs and commits suicide.
How about there's a new villain that is actually stronger than him instead of nu-vaillain who gets beaten by an untrained girl on first try?
How about Luke being incapacitated without doing anything wrong, he could have fallen ill or gotten betrayed. There are infinite possibilities but you need a good writer, and that's not on Disney's menu.
The EU was in phases to get rewritten years before the buyout. It was becoming a convoluted mess. This is why most industries like comics have so many parallel/alternative universes. Especially after that Karen Travis drama with Mara Jade.
The funny thing is it was never considered canon by Lucas which is why TCW contradicted it so often. Filoni got the brunt of it by EU fans for some reason.
I'm terrified you're being genuine with this utterly asinine assumption.
you will
>you are unable to stfu about politics.
>jj abrams being a shitty movie maker isn't enough, you have to add your bullshit to it.
Yes JJ is a very bad director who can't even inject politics in a subtle way, it was in your face in every fucking scene like how Rey slaps Finn telling him to stop holding her hand, she's a big girl. If you aren't totally brain dead you just can't unsee this shit. Normal people don't like to be manipulated when they're supposed to be entertained.
>unironically making me think
maybe i should leave Yea Forums
maybe you belong to reddit
I am 100% unironical
>It reminds me of when the americans captured saddam Hussein and showed him dirty and unshaved being inspected by a doctor as if he was a wild animal. In both cases that was propaganda to destroy his image. Then to complete the humiliation they replaced the male hero by a little girl. It's like Disney hired pentagon expert in psychological warfare and used their techniques to demoralize the audience.
why can't you just have sex?!
Basically this. All civilisations are built on national epics centred around good and evil, the Jews hate the concept of good vs evil being so appealing because they know exactly which side they'd fit in to, so they try to muddy the waters with (((grey morality))).
>It reminds me of when the americans captured saddam Hussein and showed him dirty and unshaved
He still faced his execution like a boss
tbqhwyf people who bitch about the EU being erased don't even know what the canon tiers were, and that the EU (minus the clone wars tv shows, which were their own tier) was at the bottom right before fanfiction and tabletop games / toy descriptions
I just get the feeling people are jumping on the hate train just because. Especially saying they miss TFU which was hot garbage on release. Nothing like TIE Fighter or Dark Forces
Very good screencap.
Synagogue of Satan´s subversion program very well explained.
I only differ in that Lucas planed it, don´t believe he did.
Like every other Jew he just copied, here the well established Western Hero archetype story arch then inserted his mumbo jumbo.
They don't need to downvoat anything anymore, it gets deleted almost instantly now by the (((google))) algos.
How much virginity do I need to swallow this trash
I don´t, because I got smart.
Why work of my butt for the Jews and their fucken nigger pets.
Unemployment is VERY comfy when you´re white and don´t need to do drugs or fuck whores the whole time.
Women hate the concept of you losing your virginity
Are you really that fucking dense?
That´s pretty much EXACTLY what happened!
How many times a day do you post something like this? Do you realize you might as well be a bot? or you're totally non-sentient?
>jews hate heroes
what about that Mary Sue?
Not as many as women tell you it irl
What a dumb incel faggot. The morally grey stuff began with lucas and is far more prevelant in the prequels
>I’m terrified
>Jews hate heroes
Is that why they created the MCU and their 20+ heroes?
Fucking retard.
You people like Chee whose specific job was it to be a living EU library existed?
*You know
>Like every other Jew he just copied, here the well established Western Hero archetype story arch then inserted his mumbo jumbo.
>what is the hero's journey
You neonazis sure aren't too bright.
If you think Star Wars is some sort of anti west Jewish conspiracy you need to speak to someone
Where the fuck is Luke you stupid hack
She's not a hero in the Campbellian sense. Zero arc.
but that's bullshit imo
the Empire are the good guys, except Jewlywood depicts them as le ebil natsees
>Lucas is jewish
Imagine being this dumb
She's the opposite of the Nietzschean archetype, the one that they hate.
Damn, how haven't I seen this before?. That was beautiful
they push their progressive propaganda where "Strong Independent Waman" and POCs take the lead and make all white men useless and pathetic (Han Solo, Luke and even the new characters like General Ginger)
pls don't attack my friends the jews like that you horrible right wing man :(
They didn't have to kill luke's character, they deliberately chose to do that to push their moral relativism and "everything is grey" defeatist morality.
They already had a hero to easily exploit but they chose to ruin him to push their memes
Marvel and DC are thoroughly jewish properties. Star Wars was not.
The jew seeks to mangle profitable IPs in his own image, highjacking it to broadcast his messages to a level of success that satisfies him.
I don’t but I’m not
of something someone says on an anonymous northern Irish suntan lotion forum, you massive bender.
meant for
Sorry I’m sooo terrified I clicked the wrong post number
I don't understand how Luke goes from redeeming the most evil person in the galaxy to attempting to murder his nephew because he had a bad dream.
And then exiles himself, because if the OT taught us anything, it's that clearly Luke is a character who gives up in the face of adversity.
Fucking garbage. I'm not upset about him dying even tho "dying because you're really sleepy" is lame. I'm upset because they turned him into a piece of shit.
Even if you ignore how they treat Luke, none of the other characters progress in TLJ. Finn went from being a coward to overcoming his fear in TFA and in the first 10 minutes of TLJ he's back to running away again. And Rey never loses, can't lose, has already beaten the big bad twice - what's there to even care about? If anything her going evil, or being so arrogant that she lets something bad happen, or SOMETHING would have been more interesting. When Luke left Dagobah too early, it had severe consequences. Rey suffered nothing for her rash decisions, just another win on the board.
i hate star wars threads now because it just depresses me. This is the first time I've ever had no hype at all, period, for a new star wars movie. Even Solo held morbid curiousity.
Yes, imagine the chickenhakws who attacked Iraq being in his position, they would shit their pants and start crying hysterically. All the chickenhawks in the Bush cabinet were draft dodgers.
Mary Sue is goddess Isis, the jews/freemasons actually worship her.
>>Like every other Jew he just copied, here the well established Western Hero archetype story arch then inserted his mumbo jumbo.
>>what is the hero's journey
Thanks for preserving a good rebutal from the fascist jannies.
>If you think Star Wars is some sort of anti west Jewish conspiracy you need to speak to someone
To who, some jewish psychatrist?
Disney ditched the EU because the EU was just baggage in their eyes. Most Star Wars fans are casuals who don't even know the EU exists, so it's not like throwing it in the trash would even make anyone mad aside from a handful of neckbeards. The real problem isn't so much that they threw out the EU, it's that they completely failed to replace it. Star Wars went from having a rich albeit retarded universe full of details and locations, to being a sterile and empty setting where each new movie plays so fast and loose with the established worldbuilding that it become impossible to stay invested in what happens in the story.
Why are incels so obsessed with jews
Why are jews so obsessed with incels