ITT hilarious Yea Forums posts

ITT hilarious Yea Forums posts

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I don't get it.

>Yea Forums worshipping some literal goblin
Yeah nah, also her feet are ugly

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I believe it's a commentary on cunnyposting.

sneed haha

There's no way people can be this stupid?

I'm drunk, explain it to me fag

this one is my favorite right now

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There absolute madman.

we meme around, but now it's 100% sure the poor guy has mental problems, tho


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how come, just because he does it for fry?

This thread was one of the best in years.

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free dammit

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this is an all time classic

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hella epic

Attached: Opera (1182x1318, 299K)

Who is this based fellow?

Shut up, faggot

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Why does he wear the beard/hat?

I agree, I was in that.. fuckin lost it at the "I know crime stats"

well, hot-pockets are fried (I think), so you still had a point :^)

>he just deleted the thread out of sheer butthurt

KEEEKK, amazing

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bruh the second person you quoted absolutely got it


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Here, have a golden oldie from Yea Forums

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>>he just deleted the thread out of sheer butthurt
top lel I didn't notice that; also, checked

lmao, was getting something to drink

it's up already :^)

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Attached: Ben Stillhur.jpg (480x360, 14K)

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>like 80% of the posts deleted before deleting the thread
That is some serious autism

and there was a whole bunch of deleted bot posts that didn't even register

literally amazing, kek

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This was the greatest thread of all time

ahh, this will be excellent for /r/Yea Forums


>that Pierce Brosnan at the bottom
That whole thread was amazing, same with the LOTR taxposting

>giving one shit what R*ddit is up to

Attached: oh so exploitable.jpg (680x863, 55K)

He deleted them as they were posted.
>tfw he deleted just the pic from my post

for me? it's based dangerfield poster

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For me? It's based DBZ user

Attached: Last Time on Dragon Ball Z.gif (320x180, 1.46M)

I don't think jannies are supposed to go into threads like that

the poor bastard literally lost it, kekekekek

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lel when did this happen

this board should be nuked

Nigga there was a time when literal child porn was common here, the cunnyposting is nothing

last year, definitely

this one was a couple years back, maybe 2016/2017, it was absolutely hilarious

kek, why?

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top jej welles was definitely reacting to that

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Inshallah, brother

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and then the timeline was reset

oh wow, we're all going to jail now

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Yea Forums has to come to the realisation that a lot of kids are just ugly and weird looking, their faces haven't grown properly yet so I would say the majority of them look like grotesque gnomes

obv some are very cute but for every cute one there's like a million ugly ones


*sigh* The last time I tried to help the mods and jannies I got banned, I learned my lesson.

Fuck jannies and fuck mods.

Yeah but the ones that are cute are fucking CUTE

I heard those sneaky candydoll japs removed the gusset from all the girl's clothes to really show off their cameltoes

Yea Forums has an amazing taste in cuncun, tho


join us, brother!

Attached: TOP-CUNNY CHART 2019 - MR.jpg (2554x5725, 2.94M)

pedos will be killed , you weird fucks need to take a seat

>removed the gusset

Attached: jhhgd.png (295x293, 142K)

see, this user knows what's up


big if true

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nice projecting there, bro

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>no liinaliiis

liinaliiis is a full-blown, hot af, woman, user :3

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>that story
dunno, seems a bit pedo

very untrue
they are biololigically supposed to be cute for their protection


You got it backwards kiddo

>that brosnan post

i fucking lost it

what u mean

kekek, yeah

I'm not 100% sure, but I think that was bribs

he's the one who used to spam all those bribri threads, and basically helped me lay the foundation for the cunnybot, god bless him

I'm still using some of his stuff today, actually, but yeah, he was pretty pedoish, kek

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>20 jul 2014

lmao, some things just never change :^)

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How does the bot solve the captcha?

god that is so lovely

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I'm just glad that it is acknowledged by everybody that Yea Forums is çunny worshiping general

based haha poster

well, I'm gonna sleep; pls don't let cunny become pedo lewding

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that's a trade secret, brother :^)

there's tons of super cheap captcha-solving services, tho

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All this pedoshit is just a meme right? Like, LOL Yea Forums is a bunch of pedos lmao!?


post hoverboard girl

these are always topnotch

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Its alhamdulillah, you kuffar

literally the most patrician posters

sweet liinaliis dreams, liinaliisbro :3

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>they have a cave tax
>not cave toll

top kek

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Protection of children is an evolved instinct, I dont think its an evolved trait to let your ugly children die


yeah fuck those whores, George. next volume have all of your female characters die horrible deaths. teach those cunts a lesson.

>even cucked by chads in his own fantasy world

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they are less likely to procreate so they warrant less investment of resources
see sexual selection 101

I don't understand why he still shills for feminism. He even supported clinton during the election, lol. White knights gotta white knight i guess.

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>being the only non roleplaying autist in these premises
>never being in any screencap
Proof that only simulated autism is entertaining

it's a masterpiece, in one picture, a person described the entirety of my dick

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dude, those jani leaks are comedy gold

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hahahahha thats pretty good

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that's my wife you piece of shit

Theroux threads are always comedy gold. This one's from /g/

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This one hits too close to home
Why can't the media see that this is what I am and instead they label me as a menace to society??
You created me faggots, the school and your feminist bullshit, I just did what you told me, I didn't know it was all a lie

Brenton Tarrant yourself

>My time with user had come to an end. During our time together, I had learned about his general cynicism and misanthropy but also his irreverent, self-deprecating style of humour and his ability to show compassion toward those who shared his "feels". What had started as a journey into the "dark side of the internet" had become a poignant investigation into the lives of wayward young men. With no community to fall back on and plenty of free time to spend online, they had forged an alliance not out of common interest, but a common sense of displacement. Although they have been attacked in the media as Nazis, perverts and nihilists, the picture I was presented with was one of loneliness and desperation. I finally realized that the "Internet Hate Machine" hates nothing more than itself.


you didn't type all that out, right?

I prefer to Kurt Cobain myself
I don't want to hurt anyone because I don't really hate anyone except myself

Why not? It's only like a paragraph long.

Man, Sam Hyde has really let himself go.

This didn't age very well

Attached: ss+(2016-08-22+at+09.24.06).jpg (1835x364, 103K)

He's saying Yea Forums is full of muslims

Attached: ss+(2016-08-22+at+09.17.10).jpg (1020x420, 86K)

Attached: ss+(2016-08-22+at+09.15.39).jpg (1149x274, 53K)

That's all I have, I forgot I saved them like 3 years ago

Attached: ss+(2016-08-22+at+09.25.44).png (1790x104, 13K)

feetfags get out

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What am I missing here

top shit right there

What do you think, reddit?

Orange man good
Orange man say funny thing

>I prefer to Kurt Cobain myself
Christopher McCandless yourself instead. What's the point of killing yourself when at that point you have nothing to lose.

The most important post in Yea Forums history

Sexual reproduction is to produce children which become adults, user. The child is the goal, not the pissy, in biology.

God that autocorrect to pissy is so infantile and cringe

top kek my fellow magapede! Let's post this to /r/Yea Forums and /r/the donald. We're sure to get upvotes and maybe reddit gold! Best part is we can also post this on 9gag and funnyjunk! Imagine all the pointless internet points we can farm!

the point is that those adults won't propagate your genes


>not the pissy

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Ah. Didn’t know if I was missing some obscure numerology or something.

For most of history people used to kill or abandon their children if they were deformed.

That was really boring and not worth reading.

Plz no hate for phoneposting, I was at work

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remarkably unfunny

Its not really anything to do with children then is it? The way the dating pool works does promote more attractive people though, you are right.

Honestly the perpetually reposted shitpost threads are fundamental pillar of Yea Forums that help to keep undesirable elements away. As bad as they are, they're a disease which creates the essential antibodies of a healthy board. God bless the cunnyposters.

>still having mobile mode enabled

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Oi who is that?!!

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amen, brother

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anfisafu, my literal niece/gf

Attached: anfisa_siberia - Bvlpi2IBYSx.jpg (1080x1351, 119K)

No, just more polniggers being retarded

why does her insta say it doesnot exist?

Not really

it got blocked cause she's literally 2sexy4instagram

but that other one works, tho

Attached: anfisa_siberia - BuaguNYhKMm_BuaguIaBxNP.jpg (1080x1080, 115K)

>posting anything Bane

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>trying to fit in this hard

Attached: steeeeempy.jpg (514x459, 40K)

he looks so serene, the toga is a nice touch.

i want to see more feet and soles on tv,its important part of tv culture

godbless RDF

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I dont know who this guy is but he appears to be made out of BASED

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based cunnybros

hate to break it to you, but this one isn't real, I compiled it from half a days worth of c*nny threads. it wasn't quite as bad as a few years back during that time.


This is what happens when there isn’t a cunny containment board.

this is literally the best tweet of all time



still fun, tho

the other one I posted was an actual screenshot, tho

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that would be Yea Forums :^)

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toppest of keks

cant find it tho u niggo

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>Jun 06 11:33:10 that /cel/ crowd are not having threads like that on Yea Forums or Yea Forums, not a chance
>Jun 06 11:34:00 cunny fucks
>Jun 06 11:34:07 Thanks ChibaK. You're doing god's work
>Jun 06 11:34:14 hehe
>Jun 06 11:34:15 What does "cunny" mean?
>Jun 06 11:34:23 I don't want to know
>Jun 06 11:34:38 cunny is love. cunny is life
>Jun 06 11:34:45 It sounds… lewd
>Jun 06 11:34:46 or so i've been told
>Jun 06 11:34:56 its like a pet name they have for underage cunt
>Jun 06 11:34:59 on Yea Forums
>Jun 06 11:35:07 yes its that bad
>Jun 06 11:35:33 oh boy.
>Jun 06 11:36:08 I could've sworn there was a picture of that little girl holding a sign or wearing a shirt that said cunny on it. Maybe edited? :/
>Jun 06 11:36:19 they may have shooped it in

Attached: 1529774988376.gif (512x392, 460K)

it's in the filename, babe...


Attached: anfisabliss - BvfvcTDF8J2.jpg (1080x1080, 112K)

Jun 06 11:34:15 What does "cunny" mean?
Jun 06 11:34:23 I don't want to know
Jun 06 11:34:38 cunny is love. cunny is life
un 06 11:34:45 It sounds… lewd
Jun 06 11:34:46 or so i've been told
Jun 06 11:34:56 its like a pet name they have for underage cunt
Jun 06 11:34:59 on Yea Forums
Jun 06 11:35:07 yes its that bad
Jun 06 11:35:33 oh boy.


Attached: 1534166946312.jpg (240x240, 13K)

>not pointing up
fucking atheist

Attached: 1511563815381.jpg (396x515, 96K)

The future Caesar of Murrica

Doesn't google track you?

Why do you have this cap on your phone

It was a daring synthesis

Reminds me of the time Yea Forums exploded on something like 8888888 with >implying video games

every day I am blessed by the presence of our board's dedicated cunnyposters, truly doing god's work.

Ah yes, the infamous Aryan Übermensch.

>get 0 (You)'s for the actual post
>have it screencapped by someone who appreciated my shitpost
I've been waiting for my redemption arc far too long

Attached: Screenshot_20190119-170814.jpg (1440x1174, 588K)

I wonder how he feels about what happened afterwards.

>no asians
enjoy your n*ggerbait waifus, fag

Attached: 1553786234323.jpg (692x1024, 129K)

kekekek, can't believe I only found out about that thread just a couple weeks back

>Jun 06 11:36:08 I could've sworn there was a picture of that little girl holding a sign or wearing a shirt that said cunny on it. Maybe edited? :/

literally lmao

hmmm, I don't use jewgle at all, desu

thanks for the kinds words, user!

remember you guys can submit your own threads too, by posting them inside the cunnybot threads, or 4keks :^)

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what kino is this tom cruise and suicide referring to? Got the rest of the post

the last samurai you fucking roastie

The best for me.

>underage cunt
how crude
cunny is pure


holy shit, dem digits

russians don't like niggers, user, that's an amerimutt problem

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those brutes can't even begin to grasp the concept of cunny, brother


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What is this 1:1 meme?

>phoneposting intensifies

These are all boring

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-03-26 10-19-36.png (1329x768, 566K)

Attached: 1521206741980.png (615x749, 240K)

Where can you find more all the Google results are deleted accounts

I thought rain was cosy, not sad