Will she die? I didn't read the books.
Will she die? I didn't read the books
She gets raped to death by a pack of feral niggers
We can only hope. But probably not. This series has no balls anymore.
Yes. Pic related will kill her
the show overtook the books years ago
In the books she dies shitting in a field. In the show she will probably die betrayed by her kingsgaurd after going sicko mode.
That would somehow make watching these last few seasons worth it. Fucking hell that bitch is arrogance in human form.
Based Jorah will stay in the background during the whole season, sometimes saying the right thing at the council, killing some walkers, maybe some banter with Tyrion... then he will see that Daenerys is too insane and nobody else has the balls to kill her
Then he disappears, some say to rebuild the Night Watch, becoming their 1000th Lord Commander to prevent the Walkers from rising again
As long as fucking Tyrone ends up surviving to the end, I'll be happy.
Defense of kings landing. John gets killed. Kelly C goes mad king. Jorah picks up johns sword (really jorahs sword) and stabs Kelly C. The sword ignites and the Prince that was promised is revealed.
I'm a better writer than d&d but then again so is my 10 year old nephew.
Fire (Dany) joins with Ice (Night King)
Night king is the "prince that was promised".
She will die of beaties
>As long as fucking Tyrone ends up surviving to the end, I'll be happy.
Tyrone L'nnistah
Itz French n sheeit
>A Lamarr never pays his debts.
It would be extremely satisfying if she died in the most humiliating way possible. She's an insufferable cunt. Literally the epitome of when females confuse assertiveness with being a cunt.
No, because of this.
>typical feminist got fans
More like typical american
Yeah, just look how obviously delighted they were over Theon getting beat. Not to mention how uncharacteristically restrained their response to Daenerys was.
wait why was that one chick clicking her fingers
Too weak to clap.
It's like clapping but you can do it with one hand, but both her hands are free so maybe she is just an affectatious roastie.
>be me
>game of thrones season 1 comes out
>watch it
>wow pretty cool daenerys has dragons and grew quite a bit as a character, that's pretty sweet
>i really like house targaryen now
>oh oh OH, i know! i am going to buy a targaryen hoodie from HBO shop!!!
>pay 80€ for the hoodie and shipping costs combined
>turns out "L" size in US is quite bigger than EU "L" size so it's too big for me, but the fact that it's oversized makes it a bit comfy
>wear it to school every now and then, but not that often
>season 2 comes out
>Qarth ending was decent enough, still remember the "It's all a lie" quote from Jorah, 10/10
>my loyalty is wavering though
>"g-g-god damn it i want targaryens to win"
>wear it at home every now and then if it gets cold
>season 3
and that is how my game of thrones targaryen hoodie has been sitting in my closet for 6 years now
its the last season one user should visit the bar and sit next to bessie
Thank the gods for her.
My bet is that Jon ends up being forced to kill her.
Get a fucking gf. They love to steal hoodies.
It's a form of clapping that's not so violent, she doesn't want to trigger the PTSD of her friends
>dumb bitch who can't even clap is wearing a maga hat
Why am I not surprised?
>muh /pol/
Either Jon or Jorah will kill her, either Jon because Azor Ahai memes, or most likely Jorah because she'll go full mad queen and will need to be put down.
Don't forget this, too
because clapping triggers anxiety
Fuck me, 2 planes was not enough.
>implying /pol/ supports (((Trumpstein)))
Where did I say anything about Trump?
>implying /pol/ supports (((Trumpstein)))
Where did I say anything about /pol/?
She's the one true queen of Westeros
>too weak to clap
why are they cheering at a little girl getting set on fire?
Indian people are born sociopaths, that's what makes them such great scammers
showfags really hated Stannis Baratheon
Can’t be done in 6 episodes
do you guys just make fun of middle aged people for not being attractive?