It'd be easy for the conservatives to push a film that showed the entire life of someone. The audience grows to love that character. Then at the end the movie cuts to before he was born his mom getting an abortion and none of his life and accomplishments end up happening.
Pro-Life movie
Other urls found in this thread:
They tried that but the person they used was Ashton Kutcher and it just ended up converting people. That's why they changed the ending to Butterfly Effect.
>dude let's use emotions instead of logic to manipulate people into being against abortion lmao
The opposite is would be just as easy.
You could also do a movie about a happy, successful person whose life is ruined by having children and then they spend the next 18 years being depressed and miserable.
>just kill everyone bro
Cringe atheist
Women decide every vote and political debate, and women can be only appealed to with emotion
Every time someone tries to make a pro-life movie the media surrounds them like hawks
Happy successful people don't murder their unborn children.
>Movie with a non-Leftist or non-SJW narrative getting made
Outside of the smallest indie studios it is never, ever going to happen. The studios are all owned by vocal leftcucks, and they care about dogma more than they care about money or creativity.
Yes they do, if the media tells them to
My sister literally told me she won't have kids because of global warming, and she made her husband buy a dog
She also said Thanos in Avengers was right
>whose life is ruined by having children
People sympathize less with people who are too fucking stupid to use a condom.
>let's use emotions instead of logic to manipulate people
I think that’s already the left’s thing.
>My sister literally told me she won't have kids because of global warming
What's her opinion on importing millions of third-world immigrants?
Your sister isn’t happy though.
I doubt that your sister is happy or successful.
>implying women care
they're sociopaths user, maybe not naturally but they've been raised to be so. women will fight to the death for the right to murder their children
>guys I’m conservative
>Ben Shapiro rocks
>libtard Btfos hahaha
Kys you pseud
There is nothing logical about killing/murdering an unborn child.
Well she's got one thing right, at least
Uh, yes there is, what if you still want to go out and party, you can't do that with a baby
>Ben Shapiro rocks
liking jews
Look at the current landscape of media and tell me, with a straight face, that leftists aren't propagandizing the public and primarily doing it through emotion.
OAC is jewish tho
How about do a movie about a man who grows up in squalor, hated by a mother that considers him the reason her life is going no where so she beats him to punish him for it, until he find the only way he can numb himself with drugs, which leads him into a life of petty theft to pay for his habit with ultimately goes wrong one night and has him accidentally stabbing a proud father of 2 over him not giving up his wallet quick enough.
Human life has infinite possibilities, but most of the good ones require a strong connection with people that want you, abortion is the last second eject button and helps reduce suffering of the unwanted.
I’m saying that it doesn’t matter. Focus on your own life and improving yourself rather than on stupid politics. I’m trying to help you user. Spread love.
Ya as much as Warren is Native American.
>helps reduce suffering of the unwanted
Maybe the unwanted will have a cool ass epic life my dude.
If it was your way all orphans should just be euthanized.
Starring Idris Elba as the boy.
based bro, we should just kill anyone whos poor or has a less than perfect life, they might be suffering.
Arrival already did it better
>none of his life and accomplishments
so he's not a habitual Yea Forums user then
When are we going to get a pro-death movie?
>Entire plot focuses on a "company" that specializes in assisted suicide
>Portrayed in an extremely feel-good manner, with a sense of relief at the notion of ending one's own life
>Loved ones gather around to watch them get executed and smile
>Their enemies are portrayed as a bunch of fat, ugly, retarded faggots who are drains on society and contribute nothing, while those who are ending their lives are portrayed as unusables who are politely leaving
>Guy shoots up his office during a major corporate shareholder meeting and kills dozens of high-level executives and wealthy individuals and flees the scene, comes to the business that will put him down, and goes down in a Robin Hood style of manner, smiling the whole way through
>Huge belligerent mobs of retards and bootlickers in the streets saying that the execution company should be shut down, and Anti-Deathers are clashing with Pro-Deathers in the streets
>Eventually a judge is called and the company, after a whole ton of struggles, manages to win the case, and they are allowed to do business
>Cue extremely cheesy ending with an epilogue showing that the business has been extremely successful, and that they started contacting companies to liquidate the goods of the dead, making huge economic benefits and extremely cheap secondhand goods market, which they themselves also regularly use for donations to underpriveleged youths and struggling families
>Noose toys go global and the death market is booming
>First international branches in Japan, China, and Sweden are massive successes, and the guy who decides to make this takes his family to a vacation in Hawaii to celebrate their newfound future
>Walking on Sunshine to lead us off into the credits sequence
>Dude, just focus on yourself instead of improving society. Just let the leftists run wild unopposed and create a Hell on Earth.
I wonder who could be behind this post.
>just because some immigrants kill and rape doesn’t mean we should keep them all out
>some unwanted kids have hard lives so we should kill them all
>Human life has infinite possibilities, but most of the good ones require a strong connection with people that want you, abortion is the last second eject button and helps reduce suffering of the unwanted.
If this is morally valid so is sterilizing the poor and euthanizing orphans.
Not all poor people, love is more important than money, but a person who doesn't even love a kid is very unlikely to spend what little they have either mentally or materially on a child.
Then logically you should kill yourself.
Don’t let the Jews get to you user
> She also said Thanos in Avengers was right
It's terryfying to see dumb people sympathizing with guy who killed so many. I wonder if they would still think that way if the victims were killed in more gruesome/realistic way (instead of just vanishing).
I also wonder what would she think about ethnic cleansings like below:
- Tutsi genocide
- Volhynia massacre
- Genocide of the Serbs
Show her some pictures man.
>Just let the leftists run wild unopposed and create a Hell on Earth.
What was that pissing and whining about appeals to emotion again?
And? Should we slit the throat of every orphan?
If poor people are such shit parents, why are we killing babies? Shouldn't we just be sterilizing the poor instead? That way everyone would be happy. No babies get killed and no "unwanted children" are born to suffer.
He killed himself for the better tho, not his mom.
What if Chad is like "Ew you have a baby, I don't want to stick around, see ya"
No? People adopt them, but there aren't enough people to adopt all the ones we have now, much less the flood we would have if abortoins weren't possible.
cool strawman bro
>It's terryfying to see dumb people sympathizing with guy who killed so many.
Would you be surprised to hear nothing shits Alan Moore like the volume of correspondence he gets from people who all think they're the first to tell him what a "special connection" they have with Rorschach?
Is this your vague way of saying we should kill all black people?
Pro-Life supporters infuriate me, people should be allowed to do whatever they want with their bodies and it's nobody else's buisness.
>cool strawman bro
Implying you aren’t pro-immigration. You aren’t fooling anyone, rabbi.
Only rich brats get abortions, poor people never get abortions so this "discussion" is pointless.
>world where human life doesn't matter and innocent fucking babies can have acid injected into their skulls because Shaqwanda was too dumb to request a condom
>not Hell on Earth
I think it’s the part where they kill another person that bothers them.
"My life would never be like that.My kids are the best thing in my life."
What about the baby's body? Once your pregnant it stops being exclusively about "MUH BODY MUH CHOICE".
Seethe more, legbeard.
It's not your body that gets dismembered and then scraped out of your body. Abortion is murder. It is the act of murdering a baby. If you are okay with that, fine. Don't try to sugar coat it by saying you are "pro-choice" though. Just admit you want the right to murder babies.
Should abortions be encouraged? Should abortions be paid by the tax payers? Should you financially support a dude with a preggo fetish that made his wife abort 8 times just so he can cum in his bloated wife eternally?
Which is why it's hypocritical for the right to do it, brainlet.
>Then at the end the movie cuts to before he was born his mom getting an abortion and none of his life and accomplishments end up happening.
Or his dad using a condom.
Or his dad pulling out.
Or his mother having a fucking headache that night.
Wew lad
>Or his dad using a condom.
>Or his dad pulling out.
>Or his mother having a fucking headache that night.
>not pushing a political agenda
Which is why they wouldn’t, dumbass.
>Inject acid into an unborn child's face in the womb
>"not Murder"
>Eat a hamburger
Leftoid logic really is a paradoxical mire of contradictions.
>pretending to care about "niglets"
In another thread you'd be talking up your relief.
Doesn't negate that the right does the exact same thing.
Genocides and cullings are only appropriate in situations where supplies are so horrifically slim that the population will extinguish itself simply by existing, and there is no other way to deal with it. The issue is that in 99.9% of cases in human history, it's always been about moronic ethnic/cultural differences rather than actual necessity, and in the Earth of the present we live in, we have such a vast abundance of resources and space that is unused and often discarded/ignored that a contemporary genocide is nothing more than an act of malice and spite with zero alternative justification.
Thanos may have been right with Titan, but if anybody thinks that it's an appropriate way to deal with problems on Earth, they are retarded.
>Or his dad using a condom.
>Or his dad pulling out.
>Or his mother having a fucking headache that night.
None of those things involve murder though.
It's not a person or a body it's a clump of cells. Read a book before you spout this nonsense.
Yeah bro I remember when the right literally faked evidence of leftists putting children in cages and had a nuclear meltdown over it, and then when irrefutable proof of fakery came out they continued pushing the narrative due to their ideological monopoly on the media.
It never happened and you fucking know it.
Stop playing the Middle Road Fallacy.
>care nothing about actually born people
>care infinitely much about fetuses
>It's not a person or a body it's a clump of cells.
You're also a "clump of cells". Your reductivist argument means jack shit in a moral context.
This is why conservatives don't exist in the creative industry.
"dude let's just ram political points down people's necks 24/7"
>care nothing about actually born people
Empty projection. Pro-lifers aren't fucking psychopaths like you. The fact that Conservatives are the ones giving more to charity by an order of magnitude testifies to this.
If pro-lifers really "cared nothing about actually born people" they'd be lining them up to be euthanized with acid-injections to the face, like Abortionists are doing with babies. Yet I can't help but notice that they aren't.
>care infinitely much about fetuses
doubt it. all these "muh innocent babies" threads come across as being in bad faith
>it's a clump of cells
Is this bait? Because we all are.
Who else thinks that abortion is murder but still supports it for eugenics and public welfare?
Nice strawman
I don't think you're dumb enough to genuinely believe that. Not yet anyway.
Sorry, but I don't think I get the reference (I only saw the movie long time ago).
Wasn't Rorschach the guy who stood up against Dr Manhattan and Ozymadias killings millions?
So you're only defense is completely baseless projection?
Good to know.
Unironically the greater good.
based and redpilled
>completely baseless projection
you'll believe what you need to, of course
(for the precious babies)
>(I only saw the movie long time ago)
Good. Purge your mind of it altogether and catch up with the comics.
Leftcucks would get farther if they admitted this.
I seriously doubt any of them believe it's not murder. They just support it anyway because MUH FEMINISM.
Instead of bogging down debate with arguments of "MUH CLUMPA CELLS" they should just admit that they have a psychopathic disregard for life but view it as totally practical.
>medium brain: abortion is bad because it fails to put an appropriate value on human life
GALAXY BRAIN: abortions are literally nigger population control, the majority of abortions are done by poor blacks and this is the only form of poor black population control you will ever get a liberal to agree to so dont fuck with it
OK so you DON'T have any actual arguments. I just wanted to confirm.
Abortion and black on black murder are literally the only reason the black population is barely growing at all and ill be damned if we lose the one that doesnt involve stray bullets
What a fucking brainlet.
There's a pretty big difference between a zygote and a fully grown fetus. Abortions past the first trimester are almost never allowed unless the unborn fetus is either already dead or has a serious debilitating condition that'll affect it for the rest of it's life.
>actually wanting more blacks
Lmao what the fuck is wrong with you
>Abortions past the first trimester are almost never allowed unless the unborn fetus is either already dead or has a serious debilitating condition that'll affect it for the rest of it's life.
This is a lie in most states at this point.
>more black population control
I fail to see how this is a bad thing
Why stop with the babies then? Might as well go full black genocide.
Dis nigga still livin in 1985
Absolutely not, genocide/murder of grown people outside of a womb is never okay
We've been conditioned to be okay with abortions though so I'll take what I can get
This is where we don’t see eye to eye.
That's a yikes from me. They should have aborted your sister.
Or a movie about someone who makes a mistake and lives with the consequences instead of murdering a baby
Once again, this isnt really a moral argument so much as its an argument of practicality, utility, and what society can get away with. Apparently many are okay with abortion and so am I so long as it keeps the number of city ruiners down
>what society can get away with
Are you very young? I don’t mean that as an insult, I’m genuinely curious because anyone who has been alive long enough should realize that this is not only a geographical thing, but also very fluid.
you're a clump of cells too, and who wants you?
>the right
>ideological monopoly on the media
the kek is this shit?
What color is it?
and then the movie ends and you realize that none of his life of accomplishments would of happened anyway cause its a movie so who cares.
The idea of women and blacks voting would be considered absolutely outlandish two hundred years ago and yet here we are. Sometimes you have to push the envelope to get what you want. Relying on abortion to keep the problem in check is like your doctor cutting off small pieces of your tumor whenever it grows too big instead of just cutting the whole thing out. There is no reason for half measures when we have clearly witnessed that society can drastically change when pushed to do so.
HAHA GOTCHA! the photo was actually from obama not from trump who does the same thing but in slightly higher numbers. Your point has been eviscreated.
>does the same thing but in slightly higher numbers
Can we make this? It needs to be a thing
based and anti-natalist pilled
>guy number 1 bad because he do “x”
Guy number 2 bad then too because he he also do “x”?
>no, number 2 good because he black
A successful person is very well able to raise a child, otherwise you can't really call them successful at all.
>being against abortion
You think anyone enjoys having an abortion?
What about perfectly common miscarriages? Should the woman be charged with manslaughter?
how many whities get abborted in NYC?
they enjoy being drunk thots with no personal responsability, abortion just comes with the package
A zygote is not a person yet. It is a parasite tresspassing in a woman's body.
it's like accidental homicide
very different from murder
her faulty biological functions should tried and issued the appropriate fine
ah yes, only drunk and unresponsible people get abortions
You vastly overestimate humanity. That argument isn’t any better than “You really think a woman would lie about being assaulted?”.
>Abortions past the first trimester are almost never allowed
We are so far past that people are now campaigning for post-birth abortions.
just like NOT having sex with your gf without a condom is murder since it prevented little tommie from being born
I'm for abortion, and to answer your question: yes. Why the fuck would you assume everyone has the same morals as you? There are people who are on the abortion carousal, because they're callous and simply don't give a fuck about anything other than their self interests.
>with no personal responsability
That's the 19 year old girl who marries 25 year old boyfriend because he couldn't be bothered to buy condoms. The 22 year old woman who had an abortion probably did it to save herself the trouble of raising a child by herself.
Far less
we can all admit the line where people draw abortion from just 'getting rid of some cells' and murder is arbitrary but seeing a video of a late trimester abortion is some wild shit.
maybe because it sucks being black in america
>it's like accidental homicide
So she SHOULD be charged?
>It's her fault
And that's why she gets to abort if she wants to, bucko. :^)
>this is a problem for the muh huwite population crowd
am I for abortion? yes
is it murder? yes
>medical footage is gross
No shit. You should be thankful people have the guts to do it.
if caused intentionally, yes
if not, no
If they think it’s bad now wait until the Mexicans take over. They hate blacks and don’t suffer from white guilt. They may well reinstate slavery.
Sliperry slope buddy.
What are you even trying to say? Can you write like an adult?
It's called a miscarriage for a reason, humongous tard. Women aren't causing them for fun.
of course, i'm just saying a lot of people who are pro-choice never look into it beyond the 'clump of cells' angle. i'm pro-choice myself.
some do
I get it, the black baby picture is a nice touch, but don't you think it looks kinda tacky next to the pictures of dead refugees in your /pol/ folder? How are you going to make me sympathize if you can't get your daily moral stance right?
some do
look up "intentional miscarriage"
You probably don’t even know why this is funny.
>totally ignoring the propagandizing of the left by bringing up muh right
kek mental retard
>muh pol boogyman
What the fuck are you even talking about?
Yes people should have children as punishment for their choices. Truly this is the most moral stance to take.
>avoiding the point
if only user was in charge, the world be such a harmonious place
blacks can't control their instincts, that's all there is to it.
I fully agree with you. Parents should be allowed to kill their children anytime before their 18th birthday. What if I have three kids and my wife leaves me. I shouldn’t have to suffer the burden of child support. I should have the right to abort their lives to make mine easier.
>people should be allowed to do whatever they want with their bodies and it's nobody else's business.
yea, and we should make suicide legal too.
That’s pretty racist.
Reality is racist.
>we should make suicide legal too.
we unironically should
Isn't suicide legal in all but name with how easy it is to get a gun?
Black and Jewish babies should be thrown into burning trash on national television.
What does it matter if it’s legal or not? Not like they’re going to bother prosecuting a corpse.
Why don't they just invent various methods of preventing pregancy, then people who don't want children can still have sex without having to kill anything after?
if you fuck up they will
Everytime a woman has a period or when a man mastrubates they commit murder. If you disagree with this then you want to murder 16 years olds.
Then you deserve it.
>Get Government Support
legal suicide would imply suicide clinics and shit.
>he doesn’t know how sex works
Nah, can’t snuff out an established life. There are far more consequences killing a kid than a baby and we both know that. Consequences besides the law; destroying an established personal identity and memories, relationships, etc. The ability to cognitively recognize and contemplate death is different.
The dilemma exists because there are certainly cases where abortion has, from a Miller standpoint, ethically maximized the amount of happiness in that particular situation.
Don't get why people who go on about how much they hate niggers and spics care about abortion when it's mainly brown people getting them.
>sex creates instant human beings.
>stop being so ignorant.
I use to think this too, but then I remembered how greedy people are. It wouldn’t take long for a corporation to get government subsidies for it and turn it into a huge cash cow. It just seems wrong for someone to be having a bad day and then be flooded with targeted ads for free assisted suicide. Those would be some pretty morbid shareholders meetings.
>What's her opinion on importing millions of third-world immigrants?
You realize that countries will have to import more migrants because of the impact of global warming, right? Get ready for tons and tons of climate refugees, all because republicans are too stupid to address global warming.
>he still doesn’t understand the difference between fertilized and not fertilized
>he doesn’t know what a zygote cell is
>he doesn’t understand the human lifecycle
I’m all for capitalism, but not predatory capitalism, especially when it involves privacy concerns.
>can’t snuff out an established life
Define “established”. Because a 2 week old baby isn’t established and can’t survive on its own. Are those fair game?
>can’t survive on its own
Can it live outside the womb? Then yes he can. We're not talking about standing up and hunting from day one, faggot, we're not that kind of species.
>Fertilized and unfertizled is super different.
>A zygote is equal to a human being.
>Can it live outside the womb?
Wait, is this the point where you consider someone human? Because a lot of unborn babies meet that criteria.
Yea Forums wouldn't get this
>Fertilized and unfertizled is different
Yes, this is factually correct.
is this how psychopaths justify their murderer?
Not if you're pro-life.
All murder stems from selfishness.
Do you not understand the difference between a fact and an opinion? Are you literally huffing glue this very moment?
Her body, her choice unless she wants to keep it.
>is this the point where you consider someone human
I usually go with sentience, which isn't even possible in the brain until the third trimester, but I know you're not focusing too much on the actual science, just feefees.
itt: Yea Forums is suddenly catholic pro life anti contraceptive purists who value all human life equally and don't think niggers spics and chics jews and gays should be cleansed from society
Both stances hold merit since there's no definitive standpoint as to when something becomes truly "human" but I get a laugh when this site tries to moralfag.
So killing sleeping people is cool?
That I'm okay with. Antinatalism is very redpilled.
weak bait.
>I usually go with sentience
When do you believe this generally occurs?
>I know you're not focusing too much on the actual science, just feefees
Projection is beneath you.
If you’re going to jump into my conversation(presumably on my behalf) please do a better job. I appreciate the effort, but you aren’t helping.
I understand that thinking that a fertilized egg and unfertilized egg are different while thinking a zygote is equal to a human being is a retarded opinion based on feelings.
less logic in carrying and abusing life you have no intention of ever caring for, you jackass. what'd your mother huff while carrying you?
>heh I'll just say the right only cares about feelings they always tell me that lol
What the fuck is actually wrong with these people? Are you actual brainlets?
>we should just kill poor people
I mean I agree. We wouldn't have to have suffered through eminem's career
>thinking that a fertilized egg and unfertilized egg are different
The word you’re looking for is “knowing”. I was half joking before, but now I’m genuinely concerned you really don’t know the difference.
>while thinking a zygote is equal to a human being is a retarded opinion based on feelings
You see, this is what we call an opinion. One riddled with logical fallacies no less.
holy shit lol "it was all a hypothetically unaborted baby sequence" is even stupider than "it was all a dream sequence"
What about a movie about an ugly male who does very well at school, clearly a smart guy, but who gets progressively more shy and quiet as he reaches the age of 18?
And then he goes through the whole of university without any friends or acquaintances or social experiences at all. He finds Yea Forums and gets r9kpilled. When he hears about Elliot Rodger in 2014, he gets blackpilled about his life being on hard mode and how no woman will ever be attracted to him (he hadn't had female attention before). He hates his degree and does the bare minimum to get an acceptable grade. He fails many graduate job interviews because of his ugliness and autistness and non-poshness. At all his part time jobs he is the ugly loser nobody talks to. He graduates without a good job and spend a long time in a retailcuck job, completely demoralised. He starts frequently binging on junk food or fast food. He wastes gigantic amount of time on mindless internet browsing.
He gets an ok job in London but he is still the outcast in the office and nobody talks to him. He gets no work and doesn't even go in to the office on many days. He binges on junk food and walks around scenic London. He always thinks he'll start eating healthily and working on stuff in his free time tomorrow.
There is a mental block stopping him from doing productive stuff in his free time.
He eventually passes a graduate job interview and will start a prestigious job in his late 20s, though it won't start for a few months. It is early 2019 and his binges have increased. His NEET status leads to aimlessness. He goes to the gym but his weight is higher than ever, well in to obese. He feels a tightness in his chest and worries that he may have developed heart problems due to his previous years of binging. He decides to give up junk food. The movie ends with him going to the doctor to get his health checked. He has not yet found any motivation in life and has no hope of being accepted anywhere and faces an uncertain future.
"People" with this mindset should sacrifice themselves for the good of the rest of us. If getting rid of people is your solution, what's stopping you from drinking bleach?
Unborn babies are unborn babies. When it's early on they are less developed unborn babies. Killing them is killing an unborn baby. Now: is it okay. Answer: what race?
You know you could put the kid up of adoption. You know instead of hurting, in which it feels pain, just to remove it. Also you have to dump it yourself.
You can’t know what kind of life the child will live until it actually lives it. You can argue that the most likely outcome is apparent, but by that same logic we should kill the poor because we know that majority of them will always be poor and unhappy.
>movie about a character's whole life
>cuts back to him as a fetus
>fetus lifts his shirt to reveal an undisclosed fatal gunshot wound
When it comes to abortions conservatives are no different from liberals who argue immigration policies based on pictures of washed up toddlers.
And any person knows a zygote and a human being are different yet you insist this is only an opinion.
My mom hated me and would have aborted me if not for her super religious mother, you're telling me I'd be better off dead? Fuck outta here, retard.
who said anything about killing the poor? you're deluded. human population isn't at risk, morons.
it's not the unborn, it's the unwanted. there is a difference.
how wanted and loved by your parents were you? how good a job would you say they did? what kind of parent would you be?
>movie about kid's life
>ends up saving the life of his mother one day
>rewind to her aborting him
i would like to unsubscribe from your blog thx
>a face even a mother can't love
everybtime you jerk off you commit genocide
Is it fun to go around and pretend someone said something they never did and then argue against it? Is English not your first language? Link me to where I stated that. Nvm, because you can’t. It would appear you took my words and injected your own misjudged bias into them. The biggest issue we’re having is that it seems you can’t differentiate between what constitutes a fact and what constitutes an opinion. Until you can we’re just going to run around in circles. You saying something you don’t agree with is “retarded” is an opinion. Saying 2+2=4 is a fact. Can you see the difference?
>itt: Yea Forums is suddenly catholic pro life anti contraceptive purists who value all human life equally
It's pretty funny how things turned out. All LARPers though. No one here actually gives a flying fuck what Shani´i´qua in the trailer park does with her pregnancy.
imagine being such a formless dipshit bereft of any meaning that you allow yourself to get drafted as foot soldiers into a bunch of right wing plutocrats' political projects and thinking it's some kind of countercultural statement because you grew up in an era of neoliberal politicians paying meaningless lip service to progressive causes
You wanna go find some people who were abused by their parents and tell them they deserve death to their faces?
Not only should abortion be legal, it should be mandatory for anyone who can't demonstrate a net worth of over $100k.
>who said anything about killing the poor?
Didn’t you imply that it’s best to kill people who won’t be happy? I thought that was the standard we were working from. My mistake, please clearly state the basis for which you judge life to worthy of not being terminated.
yes, shit's fun as hell
>kill people
i don't think anyone has mentioned that, we're talking about abortion
Yes? Are you joking or not, I can't tell. If you fuck, you end up with kids, it's not that hard to avoid nigga
I agree. That’s why it’s unfair that Hitler fellow gets singled out.
>Thanos indiscriminately wipes everyone out instead of just the poorest and dumbest
she's a dumb slut.
>those kids don't already believe it or wish it
How young are you? Your ignorance here is irritating.
>only the poor are miserable
>can't figure this out
Oh my.
>please clearly state the basis for which you judge life to worthy of not being terminated.
But everyone is poor and dumb compared to Thanos
Imagine typing this unironically while falsely believing you’re more “woke” than others.
sorry that you view children as morality cudgels for the irresponsible and not human beings whose lives will be directly impacted by how ready/willing their parents were/weren't to have them
>If getting rid of people is your solution, what's stopping you from drinking bleach?
If only someone had stopped you from drinking bleach
Nigga what are you talking about, kids 're the best thing in life, I just don't understand how you're so fucking stupid you don't understand that consequences arise from your actions. I bet you're one of those idiots who thinks weight is genetic, too. Literally just put down the fork if you're fat, and if you're worried about kids literally just don't fuck, it's the simple. What is so difficult to grasp?
Not an answer
Not an answer
>Her choice
Good to know you believe your mom still has the choice to terminate your life at will. Hopefully you don’t forget to do your chores.
Is abortion okay if you know for a fact that the child will grow up to be a lefty?
Genuine question here.
I feel like mist pro-life arguments I hear seem to assume that the kid will grow up to be an outstanding American citizen rather than just another junkie welfare leech
>needing answers to something so basic
Ask your mother. Can't imagine what the bitch would say.
My parents hated me and I sure as hell don't want to be dead. You're surprisingly alive too, considering that your parents must positively loathe you.
Reminder that if you've ever had an orgasm and didn't come inside a fertile woman you willingly deprived the life of a possible future individual.
A fetus is not a person.
Your superstition is not a fact.
Belief is inferior to thought.
"Pro-life" is just a poetic way to say you hate women, individual freedom, modernity or all three.
Science is superior to faith, because it exists.
#HB481 #HB481IsBadForBusiness
>brainlet doesn't know what a zygote is
Imagine failing junior high biology
The pro life movement is a sham that is specifically designed to garner support for republican agenda. It stopped being about the morality a long time ago.
>Nigga what are you talking about, kids 're the best thing in life
"and that's why i believe that people should be forced to bring any unintended pregnancy to term"
>I bet you're one of those idiots who thinks weight is genetic, too
i'm of average weight despite my garbage diet lol i'm living proof that it is. it's extremely basic and settled science at this point that genetics play a major role in determining your body type.
>if you're worried about kids literally just don't fuck
lol that's always what it comes down to for you dumbasses. you're mad that people have sex and you want them to have less of it because you didn't get laid in high school.
Science says new DNA starts at conception, that's a new person fuck nut, science is why I'm anti abortion
You feel free to think that m8, how bad does it hurt every time you see an honest decent person while you tell yourself shit like that?
it's one of the essential building blocks of life is what it is, and you disgustingly massacre all of those poor angels every time you jack off
>unironically does not believe in calories
Holy shit you are the dumbest person I have ever had the misfortune of wasting my time with on this website, and that's a decade running record you're breaking
Ad-hominem attacks are the tools of the ignorant. You’re better than that.
I'm a person, a kid in the womb is not. If she wants it dead, she can kill it. But if she wants it alive, she needs my say so because I may or may not want kids at that time.
And to more thoroughly answer your question, how much, and what sort of impact you have on my life is what I use to gauge whether you deserve death or not. Basic principle that has kept the human species from going extinct.
>men ejaculate zygote
You're not that stupid, right?
It doesn't matter what it is, what matter is what it might become.
Each sperm has a different collection of genetic traits. Each sperm contains it's own future unique genetic individual.
it's fun to read
Incredibly embarrassing post, Ben Shapiro. Consider aborting yourself retroactively m
Weak bait
>can't even write a coherent sentence that contains a valid counter argument
Plot twist: the aborted baby was Adolph Hitler.
you're going to die anyway, user. how nice would it be to have had a life where your parents loved you? what do you understand about love and hate, user? neither one of my parents loathed me.
>jack off zygote cells
Sperm and their matching eggs are both regular bodily discharge, they only form life when they come together
It's just fun. I am better, but you have some thinking to do, user. Better yourself.
i am intersex, please don't make fun of my ability to fertilize my own eggs
Outright lies don't get well measured responses. If you tell me the sky is green I'll just call you retard and go about my day unimpeded
Even hermaphrodites can't do that, retard. Even the fuckin "But what if" argument holds no water
hey pro life people, lets hear about all the social programs you support to help new mothers, surely there must be a lot of them right?
You literally can't. Physically impossible.
Off yourself right now, you'll die anyway.
Lower tax rate for every kid, absolutely none when you have 4. Fuck a single mother for trying to get the most of both worlds, children need a caretaker and a provider in two different people
I'm all for welfare for single mothers, maternity leave and tax-financed child care.
>The cell (from Latin cella, meaning "small room"[1]) is the basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all known living organisms. A cell is the smallest unit of life. Cells are often called the "building blocks of life"
Are you saying if the the life is not sentient you can freely kill/discard it?
I agree.
>forcing the inevitable
Why bother? I look forward to meeting it when it comes, user. Truly curious. Aren't you?
>Basing your opinion around your vague spiritual notion of what constitutes a life
Being pro life is for Boomer fucking scum
>care more about the lives of polar bears than that of babies
I can play strawman too
nobody would've grown up to want to fuck you lol
>Efforts were made to bring social conservatives, especially pro-lifers, into the Republican party with scare tactics used in the wording of direct mailings. In the late 1970s, fundamentalist Christians became outraged by Supreme Court decisions banning school prayer and legalizing abortion and by Jimmy Carter's decision to withdraw tax-exempt status from segregated church schools. This group was mobilized by radio and television preachers, especially televangelist Jerry Falwell who also used scare tactics to promote his Moral Majority. The new right also tried to reach the nation's 50 million Roman Catholics through the right-to-life movement.
nuh uh, it's also the new punk rock counter culture position of cool conservative kids everywhere!
>what sort of impact you have on my life is what I use to gauge whether you deserve death or not
I follow this same rule. That’s why I have no problem killing anyone who is detrimental to my happiness. You cut me off in traffic, boom your dead, step on my new shoes, boom your dead. Glad we see eye to eye friend.
Are you unironically trying to use a turn of phrase as the foundation of your scientific beliefs? Anyway, did you know unborn babies feel pain? We could argue rhetoric until you meet the criteria for an abortion or maybe you could just quit being a twat and own up to your beliefs. You just don't like being called on it, nigga
lol fucking logic dorks trying to equate abortion to other things is an evergreen genre of post
This has to be bait lmao
>I am better
Good, hopefully one day you’ll prove it.
>neocons in New York do the right thing for the wrong reasons, ergo you can't believe children shouldn't be murdered from a moral point of view
That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works
Um, that’s not how it works sweetie.
Its because that mans arguments are so correct they leave no roon for argumentation
She could have just abstained or gotten her tubes tied if she didn’t want children. You don’t have to resort to murder
Don’t come back here until you turn 18
Jews never use logic, in fact they intentionally use fallacies because people are so easily swayed by them
the left keeps censoring right wing creatives and it pisses me off. the right has absolutely no platform to show the left how it’s done. The very few that do break through are based tho. Kid Rock, Creed, those tv-tier Christian movies, especially the one where that kid btfos atheists Ben Shapiro style
>I was only pretending to be retarded
It’s easier to fool a man than to convince him he’s been fooled
Reminder that if you consider yourself far-right, yet oppose biopolitics of any kind (Abortion, Eugenics, Tincture, Genetic modification etc.) you are a faggot posuer, and should fuck off back to r/thedonald
>t. Fool who doesn't know when unique DNA is formed
Please don’t come back until you reach adulthood
First check for this morning already. Thanks.
If a pregnant women is murdered is it one or two murders?
>indian pro-lifer is suing his parents because they birthed him without consent
>if he succeeds he will set a precedent
Sad state of affairs the world has come to.
I was on your side autismo
Excellent, user.
For majority of the world, 1. In the US (some states) and to memory I believe maybe one or two other countries, it's 2.
it's 2 hits, you hitting her and her baby hitting the floor
According to the left it depends on who kills the baby
>Are you unironically trying to use a turn of phrase as the foundation of your scientific beliefs?
What turn of phrase? Life is fucking life. You don't get to define it.
The simple truth is you are not killing a human baby, you are killing a human fetus, the big philosophical point for the pro-life movement has always been the potential to become a baby. That also remains true for wasted human sperm, which has roughly 50% of the material needed to produce a unique genetic individual. If you didn't cum into your sock last night and instead inside a fertile woman, the sperm who won that race might have gotten the genetics to be a really prime human specimen that say, invented the cure for cancer.
Underrated post
All a fetus is is a growing baby
Poor people be like:
> I am poor because the system makes poor economic decisions
> Has 7 kids without being Angelina Jolie
I am alright with killing babies but i don´t like the part where women can choose... No, sorry, dark humor aside, abortions are actually dangerous for women. A woman willing to risk her life to not have a child probably has a strong reason and will do so either legally or illegally. Your sanctimonious morals won´t prevent her from going through, the only thing that changes is if she does it on a questionable house with a piece of wire or in a hospital with a qualified doctor. Honestly, if you really worry about the kids there are tons dying of hunger and diseases in the street, go save one of those.
That would only work if the movie is a romantic comedy or something... if not is the same as that argument "if Lily Potter has had an abortion who would have defeated Voldemort" to which the answer is Neville Longbothom. There is always someone else...
>Thanos was right.
General Zod makes a more compelling and sympathetic argument than him.
Thanos is as dumb as it gets with someone of his purported caliber.
Go back please and then stay there, this isn't a place of sides
What's the point of abortion if it's not gonna become a human being? Why do people get them if not for that reason?
>When do you believe this generally occurs?
I believe nothing; consciousness is literally impossible to develop prior to the third trimester. The brain just isn't developed enough at that point. That's a fact.
You don't get to tell me my belief before striking them down you ignorant fuck. Referring to every individual cell as generic "life" to avoid the real culpability of denying an actual living organism their existence. You disgust me with your pilpul
Of course it is. It’s the alt right vs the sjws. Is this your first day?
>they're coming and you HAVE to take them
I won’t burst your bubble.
Fuck you nigger, I just wanted to talk about movies, shit
>believing in sides when someone is simply supporting an argument from his fellow man
>this is why the US is what it is politically
Blame l*ftoid conspiracy theorists poisoning the minds of children from their position at the altar of "higher" """education"""
>muh feelings
Well at least you didn’t even pretend to care about logic, I’ll give you credit for that.
Global warming isn’t caused by humans tho
As a leftist you have no right to such a statement. Try again
It's 2019 and we get a thread like this on Yea Forums on Yea Forums?
This is a politically motivated shill.
This is Trump 2020 campaign money.
Learn to recognize them faggots. The goal of their propaganda is to create the illusion that the Overton window has shifted far to the right.
To do this, they bombard online forums with right-wing opinions to temporary warp the balance and give the third party user (their target) the wrong impression.
This works because they exploit human psychology.
People get their political opinions by trusting people like themselves and copying their opinions.
Thus, by temporary bombarding non-right-wing forums, these shills can manipulate you by giving you the impression that user is right-wing.
You trust user, more than you trust anyone else, even if you are not aware of it.
You are subconsciously being brainwashed into being partial to right-wing positions.
The goal of the OP is not to shill for abortion.
The goal of the OP is to give you the impression that lots of super conservative right-wingers exist, even on Yea Forums.
This is of course not true.
But that is their goal.
To fool you into believing that it is true.
This will subconsciously make you more partial to right-wing ideas.
And a growing baby originated from a zygote which was created with the use of a sperm.
That's because your belief is pointless and ill-defined and therefore should never have been uttered in a discussion.
>Referring to every individual cell as generic "life" to avoid the real culpability of denying an actual living organism their existence.
Which surprise, you also do by killing sperm.
The preservation of unique life
>ill defined
Nigger I can only say "brand new DNA" so many times, how fucking stupid are you that you haven't read them once yet
>brainlet still doesn't realize how important women are
You really don't get how special a baby is, do you
>consciousness is literally impossible to develop prior to the third trimester. The brain just isn't developed enough at that point. That's a fact.
Repeating this despite the fact I haven’t challenged it seems unnecessary.
You didn’t answer the question, so I’ll assume you simply don’t know.
It's funny to think you believe you could. Do try.
Cool opinion bro
There’s a difference between originated from and is dumbass
No thanks, there is nothing in it for me.
Almost like he's protesting a little too much. I wonder what his idea of "sentience" is
/pol/, you have no power here. Yea Forums is, and always has been, a libertine board.
>election time is approaching
>let me dust off my "DEEP GONSERNS" for fetuses
It’s more a fact
Hopefully he’ll give you a direct answer. I couldn’t get one out of him.
You mean concern about murdered babies?
Except for the fact it literally isn’t >Yea Forums is, and always has been, a libertine board.
I have been noticing a lot of incel threads of late.
I don't mean that in a negative way.
But the incel maymay kind of died out.
And now suddenly there are lots of them again, being all, "boo hoo I cannot get laid".
This is obviously just an underhanded way to rile up angry young men in preparation for the election.
Don't be a fool.
Don't get manipulated so easily.
Go back to reddddit cancer
I mean political propaganda trying to manipulated people by lying to them.
>you're a robot if you don't like the idea of murdering babies
Gb2/r/politics, you don't belong here
I wrote a big post but you anons are too fucking stupid to understand, so here's a simpler one. Let's just say abortion is murder. You win pro-lifers. It's murder. You are preventing the rest of someone's existence, which by definition is murder. Okay. If you had a family with two children, and stopped at two, deciding "that's enough," this is a conscious decision to not have a third child. But you have to admit that if you chose to have a third child, they would be a fully fledged human with happiness, sadness, love, desires, hopes, dreams, everything. They would live a full life, struggle, make friends, fall in love, get a job, tell you they love you, "thanks mom/dad," walk off to college for the first time, everything. You chose to stop that from happening. You are preventing the rest of this precious third child's existence (i.e., all of it), which by definition is murder. So let's say you have the third child. What of the fourth child? Or the fifth? You see, we're all murderers all the time, because we're not constantly fucking everything in sight to procreate as much as possible. Yet you, pro-lifer, are fine with this. Why? It's because, while true, preventing someone from coming into existence just isn't troublesome on the conscience. It's just not. Abortion is the same thing. The person has not come into existence yet, but will; you determine that, just like all the other possible lives you murdered due to "selfishness," you will prevent this one too because of your "selfish" desires. See how dumb it is to describe it as selfish? Prevention isn't murder. It's a cluster of cells that, while not a baby yet, will eventually become one. You putting on a condom means you prevented a baby from coming into existence, but I'm sure you fuck your inbred cousins with one and suffer no moral quandary.
We're all murderers every day of our lives, get used to it bitch.
Can you read English you fucking idiot?
And the goal of this thread is to create the impression that it is not.
Remember, propaganda is a game of optics.
It's about manipulating herds of anons through psychology.
We are not rational beings and we are easily manipulated.
Be wary, especially of people that try to insert politics in forums that are not explicitly about discussing politics.
This is why you people have been on a 4 year losing streak
Looking silly does nothing for you? Well, shit..
The right cant be creative.
If they could, you will write a sinnet for me right now. Right. Now.
I made it to "Big post, but" before the size of your post dragged it entirely into the trash
It is propaganda and you are a shill.
You are not fooling anyone.
You don't come on Yea Forums, all of a sudden and make a thread about abortion.
You retards telegraphing what you're doing right this second only makes you glow in the dark when you only reply to each other. It reeks of samefaggotry
Sorry your reading speed is so slow you have to resort to anime memes and shitposting. Don't eat too many crayons
>he doesn’t know
Google ”quiver-full”. Sorry you typed all that out for nothing.
No actual Christian who is concerned about abortion would post that crap and reason in that manner.
I know because I live among conservative Christians, and I can easily see that you are not one of them.
You are mixing up your scripts, shill.
>being a pro-life race traitor
Kill yourself.
Logically, a child will never grow up to accomplish anything if it's killed in the womb.
Fuck you nigger, I woke up and saw a thread I wanted to talk about movies in, but as usual you leftist cunts just can't let anything decent alone, can you?
Ad-hominems are beneath you.
You don't get to tell me who I am and what my motivations are, faggot. I just don't like babies being murdered, how is that so hard for you to grasp as a concept?
Nice projection shill.
Do you think I don't see right through your tactics?
Do you fashion yourself some master of the optics? That is what you believe, don't you? You believe you are some kind of master manipulator who prides himself in being deceitful.
Go fuck yourself and don't come back here.
It's basic devaluing of (other) human life. People who are okay with it cannot be trusted.
Actually, I think that falls more into projection, but w/e.
And when I look up, the sky is there. Enjoy your day.
Yes I do.
Go away.
You are a shill.
You are not concerned about anything.
You are paid to manipulate anons.
Go away.
Yea Forums is not a politics board.
You come here to start a politics shitfest.
You come here because shilling on /pol/ is not productive because you already manipulated all those losers already.
That is why it is clear that you are the shill, because you interject your politics on a board about Yea Forums and movies.
Fuck off.
More to the point, why would anyone care?
Every life isn't precious, and nobody on this site, or in the entire world really thinks it is.
It's just empty virtue signalling.
>no true scotsman
Logical fallacies are beneath you, user.
No Christian concerned about abortion would use such language.
You are only disrobing yourself off your cloak.
Go away shill.
We don't want you here.
Go away shill.
>Enjoy your day.
I already am, thanks!
>More to the point, why would anyone care?
They don't.
They just want to make every thread on every board about right-wing topics to manipulate anons in preparation for the election.
This is what was happening in 2016 too.
Suddenly every thread was about some alt-right faggotry.
>but I'm a different special boy because squeezing out of mom is apparently a magical process
I recommend using logic and facts instead of logical fallacies. They have the advantage of being irrefutable.
Haven't really even started mine yet!
I recommend you fuck off and don't make an more political threads on Yea Forums, you shill.
>kids are punishment
Most people dream of having kids, they are a joy and a blessing
What kind of fucking psychopath would think kids are punishment and deserve to die if the parent doesnt want them?
Never too early to start enjoying it.
People who don't want children. Like stupid underage teenagers and rape victims and so on.
Ad-hominems are beneath you.
How is abortion bad? You want a billion niggers running around?
On the bright side, the type of people who support abortion aren’t the type you really want procreating anyways.
this, too damn ironic
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.